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Posted: 13 Feb 2010, 03:57
Hello revolters. I recently started a new RVZT website. It's currently in the development process, so don't go looking for it, hehe. It will be nearly identical to the current RVZT, with a few additions and without the obsolete stuff. I am looking for some ideas of what the community wants. Of course, I won't use all of them, but some ideas that I find beneficial to the site will be implemented. Just throw some ideas out and Arto and I will pick what we want.

Posted: 13 Feb 2010, 04:05
Posted: 13 Feb 2010, 04:20
Wait, wait, wait!
You said that you will add a few additions and without the obsolete stuff?
Could you please explain?
Posted: 13 Feb 2010, 07:24
Maybe my remarls won't be the most relevant because I'm currently a bit too concentrated on my own stuffs as far as revolt is concerned to use a lot RVZT. But I support a great job of that kind, so I'll try to help.
For now, the first things that come to my mind about RVZT are:
- concerning the design:
- improve a bit the design to get something smarter, for example get rid of the repetitive RVZT logo in the background, it looks better without that...
- concerning tracks
- perhaps having a link to the .NFO or README file supplied by the author. I'm wondering, why woudn't you supply an empty formatted NFO file to be filled by the author when he submit his track.
- I know it would be difficult, and that it's not really linked to the site, but it would be nice to have a better overview of the track than the 256x256 gfx bitmap. Maybe by allowing the display of better/bigger screenshots if the track author supplied them.
- another idea
- can't it be nice to supply a tool (don't know if it alredy exist) to help track makers in packing their track in a standardized way? A tool that would create the archive with the correct directories / files in it.
Posted: 13 Feb 2010, 12:05
Urne - I'll look into your idea, seems promising.
Miro - Don't worry about understanding that. It is irrelevant. Do you have any suggestions for a new RVZT?
Jig - The design plan is to have multiple styles to choose from. I was going to implement an "author notes" section where the author could leave a note for potential downloaders displayed on the download page. The tool doesn't exist, but would be a great idea if someone wants to try it out.
Anyone else?

Posted: 13 Feb 2010, 15:08
Okay, well... I would like to be able to edit my comments. I mean, if you make a mistake you have to re-post. That's bad.
Only this change at the moment, if I will get more ideas, I'll tell you.
Posted: 13 Feb 2010, 19:48
What I think you could do with a new RVZT that would be awesome is two things...
1. Provide links to sites that have all of Re-volt's little gadgets and track making tools. It may make them easier to find for everyone and (hopefully) improve the quality of the tracks we see uploaded.
2. This might be pretty hard, but if there's anyway you can track when users log on, and then tell them what new tracks/cars/stuff were uploaded since the last time they were on (useful for people who miss a lot because they're only on once in a great while)
Posted: 13 Feb 2010, 19:54
Something totally superficial- but you guys really need a new theme.
Posted: 13 Feb 2010, 20:03
Okay! New ideas!
As Dave said, or I think that he said that, make a list with all links to the best sites & forums with tools and other quality things.
And please make something to be able to change the password on RVZT, and RVHouse if it's possible.
That's all...
for now.

Posted: 13 Feb 2010, 21:35
I'm worried by the reference to 'obselete stuff'. What obsolete stuff? The only thing that I can think of that qualifies are the non-working links, if any.
I'd like to see the old cars available, if you can find them (I have many of 'em).
I'd like to see irrevelent comments removed, on a daily basis, with consistant offenders warned. And banned from posting, if need be.
I would like to see tighter controls on the standard of tracks and cars uploaded, with each submission having a full readme and, where relevant, as in repaints or conversions (cars), a copy of the original authors readme and acknowledgment to the originals author's permission to carry out the repaint or conversion. Remember that Revolt Downloads was once threatened with legal action and possible closure by ripped off NFS authors.
I would like to see the end of the track scores. Possibly, though, a simple 'yes' or 'no' vote (including cars) instead.
1 thing I do find annoying is, if I am searching for tracks by a certain author, I can put the tracks in 'author' order, but if I then select a letter, the order reverts to track name order.
The appearance of the site is not important, other than having dark print on a light uncluttered background. It is not a site to be looked at and admired - it is a site to be utilised.
Posted: 13 Feb 2010, 21:46
1. Agreed- no point in keeping dead links, and there's no argument for keeping dead links.
2. Seeing RVZT is the central download hub of the community right now, this makes sense.
3. Kinda forceful. You gotta know where to draw the line. That's the problem with this one.
4. It's already pushing the limit of tightness. Oh, and, although I can understand respecting another's work, the NFS community (overall) is (or at least WAS) just anal about "cred" and "1337 skillz" I think. Threatening with legal action is as lame as you can go. Car modeling is not a corporate business. Christ. Respect each other's work but don't bring big brother in on it.
5. Yeah- if there isn't any car scores, yet there's track scores, that makes no sense to me. Just do without it. It just hurts people and idiots vote stuff down for no reason.
6. My site's design follows the easy to read thing- it's high contrast right now. I do believe that eventually people get the urge to "change" something. At least I do. I can't stand having the same layout on a site for four years running, or more. Regardless, this is less important than the site's practical layout.
Posted: 13 Feb 2010, 22:43
I agree on the dead links and most of Adams opinion on nr. 5. There either have to be a track score system like the one we have now, or not. I don't like the suggestions in-between, if I need to know how much my work is worth through grades, it should be through numbers for graphics, flow and overall - not a simple thumbs up and thumbs down.
Other functions I would like to see on RVZT, would be a hide function, so I can hide all the comments I don't wanna read now or in the future. Then, if many users has choosed to hide the same comment too many times, the comment will be hidden automatically for everybody (maybe except for the user who wrote it himself).
Also, if the user could grade on the same page where he writes the comment, then there might be more users grading. (Of course, the grades will appear as aleready written, if you aleready graded that track or car.)
Maybe an ingore function, so you can choose to hide all comments (or maybe even track/car) by that user. An "Show english comments only" setting, perhaps?
Posted: 13 Feb 2010, 23:23
In my option, all cars and all tracks should be on RVZT. A lot of cars that I have aren't on RVZT.
Posted: 13 Feb 2010, 23:37
Says a lot about this community that everyone's requesting ignore buttons...
Posted: 13 Feb 2010, 23:50
I think that some grades can be very subjective from a personal point of view, so individual grades for specific criteria is not a good thing IMHO.
A simple "out of 10" grade for both tracks and cars would be better.
For sure the search facility needs more selectable/definable options, for both tracks and cars :
Author/creator : creation name : type/class : grade
Geoff wrote:I'd like to see irrevelent comments removed, on a daily basis, with consistant offenders warned. And banned from posting, if need be.
I would like to see tighter controls on the standard of tracks and cars uploaded, with each submission having a full readme and, where relevant, as in repaints or conversions (cars), a copy of the original authors readme and acknowledgment to the originals author's permission to carry out the repaint or conversion. Remember that Revolt Downloads was once threatened with legal action and possible closure by ripped off NFS authors.
Although very desireable IMO, I'm not sure that this would be practical.
As this would require either :
1) A single set of strict rules that can be implemented by any admin at any time.
2) A majority opinion on suggested offences.
Both of which would require constant admin time.
And as we are talking about upgrading the site to be more friendly and self efficient, these problems would just have to be dealt with on a "as and when arises" as they are now.
Dead links.... well thats an obvious one.
Addition of older cars; I would say yes overall, but some will need repacking and possibly a basic readme added. Deffinately not a quick and easy task, but I will offer my assistance most certainly.
The attachment or addition of specific readme data to be instantly accessible, is something that would take a lot of manual input also. Not sure how useful this would be ?
You do realise that we are touching on some aspects of the R3 tool, but lets not get into that debate.
All that I ask is that you do not limit the site to specific browsers only, OK ?

Posted: 14 Feb 2010, 00:40
The dead links are going bye-bye or getting upgraded. I have already implemented a simple links area within the site menus. It just has a few of the more common sites.
Obsolete also includes the old RVU stuff, and code within the site that is no longer used.
Do you want to keep all grades + add grades for cars,
Change both cars and tracks to a 1-10 overall scale, or
Thumbs up/thumbs down Overall only?
I will work on a new search engine for tracks and cars for you guys. We'll just have to see what I can figure out how to do. hehe.
Like I said, I will implement an 'Author's Notes' section onto each download page for notes from the author/readme content.
There will be several styles available when the site is launched. I also encourage you to play around with ideas and let me know what you might want (provide me with either a link to a similar website or an image you created to show the effect). That way, we can choose styles that more than one person will appreciate.
I don't really feel the need for an ignore option. It would be extremely hard for me to implement.
I plan on implementing an Edit option for your own comments. And also attempting to stop the accidental double-postings.4
Sorry GWC, but I don't currently have the time to devote to manually reading and removing irrelevant comments. I will try to better-implement the existing Report tool to help out with that.
I support making the old cars/tracks available. I have a backup from the rvcars website before it went offline, but no time to convert everything from .exe to .zip.
Anything I'm forgetting so far? Keep 'em coming!
Posted: 14 Feb 2010, 02:29
zagame wrote:The design plan is to have multiple styles to choose from
Ok, but one single good and well designed style is better (and less time consuming to write/maintain) than plenty of average styles...
zagame wrote:I support making the old cars/tracks available. I have a backup from the rvcars website before it went offline, but no time to convert everything from .exe to .zip.
Can't it be automated? Zach, maybe I could take a look at it if you supply me 2 or 3 sample exe files (provided that all the exe files were done in the same way).
Posted: 14 Feb 2010, 05:44
Zach wrote:Do you want to keep all grades + add grades for cars,
Change both cars and tracks to a 1-10 overall scale, or
Thumbs up/thumbs down Overall only?
I like being specific when I am grading, so I would either say 1-10 or the grade system we have now (I would just choose to remove the "Difficulity" grade, then) or the 1-10 overscale only.
Zach wrote:Sorry GWC, but I don't currently have the time to devote to manually reading and removing irrelevant comments. I will try to better-implement the existing Report tool to help out with that.
If we are going to keep the "Report comment" button, we certainly also need some guidelines for when to use it and such.
Jig wrote:one single good and well designed style is better (and less time consuming to write/maintain) than plenty of average styles...
I agree with Jig, as the style changer on my own website prooved that. I am not even changing style on it myself.
Posted: 14 Feb 2010, 10:30
urnemanden @ Feb 14 2010, 01:14 AM wrote: If we are going to keep the "Report comment" button, we certainly also need some guidelines for when to use it and such.
cant you just use your common sense? if theres a post that says go here for free viagrä what do you do? yeah... report it.
Can't it be automated? Zach, maybe I could take a look at it if you supply me 2 or 3 sample exe files (provided that all the exe files were done in the same way).
find what you seek here: ... wtopic=309
edit: you might have to wait a bit jig, the stupid zip is so large lol. reuploading cause the other link is dead

edit again:
fixed my link in that topic.
Posted: 14 Feb 2010, 20:14
Ok, thanks, Zipperrulez. Nice thing to see this backup.
Only the second link in the topic is working. I don't know if the first file (the smallest unreachable one) has some content that the second has not?
I'm downloading the second file, I'll try to take a look soon...
Posted: 14 Feb 2010, 21:16
Zipperrulez wrote:
Me wrote:
Zach wrote:Sorry GWC, but I don't currently have the time to devote to manually reading and removing irrelevant comments. I will try to better-implement the existing Report tool to help out with that.
If we are going to keep the "Report comment" button, we certainly also need some guidelines for when to use it and such.
cant you just use your common sense? if theres a post that says go here for free viagrä what do you do? yeah... report it.
If I understood right, Zach was talking about trying to
better-implement the existing Report tool to help out the irrelevant comments by GWC's request. Therefore I was suggesting some sort of guidelines for reporting comments, just as we have guidelines for submitting cars and tracks. As you mention it's quite easy to see whether a comment is spam or not, but a comment you think is irrelevant could be by any type - like an off-topic comment, a comment in an other language perhaps, etc.
Posted: 14 Feb 2010, 23:58
About the rating, I think that 5
explicit levels could be really enough. For exemple:
4 - very exceptional work, something rare to see (like the lighting on jailhouse)
3 - good job from a skillled author
2 - nothing to say, in the average, not incredible but nothing really bad
1 - some default, not very interesting, looks like unfinished
0 - to avoid, unplayable, too much bugs, unfinished job
We could also use rating {+2; +1; 0; -1; -2}, or {A; B; C; D; E}...
Another idea about rating:
Maybe you prefer anonymity, but it could be nice to see the rating given in by each one in his comment, and by the same way, rating would be allowed just for those that leave a comment (I don't think it's already the case). It would be a good way to detect inconsistent ratings, and those who use to give too good/too bad rating...
I support making the old cars/tracks available. I have a backup from the rvcars website before it went offline, but no time to convert everything from .exe to .zip.
From the rvcars backup uploaded by zipperrulez, I have extracted all files in all exe. I can put them back in zip files but I need to know if you (zagame) are interested.
Posted: 15 Feb 2010, 00:37
Jig wrote:About the rating, I think that 5 explicit levels could be really enough.
I think that could be a good idea by a scale like this one, but the Top Graded List and the grading would probably be much less precise than before. I like the scale right now because I can define more exact what I think about the track - if you ask me what makes a track 7.9 and not 8, then I wouldn't be able to tell, though. 1-10 without decimals would be a nice in-between solution.
Posted: 15 Feb 2010, 01:08
Comments should contain criticism of the track/car, which includes praise, and not requests for help, etc. In particular, I would like to remove all the newbie-kiddie posts like 'first downloader', 'wow, 3975 downloads', 'only 5 downloads', 'will someone make me a yellow one', '2 days, why are there no comments', etc. Policing this is obviously too much for 1 man (or woman). It needs to be done by 2 or more regular visitors to the site.
What gets difficult are criticisms of other criticisms, like we're having at present on Human's new track.
Posters of requests for help or advise should be directed to the RVZT forum, and their comments deleted.
I like the idea that scores, if we must have them, can only be made by comment posters - if they could be shown alongside the post, it should cut out the silly ones.
This thread has produced a good discussion, keep it going.
Posted: 15 Feb 2010, 01:09
urnemanden @ Feb 14 2010, 08:07 PM wrote:Jig wrote:About the rating, I think that 5 explicit levels could be really enough.
I think that could be a good idea by a scale like this one, but the Top Graded List and the grading would probably be much less precise than before. I like the scale right now because I can define more exact what I think about the track - if you ask me what makes a track 7.9 and not 8, then I wouldn't be able to tell, though. 1-10 without decimals would be a nice in-between solution.
I mean, rating would be given as an integer from 0 to 4 (I don't think there is a use for more than 5 levels in that case), but the average result would be displayed with 1 decimal. I see thing that way, but your solution can be good too...
Posted: 15 Feb 2010, 02:14
jigebren @ Feb 14 2010, 07:28 PM wrote:About the rating, I think that 5 explicit levels could be really enough. For exemple:
4 - very exceptional work, something rare to see (like the lighting on jailhouse)
3 - good job from a skillled author
2 - nothing to say, in the average, not incredible but nothing really bad
1 - some default, not very interesting, looks like unfinished
0 - to avoid, unplayable, too much bugs, unfinished job
We could also use rating {+2; +1; 0; -1; -2}, or {A; B; C; D; E}...
Another idea about rating:
Maybe you prefer anonymity, but it could be nice to see the rating given in by each one in his comment, and by the same way, rating would be allowed just for those that leave a comment (I don't think it's already the case). It would be a good way to detect inconsistent ratings, and those who use to give too good/too bad rating...
GWC @ Feb 14 2010, 08:38 PM wrote:I like the idea that scores, if we must have them, can only be made by comment posters - if they could be shown alongside the post, it should cut out the silly ones.
A grading out of ten (1 - 10 @ 1 increments) would be better the just 5 as there maybe a track/car which might posses qualities that easily make it good but not quite great, so a 9/10, you understand ?
Also, there should not be a zero (0) score, should always get at least 1.
Only commenters can grade is perfect, as this will encourage proper comments and show those who vote 10/10 for their own work.
GWC @ Feb 14 2010, 08:38 PM wrote:Policing this is obviously too much for 1 man (or woman). It needs to be done by 2 or more regular visitors to the site.
What gets difficult are criticisms of other criticisms, like we're having at present on Human's new track.
Posters of requests for help or advise should be directed to the RVZT forum, and their comments deleted.
Manmountain @ Feb 13 2010, 07:20 PM wrote:I'm not sure that this would be practical.
As this would require either :
1) A single set of strict rules that can be implemented by any admin at any time.
2) A majority opinion on suggested offences.
Both of which would require constant admin time.
To help limit the requests and questions maybe there should be a direct link button next to the report comment button:
This button would direct you to either;
1) a simple in built page with a suggested selection of forums and or topic links that have specific solutions to most general questions and problems.
2) or direct to a forum.
Posted: 15 Feb 2010, 03:12
Geoff wrote:I like the idea that scores, if we must have them, can only be made by comment posters
I am backing up this idea, but we should probably get rid of all thoose double-account people is creating too, then.
Posted: 15 Feb 2010, 04:00
Brilliant ideas Manmountain

I support you totally

Posted: 15 Feb 2010, 09:42
I am taking notes guys, so I won't bother re-typing everything here. Keep it up, things are getting interesting.
As a note: I was thinking about implementing email verification, which should help cut out some of the spammers and double-account people.
Does this seem like a good idea? Other than the fact that everyone (current members included) will have to verify their email address, hehe.
Posted: 15 Feb 2010, 21:11
zagames @ Feb 15 2010, 05:12 AM wrote:As a note: I was thinking about implementing email verification, which should help cut out some of the spammers and double-account people.
Does this seem like a good idea? Other than the fact that everyone (current members included) will have to verify their email address, hehe.
No problem for me. In fact, I felt surprised when I registered there a few days ago that it was not already implemented.
manmountain wrote:A grading out of ten (1 - 10 @ 1 increments) would be better the just 5 as there maybe a track/car which might posses qualities that easily make it good but not quite great, so a 9/10, you understand ?
Well, in the later case, you give a rating of 4, and all is fine. What matter at the end is the the average result, which would be displayed with one decimal (for sorting purpose).
I still believe that for coherence's sake, having 5 rating levels - with explanation of what each level correspond to (important!) - is better. Otherwise, when you give this rating, there is no objective difference between 6 and 7, 7 and 8 and so on.
Also, there should not be a zero (0) score, should always get at least 1.
Ok, it's just a matter of using range [1:5] instead of [0:4].
Posted: 15 Feb 2010, 23:16
My ideas:
- reply to reply
- file size
- Getting track size (read binary, zip)
- viewed (times)
- Uploaded [date/time]
usage of accordion (javascript)
make the page more javascripted = more animated
Posted: 15 Feb 2010, 23:34
KDL @ Feb 15 2010, 06:46 PM wrote:make the page more javascripted = more animated
Oh no, please don't!
The simpler, the better...
Posted: 15 Feb 2010, 23:53
jigebren @ Feb 15 2010, 07:04 PM wrote: KDL @ Feb 15 2010, 06:46 PM wrote:make the page more javascripted = more animated
Oh no, please don't!
The simpler, the better...
Not really, when's no action in the community a little animation wake up the things again.
Posted: 16 Feb 2010, 01:56
i would like to see a quote function or as kay says a reply to reply. (if i understood him correctly)
Posted: 16 Feb 2010, 04:13
I could try to implement a single reply to a comment, but not a reply to a reply to a reply to a reply to a reply of a comment. lol. The quote may also be a good idea, I just don't want to turn RVZT into a forum.
Posted: 16 Feb 2010, 05:07
Sorry I've been a little inactive here, although I fully support Zach's work here...
Just my two cents on a couple of topics that stuck to my mind after reading this discussion:
- E-mail verification. This is a compromise between user inconvenience and spam. From what I have seen the levels of spam are miniscule in RVZT. In my opinion the verification is justified if there is a problem. I don't see a problem myself, but I don't oppose this. Doing it for the sake of having e-mail verification is not wise though. What I think RVZT does need is purging out all the old user logins that haven't been used in a long while. Currently there is no data in RVZT to deduce what was the last time user logged into RVZT, something I hope Zach will take into consideration.
- I oppose all sorts of censorship. If a comment is removed it must be for a reason, not because someone didn't like what was said (in reasonable tone) about his track/car. And I have to add that I would rather be conservative about removing a comment than overjealous. GWC gave some good reasons for removing comments. Specifically my guideline has been "if it has nothing to do with the track/car in question, it should be removed". Forums are for general questions. Policing the comments is a bit of an annoyance, but the Report Post should be of help - I think it has been used and I thank the people who have used it.
- The looks of RVZT are abysmal because I'm no graphics designer and have next to no interest in it. It's long due for overhaul, but I haven't had the energy nor interest to do anything about it. That's why I've tried making RVZT to support different looks by defining another CSS file. Obviously it's been in vain since there's not been even single user supplied alternative style during these many years. I know Zach has more of an eye on these things so I do think we'll get a better looking site.
- I have nothing against adding more JavaScript. But I do think that it should be complimentary function - the site should work even without JavaScript.
- Showing who gave what kind of grades... I'm kind of divided here. On one part I think anonymity is important here. Like in elections, I think anonymity is important here. Giving honest opinion is easier if you don't have to be afraid of making your 'friends' angry because of it. Or vice versa. On the other hand, there really are many people who do not give honest grades and just give all "1s" or "10s" to a track just because they think the overall grade of the track is not what they think it should be - thus subverting the score. At the minimum, I think the grades that have so far been given should stay anonymous. They were cast on the expectation that they were given as anonymous, and should stay that way.
- Requiring posting a comment before giving a grade. I don't think this is a good idea. It's hard as it is to get people to grade creations. And the grades are the more representative the more people have given grades. If anything grading should be made easier, not harder.
Anyway, Zach is the one doing the heavy lifting on the improvements, these are just my opinions not how it will be. Obviously it depends how Zach wants to go about it and how much time he has. I do agree with him, though, that there's no reason to try turning RVZT into a forum. We have forums already.
Posted: 16 Feb 2010, 05:56
What a post, arto, it should have taken more than a hour to write!
arto wrote:- Showing who gave what kind of grades...
- Requiring posting a comment before giving a grade. I don't think this is a good idea
It's likely that the one who give grades are the same that post comments, so it would probably not lessen the number of 'graders'.
And it's closely linked to "Showing who gave what kind of grades", because the rating given by a user would be displayed with his comment (that's one of the reason why his comment is needed).
Posted: 16 Feb 2010, 11:58
Jig wrote:It's likely that the one who give grades are the same that post comments, so it would probably not lessen the number of 'graders'.
I don't know about that, often I just give grades only, because I some place back in my mind know that the author even wouldn't understand what I am saying or won't think about my opinion.
I would rather suggest that the grade system is shown on the same page as the comment page, so commenters have to grade to comment, if they didn't aleready grade.
Posted: 16 Feb 2010, 18:32
I still would like a "Password Recovery" or "Change Password" function. Please!
Posted: 16 Feb 2010, 19:22
urnemanden @ Feb 16 2010, 07:28 AM wrote:I would rather suggest that the grade system is shown on the same page as the comment page, so commenters have to grade to comment, if they didn't aleready grade.
Well, it seems that we're running an infinite loop: do we have to rate to comment, or do we have to comment to rate?
In my opinion, being forced to rate just to leave a comment is looking like a nonsense, as it will encourage inconsistent rating. On the contrary, the aim of being forced to comment when rating is to prevent inconsistent rating by forcing the commenter to justify his choice, and by letting us know who tend towards giving too good or too bad rating. But maybe it's too constricting...
Posted: 17 Feb 2010, 03:52
Ok... To end the whole comment thing, I have decided to allow either comments or grades. I will not enforce one or the other.
Miro, I believe I already said that there will be user options including password change...
Posted: 17 Feb 2010, 03:56
Okay sorry, I don't have time to read each reply.
Posted: 17 Feb 2010, 05:01
This thread:
Immortalizes how god**** retarded this community is. All these precautions, all these steps, they are like training wheels on the bike of this community. The fact you NEED to hold people's hands, scream in their faces about packing cars wrong, bitch and yell at them for rant rant ranting, it just screams idiocy. Maybe I am one of these "children", but I hope not. Had to blow off some steam. A couple years ago was when everything was fine. This community's demographic is getting younger and younger, and it's showing. You can moan about how rude, how profiling I am, but I'm getting dead sick of it. At least this forum hasn't succumbed. What you're all saying is funny as hell, even if that wasn't intended. It sounds like putting kids on timeout. It's hilarious. I'm going to show all my friends this, and then they will realize how much of a joke this community is starting to become. Maybe my generation was the downfall. I personally don't think so, but that might be a human's inbred bias.
I'm sure many of the older people would love to pin me to the boards and chop me up, make me look like the noob, but I digress. You can hate me all you want, that will get you nowhere, None of you will ever truly know who I am. Half of you need to learn how to speak your minds, I believe what you feel and what you type are totally different from each other... honesty can be a powerful tool in changing things, but it can also be godly at making one hate you as well. Just... I hope some people agree with me, even if they won't admit it... because it makes them feel profiling and prejudice.
The absolute truth of the matter is... these kids can't help it. Maturity comes with age. They still have to "learn". It makes me feel bad pinning them down as inferior, but they just somewhat are. Well, they do have one thing over me, they have more years to live than I do.
I'm sure when I'm 20 years old a few traits of these posts I make will make me look like a kid. It's all about perception as well.
Posted: 17 Feb 2010, 05:16
hello buddies,
just briefly,
- current grading is fine, grading 1-10 with whole numbers is good too.
- keep grading easy enough, as more grades define a track better
- previous grades should be kept anonym - fair point from arto
- remove comments if they have nothing to do with the track
- dont turn the site into a forum
- dave mentioned the links to gadgets sites, but we could have an on-site section for tools, maybe there are not that many to collect and put up
- look of the site is not crucial but defo wouldnt do any harm if it was more attractive. i experimented with the css but didnt have time to create something good
i know i didnt say anything new but i just thought i show that i care

Posted: 17 Feb 2010, 12:58
I think human pointed out some good things there and I agree with him on them all.
Are you also going to change some of the structure in the CSS, Zach?
Posted: 17 Feb 2010, 20:18
Input a Lap Record(offline) in each track, and an online record(4 laps)
Also put the name of the author of the records
This will improve both competition, and use of tracks
Also a ranking of records per user, might be nice
Posted: 18 Feb 2010, 00:01
Aylown @ Feb 17 2010, 03:48 PM wrote: Input a Lap Record(offline) in each track, and an online record(4 laps)
Also put the name of the author of the records
This will improve both competition, and use of tracks
Also a ranking of records per user, might be nice
We already have Re-Volt Race for these.
Posted: 18 Feb 2010, 03:46
Urne, the structure is changing every day at the moment. If I have something to use, I'd be glad to make a secondary template for initial release.
Ayl/arto, perhaps a link to the corresponding RVR page?
Posted: 18 Feb 2010, 03:52
arto @ Feb 17 2010, 07:31 PM wrote:Aylown @ Feb 17 2010, 03:48 PM wrote: Input a Lap Record(offline) in each track, and an online record(4 laps)
Also put the name of the author of the records
This will improve both competition, and use of tracks
Also a ranking of records per user, might be nice
We already have Re-Volt Race for these.
zagames @ Feb 17 2010, 11:16 PM wrote:Urne, the structure is changing every day at the moment. If I have something to use, I'd be glad to make a secondary template for initial release.
Ayl/arto, perhaps a link to the corresponding RVR page?
Manmountain @ Feb 14 2010, 09:44 PM wrote:To help limit the requests and questions maybe there should be a direct link button next to the report comment button:
This button would direct you to either;
1) a simple in built page with a suggested selection of forums and or topic links that have specific solutions to most general questions and problems.
2) or direct to a forum.
Posted: 18 Feb 2010, 07:57