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Posted: 11 Mar 2010, 06:26
Seeing as Im (for some reason) unable to post this in the online forum I'll post here...
So yeah, I really dont know if I did it right but this is what my router shows me.

And it doesnt help that its not the same layout on the port forwarding site and I have no clue about my firewall settings either.
Little help? Did I do it wrong?
Also, when in compatibility mode for Windows 98, the sound keeps skipping. Any way to fix?
Posted: 11 Mar 2010, 18:49
My router settings looks like this:
Where did you get your router settings from?
Eventually try make them look like mine (2300-2400 & 47624 both TCP & UDP) and see if that makes you able to race online again.
What firewall do you use? Is Windows Firewall turned on? Firewalls will block Re-Volt, try turn your firewall off temporarily and see if that helps.
What Anti-Virus do you use? Some Anti-viruses includes firewalls, perhaps try turn the anti-virus off temporarily, like with the firewall.
Does your router support DMZ? DMZ will open all ports on your router, if you still cannot race online.
Eventually use
PF Port Checker to check if your ports still are blocked, after forwarding your router or turning your firewall off. Download it here:
WolfR4 is able to do a "Windows 98 Compatibilty Fix" that might help you run Re-Volt without using Windows 98 Compatibilty mode. Jigebren might be able to tell you more about that.
Posted: 11 Mar 2010, 19:15
My router settings come from when I type my IP adress into IE.
I tried to copy that but I cant see any settings anywhere on the router that looks like that. When I click port forwarding this is settings I get.
I always keep windows firewall turned off and the firewall/antivirus I use is Virgin PCGuard which is also usually turned off. I have set them both to allow Revolt and RVHouse to accept internet connections.
My router does have some kind of Firewall & DMZ setting on it so I clicked on it and the options it showed are Enable SPI, Enable DMZ Host and Firewall Rules. So I set my IP address under enable DMZ host. I've yet to test again if Revolt will run online now.
EDIT: These are the settings avalible when I click Firewall/DMZ. The grey'd out ones are what I entered in port forwarding, the ungrey'd one is what I just entered now.

Posted: 11 Mar 2010, 21:23
When asking where you got your settings from, I meant from where you know what ports to open to allow Re-Volt through your router (for example from or rvhouse). I was just curious because you have created a port range that goes from 2301-47624 which I don't use myself or have seen on any other site before.
Both is the same as TCP & UDP, so if you opened the 2 port ranges, 2300-2400 & 47624 at both TCP & UDP, I remember that was the solution when I helped another guy on RV House a year ago.
If your router has a firewall, be sure it's turned off somehow or at least doesn't block Re-Volt somehow. Perhaps you should take a look into the manual to find out how to do that. If I understood your last sentence correct, you haven't tested if Re-Volt works online, yet using DMZ on your router?
By taking a look at your router settings, it seems like you have written the port ranges under the local IP Adress. Try change your settings to something like this:

Posted: 12 Mar 2010, 04:31
hey skarma, long time no see.
check this video, hope it helps you:

Posted: 12 Mar 2010, 04:32
Thanks all for the help.
Works now ^^