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Posted: 10 Feb 2010, 18:47
hi again all,
well this forum is going off with the new super developer jiggy!!! awesome work so far, keep it up mate! i'd love to learn more about how you do the binary edits you do?!
urne gave me an idea today.
hull2txt seemed to make sense to people and thanks for all the great feedback.
[hull2txt link]
so which revolt binary files (like W or NCP or PRM or FIN or FAN or PAN or FOB or TAZ or LIT) would you want the same tool?
which ones would be the priority?
the text files are nice because it gives freedom to use them in any 3d CAD package. i chose rhino but i get the feeling that others aren't so keen on it

if anyone has tried my other post with rhino instructions and toolbar files please let me know...
[rhino revolt editor link]
so i was thinking of making a blender plugin (say in python script) if that would help?
what 3d packages would you all prefer to edit the txt files in?
Posted: 10 Feb 2010, 21:52
Good to see you here, SkindupTruk. I felt I was the only poster (edit: I mean, topic maker) in this section...
well this forum is going off with the new super developer jiggy!!! awesome work so far, keep it up mate!
Thanks, man. But in my case, the 'super developer' title is usurped, even if flattering

I can't answer for most wished binary files viewer for now, I'm not in file editing currently.
But some time ago, I was also thinking about making a blender import script. At this time, I would have been more aware of the question.
If I work on it again one day, I'll tell you. For now, my wishes would be more to be sure that, in a first time, each revolt file format is fully documented, like stuff ali has already done.
And about the 3d editor, I don't know rhino, but I think that blender could be a very good option, due to it being open source, and the use of python scripts.
I told you I began an import script for Blender (no export yet), here is a screenshot showing the result. I'll wait to finish my WolfR4 stuff before working on it again. And also, I'm still using blender v2.49, I'll wait to use 2.50...
If you have question/doubt in which I can help you, don't hesitate.
Posted: 10 Feb 2010, 22:26
Great work
Just yesterday I was thinking about Blender and import/export of models on Re-Volt. Nice. It's a good idea to work on this (Open source and cross-platform).
You could document out all of this. Refer to the wiki on and the Re-Volt Developers forum at
It's great to see this kind of activity on the scene

Posted: 10 Feb 2010, 23:07
SkindupTruk wrote:so which revolt binary files (like W or NCP or PRM or FIN or FAN or PAN or FOB or TAZ or LIT) would you want the same tool?
which ones would be the priority?
I would love to see a w2txt tool. I would like to know how multi-frame works and perhaps experiment some with it. As I also said in
this post funny balls could be quite interesting to know more about.
SkindupTruk wrote:the text files are nice because it gives freedom to use them in any 3d CAD package. i chose rhino but i get the feeling that others aren't so keen on it

if anyone has tried my other post with rhino instructions and toolbar files please let me know...
I must have been forgetting that post. I will test things out tonight, you can be sure on that. Let's hope there exists a few tutorials out there related to Rhino.
Posted: 11 Feb 2010, 10:59
SkindupTruk @ Feb 10 2010, 02:17 PM wrote:
the text files are nice because it gives freedom to use them in any 3d CAD package. i chose rhino but i get the feeling that others aren't so keen on it

if anyone has tried my other post with rhino instructions and toolbar files please let me know...
what 3d packages would you all prefer to edit the txt files in?
I think that 3ds Max and zmodeler are the primary edit tools. Blender and gmax can also be used ( afaik )
Posted: 11 Feb 2010, 19:52
Urne, refer to the Wiki I mentioned above to know more about the world file structure. That's a more accurate reference.
Posted: 11 Feb 2010, 20:34
About multi-frames, I think you already know it, but the info from darksabre can be found here: ... ucture.htm
That's true that this Wiki has good informations. There is a good effort to make information generally accessible.
It's perhaps because I'm getting more used to it, but I think that at the end, the C++-stylish pseudo-syntax of ali's docs is more clearer and rigorous than the 'File Structure' representation of the wiki...
For example in the Wiki, for the world file we can see something like:
revoltengine wrote:Offset:0x04; Length:44; Description:Cube Header
We got the length but not the type (float, integer) of the values and we don't know what is inside 'Cube Header'.
And I tried to make the link between the given 'File Structure' and the 'sketchy representation', but I could not achieve it...
Maybe it is because it still in a WIP state? Or because I read too quickly?
It's just my point of view, but I would be more in favor to keep the files structure information in a C++ style, even if I'm not a C++ user myself...
Posted: 11 Feb 2010, 23:07
@jig: there is a project called "Raydium" which has a Re-Volt .w importer, why not take a look at it sometime
Posted: 12 Feb 2010, 22:58
jigebren @ Feb 11 2010, 04:04 PM wrote: About multi-frames, I think you already know it, but the info from darksabre can be found here: ... ucture.htm
That's true that this Wiki has good informations. There is a good effort to make information generally accessible.
It's perhaps because I'm getting more used to it, but I think that at the end, the C++-stylish pseudo-syntax of ali's docs is more clearer and rigorous than the 'File Structure' representation of the wiki...
For example in the Wiki, for the world file we can see something like:
revoltengine wrote:Offset:0x04; Length:44; Description:Cube Header
We got the length but not the type (float, integer) of the values and we don't know what is inside 'Cube Header'.
And I tried to make the link between the given 'File Structure' and the 'sketchy representation', but I could not achieve it...
Maybe it is because it still in a WIP state? Or because I read too quickly?
It's just my point of view, but I would be more in favor to keep the files structure information in a C++ style, even if I'm not a C++ user myself...
Well, it's just a WIP, and info may be incorrect. However, the information on the wiki was extracted by me directly from the code.
I could help to let you understand how files are structured, so if you want feel free to contact me (even by mail, in my sign is the address).
Posted: 13 Feb 2010, 00:42
@kay & @ADX
The .w was just an example: I look at it just to see how informations are given in the revoltengine wiki, I was not realy searching for information about this file, as the ali's page is quite complete about .w file if I remember well (I think I have implemented world support in my blender import script just with informations from his page...).
Thanks, anyhow.
Posted: 13 Feb 2010, 04:01
this may seem totally off topic, but what coding was revolt written in?
Posted: 13 Feb 2010, 04:09
zipperrulez @ Feb 12 2010, 11:31 PM wrote: this may seem totally off topic, but what coding was revolt written in?
Practically C, technically C++.