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Posted: 04 Nov 2010, 19:32
>> [...] But I'm still wondering what is the best choice... I may change the priority order if the "top in the list = top priority" solution sounds really more sensible.
I see the global custom files as "layers" like in any paint program. The top layer is the one most visible.
Description Maximum Lenght?
I seem to have problems doing end of lines. WolfR4 recognized it first time I did it on 512res.ini but in Championship.ini it just shows /n /n everywhere. Is there a limit in the amount of spaces and/or amount of lines? Here is the description I was about to add:
Activate a Custom Championship. /n /nRooftops 1/4 /nDark Park 1/4 /nForgotten City 1/4 /nPisa Grandprix 1/4 /n /nPetroVolt 2/4 /nRacerPark 2/4 /nJungleVolt 2/4 /nFrostbite 2/4 /n /nSakura 3/4 /nQuake! 3/4 /nRadioactive Garden 3/4 /nHelios 3/4 /n /nCar Lot 4/4 /nJailhouse Rock 4/4 /nIsis 4/4 /nFloating World 4/4
>> I'll think about the auto resolution mode. If it's not too complicated, I may add something for that.
Looking forward to hear your conclusion then.

Posted: 04 Nov 2010, 23:20
urnemanden @ Nov 4 2010, 03:02 PM wrote:I seem to have problems doing end of lines. WolfR4 [...] just shows /n /n everywhere.
\n, not
/n (as the escape character is

Posted: 05 Nov 2010, 00:37
My mistake...
Global Custom Feature Suggestion
Well, since I like to have my Custom Tracks list clean and only showing the "standard" tracks I usually play, it would be nice if I could use a global custom to "hide/unhide" tracks I've installed, for example the month tracks that I monthly have to install & uninstall again from Re-Volt Race.
Of course I would have to replace the names in the global custom.ini everytime the month tracks was updated, but it could get really handy once I got that done, tho I don't know if it can compete with Hide/Unhide heh.
Posted: 06 Nov 2010, 02:40
urnemanden @ Nov 4 2010, 03:02 PM wrote:
>> [...] But I'm still wondering what is the best choice... I may change the priority order if the "top in the list = top priority" solution sounds really more sensible.
I see the global custom files as "layers" like in any paint program. The top layer is the one most visible.
That's right... I have also thought about the similitude with layers in graphics editors. Well, top priority at the bottom of the list makes more sense when you know the internals of WolfR4, but for the end user, top in the list = top priority sounds probably more logical. I'll probably invert it...
I have added an
auto-resolution option: When launching re-volt in fullscreen, it will always use the current desktop width, height and depth. When using this option in windowed mode, half the width and height will be used.
As I said, the screen ratio patch can't be updated this way, but there will be another solution (see below).
I'm going to add 2 powerful
command line switches. One to allow to select the revolt.exe file, and one to select another WolfR4.ini file (both options are only temporary).
So you will be able to easily create a shortcut to launch a revolt version with screen ratio patched, another shortcut to an unmodifed version, etc.
This will also give a way to create completely different profiles if needed by using a different .ini file.
hidding Custom Tracks from global custom, well, I don't think I'll add it. Custom files are not really designed for that kind of feature. You'll have to keep using the Hide/Unhide or the Uninstall track features. I haven't found something quite quick and easy to implement that could allow to do this in batch.
Posted: 07 Nov 2010, 00:29
As it was quite a long time since my last release, so I had to bring a new update quite soon.
To summarize: (in the newsletter I said "To resume" sorry, a typical french mistake...)
- Mostly changes about Global customs and Tracks list. Global custom priority order has been inverted. Tracks list can now be sorted.
- A new re-volt bugfix : User tracks should now be properly sorted in ascending alphabetical order. With this bugfix and the new sorting option in WolfR4, tracks should now be sorted in the same in order in Re-Volt and in WolfR4.
- A new option in custom.ini file for custom track, to get the intro camera sweeping above the cars at starting line (like for the stock tracks). I tried it with Jailhouse Rock, and well, it rocks...
Just take a look at the changelog to get more details...
Changelog wrote:* Rel.10-11-06
Add: A new [A] button in the Command line tab to automatically use the current
desktop width, height and depth when launching Re-Volt in fulscreen.
When using this option in windowed mode, half the width and height will be
Add: 2 new command lines switches:
/exe : allow to select the revolt.exe file to run (like the 'Re-Volt
filename: ' entry).
/ini : allow to select another settings file that default 'WolfR4.ini'.
Both options are only temporary (they won't be saved when WolfR4 quits).
For example, these options can be used to quickly launch a completely
different profile (different patches applied, different settings).
Add: The tracks list can now be sorted, using the following order:
- by track name (as in re-volt, see below about the revolt bug).
Notice: the comparaison is case-sensitive, as in Re-Volt.
- by track date (the track's folder creation date is used). It allows to
quickly see the last installed tracks.
- by track's folder name.
Add: Have you ever noticed that user tracks are displayed in Re-Volt in
descending alphabetical order, except the first user track which remains
in first position?
It can be fixed now. All user tracks should now be properly sorted in
ascending alphabetical order.
Fix: WolfR4 could crash if some functions like the Track Renamer were used
while Re-Volt was running (because of the way the track list was
refreshed). It could probably happen for global customs too.
All should be fixed now.
Add: New entry in custom.ini:
- set_camera_sweep : The intro camera will sweep above the cars at
starting line (during countdown), like for the stock tracks.
Mod: Inverted Global custom order:
Now, global custom at the top of the list will have priority (when several
global custom are used simultaneously).
New created file should be added at the top of the list.
Mod: Several minor fixes/modifications...
EDIT: (thanks Huki...)
This release can be downloaded
An idea following your
hidding Custom Tracks from global custom request. By sorting tracks by date, you should be able to hide/unhide a set of tracks quite easily now.
Posted: 07 Nov 2010, 02:21
I feel like I'm posting here after a long time.. did anyone miss me?
Thanks for the great release jig.
Now the tracks are all sorted according to their .inf names instead of folder name.
But the "first installed track always at first" did not happen for me (i tried installing a fresh re-volt, added jailhouse rock, opened and closed re-volt, added the remaining tracks i have, and jailhouse took it's place somewhere in the middle).
Anyway, I like that the tracks are now sorted in ascending order.

But the upper case names come first and then the lower case names ("WR4-Dali" is before "Warm Wheels"). It is strange for me, but maybe you think this case-sensitive sorting is better?
I quickly tried the camera sweep effect with jailhouse and it worked well. Nice effect.
About the added commandlines, i think /exe is not needed. the wolfr4.ini file contains target_file_path entry which can be used to select a different exe. So you just create a new .ini file with that entry modified, and use /ini commandline.
Also, there is a small bug related to "skipping intro images". Sometimes when you press enter/space to skip the intro, re-volt never loads (it stays at black screen after skipping intro). I have to kill the process and start again. It mostly happens when i skip it too quickly as soon as re-volt is launched.
Also as a side-note, when intro is skipped there is no "fade effect". Think you can bring it back?
PS: Is it just me or is your previous post missing the download link?

Posted: 07 Nov 2010, 06:54
Yeah, glad to see you back here, Huki.

With a good report, as before...
>> But the "first installed track always at first" did not happen for me [...]
I didn't mean the first track installed, I meant the first track in alpabetical order. For example, without the fix, re-volt used to sort user tracks this way (ie. in descending order except here for AMCO TT):
... / Toytanic2 /
AMCO TT / ZAG Formula 1.01 / ZAG - Mini Soccer / ... / Castle Keepers / Big Square / AMCO Bitume /
Toys in the Hood 1 / ...
>> Anyway, I like that the tracks are now sorted in ascending order.
But the upper case names come first and then the lower case names
To be honest, I don't like this case-sensitive sorting. By it was not my choice, but acclaim devs'. They used strcmp(), and when looking in the binary, it's not compiled as a simple call to strcmp(), which could be easily replaced, but the string comparison is harcoded directly. Well, maybe I can remove this code a write a call to stricmp(), I'm not sure it's possible but I may try.
>> I quickly tried the camera sweep effect with jailhouse and it worked well. Nice effect.
Yep, indeed, especially in jailhouse corridor. I think Urne asked for this feature quite some time ago, but maybe I didn't know where to look at then.
>> About the added commandlines, i think /exe is not needed.
Using /exe and using /ini with a modifed target_file_path entry is not exactly the same. With /exe, you're still using your current WolfR4 settings (ie. you don't have to manage a second ini file that could get outdated, etc.).
>> Also, there is a small bug related to "skipping intro images"
Hey, that's right. It's funny, I have never noticed it before, and the first I tried what you said, the bug turned up. Well, it was more complex than expected for such a feature to get it working properly... After several failing attempts, I think have found a good one. And the fade effect should also work now.
Posted: 07 Nov 2010, 08:42
just for fun a
tiny video of track "Fools Mate 2" with WolfR4 and CD music enabled
a seconde one
Posted: 08 Nov 2010, 09:47
Well, it's quite late here, so I'm pasting the WolfR4 newsletter directly:
Hey, I know you can't believe it's true, but well, yes it is... a brand new WolfR4 release.

In fact, it's just a quick update of the last release, and I did all I planned to do, so I have no reason to wait. After that, WolfR4 development will probably become more leisurely...
- I have fixed the skip intro bug reported by Huki, and improved it a bit so that fade-out should always works too.
- In the previous release, I introduced a new bugfix to get re-volt sorting the user tracks in ascending alphabetical order. Now I have also modified the code in the re-volt binary so that the sorting should besides be case-insensitive.
- And the last main feature is just intended to simplify the customization process: When generating a new custom.ini file for a track, you'll be asked for the custom folder name. This folder will be created in the '#' directory, and the generated custom.ini file will automatically use this path instead of the default '#\?????\' (of course, it can easily be skipped).
Afterwards, you'll just have to 1) copy your custom models/images/etc. files in the newly created folder, 2) uncomment the needed lines in the generated custom.ini file and 3) check that the specified names correspond to your custom files names, and your custom track will be ready to be used (don't forget to refresh the tracks list in WolfR4).
Here is the last WolfR4 compiled file: ...
By the way, I have also updated the Wolfed version of Human's Jailhouse Rock. Take a look at the changelog below.
The updated archive can be found here: ...
WolfR4 changelog wrote:* Rel.10-11-08
Fix: Option 'Allow to skip the intro':
There was no fade out when pressing a key to skip the intro, and Re-Volt
could hang if a key was pressed at the very beginning (during the first
image fade in). Now it should works, with fade out.
Mod: The 'Fix user tracks list order' option has been modified so that Re-Volt
will now sort the user tracks in a case-insensitive order (which is really
more convenient). Of course, WolfR4's tracks list has been updated to do
the same).
Add: Automatic creation of the custom folder:
Notice: the custom folder is where the custom models for a track have to
be placed (inside the '#' folder).
When a new custom.ini file is generated for a track, you'll be asked for
the custom folder name (creation can be skipped with 'Esc' key or by using
a blank entry).
The proper custom folder path will directly be used in the generated
custom.ini file (instead of the default '#\?????\').
That should make track customization a bit easier and faster.
Fix: Stock tracks were not counted in the number of stunt and battle tracks
(in the Log).
Mod: When using menu option 'Clean-up custom.ini content...' on a custom track,
a backup of the current custom.ini file is created.
Notice: You should not have to worry about these backup files when using
the 'Track Packer' feature, as .bak files are automatically excluded from
the created archive.
Jailhouse Rock Custom changelog wrote:*10-11-08
- Created load images.
- Activated set_camera_sweep option in custom.ini.
- I have also replaced the original jailhouse.w file with a one modified by a
tool of mine, as this file loads really faster than the original one (at least
on my computer).
Posted: 21 Nov 2010, 17:45
I found a major bug in Wolf.
When I try to join a race in RVHouse, Wolf starts with the message 'Wolf is outdated' and it quits. Re-Volt won't start. Try again. Same. Delete it. RVHouse can't find Re-Volt anymore. Race missed. Irck crying.
I understand this is not a bug, but it's not a really user friendly feature

Posted: 21 Nov 2010, 17:54
Till it is fixed, have you tried launching normal re-volt offline once, and then launch from rvhouse? Can rvhouse find re-volt then?
Posted: 21 Nov 2010, 18:04
There is nothing to fix here IMO.
- If WolfR4 say it's outdated, update it with the
last version (it's written in the readme).
By the way, as the date limit is of no use anymore, I should release one day a version with no limit.
- If you don't want WolfR4 to be registered as a the ReVolt launcher anymore, just launch and quit Re-Volt once. There is no other way to do AFAIK.
Posted: 06 Dec 2010, 18:08
Jigebren, I’ve been thinking (don’t you dread already when I say that <laughs>). Could the in-car camera be modified a bit more, either in WolfR4 or in RV1.2? I have noticed that when going from follow cam to in-car cam, the car graphics are actually displayed until the very end when they just disappear. But taking into account all those real-life style cars in RVZT, maybe the car graphics should remain visible? Like the effects of Turbo Battery, but with proper car graphics. The corrected in-car camera of WolfR4 allows this pretty well, because it’s at the top of the car, so the visible front end of the car would not obstruct much. And AFAIK, Re-Volt would cull away the higher parts of the car front anyway. Of course, it can’t be suitable for absolutely all custom vehicles, but that’s to be expected, there’s too much variety to take it all into account, but it would be suitable for the majority of cars. Do you want to take a shot at it? It adds a nice touch of whacky realism to speeding along the shopping mall floor when you can actually see the bonnet of that RC Harvester you’re supposedly in
Ummm... and another thing, although that’s more of a cry for help. Is there any way to introduce a built-in frame rate cap into RV when running windowed? I recently had to replace my computer, and now I have an integrated Radeon card (Radeon Mobility X1300), but it turns out the vertical sync (vertical refresh) function is broken in Radeon cards, so that it’s effective only in fullscreen. This means that there is no stabilising effect of vsync in windowed mode and the game slows down and speeds up constantly. It’s essentially unplayable in windowed mode. And fullscreen is really inconvenient, because I have to keep track of both the clock and the e-mail notifier when I take time for Re-Volt (besides, alt-tabbing doesn’t work during level-loading in fullscreen, so if the game hangs there, it hangs for good), so fullscreen is totally inconvenient for me. Is there any way to do it, either by WolfR4, or RV1.2, or some other tool?
Posted: 07 Dec 2010, 03:23
VSync doesn't work in windowed mode. I don't think that is graphics card specific. But I've been using windowed mode for quite a while now and have not noticed any lag. Of course, the shown fps will go up and down, but there is no noticeable performance issue. Just make sure that you are running a really supported resolution (a resolution which appears in Video Settings in Re-Volt).
cw wrote:Besides, alt-tabbing doesn’t work during level-loading in fullscreen, so if the game hangs there, it hangs for good.
With Wolf or v1.2 Re-Volt shouldn't hang at loading screen anymore.
About the In Car Camera, I quickly came up with this:
It should look much better when the "Camera attached to top of BBox" feature is ported over from Wolf. But well, i think it would be some time before that happens..
Posted: 07 Dec 2010, 05:20
Huki is right about VSync in windowed mode. I was looking about it when I began working on WolfR4, and I don't even think there is a way to do it.
By the way, I don't think either that VSync would really have a "stabilising" effect on framerate. Just an idea, but if you're using a laptop, maybe there is some build-in features to reduce cpu consumption. Sometime it's possible to set something like a "Full power" profile to be sure the cpu is 100% exploited, maybe it could help... But even on my computer, I sometime notice that re-volt is not running as smooth as it should, mostly in windowed mode I think, but I don't know the reason why.
About skipping the vehicle display when using in-car camera, of course it was done on purpose by re-volt devs, but I think I can revert it in WolfR4 (as a global option, as usual, not a per car one). I already tried directly under my debugger, and it was working, though it would probably be better under WolfR4 along with the corrected in-car camera (at least for some cars).
But well, I have not enough time to work both on WolfR4 and v1.2, so I can't tell when I'll be able to implement it and release another version...

Posted: 07 Dec 2010, 11:43
Okay, this is weird. The erratic speed in windowed mode seems to be tied to the _mouse_. In front-end, as long as the mouse cursor stays inside the window, the game is smooth. If I move the mouse outside, the game starts lagging. But after loading a track, the game hides the mouse and then it’s laggy all the time anyway. So now I don’t know what is really wrong or how to remedy it.
And I didn’t have that problem with any of my earlier computers. This is the only one having that.
And I’m sorry if I sort of hijacked the WolfR4 thread with this.
[Edit: Admins: if possible, please move the lag part of this post into a new topic, in appropriate sub-forum. Let's keep this a WolfR4 topic... (CW)]
About the bonnet view: whenever it’ll appear for WolfR4, I’ll be happy. I can wait
[Edited by Citywalker]
Posted: 16 Dec 2010, 00:37
There's some squeak/noise while playing certain Mp3's.
Posted: 16 Dec 2010, 01:59
uhhh problem is probably the mp3? Wolf just enables the disabled mp3 feature in re-volt. Anyway, maybe you can try a newer version of mss32.dll and mp3dec.asi files.
Posted: 16 Dec 2010, 04:38
Huki @ Dec 15 2010, 05:29 PM wrote: uhhh problem is probably the mp3? Wolf just enables the disabled mp3 feature in re-volt. Anyway, maybe you can try a newer version of mss32.dll and mp3dec.asi files.
That causes RV to don't work.
Posted: 16 Dec 2010, 09:35
From what I can remember about MP3 support:
- Tags inside MP3 could be problematic, but it should be solved by updating the mp3dec.asi with a newer one.
- Only constant bitrate seems to be supported, so avoid VBR.
Posted: 16 Dec 2010, 21:51
The scaled MPH/KMH is not well done. I say this because comparing to newer (which are more realistic) games like Need for Speed (MW, Carbon, Hot Pursuit 2, etc.), it's a bit too exaggerated.
At 400 MPH it should be something like 150 MPH. That's my opinion. It doesn't give the feel of such a high speed.
Posted: 16 Dec 2010, 22:24
That's not WolfR4's fault, but rather the way the original developers & programmers intended Re-Volt to be. I don't mind it myself, heh.

Posted: 16 Dec 2010, 22:57
The scaled MPH/KMH is not well done.
this is because rc cars are 1/10 scale, meaning theyre 10 times smaller, so to work out the scale speed you multiply it by that number, so im this case 30 becomes 300
Posted: 16 Dec 2010, 23:01
jigebren @ Dec 16 2010, 01:05 AM wrote: 1) Tags inside MP3 could be problematic, but it should be solved by updating the mp3dec.asi with a newer one.
2) Only constant bitrate seems to be supported, so avoid VBR.
1) I downloaded another mp3dec.asi and the game crashes after loading the race.
2) How to assign constant bitrate to a mp3?
Posted: 16 Dec 2010, 23:15
MOH @ Dec 16 2010, 07:27 PM wrote: The scaled MPH/KMH is not well done.
this is because rc cars are 1/10 scale, meaning theyre 10 times smaller, so to work out the scale speed you multiply it by that number, so im this case 30 becomes 300
Yes, well, that's the scaled version. But it should be a version for real car mods that is focusing on the feeling.
Posted: 17 Dec 2010, 01:45
UrbanR @ Dec 16 2010, 02:45 PM wrote: Yes, well, that's the scaled version. But it should be a version for real car mods that is focusing on the feeling.
Re-Volt is a RC game.
Posted: 17 Dec 2010, 02:31
UR wrote:At 400 MPH it should be something like 150 MPH. That's my opinion. It doesn't give the feel of such a high speed.
That is because the cars are small, so they don't cover enough distance per sec. If the cars were 10 times bigger the displayed 400 MPH will really feel like 400 MPH.
@Cat: Try this:
It contains 2 new versions of mss32.dll and a new mp3dec.asi. I recommend using version mss32 6.0m.
Also make sure that you are running your 1207 re-volt with -no3Dsound command line. 3D sounds can mess with mp3.
To assign constant bitrate to mp3 you just have to open the mp3 with any audio converter program and re-save it in mp3 format, choosing constant bitrate in options.
Posted: 17 Dec 2010, 10:14
QUOTE (Huki)
That is because the cars are small, so they don't cover enough distance per sec. If the cars were 10 times bigger the displayed 400 MPH will really feel like 400 MPH.
No they won’t, they’ll still feel like 150 mph. Try any of the stocks at some life-size scale tracks on RVZT and you’ll get exactly the feel you would have if the cars were 10 times bigger. And it's not 400 mph.
At 400 MPH it should be something like 150 MPH. That's my opinion. It doesn't give the feel of such a high speed.
I found that, too, when I worked on the Carmageddon Conversion Packs. It seems that Acclaim failed to realise that RC dimension scale is indeed 1/10, but speed and acceleration scale definitely isn’t. Speed is more like 1/3, both in real life RC and in Re-Volt (in Carma Packs I used 1/4 to have the cars spread evenly over the speed range of stock cars). So yes, 50 mph of actual RC speed would feel like 150 mph when looking through an in-car cam, not 500 mph. And you won’t get a rocket-powered take-off like RC has in any normal life-size sportster, either. So they shouldn’t have just slapped on a factor of 10 to get the “scaled mph”.
Posted: 17 Dec 2010, 14:50
Exactly, City.
A good method to see what I (we) mean is to race a car in a track like
RC Dream with "Scaled MPH/KPH" on.
Or try to reach 400 MPH on a realistic game/simulator, and compare it to Re-Volt.

Posted: 17 Dec 2010, 15:45
Doesn't it depend on how Acclaim has chosen to define a meter on a track as well?
Posted: 17 Dec 2010, 16:16
@Urne: I doubt it... The length/meter can be changed, right?
Posted: 18 Dec 2010, 08:33
Urne, the ratio of actual MPH to scaled MPH really doesn't depend on the length of the meter. On a sidenote -- I feel that the meter was actually chosen pretty correctly, when looking at the stock tracks.
Posted: 19 Dec 2010, 00:34
Huki @ Dec 16 2010, 06:01 PM wrote: To assign constant bitrate to mp3 you just have to open the mp3 with any audio converter program and re-save it in mp3 format, choosing constant bitrate in options.
What prrogram do you suggest me? I have Power AMR MP3 WAV WMA M4A AC3 Audio Converter. It allows me to change BitRate, frequency and channels, but no CBR/VBR.
Posted: 19 Dec 2010, 07:33
Try changing BitRate and selecting a single bitrate, like 128Kbps, in that program. That might work.
Posted: 09 Jan 2011, 12:01
Cat @ Dec 16 2010, 09:15 PM wrote: Re-Volt is a RC game.
The game has become effectively split into two by now – RC custom cars and tracks, and RL (Real-Life) custom cars and tracks. And currently the RL cars are definitely being handled too RC-like in Re-Volt. I tried to come up with a way to remedy that, and I think I have succeeded well (if I do say so myself). There’s a pack of RL-handling stocks ( ... topic=1474), and a tutorial ( ... topic=1259) now. See for yourself.
[Edited for link]
Posted: 10 Jan 2011, 08:33
WolfR4 has been updated.
It's a really minor update featurewise, but I wanted to remove the time limit implemented in previous release, so here it is.
And there was also the "bonnet view" feature Citywalker asked about some time ago, and I had no reason to delay for another month...
* Rel.11-01-10
Mod: No more time limit:
I have now removed the time limit usually present in each WolfR4 release
(which helped mostly to prevent outdated version to be still used).
Add: Don't hide the car in in-car camera mode:
With this option, the racer's car will still be drawn when using the
in-car camera mode.
Keep in mind that it is very likely to look weird for a lot of vehicles,
mainly for the following reasons:
- We can't set precisely the position of the camera.
- When the camera is inside the car, several polies are seen from behind,
and as they are not double-faced they just look fully transparent.
- As we're getting very close to the car body, we can reach the "near
clipping" limit used when rendering polies (this limit could be reduced,
but it doesn't give better result in all cases).
And last, don't forget that the option "Improve cameras behavior for
low-CoM vehicles" can have a significant influence on the result (as it
modifies the in-car camera position).
The last release can be downloaded here:
WolfR4 -
Posted: 11 Jan 2011, 11:22
Jig, you're the best! Thanks for the bonnet view!
Even if it is a bit weird as you stated, it still gives some more immediate visual information about what the car is doing when racing.
After initial tests with the "Improve cameras behaviour for low-CoM vehicles" setting, I can say that the best effect among stock cars is with Weasel, Harvester and Candy. Panga's head gets in the way and most cars have their front wheels visible below the bonnet edge. So it should really be taken with a "grain of salt", but it's still good to have that option.
Of course, with custom cars the effect is probably even more varied, with the prerequisite that most of them should have their hulls re-generated with prm2hul for this to work.
Posted: 12 Jan 2011, 16:09
Ditto on the "bonnet view" it rocks on the 3 monitors; so immersive!
I hadn't used bumper cam since the car is not visible so I missed out on this exciting view until the new "Don't hide the car" mod. I LIKE the front wheels visible, which is also the way i like to view Live for Speed; inside the race with a vantage view.
bonnet cam racing video:
A little problem: when WR4 launches my Re-Volt it won't start with the previously selected resolution so if a lobby client like RV House launches I arrive at the wait room with 720x480 resolution instead of a triple resolution that I want. Huki said that the list of resolutions that Re-Volt presents me is out of order so that could have something to do with it. RV1.2 does recall the previously selected resolution however (and I've enjoyed it's new HUD re-alignment feature as well).
Posted: 12 Jan 2011, 16:26
I almost forgot to mention that when I use triple-wide resolution with WolfR4 the rear view camera window (F2) and the opponents camera window (F3) show images that are squashed from the sides, however in RV1.2 they look fine in triple-wide. I'm not really used to using those little windows anyway since they usually obstruct my view but with that HUD re-alignment of RV1.2 I'm starting to like them on the in-sides of my side monitors.
Posted: 13 Jan 2011, 08:33
Glad to see that this "bonnet view" feature is so appreciated, even though it looks a bit hacky. Credit goes to Citywalker BTW as the idea was hers.
Re-Rolt is indeed a bit capricious when it comes to non-standard resolution. Have you tried to force the resolution directly from WolfR4 (in Command Line tab) before launching re-volt?
Hem wait, I see what Huki meant... If the resolutions list is not given in an ascending order, re-volt gets lost (than an issue we faced and solved with v1.2 but it can't be fixed here). Well, if you haven't tried yet, try to force the resolution in WolfR4 as I said above, and try also with and without Win98 compatibility mode.
About the extra cameras and screen ratio patch, it works nicely in v1.2 because we have added some new code for it (and it was not even that simple). But with WolfR4, I can't add code. Maybe it could be improved a bit, but I don't have enough time to work on WolfR4 and v1.2 at the same time, unfortunately...
About the HUD alignment option in v1.2, I can tell you that this option came to my mind after I saw the videos of your triple-wide configuration...
Posted: 15 Jan 2011, 05:08
Just a little notice to say that I have finally updated the
WolfR4 webpage.
All features should be documented now, even the very last ones. If something is still missing or incomplete, don't hesitate to let me know (or if you notice typos, nonsense, etc.).
Posted: 15 Jan 2011, 05:39
Nice Jig, that would become a very useful resource of information once I've pulled myself together and begun working on a new track. So far I've only skimmed a few lines, but found one little typo under command line switches:
JigSite wrote:
/ini Select another settings file that default 'WolfR4.ini'.
I would replace that with "than the" instead. However, English is not my primary language at all so I should actually just keep my mouth shut - possibly, eventually

Posted: 15 Jan 2011, 06:14
"than" is obiously what I meant (sometime my hands take over my brain when typing).

Thanks Urne.
Posted: 15 Jan 2011, 08:52
Nice page! It gives a good overview of all the possibilities. And congratulations on getting round to it
Posted: 16 Jan 2011, 00:04
I'm getting excited reading about all those well documented features.
Well, I couldn't help noticing a few typos

so here they are:
- Pause on car preview: car maker/car makers
- Custom Support section: mesed/messed
- Global Custom section: comlete/complete
- Global Custom list: apllied/applied
- Custom Tracks section: weel/well
- WONTDO list: lenght/length
- Bugfixes (Notice about Windows compatibility mode): would appears/would appear
- Bugfixes (Fix load screen in Vista/7): gey/get
- Patcher (Texture size): wich/which
- Bug report Feature request: adress/address
And a few suggestions:
Activate Random Cars Feature wrote:This option will also make the "Random Cars" mode usable in online racing when using a lobby launcher, like eg. RVHouse (otherwise it is not possible to use Random Cars mode online AFAIK).
AFAIR (As Far As I Remember

) it's the other way around. Random Cars work fine connecting by IP but launching from RVHouse didn't. Maybe you fixed it for lobby launchers too.. I'll try to test it later.
Disable car/car collision wrote:... (that way, nobody can use this option in hiding)
I would rather use "(that way, nobody can use this option secretly)".
Disable random cameras during replay wrote:The camera is only modified by pressing the F1 key (mimicks in-race behavior).
Maybe you should also add that pressing F5 button with TVTIME cheat enabled can be used to view replay using the Replay cameras only (disables car camera during replay).
Allow addition of more user cars wrote:... this patch also allows more user cars to be selected as AI players (the bots opponents).
Not really a problem here, but I would prefer saying "Computer opponents" or "CPU opponents" instead of bots (reminds me of those crappy bots in mmo games..)
Posted: 21 Jan 2011, 07:02
I have fixed all the typos you reported (hey, you're a pretty efficient proofreader btw

). Thanks again.
But I have not modified the
Activate Random Cars Feature notice yet, as I'm still unsure about this part. I thought it made Random Cars work for lobby launcher too, but as I never race online, I can't really tell...
And even after having tried, what you explained about
replay and using F5 button with TVTIME cheat still sounds a bit unclear to me. F5 seems to work in replay without the TVTIME cheat BTW, but maybe a subtlety has escaped me...
Posted: 21 Jan 2011, 08:20
Jig, what he meant is that if the TVTIME cheat is active, then also the F5 key can be used for modifying (or better “changing”) the replay cameras in addition to the F1 key. So it should read something like that: “The camera changes only by pressing the F1 key (mimicks in-race behavior), with TVTIME cheat also F5 key.”
And for me, the F5 key doesn’t work without the TVTIME cheat. The replay starts with that TV cam, but after changing to one of the F1 cams, I can get back to the TV cam with F5 only if the TVTIME cheat is active.
Posted: 23 Jan 2011, 04:06
Ok, double-checked and that's right, TVTIME has to be active to use F5. I have added the info on the WolfR4 webpage.
If someone can confirm one day whether Random Cars Feature make "Random car" work online: in Lobby mode, in "join by IP" mode or both, then please let me know so that I could clarify this point in the doc.
Posted: 23 Jan 2011, 08:39
[OFFTOPIC]Btw, F6 crashes the game in replay mode. It can be used during and after a race for two additional cameras, but in replay mode it crashes immediately. That's something you should maybe fix in RV v1.2. [/OFFTOPIC]
Posted: 24 Jan 2011, 06:28
Citywalker @ Jan 23 2011, 04:09 AM wrote:[OFFTOPIC]Btw, F6 crashes the game in replay mode. It can be used during and after a race for two additional cameras, but in replay mode it crashes immediately. That's something you should maybe fix in RV v1.2. [/OFFTOPIC]
I think Huki just did it.
BTW, I don't think it is worth the pain that I try to fix this in WolfR4 too, isn't it?