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Posted: 21 Feb 2010, 23:38
Hello, first of all, I'm not sure if I posted in the right place.
If not, please forgive and move
I just wondered if it's a way to change the names of the 30 Clockwork Carnage Tiny Cars...
I mean... from Rippance, Blitz, J, etc... to something else. I looked in the Car's folder but nothing about this.
So, if it's possible, someone tell me how. Please!

Posted: 21 Feb 2010, 23:54
The only thing I can say is that they are included in the exe file itself, so don't look for them in any external file. That means the only way to change them is with an hexa editor, and that you will probably have to keep quite the same length for each name. Keep in mind that if you are not sure of what you're doing, it's easy to mess with the exe file.
Posted: 21 Feb 2010, 23:57
I don't really know anything about changing .exes, but I think some guys know here how to. I thought to change the names of them to 30 guys from the community
Yeah, strange idea, but a little funny
Anyway, thanks.

Posted: 22 Feb 2010, 11:02
yes, it is possible. they names are kept in the revolt.exe file. you must open it in notepad (i recommend notepad++) and press control F. then type a name you know, and it will jump to the area of code with those names. be sure to back up your original revolt.exe. now, you must count how many letters long that name is. lets say the name is Blitz. you can not type any more characters than 5. say you want to change it to miro. you would erase blitz and type *m* *i* *r* *o* * *
you must put a space at the end to keep the correct length of the original name. if you wanted to type 'zipper', you would have to find a longer name. save your exe. if it still shows the revolt lightning bolt, then it worked. if it turns into a white box you screwed up, and must undo and try again.