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Posted: 25 Feb 2010, 18:50
I was working on a Toy track and I've put the sun. Then I added more objects...
And when I played the track in normal mode I've seen this where the sun was...
And it moves!
What the hell could this be?
Posted: 25 Feb 2010, 19:02
It's just the sun model textured with dragon.bmp.
Posted: 25 Feb 2010, 19:45
Hm... well I just noticed that this happens only sometimes.
I played a race and it was normal. But after I went in the objects mode and added something, saved and restarted the race normally it appeared again.
Posted: 25 Feb 2010, 19:53
It only happens once after exiting the MAKEITGOOD Objects mode?
Other than that, it does not happen?
Posted: 26 Feb 2010, 00:12
It happens all the time. But lucky I found a sun.bmp somewhere and I've put it in my track's folder. Now everything is alright.
Posted: 26 Feb 2010, 07:45
Oh yeah... You need that.
Posted: 26 Feb 2010, 11:36
Hey man are you a meth tweeker.
That is what it say's on your member?
I think the meth tweekers are assholes!
I do not like meth! I do not deal with meth
assholes. If you do meth you will never do
anything. But love your life up.
I love you and I dont want this bad drug
to kill and disable people no more.
Remove this if it is not true.
Meth sucks. I have had to deal with this pooh.
In my live and it sucks.
If you do meth you are a loser and will get
nothing dun.
love you meth user!
Posted: 26 Feb 2010, 17:53
What the f*ck is a meth?
And who you mean?
Posted: 27 Feb 2010, 05:58
he doesnt even know what meth is ricky. his member title is automatically adjusted. if you notice, zach has the same title. its orp's ranking system.
Posted: 27 Feb 2010, 19:54
Pretty sure it means methane (fuel) addict.
Posted: 28 Feb 2010, 03:44
Ah haha. That was what you were talking about?

Posted: 03 Apr 2010, 00:30
Double posting... but!
For some shitty reason that sun with dragon texture still appears, and the sun.bmp is in the folder. Why the hell this happens?!
Posted: 03 Apr 2010, 01:15
this happens when the the files in buffer are mixed up (type/enumeration problems, your pc isn't fast enough to get the type from the case of RAM so it mixed them up [C++/PC memory problems]
if it continues to show, replace sun with dragon
Or... clean your memory (RAM) [google for a program]
I suggest the one -> LiveCD

Posted: 03 Apr 2010, 02:56
I'm not sure I have understood what kay was meaning...
Well, the real reason, for me, is that you can't use dragon and sun model at the same time, that's all. It looks like they use the same texture slot. Moreover, I think the sun texture in your folder is not used, the texture used for the sun is always the one in the muse2 directory.
Try to remove the dragon model from your track, and check if it solves this issue.
Posted: 03 Apr 2010, 12:48
Yeah, this solves the problem, but I don't have the dragon anymore...

However, thanks! I can leave the track so too, it doesn't really matter

Posted: 05 Apr 2010, 15:02
miromiro @ Apr 3 2010, 08:18 AM wrote:Yeah, this solves the problem, but I don't have the dragon anymore...

However, thanks! I can leave the track so too, it doesn't really matter

When i was making Road in Space 8 i had the same problem.
I sorted the problem by removing the Track Screens (big and small).
Yes, Road in Space 8.
Posted: 05 Apr 2010, 16:01
This works, but I just don't want this. Screens are better than a dragon

Posted: 29 Aug 2010, 19:40
maybe the sun isn't detected unless u delete and re-put the expected object