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Posted: 26 Feb 2010, 14:38
Is there a way of setting the camera that is behind the car to a different level?
I want to be able to have a different feild of view on my next track but i would want the camera set up slightly diferently. It will need to be coded that way in the track rather than the user having to set it up and then revert to normal on loading another track. Is this possable??
Posted: 26 Feb 2010, 17:54
I'm not sure what you meant, but I think that those are Objects, Triggers or Visiboxes. Not sure, just wondering.
Posted: 26 Feb 2010, 19:14
Well, maybe it would be possible to implement this with the help of WolfR4.
At first sight, I don't like that much the idea of tweaking the default parameters of the game, as I don't want to modify too much the spirit of the original re-volt. And I haven't tried anyting related to camera yet, but I think in case I have difficulty that antimorph could help me, he might know the values to patch (refering to his 'copter view').
Could it be an interesting idea? I'd like to hear other points of view...
Posted: 26 Feb 2010, 22:57
I had a goal once upon a time of changing the camera position depending upon whichever trackzone the players car was in. I think that this might well enhance the TVTime+F5 race type quite a bit. I don't remember exactly how far I got with that, I'll check when I get back home.
I accept any criticism that the copter part of tmmcc was tasteless.
However. I think that by putting the ability in the hands of track makers we continue an empowering tradition (purists this time would be able to toggle it off). I think that the serious track maker invests enough in their creations to make the right choice for themselves.
Posted: 27 Feb 2010, 00:05
There is a Trigger called CameraShorten. The race camera drops to a lower
position while the car is in the trigger box. It is used under the big cars in
nhood1 track. The Default setting (1/4) is the lowest position I think, but
there are other setting too. You could put the whole track in a trigger box
and the race camera will be lower and just behind the car.
Posted: 27 Feb 2010, 01:42
I tried to play with camera, and I think that something can be done (but less sophisticated than what antimorph was talking about

But before I spend more time on it, I'd like the goal to be a little clearer. Do you want a higher point of view like in micromachine? Can it be enough to modify just the first camera, and let the second view and inside car view as they are?
hilaire9 wrote:There is a Trigger called CameraShorten. The race camera drops to a lower
position while the car is in the trigger box.
I'm learning stuff every day: so that's the way it's done in nhood1, good to know. Too bad that there is not a place with all that sort of informations compilated...
Posted: 28 Feb 2010, 00:33
now, I can defo remember a tool that altered the camera view once but I can no longer remember how! You could use the + - keys to move the camera that sits above the car and draw it away to give a micro machine feel. I wonder if it could be a set up in an ini for the particular track i was making. Think of a giant kitchen where the cam would be about another 4 feet above the car so you can see more surrounding track. Any way, I waffle on!!
Mike gets more beer!!
Posted: 28 Feb 2010, 00:55
Skitch2 @ Feb 27 2010, 08:03 PM wrote:now, I can defo remember a tool that altered the camera view once but I can no longer remember how!
Wasn't it tmmcc from antimorph, that we were talking about above (the copter view)?
Think of a giant kitchen where the cam would be about another 4 feet above the car so you can see more surrounding track.
I tried to play with the camera quite above the car on market1 track, it was not very easy to guess the road with this view, but it can be fun...
I wonder if it could be a set up in an ini for the particular track i was making.
Maybe. I'm planning to try to add it to WolfR4, with the corresponding entry in the 'custom.ini' file (the file used by wolfr4 to customize a track).
Mike gets more beer!!
Cheers, man.
Posted: 01 Mar 2010, 09:36
It's taking good shape.
I'm now able to modify the first camera directly from the WolfR4 custom.ini file of the track. For example, I tried with Jailhouse. The first image is with default camera, and the second image is with the modified camera.
Of course it's quite unplayable in this view (it was with the fisrt value I tried, didn't spend time to find something interesting), but it works, and that's good...
default camera:
modified camera:

Posted: 01 Mar 2010, 22:37
Interesting addition!
Skitch wrote:
now, I can defo remember a tool that altered the camera view once but I can no longer remember how! You could use the + - keys to move the camera that sits above the car and draw it away to give a micro machine feel.
If I remember correctly, Phoenix also changes camera angle such using similar buttons to + and -. Unfortunately it had a little bug, the angles on the camera as standard was set lower compared to before - it did give a cool feeling while driving tho!
Posted: 02 Mar 2010, 00:07
I like this a lot!
I will still ask this question lol, can the position of the car cam be set within the tracks ini? I want full controll over the camera for the track i make. The end result will be set and used in the same way the default cam is used in RV so the racer will not have to move the cam themselves to get the correct effect.
I think you answered me with regard to the Wolf ini but having not as yet nosed into the new tool i will throw the quezzie out there

Posted: 02 Mar 2010, 00:27
Skitch2 @ Mar 1 2010, 07:37 PM wrote:I will still ask this question lol, can the position of the car cam be set within the tracks ini?
Unless I didn't understood and you're asking for something else, the answer is:
me wrote:I'm now able to modify the first camera directly from the WolfR4 custom.ini file of the track.
I'm not sure if that's what you mean by 'full control', but you'll be able to modify for each
wolfed track:
cam_follow_behind_look_x, cam_follow_behind_look_y, cam_follow_behind_look_z
cam_follow_behind_pos_x, cam_follow_behind_pos_y, cam_follow_behind_pos_z
'cam_follow_behind' is the fisrt camera, the one used by default when starting a race. You can modify the position and the looking direction.
Is that what you were expecting?
Posted: 02 Mar 2010, 02:25
Hehe yeper indeedio!!
Happy bunny here thank you dood!
Posted: 03 Mar 2010, 19:18
Will this also allow us to edit the way the camera starts when you load the track? I mean like the camera in the stock tracks is starting in front of the cars and then going behind your car.
Posted: 03 Mar 2010, 22:52
urnemanden @ Mar 3 2010, 02:48 PM wrote:Will this also allow us to edit the way the camera starts when you load the track? I mean like the camera in the stock tracks is starting in front of the cars and then going behind your car.
I was trying to understand your question, so I ran re-volt to see what you meant, and I discovered that I had never noticed that difference... the fact that the starting travelling is missing in custom track.
I's likely that I won't have much time to spend on this.
But if you really want this feature, you can look at the source code and try to see where this is activated/deactivated...
Posted: 03 Mar 2010, 23:30
What source code are you referring to? I only got the and, and from what I read I believe that there also exists other sources.
I also think it could be ideal to have a total list over all special features the stock tracks gets, for being stocks. On an other topic we were talking about funny balls and such, perhaps that's a special feature too, since theese appearently aren't included in lego tracks' w. file?
Posted: 04 Mar 2010, 00:33
urnemanden @ Mar 3 2010, 07:00 PM wrote:What source code are you referring to? I only got the and, and from what I read I believe that there also exists other sources.
Other sources? I don't think so, I just have this two zip files too. And I'm talking about what you can find in:\Xbox\Src\*
Even if it was for the xbox version, it's the most interessting part, the more similar to the PC version (without 1207 addition).
I also think it could be ideal to have a total list over all special features the stock tracks gets, for being stocks. On an other topic we were talking about funny balls and such, perhaps that's a special feature too, since theese appearently aren't included in lego tracks' w. file?
Feel free to create a topic about stock track specificity. That could be nice, indeed.
About funny balls, etc., I don't think they are really specific to stock tracks, it's just that there is not tool to create them. But with the good tool, there will be nothing to modifiy to have them work (at least I believe).
Posted: 08 Sep 2011, 21:40
Just over a year old post, but any help would be great
Just did the 1.2b update/patch whatever,
and it was working perfectly, downloaded a dew cars, and some tracks and completed the champs' just for kicks.
Now when i play,
anything, practice, stunt mode, single race,
The camera is right on the rear bumper, looking over the car, its so hard to play now, i mean i know some of the turns, but i get like 10 percent distance view, due to the angle.
Didn't mess with anything that could have changed anything, but whats going on here?