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Posted: 20 Feb 2010, 02:56
there should be a "post bugs thread"
just like to show the bug where env is only on the first x amount of polies (ive found its around 2000 on singlesided and 1000 on doublesided models)
notice that only half the car has env/electric/bit before the bomb goes off/battery effects

Posted: 20 Feb 2010, 03:11
MOH @ Feb 19 2010, 10:26 PM wrote:there should be a "post bugs thread"
I think the best is to post here, like you did, with a new topic for each specific bug (when a bug is clearly identified, like this one).
I took a look at this after your other post.
Unfortunately, I think it won't be patchable.
This has probably something to do with array size, which are not defined on the run, but have a fixed size. And patching this is a pain, and almost unfeasible. It was quite the same thing for car limit bug/fix, but here there would be even more work, as a lot of different arrays would have to be modified I think, and maybe there is not enough memory in the stack at all (?).
Posted: 26 Feb 2010, 10:38
actually this doesnt always happen with high poly models. i converted a car from test drive 6 and i have similar but less troublesome env problems as well. the car only has like 500 pollies...
Posted: 27 Feb 2010, 01:33
I'm not sure, that's just an idea, but maybe sometime you reach the max amount of ENV polies (like on the first image), and some other times, some polies could have their ENV property deactivated (but I don't even know if there is such a property for poly).
Can you show a screenshot of your car imported from test drive?
Posted: 27 Feb 2010, 05:05
jigebren @ Feb 20 2010, 07:41 AM wrote: MOH @ Feb 19 2010, 10:26 PM wrote:there should be a "post bugs thread"
I think the best is to post here, like you did, with a new topic for each specific bug (when a bug is clearly identified, like this one).
I took a look at this after your other post.
Unfortunately, I think it won't be patchable.
This has probably something to do with array size, which are not defined on the run, but have a fixed size. And patching this is a pain, and almost unfeasible. It was quite the same thing for car limit bug/fix, but here there would be even more work, as a lot of different arrays would have to be modified I think, and maybe there is not enough memory in the stack at all (?).
i don't know much about this but can you do a binary edit on the upper loop counter to say:
for i = 0; i < EDIT_HERE; i++
// code
where that appears in the compiled binary, i don't know!?
but yeah the stack might crash
Posted: 27 Feb 2010, 05:27
SkindupTruk @ Feb 27 2010, 12:35 AM wrote:about this but can you do a binary edit on the upper loop counter to say:
for i = 0; i < EDIT_HERE; i++
Well, I'm not 100% sure of what I'm saying, but I think that the array is fixed, so the problem is not to increase the loop max counter, which I could probably do even in the compiled binary.
The real issue is the memory. As the size is fixed, the array place and size in memory is also fixed, therefore if in increase loop iteration, memory following the array will be overwritten, and this memory is probably already used for something else, so it not possible.
The only way I imagine to do it would be to allocate another memory zone, and to try to move the array here. But I have not enough knowledges to manage memory this way, and moving array in compiled binary is really
a pain. And there is several array used in this case...
Posted: 27 Feb 2010, 05:41
zipperrulez ... 012212.png
not as bad, but you can see random lines from the env failing.

Posted: 27 Feb 2010, 05:48
Looking strange. All these visible triangles make me wonder. Can you send me the prm file and texture?
Posted: 27 Feb 2010, 05:55
sent it to your PM.
Posted: 27 Feb 2010, 06:20
This time, I think it just an issue with your mesh itself.
I can tell you what I think is wrong, and what to do to fix it, but I can't help in HOW to do it.
First thing, a lot a vertices are unnecessarily duplicated (that's the reason of awkward triangle, I think). They have to be soldered. It will lessen the number of verttices, and above all add smoothness to the mesh.
And about the weird ENV, I think it's linked to the interior of the car. Just remove the interior if you don't use it.
Else, if you keep it, for the 'roof' of the car, you can to sold vertices, then set the faces to double sided, or something like that. I think it will be better like that.
Posted: 27 Feb 2010, 07:28
hmm well its not my mesh so i blame pitbull studios

Posted: 27 Feb 2010, 08:09
zipperrulez @ Feb 27 2010, 02:58 AM wrote:hmm well its not my mesh so i blame pitbull studios

or maybe rather the import/export filter you have used, or the fact that meshes file formats are not all designed in the same way...

Posted: 01 Mar 2010, 22:22
Jig wrote:First thing, a lot a vertices are unnecessarily duplicated (that's the reason of awkward triangle, I think). They have to be soldered. It will lessen the number of verttices, and above all add smoothness to the mesh.
Easily solveable by welding the vertexes in for example 3ds max or Gmax if I understood your solution correctly?