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Posted: 24 Jan 2011, 08:27
No, it really isn't that important. The F6 cameras are more valuable in interactive mode i.e. during race, anyway.
Posted: 12 Feb 2011, 22:00
This will support Re-Volt 1.2, right? Currently, I am able to run WolfR4 only with Re-Volt 1.1 + 1207 patch.
Posted: 13 Feb 2011, 00:07
UrbanR @ Feb 12 2011, 05:30 PM wrote:This will support Re-Volt 1.2, right? Currently, I am able to run WolfR4 only with Re-Volt 1.1 + 1207 patch.
No, and never.
You have to understand that each time a new binary file is compiled, it is likely to use different memory areas to hold its internal data, variables, etc.
So v0916, v1207, v1.2 or any subsequent update to v1.2 are all using different offsets to point to the same data (this data can be for example the number of laps). And WolfR4 (like any patcher) can only access a data by knowing its offset. To modify the number of laps, it has to know the offset of this variable (as I said just above, this offset is different for each binary file).
WolfR4 supports v1207 because I have already identified a lot of offsets inside v1207 binary, but I won't do it again for v0916, and I just can't do it for each v1.2 update released (it's clearly impossible).
So maybe I could write a launcher for v1.2 to easily set the command line arguments for example, but I can't add any patch or custom feature to v1.2.
On the other hand, the good news is that all WolfR4 features could be added directly in v1.2, as we can now modify the source code directly (which is far more efficient that binary patching). But it takes some time, and neither Huki nor me are experimented C++ programmers...
Posted: 13 Feb 2011, 02:35
Thanks for the reply. That cleared some things up.
One feature I would like to have from WolfR4 to 1.2 is to run Re-Volt in windowed mode.
Posted: 13 Feb 2011, 03:13
You can run 1.2 or any re-volt version in windowed mode using -window command line..
Posted: 13 Feb 2011, 18:08
Right... silly me...
Posted: 21 Feb 2011, 19:16
WolfR4 has recently rounded its 1 years birthday - thanks for an amazing year Jigebren! I am glad that you're still around, even though you in periods haven't been very pleased of the response from us here on ORP.
Jigebren @ February 2010 wrote:
About the phoenix comparison, I can't really tell. But for now, the last big thing that lack to WolfR4 is the support for custom models. I have already done it as a standalone little testing tool, so I know how to do it. But I have to rewrite it all again for wolfR4, in a clean way, and sometime I getting tired of the time I spend on this tool... I hope I will finish this rewritting part soon.
Jigebren @ celebrating antimorph's comeback wrote:
Maybe I was expecting that my announcement above would have created a bit more enthusiasm here... Or was it not clear that it would be the first available release of my WofR4 tool?
I'm a bit disappointed by this lack of reaction. As for the carfix topic: a lot of work, and not a simple thanks.
Jigebren @ Bug á Tux wrote:
You know, what is sometime boring me is the feeling that nobody take the time to answer even simple question: look at the tuxabug topic, and count the number of guys who tried the arto's tool and sent back the result... and it wasn't very complicated.
arto wrote:You shouldn't feel bad about it. The work you are doing is monumental. And the appreciation will come. But the way people are, they come to appreciate things when they've been using them for a while.
Jigebren @ Feb 26th wrote:
Well, the fact is that it's a bit out of context now. But thank for your post, and don't worry, I agree with what you said. I could explain in more details what's boring me sometime, but writting it in english would be too long for me, and it doesn't really matter after all...
Anyway I hope that we/I can somehow make up for this misery later, but for now thanks again for staying around with us for these fantastic 12 months. The amount of work you have put into WolfR4 is very appreciated!

Posted: 21 Feb 2011, 22:34
Oh yeah, that's right, this topic is already more than 1 year old. Time goes so fast... However, WolfR4 still looks quite young, especially compared to Re-Volt's lifetime.
I am glad that you're still around, even though you in periods haven't been very pleased of the response from us here on ORP.
Well, it's funny to look back at this signs of discouragement during inception period. Now, I think it's a regular reaction when you put a lot of energy and enthusiasm in a project than you know people were waiting for a long time: you expect a minimum feedback to keep motivation.
But I remember that just a little time after, I changed my mind a bit about that: I decided not to care anymore about other's enthusiasm or support, and that I will kept working on this tool because I had fun with it, learning new stuff, etc. I knew that I was myself using a lot of softwares without having ever thank their author... And I didn't want to turn like RST, always bitching about leechers, etc. So I did as I planned to do, ie. released my tools for free and made them available to anybody, for re-volt's sake.
Anyway I hope that we/I can somehow make up for this misery later, but for now thanks again for staying around with us for these fantastic 12 months. The amount of work you have put into WolfR4 is very appreciated!
Thanks. To be honest, I have to add that your (and a few other member's) support has been very helpfull to keep me motivated after each new release.

It's was necessary, and as you can see, it was enough. I can also evoke a
kind gesture that have also been greatly appreciated...
Posted: 22 Feb 2011, 01:20
so happy birthday

Posted: 22 Feb 2011, 14:50
jigebren!! For the last couple of years I have not really had a great deal to do with ReVolt, mainly due to time problems and other projects out here in the real world.
Now I have finally found a house that i feel settled in for once and the first thing i did (after a cuppa and Sky installation ) was get max and re volt installed!!
I have booked a day off work tomorrow to dedicate myself to your tool.
I think that it will let me do all of the things i wanted to do in 2000 and that cheers me up a lot
The 512 textures alone have open'd up a whole new world for me in the game and it is there i will start to throw out a test track in the next few weeks.
Do you think that most of the people left around here will be set up for 512??
I know that you feel the feed back from your work is lacking ( I have fought those demons here myself) but i can assure you that i will put it to work and enjoy the fruits of you labour!
All the best to all of you its nice to see some famillier names along with the new members.
Posted: 23 Feb 2011, 07:53
Really glad to see you back around, mike.
I have booked a day off work tomorrow to dedicate myself to your tool
Oh, nice... If you need any clarification about a feature, don't hesitate to ask.
I think that what will interest you the most is the custom.ini file. It may look rough at very first sight but it should quickly become clear and self explanatory after looking at
a simple example.
Do you think that most of the people left around here will be set up for 512??
I can't really be sure. But as I hope that we'll implement the 512x512 textures support in v1.2 too, then both v1207+Wolf and v1.2 will support 512 textures. And then there will be no reason IMO to still use old re-volt version without 512 support...
Posted: 26 Mar 2011, 08:09
jigebren @ Dec 16 2010, 01:05 AM wrote: From what I can remember about MP3 support:
- Tags inside MP3 could be problematic, but it should be solved by updating the mp3dec.asi with a newer one.
- Only constant bitrate seems to be supported, so avoid VBR.
-Do you mean the song's name, artist, album, age, etc? I deleted them and didn't worked.
-I've found that the MP3 files i'm using are CBR. Also, these are 128kbps.
Posted: 26 Mar 2011, 18:17
Yes, Tags are song's name, artist, etc. Maybe the tool you're using doesn't actually remove ALL tags info (just an idea). BTW I'm not the one who discovered that Tags are not supported... Was it Urne, or maybe someone else?
I'm also wondering... Has MP3 playback already worked for you (with another MP3 file)? Just to be sure you have followed the intructions to support MP3 playback.
Search for "Enable MP3 music playback" in the
WolfR4 webpage.
Posted: 26 Mar 2011, 20:16
Mp3 files with tags and embedded content (like cover images) can cause miles (atleast the versions that come with re-volt) to crash. I'm assuming Mp3 files with just tags and no other embedded content will have an effect too, but that's just a guess.
Did you download the updated mss32.dll and mp3dec.asi from
here? If so, make sure you're using the 6.0m version and not the other one. If you still have the problem, well, you can try going back to the old mss32.dll included with 1207 patch, and the old mp3dec.asi provided by jig.
Other than that, make sure you've enabled -no3Dsound command line.
Posted: 21 May 2011, 06:12
Hey, it's been quite some time since the last release... In fact I had not really planned any update, but as I have added some modifications while working on my "dest moon" track, I have decided not to keep them for myself.
So here they are:
First, an option for track maker: AFAIK a simple track restart is not enough to update the track is you have for example modifed the .W or the .NCP file. As I found it boring to have to go back to the frontend each time I have to test for a modification, I have added an option to force Re-Volt to fully reload the track.
It can be found in the Car/Track maker tab, and it's not activated by default (even though I don't really notice any added delay with the option ON).
There is also a simple "Reading all tracks info..." message displayed in the windows title bar at startup (and when refreshing the list), to show that WolfR4 is working (otherwise one could wonder why it's not responding).
And last, still when working on my track, I noticed that if I exited from a waterbox and enter it again just then, somtime there was no water splash. In fact there was a delay introduced by the Water Splash fix... I have lowered the support from about 255 waterbox max to about 30 waterbox max (which should still be enough), and it has greatly reduced the delay.
Changelog wrote:* Rel.11-05-21
Add: Force full track reload option:
AFAIK, when a track maker is editing a track with Re-Volt running at the
same time, he has to quit to the frontend before reloading the track to
actually update the track content in the game. With this setting on, a
simple 'track restart' should be enough to have all track's files read
Add: A "Reading all tracks info..." message is displayed (in the window title)
when WolfR4 is busy examining the tracks files.
Mod: Minor layout modifications.
Mod: The current Water Splash fix allowed roughly up to 255 waterboxes, but
it induces a delay of several seconds (probably depending on your FPS)
after exiting a waterbox during which entering another waterbox would not
trigger a splash.
As it could be too noticeable, I have lowered the support to about 30
waterboxes max only. While it should still be more than enough, it greatly
reduces the induced delay.
This release can be downloaded
Posted: 21 May 2011, 07:37

I really didn't think I'd see an update to the good old WolfR4

(if it can be called "good old", what with the v1.2 out and all)
Posted: 21 May 2011, 14:05
Thanks for providing this useful update, Jigebren! WolfR4 is still the preferred tool of mine when it comes to track making and as such makes this new feature quite useful.

Posted: 15 Jun 2011, 15:09
Hey guys!!
I want to run my new track with a first cam pos change! I have got a custom ini in the track folder and i have put all kinds of numbers into the cam 0 set but nothing changes!!
It is starting to get to me now so any help would be cool!!
I just want the main folow cam pulled back and up a bit!!
Posted: 15 Jun 2011, 16:26
Hey Skitch,
Make sure you've removed the semi-colon at the start of each line that you've changed in the custom.ini. Also, after saving the changes, you'll have to restart Wolf if it is already open (or you can press the button with green arrows in Custom Tracks tab in Wolf to reload the custom.ini content).
Posted: 15 Jun 2011, 21:29
All sorted now and yes it was me being a total thicko lol!!!
Thanks for your help sir

Posted: 16 Jun 2011, 04:56
Complementary to Huki's answer, here is the fastest way to see the result of your camera modifications (keeping re-volt running in the background):
- save the custom.ini changes.
- press the refresh button

in Custom Tracks tab.
- go back in Re-Volt. If the track is already loaded, you don't even have to restart it, just press the F1 key 3 times to reload the camera coordinates.
Posted: 22 Jun 2011, 15:55
Thanks peeps for that its all good now!
I have a perfect place to add your Wolf logo in my track is ok to do so?? It is a sort of thank you for the tool so i though it would be a nice idea for racers to locate the Logo
Let me know.
Thanks all. Tracks finished now bar a few tweaks! Ill upload once you gimme the go ahead and i properly package it up (not done that bit before lol ).
Posted: 22 Jun 2011, 18:07
No problem to let you include the WolfR4 logo. You can find the high res (256x256) in the 1st topic, or directly
Before releasing the track, don't forget you can clean-up the custom.ini file to only the needed entries (contextal menu: "Clean up custom.ini content...").
And you can easily pack the track with all needed files using the
Track Packer feature. You should probably check the created archive though...
Posted: 22 Jun 2011, 20:11
To be honest dude this tool is so easy for me to work with and that realy is saying something. (Glue still stumps me). Thank you for the logo use i am sure when you see it you will notice it's placement relevence.
I am just about done apart frm locating a certain sfx i need but hey i am having a blast!!
Thanks again and ill upload the track real soon

Posted: 19 Aug 2013, 19:26
the new revolt 13a not work with this program,why