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Posted: 25 Jul 2010, 03:05
Re - Hide Hud:
Thanks for mentioning that Jig. It will also replace my idea about "Freezing" the screen (you can use Pause instead and as there isn't any HUD, it will give a similar effect).
Posted: 25 Jul 2010, 03:22
@urne: Hmm, still you will have the pause menu right? HUD is the player position, speed, time, pickup selected, etc. Hiding the pause menu probably has to be done separately.
Posted: 25 Jul 2010, 03:40
Huki is right.
I was thinking about hiding menus too, but they can't be hidden the same way than HUD or practice star. I would have to deactivate one by one each box and text drawing for each menu, so this won't be done.
There is a special trick though: if you activate the DEV version, you can use [Maj+space] to hide the in-race menu.
Posted: 25 Jul 2010, 04:29
I found a very strange thing about "add user's car to the random selection" .
With "user's cars..." active i noticed that if the others players dont have the user's custom car they will see the "white canvas mistery" but the parameters will not be the same of the host and players that own the custom car. In my case (I was the host) the car random-selected was a custom toyeca and the top speed was not the same of the mistery car of the other players (39 vs 34 mph). So weird

Posted: 25 Jul 2010, 04:46
Do you mean the result would have been different if you had selected yourself the custom toyeca? (I mean without 'Random car' activated).
The mystery car probably uses its own parameters. I'm not sure the car parameters are transmitted by the host when the user don't own a car...
Posted: 25 Jul 2010, 05:15
No, I just tried with "special mode" activated too (same result). I will try all the random options online in these days and report if there are some strange things.

Posted: 25 Jul 2010, 05:36
Ok, thanks. But do we agree that there is no issue with the mystery car, then? I mean, when the mystery car has to be launched (no matter what the reason was), it's always using its own parameters, independently of the Random or other options state.
Posted: 25 Jul 2010, 08:08
If re-volt cannot find a custom car, it loads mystery car instead, with mystery car's parameters. This is to prevent revolt from crashing. So if "random car with user cars" is turned on, all players who have the custom car will get that, and everyone else will get mystery car instead.
In the case of random tracks, all players who dont have the track will get "host started with unknown track" message.
I haven't tested these, but i'm sure this is what will happen.
So there is nothing to worry about afterall...
Posted: 25 Jul 2010, 19:39
Ok, thanks Huki for the clarification.
Just wondering, when we got the "host started with unknown track" message, are we forced to quit the session, on can we simply wait until the next track is launched?
Posted: 25 Jul 2010, 19:57
WolfR4 has been updated.
Hopefully (depending of the feedback I get), it'll be the last Release Candidate Version .
The main new option I'd like you to test (and report if ok) is the
Track renamer. To avoid misunderstanding, it's not modifying the track name (a tool would not be needed for this) but the track folder name, and some files used by the track (inside the track folder, and the gfx file).
I have also modifed the
Random Car and
Random Track options, so that it should work online even when launching re-volt from RVHouse (or any lobby launcher).
And last, Adamodell has gave me a great hand by
checking/proofreading quite all items text and tooltip in the WolfR4 interface. A big thanks to him. If you find any mistake, misspelling, typo or unclear information, please let me now.
For example, has anyone ever noticed the 'Comm
mand line' tab used in WolfR4 probably since the first version was released...
* RC:10-07-25 (Release Candidate Version)
Mod: "Enable Reverse mode for user tracks" is now a toggle button, instead of
a checkbox.
Mod: Using "Refresh tracks info" in the "Custom Tracks" tab will refresh the
Reverse informations about user tracks in re-volt (if the "Enable
Reverse mode for user tracks" option is active).
Notice1: Using the "Refresh User Levels" in "Track/Car makers" tab will
delete the Reverse infos added in re-volt by WolfR4.
You'll have to manually use the "Refresh tracks info" button in the
"Custom Tracks" tab afterward if you want to use a Reverse track.
Notice2: Reverse info can only be written in re-volt, not deleted. So
if you remove the Reverse folder of a track, it will still be seen as
Reverse-ready for re-volt (until re-volt restarts or you use the
"Refresh User Levels" button).
Add: Track renamer:
It allows to quickly and easily rename the track folder and some files
used by the track (the .w .fin, .fob, etc. files).
Add: An option to hide the HUD (the control panel) and the Practice Star has
been added to the DEV panel (to have a clean view of the track).
Mod: Global revision of each item text and tooltip used in the WolfR4
interface. (thanks Adamodell)
Mod: Random car / track options should now work even when launching from
RVHouse (or any lobby launcher).
Posted: 26 Jul 2010, 03:12
Hey Jigebren, I really have trouble playing online. Seems like always, in the first race, in first or second lap I'm the only one who always crashes.
That happened already twice, and I doubt that this is randomly. What can I do?
Posted: 26 Jul 2010, 04:51
jigebren @ Jul 25 2010, 07:39 PM wrote: Just wondering, when we got the "host started with unknown track" message, are we forced to quit the session, on can we simply wait until the next track is launched?
When we are in the waiting room and the first track started is Unknown, you are kicked out from the session.
If already we played a track and then the host restarts with Uknown track, we get "host started with unknown track" message, but we can still chat with the host and everyone through F12, and we simply wait until the next track is launched. But till the end of session, we will see "host started with unknown track" message flickering across the screen.
So, if the first track selected by revolt is a custom and people don't have it, we are out of luck. Also with "all tracks in all modes" option, revolt can choose battle tag tracks in random too lol.
Personally, i wouldnt use random tracks/cars + allow user tracks/cars + mutiplayer. It would be nice if reverse and mirrored stocks can come in random selection though.
Random Cars/Tracks work through rvhouse now.
Track renamer works too, and the hud is hid.
Posted: 26 Jul 2010, 04:52
miromiro @ Jul 26 2010, 03:12 AM wrote: Hey Jigebren, I really have trouble playing online. Seems like always, in the first race, in first or second lap I'm the only one who always crashes.
That happened already twice, and I doubt that this is randomly. What can I do?
Does this happen with or without wolf, only online or offline too?
Edit: oops, i guess i'm not Jigebren.
Posted: 26 Jul 2010, 04:59
huki wrote:If already we played a track and then the host restarts with Uknown track, we get "host started with unknown track" message, but we can still chat with the host and everyone through F12, and we simply wait until the next track is launched. But till the end of session, we will see "host started with unknown track" message flickering across the screen.
If I get you right, you say that after the user gets the "host started with unknown track", the user can play the track after the unknown if he stays in-game? According to my own memory, the user is out of the game afterwards, but it's a long time ago since that happened to me, so I'll have to refresh my memory with a test tomorrow.
Posted: 26 Jul 2010, 07:12
I have a question about the 'All race modes available for
any type of track' option [newest Wolf version].
I was trying to race in Reverse mode on a custom track with
a valid reversed folder with all the correct files inside.
I checked the box on this option but it seems not to change
the user_level_reverse_available = 0 command line in the WolfR4.ini;
it remains Off (0). I can't seem to turn it On (1) from the Wolf menu.
I can change the 0 to 1 directly in the .ini and Reverse mode becomes
available. So I would say this option is not being written (saved) to the .ini file,
unless I am doing something wrong.
Also, since with this option On tracks without a reversed folder are LOCKED maybe it
could be On (1) by default, or not a menu option at all.
Posted: 26 Jul 2010, 07:54
Quick answer to Hilaire:
I think you're mixing 'All race modes available for any type of track' and 'Enable Reverse Mode for User Tracks' options.
To play user tracks in Reverse, you have to activate the second option.
The first option 'all race mode...' is only to be allowed to select user tracks in time trial, etc.
Posted: 26 Jul 2010, 09:03
urnemanden @ Jul 26 2010, 04:59 AM wrote: huki wrote:If already we played a track and then the host restarts with Uknown track, we get "host started with unknown track" message, but we can still chat with the host and everyone through F12, and we simply wait until the next track is launched. But till the end of session, we will see "host started with unknown track" message flickering across the screen.
If I get you right, you say that after the user gets the "host started with unknown track", the user can play the track after the unknown if he stays in-game? According to my own memory, the user is out of the game afterwards, but it's a long time ago since that happened to me, so I'll have to refresh my memory with a test tomorrow.
I did test over lan a few minutes before I posted

. Maybe what you remember is the bug when host restarts same track twice..
All Race Modes available for all tracks Enable battle tracks to be selected in single race, and custom tracks in time trial/practice etc.
Enable Reverse Mode for user tracks enables user_level_reverse_available = 1.
Posted: 26 Jul 2010, 13:18
So Jigebren, if this is the last RC version of WOlf, we cannot ask/prompt you some correction anymore?
Because I had a little thing to ask to you... I it is possible...
Posted: 26 Jul 2010, 14:00
Development can continue even after the public version is released. Feel free to post any suggestions.
Posted: 26 Jul 2010, 14:51
Ok, I will try... (Maybe I'll be better than my request about limitation in championships position!

Is possible to make the starting grid (speaking about online races) random? Because I see that Re-volt makes the starting grid only one time when starting an on-line race, and it takes this starting grid for EVERY races during the session (example: If I make an online race with 4 friends, and I start from the last place in the first race, I will start from this position in EVERY races...
I think that it will be better (and also "politically correct") if the starting grid is reset every race...
I hope that you understand what I'm trying to say....
Posted: 26 Jul 2010, 17:53
Too bad, I've lost my magical power, and unfortunately I can't no more put a spell on any issue at a distance to get it instantaneously fixed. So we'll have to proceed the long way...
- If you think it's a
real re-volt bug, then I need at least something like a
Dr. Waston log (if you don't own XP, I've explained somewhere how to get Dr Waston running on Vista, I think it was in this topic, you may ask to Urne as he did it).
- But if it's linked to your personal config, I'm not more qualified than anybody here to help you, as I'm far from being the most experienced re-volt user (mainly when it comes to online stuff)...
Huki wrote:Edit: oops, i guess i'm not Jigebren.
No problem Huki, your help is welcome.
Thanks for the feedback about last new WolfR4 options.
Host Started Game With Unknown Track!, I tried it at home yesterday (between 2 computers), and it worked exactly like you said.
If then host restarts with an Unknow track, we get 2 messages flickering on the screen: "Multiplayer Game Terminated!" and "Host Started Game With Unknown Track!".
After some tries, I may have found a way to make the message disappear when another track is restarted. To do this, I had to fully remove the "Multiplayer Game Terminated!", only the other message gets displayed.
But unfortunately, I couldn't find a way to fix the case when the
first loaded track is Unknow.
I don't know if it worth including this (half working) patch in next release?
online random starting grid, I have no idea for now. But I'll take a look.
Posted: 26 Jul 2010, 19:35
Re: Online random starting grid (reset for each race)
Unfortunately, the part of code that distribute the racers on the starting grid when racing online is only called once at the beginning of the session (both for host and for clients). This code is mixed with other init stuff in a bigger procedure, so it is not possible to add a call to this part only each time a race is started. Too bad, the idea was relevant, I think.
Posted: 26 Jul 2010, 20:41

so unfortunate with my suggestions...

Posted: 26 Jul 2010, 20:55
Juicy J
urnemanden @ Jul 26 2010, 12:29 AM wrote: If I get you right, you say that after the user gets the "host started with unknown track", the user can play the track after the unknown if he stays in-game? According to my own memory, the user is out of the game afterwards, but it's a long time ago since that happened to me, so I'll have to refresh my memory with a test tomorrow.
Same to me. I get a "host started with unknown track" and "multiplayer game terminated" message. I can't continue a session, can't chat with others etc.
Posted: 26 Jul 2010, 22:45
Hey Jig, seems like the problem got fixed now. I had the other version of WolfR4 and installing the latest one got rid of crashes.
But, I've tested with some guys to see if it crashes, and it didn't, but it only crashed when we played with more that 8 racers. So I don't know if it'll still happen. But, until now, everything is alright.

Posted: 26 Jul 2010, 23:14
Today I tried many features of the WolfR4.
I noticed that when I set the option "Up to 30 (identical) cars in race", the clockwork cars in the initial room run in the middle of the room instead of their space.
I selected accidentally the Replay menu without having a Re-play and Re-Volt crashed. Can it be fixed?
The WolfR4 has very much features, for this reason sometimes I forgot to select or deselect some of these. Is it possible to make a summary of actived features in another page ?

Posted: 27 Jul 2010, 01:20
Juicy J @ Jul 26 2010, 08:55 PM wrote: urnemanden @ Jul 26 2010, 12:29 AM wrote: If I get you right, you say that after the user gets the "host started with unknown track", the user can play the track after the unknown if he stays in-game? According to my own memory, the user is out of the game afterwards, but it's a long time ago since that happened to me, so I'll have to refresh my memory with a test tomorrow.
Same to me. I get a "host started with unknown track" and "multiplayer game terminated" message. I can't continue a session, can't chat with others etc.
I just tested with DromEd. After starting custom track, even after the green message, we can see each other typing. If the same track is restarted to produce the bug, we can see each other type and also each other's car moving..
Minibond wrote:I noticed that when I set the option "Up to 30 (identical) cars in race", the clockwork cars in the initial room run in the middle of the room instead of their space.
I think it was reported somewhere. Since it is harmless, nothing was done about it.
Minibond wrote:I selected accidentally the Replay menu without having a Re-play and Re-Volt crashed. Can it be fixed?
That is another replay button to stay away from. Using save replay during time trial and using F6 during replay also crashes the game.
@miro: Crashes during online game is always a big headache

. It is always because of a connection problem or incompatibility with the host or other players. (remember, this is pure p2p, no central server in re-volt to support your connection).
Posted: 27 Jul 2010, 02:42
Glad to see that it works now, though I'm quite sure the WolfR4 update has nothing to do with that... Online racing is just capricious.
In case the bug came back one day, it is likely that only an error log (like Dr.watson's) could give us a clue about the crash source.
And yes, the
the clockwork cars in the frontend when using "Up to 30 (identical) cars in race" has already been reported. I presumed it was linked to the startgrid alteration, and GWC confirmed it. As it's harmless and fun, I have no plan to fix it...
I selected accidentally the Replay menu without having a Re-play and Re-Volt crashed. Can it be fixed?
Trying to fix it would ask too much time for quite nothing (I have tried quickly to be sure...). And I'm not even sure it would be possible.
As Huki said, the best it to simply care about avoiding it.
Posted: 27 Jul 2010, 04:08
Bug - Random Cars Through RVHouse
In the first race, all players get a random car. But, all the players except the host (who has wolf), actually see the car selection screen and can select any car. Their car name in waiting room appears as "Random" though and only a random car is selected by re-volt for the first race.
But from the second race onwards, only the host gets a random car. Other players get the same car they got in the first race.
So, random cars doesnt work completely in rvhouse. By IP, it works perfectly. If Host with wolf hosts through rvhouse and others join by ip, then too it works perfectly.
Right now I am guessing all players (not only the host) need to have the latest version of wolf, for random cars to work correctly through rvhouse. But I need someone with wolf to test with, as 2 people over same LAN cannot join by rvhouse.
Posted: 27 Jul 2010, 06:44
Re: Bug - Random Cars Through RVHouse
Nasty bug. And not the most simple to understand. The part of the code related to online racing is not easy to follow (at least for me), and as far as network is concerned, there is great differences between available source code and the binary file. I'm not even clearly able to differentiate which parts are used in case of lobby mode compared to IP mode.
For now, I think you get it right, and it is likely that if a client use WolfR4 with Random option activated too, he would not see the "car selection" screen, and would get the host car after a track restart.
But it obviously reduces the efficiency and interest of this option (and we can't even be sure it would work in that case as long as it has not been tested).
Unfortunately, I don't see any other way to fix the issue, as the original re-volt code does not support random car in lobby racing, it's probalby impossible to have it work for a client that use an unpatched re-volt.
Posted: 27 Jul 2010, 18:57
Re: Restarting with unknown track
Fixing the restarting with an unknown track issue halfly would be fine to me, as that means that we can do custom tracks without everybody have to agree on what track to play (if everyone has WolfR4 of course).
Enable CD music from drive
If the Re-Volt CD isn't inserted and I launch Re-Volt from WolfR4 with this feature toggled on, I sometimes experience bugs related to playback, if I later choose to insert the Re-Volt CD (where re-toggling this feature doesn't help neither). I will do a few more tests later related to that, but perhaps the
Enable CD music from drive field should grey out if no Re-Volt CD is detected in any drive at all?
Track Renamer
This feature seems to work very well! I am quite surprised that it even renames *.bm_ files, that always helps when being a 512patch user. The only thing I can mention is the missing Cancel button.

Posted: 27 Jul 2010, 21:21
Re: Restarting with unknown track
Yep, it's likely the I can only fix the restarting part. Fixing the first track loading too would be so time consuming I think I won't be able to do it. Too bad I have just one life...
Re: Enable CD music from drive
I think I won't add any test related to CD drive, as I'm quite sure it will slow down the WolfR4 loading.
Maybe I could add it only when the option is activated, but I feel a bit lazy about it...
Re: Track Renamer
I am quite surprised that it even renames *.bm_ files
Hey, I tried to made it at least a little smart.
And a Cancel button is not needed. To cancel, just let the name untouched, or enter an empty name.
Posted: 28 Jul 2010, 03:05
How about an animated dancing girl .gif on the Wolf menu:

Posted: 28 Jul 2010, 03:36
hilaire9 @ Jul 28 2010, 03:05 AM wrote: How about an animated dancing girl .gif on the Wolf menu
Pre-order WolfR4 today, and get Dancing Doll free, sponsored by Team Alanzia!
Re - Random Cars & RVHouse
Tested with hil. Works if all players have latest version of Wolf.
Bug? - Multiple instances of Re-Volt in Windowed mode
Normally when more than one revolt is started up, you get "re-volt already running" message. This is what happens when launched from Wolf too. But when started in windowed mode you can run as many instances of re-volt as you want.
-Start Wolf and launch re-volt in windowed mode. Start any other number of Wolfs and launch re-volt in windowed mode, and they will start up.
It was funny.
EDIT: I just found that this happens with normal re-volt too. This is not a Wolf issue. It happens with all versions of re-volt (1.00, 0916 and 1207). I would leave this alone

Posted: 28 Jul 2010, 04:37
hilaire9 @ Jul 27 2010, 10:35 PM wrote:How about an animated dancing girl .gif on the Wolf menu:
Not possible. The last time I tried, the Wolf has eaten the girl...
Re: Random Cars & RVHouse
Ok, so I can keep this option. But it means each client will have to think about activating the 'random car' option to use it properly.
Re: Bug? - Multiple instances of Re-Volt
You can also do it just by launching several WolfR4 instances, and starting for each a re-volt instance in windowed more. <edit>hem, I think this part now duplicates your edited message...</edit>
AFAIK re-volt checks for other instances in Fullscreen mode only.

And this time, the Public Release is on the way.

Posted: 28 Jul 2010, 06:43
So this is finally the first Public Version of WolfR4 !
The changelog is quite small, as I didn't want to introduce new bugs along with new features.
changelog wrote:* RC:10-07-28 (First Public Version)
Mod: A little modification of the "Refresh Cars Info".
Normally, after using the "Refresh Cars Info", you have to restart the
race so that the cars get actually refreshed. Or you can also use this
trick: activate the CHANGELING cheat, and use the PageUp key to select
another car, then use the PageDown key to select back the previous car
(now refreshed).
So I have added the "Refresh Player's car" button that simulates the
PageUp/PageDown key action.
Notice1: I have not merged it with the "Refresh Cars Info" button
because it can sometime make re-volt crash.
Notice2: CHANGELING cheat has to be active to use this button.
Well, I'd like to thanks all beta testers that helped me by reporting bugs and suggesting new ideas.
Also, thanks to all who have supported me in this project, from ORP or elsewhere.
In case you administrate a website related to re-volt, please feel free to spread the info...
Have fun.
The WolfR4 compiled file can be downloaded from the WolfR4's webpage.
Posted: 28 Jul 2010, 08:06
Great news.
I'm going to ask RST to download. Maybe he will like it.
I think the features list in WolfR4's webpage should be updated..
Bug Fixes
You need to add,
- Water splash bug.
- Flip/Repo/Flip bug.
Addition, Tweaks
Better reorganize this like the following.
Set Re-Volt Options
- Player's Name.
- Number of Laps.
- Number of Cars.
- Pickups.
- Speed Unit.
- Random Cars.
- Random Tracks.
- Track Name.
- Host IP Address.
Random Cars/tracks
- Random Cars/Tracks in lobby game.
- Add user cars/tracks to random selection.
Multiplayer tweaks
- Register WolfR4 for lobby launcher.
- Set max lobby players to 12.
- Set "All players ready" timeout.
Car Tweaks
- Same car for all players.
- Upto 30 identical cars.
- Disable car-car collision.
- Disable user cars for AI opponents.
- Enable Ghost Car.
- Allow Single Car Race.
- Pause on Car Preview.
- Refresh Car info and Player's Car.
Track tweaks
- Upto 255 Laps.
- All Race Modes for All tracks.
- Refresh User Levels.
- Enable Load/Save Replay.
- Disable Random Camera during replay.
- Enable MP3 Player.
- 44kHz sound system.
- Enable Redbook.
Misc. Tweaks
- Remove Intro1 Delay.
- Ask for language.
- Set Default Re-Volt Language.
Edit Tweaks
- Enable MAKEITGOOD cheat.
- Enable TVTIME cheat.
- Alternate Edit camera keys.
- Display Camera Pos. and look.
Graphics Fixes
- Screen Aspect Ratio Patch.
- Texture Size and Mipmap level Patch.
You're on your own in setting each option's description.
Custom Tracks
There seems to be 2 different "custom tracks" categories in the webpage. Maybe you should merge them into one.
- Custom models support.
- Custom skymaps support.
- Custom sfx support.
- Custom race camera support.
- Default 'custom.ini' generator.
- Track Packer.
- Track Renamer.
- Hide/Uninstall Track Feature.
And finally, something about Wolf and not about the webpage

Can you allow saving the options atleast some of the options in DEV panel? Like,
- cam1
- Skip Rendering - HUD
- Skip Intro
- No pause while inactive.
One more thing,
If the DEV panel is opened, even if none of the options are turned on, all cars have [CHT] next to their names. [CHT] appears only if the car's parameters are modified.
Posted: 28 Jul 2010, 13:54
I was wondering if it's possible to support "launch anywhere" feature?
in other words:
* get value from registry:
Path : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DirectPlay\Applications\Revolt
- Key: Path
- fallback: not found
* If NOT (exist (required_files)) then copy required_files
* IF get value from registry == success then
Change directory (from get value from registry->Result)
Thanks for reading, your time and your efforts

Posted: 28 Jul 2010, 14:00
Jigebren, I have to say, that you did history with this Tool. Phoenix, and all those patches are past now! You combined them all and you got this awesome tool!
I don't know how to thank you for all your long work (5-6 months), of programming, fixing, testing and talking with us about Wolf! I have to say that you're the Hero of the community. Massive respect from us all!
So, I announced on Re-Volt Live about this too, find the topic
right here.
You are the 'King of Re-Volt'!
Have some cookies!

Posted: 28 Jul 2010, 14:02
I've just returned from a small vacation and haven't had time to read everything yet, but congrats on first public release! It's great thing.
But this random car thing got me thinking... could it be possible (for online races) to have the starting grid positions be randomized? It's one of the biggest annoyances that the starting grid is fixed for every race in the session. The one who gets the pole position has quite an advantage over players at the back. If the position could be randomized for each race it'd quite nice.
Anyway... I'll get back to this more later when I'm settled down. Also will be linking Wolf to RV House pages, RVZT already seems to have something about it.
EDIT: I see someone already suggested the randomized grid position and that it's impossible

Posted: 28 Jul 2010, 20:44
Juicy J
Thank you Jig for your efforts!
Posted: 29 Jul 2010, 01:32
Thanks guys for your kind words.
Huki wrote:I think the features list in WolfR4's webpage should be updated..
Hey, I wrote it just under the red WIP banner:
jigebren's website wrote:I'm slowly updating this page to cover all the last Public release features...
I'm updating it, but it's quite long...
Huki wrote:Better reorganize this like the following.
Yes, that's just what I did. But I didn't uploaded the new content yesterday as it was far too incomplete.
I have now complete the "Options" tab (and uploaded the page, don't forget to refresh your browser's cache). Rest will follow, it's just a matter of time.
About the DEV panel, maybe it could evolve eventually, but chances are that I won't add options saving feature.
As for the [CHT] stuff, it was done on purpose to show that you're using some advanced features.
Sorry, I really didn't understand what the "launch anywhere" feature would do or bring. Anyway, WolfR4
has to be in the re-volt directory, so...
Ah ah, too much of honor. But thanks for the advertisement anyway.
Thanks for the links, and yes, the randomized grid position is definitely impossible.
Posted: 29 Jul 2010, 02:32
Woo, now i can listen to music again!
Actually i'm trying to move from Windows 7 to XP so, i will enjoy WolfR4 better after that.
Posted: 29 Jul 2010, 03:55
not sure about "
has to be", I mean :
once an executable calls an internal "change directory" procedure (void/Sub) , it will be virtually placed in that directory [technical word: Working directory]
in pseudo-C: application::chdir(Path) // will place the application virtually inside "path" folder
about the configuration file: it's possible to make the inf in specified folder (such as application directory (%appdir%) or mydocs etc...)
as it's possible to perform if file exists in Re-Volt directory (simplest method: Dir('') )
if yes: then do nothing
if no: copy the configuration to Re-Volt directory (may fail with code error: Permission denied on windows NT 6+ (starting from vista and its family))
1- get Re-Volt directory from registry
2- check config file
3- change directory to Re-Volt directory
fall-back: Error: Please place it near of revolt.exe
I think it would be a piece of cake when it comes to program it . But of course, it's after all it's only a suggestion, nothing more than it

Posted: 29 Jul 2010, 05:35
KDL @ Jul 28 2010, 11:25 PM wrote:not sure about "has to be", I mean [...]
Of course, I didn't mean I had no choice... I mean that I have designed WolfR4 so that it has to be in the re-volt folder (for simplicity's sake).
And I don't really like the "DirectPlay\Applications" trick: for example it won't work if you use to run several re-volt versions on your computer.
And also, it will simply be impossible (or a least a lot harder) to patch re-volt so that it registers WolfR4 as its lobby launcher if wolfr4 is not in the same directory.
And maybe there would be other complications I'm not thinking of now...

Posted: 30 Jul 2010, 14:00
Bug - Track packer
I selected to pack 4 tracks. For each track there was the query message as expected, followed by the command prompt screen with 7z working. But the packed zip files where like this:
- First zip had the first track selected.
- Second zip had
both first and second tracks.
- Third zip had first 3 tracks.
- Fourth zip had all 4 tracks!
This happens both when ctrl + click or click + drag is used to select multiple tracks.
Sort Tracks By Name
Can the tracks be sorted by the name in the .inf file (the name that i seen in wolf), and not by their folder names?
Delete Custom.ini
There should probably be an option to select tracks and delete custom.ini.
Also look at an earlier suggestion
Posted: 31 Jul 2010, 23:48
Hey, I don't know if you still can change anything at Wolf still, but there would be a bug...
When you choose a custom car, you see the box with the '???'; you press Enter and you see the car. Let's say that you don't like that car for the race you want to make. You press Esc and choose another custom car. Well, here appears the bug. After you press exit, the '???' box with custom car doesn't appear anymore. You see only the name and the statistics. You press enter to see the car, but it doesn't appear! Only the camera moves like there would be something. But there is still the other car you have chosen first.
Is there a way to fix this?
Also, some other feature request. When you use the DRINKME cheat to have tiny cars, you make a race then you don't want to race anymore so. But you can't disable the cheat anymore without exiting the game. Is there a way to implement a feature to switch off the cheat?
Posted: 02 Aug 2010, 04:44
I have a request, there is a way to set an option in wolfr4 that can "complete" the game unlocking all cars, tracks, arena stars etc ? I think is very useful when players install and unistall revolt many times or clear the registry and dont want to complete the game themselves...
Posted: 02 Aug 2010, 20:44
Sorry to impose again, I see a lot of other requests.....
Request: WolfR4 always on top option (thank you)
Posted: 03 Aug 2010, 19:12
Hi all. Sorry for the little delay, I wasn't at home recently...
Re: Bug - Track packer
That's right, the files list wasn't reset in that case.
It's now fixed.
Re: Sort Tracks By Name
For a long and complicated reason, I can't add a feature like sorting the list content when the header of the column is clicked.
I think I could sort the list internally to quite solve the problem.
But I'll probably let it like it is for a simple reason: if I'm not mistaken, tracks in re-volt are sorted in the same order.
So if you want tracks to be nicely sorted, I think the best you have to do is to rename the track folder (with the 'Track Renamer' feature) so that it match the real track name.
Re: Delete Custom.ini
I sometime felt myself that I missed that feature, but after careful consideration, I think it doesn't deserve a button, as we can just use the 'Open Track Folders', do what we want with any file (like deleting the custom.ini file), and refresh the track list in wolfR4 thereafter.
That's also why I didn't feel like adding an "open .inf file" button.
Re: Frontend load screen not shown in Vista/7
Sorry, I didn't have time to look again at this issue. And without owning Vista/7 myself, I don't think I'll be able to do anything, unfortunately...
Re: selected custom car not refreshed
This bug was linked with the "Pause on car preview" option.
I have modified it so that it should work properly now.
I'll think about this "Unlock all" feature.
Maybe someone has an idea about the best way to proceed...
Re: Request: WolfR4 always on top option
Well, it's not just that I don't know how to implement it. It's also that I don't feel it would be very usefull (except maybe linked with a keyboard shorcut, but there is no keyboard shorcut in WolfR4). In windowed mode, it's easy to switch from Re-Volt to WolfR4, and I'm not sure it would work in fullscreeen anyhow...