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Posted: 04 Mar 2010, 02:04
why is my screen jittering only when using revolt?!
Posted: 04 Mar 2010, 03:09
Maybe because of the radio interference of the car remote control ?
What do you mean by 'jittering'? and what sort of screen do you have, an old crt?
Posted: 04 Mar 2010, 18:30
Jittering? What's that? It's some type of lag?
Posted: 04 Mar 2010, 18:31
is this like every 2 seconds a tiny jitter where it seems to jump? this happens to me, if you drive a car down a straight you can hear the sound of the car jitters every few seconds.
i hope this is the same thing you are talking about

Posted: 04 Mar 2010, 19:04
no. like the screen is shaking side to side like a continuous mini earthquake. and yes i have an slightly old crt monitor. and this only does it w/ revolt. and another thing, the 2 first screens, the acclaim logo and iguana entertainment (what ever it says exactly) these 2 screen are fine, no shaking. it starts at the loading screen, and the other screen, playing modes, name wheel, car and track selection..even when racing.
Posted: 04 Mar 2010, 19:48
Tried changing the screen resolution down to the same as when the Acclaim pictures are showing? I believe it's 640x480x16 or x32. Maybe re-install the drivers or download the latest to your graphics card could help too. Does the same happen if you try connect an other screen to your computer?
Posted: 04 Mar 2010, 22:33
well. changing it to 640x480x16 worked but my settings do not save on exiting. so it's not gonna work when started from rvh
Posted: 05 Mar 2010, 00:08
Did you try put 640x480 into Re-Volt's registry files? Look for ScreenWidth & ScreenHeight at:
Code: Select all
Eventually experiment with higher resolutions - maybe your screen has some sort of limitation, when it comes to screen resolution?
Posted: 06 Mar 2010, 03:05
not work. guess i'll have to live w/ it
Posted: 07 Mar 2010, 11:40
No we are going to solve you problem.
Try shutting antialiasing to off. If that doesn't work try to mess with all the other render settings.
Posted: 07 Mar 2010, 14:02
Do you have any custom cars? Did you try run Re-Volt with Wolfie? Any Commandlines working for you as well? As -window makes Re-Volt unable to run on my laptop, it might have the opposite effect if you can't run Re-Volt in full screen.
Posted: 07 Mar 2010, 19:04
re-installed rv and it's still shaking. done messing w/ the problem now.
Posted: 08 Mar 2010, 10:50

Try running with out compatible mode.
My sound was messed up so I turn off compatible mode
and it was fixed. And it works fine on xp.
Posted: 13 Mar 2010, 01:58
driver update for the graphics card? just a shot in the dark..
Posted: 13 Mar 2010, 23:55
jaseaka @ Mar 4 2010, 06:03 PM wrote: well. changing it to 640x480x16 worked but my settings do not save on exiting. so it's not gonna work when started from rvh
From your description I think your monitor is starting to break down... the resolution you are using in RV causes problems for your monitor. When you change it to that one, it can manage it.
Basically, if Re-Volt crashes when quitting it doesn't save the settings. I had this happening to me. I think it was some windows update, or some other program I installed that caused it.
Anyway, you can set the resolution directly to registry.
Just use the "Run" command from the Start menu, and type regedit.
Go to the branch HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Acclaim\Re-Volt\1.0
The keys you have to change are ScreenHeight, ScreenWidth and possibly ScreenBpp. Probably you don't need to change ScreenBpp.
For example, double click the ScreenHeight. There is selection for Hex or Decimal values, remember to choose the decimal one. Put there 480. In the ScreenWidth 640. That should do it. Later you can try with other values if you want to. The important thing is you select the Decimal so that Hex is not selected (it is by default).
Oh and I'm assuming you're using Windows XP or earlier, not Vista or later (I'm told they have the registry keys in different place)
Posted: 14 Mar 2010, 01:59
If I remember correctly, Vista users doesn't have their registry entries set another place, compared to XP, unless you're a 64-Bit user (which I don't believe Jaseaka is).
Good luck, Jase.
Posted: 14 Mar 2010, 02:02
well. im bout to install rv on this used pc i just got. i told mom i wont run this one to the grave lol
Posted: 14 Mar 2010, 21:17
okay. it's running fine now. weee!!!!
Posted: 14 Mar 2010, 21:21