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Posted: 11 Jul 2010, 19:12
Thanks Jigebren for the excellent work you've done in the latest version of WolfR4.
I really like the camera changing while watching replays, and the 30 opponents option as well. Couldn't you modify to be able to play with other 29 opponents that have different cars? Or you have to change the source code for that?
Thank you very much for all the awesome work you have done for the community!

Posted: 14 Jul 2010, 19:42
Great to see all that activity from you, Jig, it's always appreciated!
- Hide/Unhide Track
No notes
- No random camera in replay mode 
It works, even tho I think it's a shame that you cannot use F1 to change view while watching from the other cars view. I think this feature will become really useful when making videos & trailers in the future anyway tho, especially together with the Save Replay feature!
- 30 cars in race
No notes
If there is anything else, just tell so. Below there is some ideas/suggestions I came up with while testing.
Suggestion: Rename Track Feature
I don't know how much track management you want to implement into WolfR4, but it's always good to have suggestions in case theres space for another button in the layout. Of course, an "Open .inf file" could do it as well. (:
Suggestion: Freeze
Could be useful when taking screenshots during a race. If it's possible, a keyboard shortcut would do it (for example by pressing 'F').
Posted: 15 Jul 2010, 19:16
Re: Bug - Uninstalling Tracks:
Oh, and thanks for noticing that. I moved the spru.bmp's into the tracks' folder under levels instead.
Posted: 16 Jul 2010, 00:05
Shockwaves are supposed to travel for long distances unless there is an obstruction in their path. But in windows7, when i run revolt in windowed mode with low resolutions like 640x480 or 800x600, the shockwaves only travel for a short distance. This doesn't happen in winxp though. I tried win98 compatibility, disabling desktop composition, and also switching to windows classic theme but nothing fixes this. Any idea why this happens?
Posted: 16 Jul 2010, 20:55
Maybe cause Windows 7 is a waste of money?

Posted: 17 Jul 2010, 14:58
I had the same bug in full screen mode on Windows Vista when using Windows 98 Compatibilty mode until I got it fixed somehow. Can't tell ya if it still happens in -window mode tho, as I get an error that prevents me from launching Re-Volt in that mode at all.
Posted: 17 Jul 2010, 19:29
Using "save replay" function during time trial causes crash of the game, but I think it is a minor problem, I dont know people that makes replay of time trial ehehe.
Posted: 17 Jul 2010, 23:25
@antonius: using F6 while viewing replay also crashes the game

I guess we should just stay away from these keys....
@urne: how did you fix it in full screen mode?
Posted: 19 Jul 2010, 03:40
Hi guys, I'm back...
miro wrote:I really like the camera changing while watching replays, and the 30 opponents option as well. Couldn't you modify to be able to play with other 29 opponents that have different cars? Or you have to change the source code for that?
I think I have already noticed somewhere that I have used one single car because it allows to use one texture only for all cars, thus eluding the 12 car textures limit.
Having more that 12 different cars would indeed imply to change the source code (which I can't, of course, only the RVDev project could do it).
Re: all bugs/suggestions
I can't answer all you suggestions right now, but I'll try to do it eventually.
Also, don't hesitate to ask again if I forgot to answer to a subject...
Maybe I should concentrate on releasing a
public version before adding new features?
I think it could be the right time now, as WolfR4 seems to be more and more appreciated, and the email procedure is quite time consuming for me...
Posted: 19 Jul 2010, 03:51
In my opinion a public version would be great. Do you have anything in mind, that is necessary to be done or changed, before releasing it officially? (:
Posted: 19 Jul 2010, 03:58
huki wrote:About Frontend load screen not shown in Vista/7 : If you don't already know, this is not related to the -sli commandline. It happens in Vista/7 with or without any commandline. But with -rgb or -mmx commandline (which slows down re-volt to 5fps), you can see the frontend and all load screens in vista, and also the Display Buffers problem is solved. Maybe it could give you a clue?
jig wrote:Re: About Frontend load screen not shown in Vista/7
I didn't know what you said (I don't own any Vista/7 computer). So thanks for the info, it could indeed be a little clue, though there is no much chance I can do something about it. Maybe one day I'll try again...
What i was talking about was this...
urne wrote:
Connection to Loading1-, 2-, 3- & 4.bmp not loaded when using -sli?
When loading a track (or frontend) for the first time, you cannot see the loading graphics, while loading. Only if you restart the track, it appears, because it now was loaded & when restarting a track, (in multi-player too) Re-Volt doesn't load the data again. Maybe that's also the reason to that you cannot restart the same track online without terminating the multi-player race, as well as the reason to that we get theese errors & crashes?
Conclusion: In my theory, theese 3 bugs (loading.bmp issue when using -sli, delayed spru load & restart the same track online) has some connections to each other - they might all be because of a too fast loading, so the new paths WolfR4 is making aren't loaded before Re-Volt is refreshing (restart).
jig wrote:I think this is just the normal result of the '-sli' command (I explained something about '-sli' and buffer flipping somewhere above). I appears to be already known, see
this page.
Well, the loading bmp's not showing up is not caused by -sli. The bug exists in vista/7 even without any commandline. But the -rgb and -mmx commandlines fix this and the load bmp's work in vista/7. These 2 commandlines also fix the display buffers problem in vista/7. Unfortunately, -rgb and -mmx slowdown the game since it uses software emulated rendering. But can you find out why -rgb and -mmx fix the display buffers and also the load bmp problems in vista/7 ?
I'm also starting to think that the problems re-volt have in vista are not because of the operating system, but because of the new versions of directx (10 and 11). Maybe that is why all the vista problems are completely fixed when emulated rendering(-rgb or -mmx) is used instead of d3d HAL.
And yes, Wolf has enough features for a public release
One thing i really want to see is joining mid session in online races, but that can wait....
@urne: Do you remember how you fixed your shockwave problem in fullscreen? The problem in which shockwave disappear after a short distance.
Posted: 20 Jul 2010, 01:09
jigebren @ Jul 18 2010, 11:10 PM wrote: Maybe I should concentrate on releasing a public version before adding new features?
That would be great. Everyone should be able to enjoy the great things you've provided. There might be some new cool features that are around the corner, but what's there at the moment is a huge benefit to all racers already.
Posted: 20 Jul 2010, 02:11
urnemanden @ Jul 18 2010, 11:21 PM wrote:Do you have anything in mind, that is necessary to be done or changed, before releasing it officially? (:
In fact, it's rather me that have to ask this question.
So if you thinks about something that could be easily changed/improved and that is
not a new feature, don't hesitate to suggest it now, before I release another version.
As I'm currently modifying quite deeply the procedure that monitors the tracks with Reverse info, I'll probably send to the beta testers a last 'release candidate' version, and if all seems ok, I could make it public.
And thanks guys for all your support and kind words...
Posted: 20 Jul 2010, 08:47
-Allow dragging to select multiple tracks
-Place packed tracks in a new folder, so the re-volt folder won't be cluttered up.
-Bring back the "create default custom.ini in re-volt folder" button. Even if i am not developing a full custom track, i sometimes want to see the contents of the custom.ini file. if it is created in some track's folder, it would turn blue and be seen as a full custom track when all i want to do is view the file. Maybe you could instead include a default custom.ini along with the readme in Wolf download.
-"Allow more than 20 laps" option is under Memory Patches-->Tweaks tab-->Options group. You should place it in Memory Patches-->Race tab-->Tracks group instead.
-Number of cars can be set directly in Wolf only upto 12. It should allow setting upto 30 when "Upto 30 Cars" is enabled.
-Like makeitgood, enable tvtime cheat too.
Then Wolf is ready for release.

Posted: 20 Jul 2010, 14:15
What about being able to control the Music (Mp3) volume and Sfx volume too?
Posted: 20 Jul 2010, 18:24
Re: Allow dragging to select multiple tracks
I think it's already possible.
But it seems that it works only if you start pressing the mouse button when the cursor is above the
first column, and
not above text content. The reason why it behaves like that is beyond me.
Re: Place packed tracks in a new folder
It's very likely that I won't do it for now. Initially, the Packer was designed for track makers, to release a track when it gets finished, so using the re-volt folder should be ok for this, I think. Of course, I could change my mind if I find out that there is a
real benefit in using another folder...
Re: Bring back the "create default custom.ini in re-volt folder"
Ok, I have modifed it so that using "Open 'custom.ini' file" button without any track selected will allow to create a default 'custom.ini' file in the re-volt directory (that way I don't need another button...

"Allow more than 20 laps" option was placed in the "Tweaks" (now renamed "Advanced") tab because it's not a setting that you want to set everday. I may have not stated it, but I tried to place in the "Race" tab only options that could be modified quite frequently. That could sounds illogical at first glance, but I think it's more effective in everyday's use.
So for example, I'm thinking about moving the "Add user's cars/track to the random selection" options to the "Advanced" tab (I still hesitate).
Having said that, I'm open (and waiting

) to any of that kind of suggestion/observation.
Re: Number of cars can be set directly in Wolf only upto 12
Yep, I have finished that part yesterday (and other stuff too).
Re: Like makeitgood, enable tvtime cheat too.
Maybe later... I'm not sure this mode is very widely used. When do you need to use it?
Re: being able to control the Music (Mp3) volume and Sfx volume
Not very essential, no? I could do it, but I don't feel like duplicating all re-volt frontend available options in WolfR4.
Posted: 20 Jul 2010, 22:21
re TVTime cheat mode.
I never use this edit mode, because, as far as I am aware, it is covered by f6 in Makeitgood mode.
Posted: 20 Jul 2010, 22:43
Car makers use TVTIME for taking a better look around the car they are working or for Prnt Scrn.
Posted: 20 Jul 2010, 23:32
Re: TVTime cheat mode
TVTime also includes F5 camera, which is not really the same that F6 camera: F5 cameras are automatically switched to keep the car visible, which means you can run a full race in this mode (it tough but fun).
Yes, but F6 camera is already available in Makeitgood mode (F6 camera - when you press F6 twice - is more appropriate than F5 camera to keep targeting the car).
Posted: 20 Jul 2010, 23:57
Re-TVTIME Cheat: With MAKEITGOOD, only F6 (free camera) is enabled. F5(replay camera) isn't. So if you want to race with replay cameras (like i do when the AIs get boring

), you need tvtime cheat.
Another thing is, with your "no random camera in replay mode". With this setting on, if you view a replay, it starts with replay camera ("F5 camera"). If you want to switch to first person view, you use F1. But then the only way to go back to replay camera is to use F5, ofcourse only with tvtime enabled.
Posted: 21 Jul 2010, 00:52
Re: TVTime cheat
Ok, I'll see if I can add it...
Posted: 21 Jul 2010, 03:56
Okay, I have another suggestion (if it's possible).
What about an option to choose your AI opponents? I mean, to be able to choose when you want to play with custom cars as opponents (if you have installed custom cars), and when you want only the stock cars as opponents.
What do you think?
Posted: 21 Jul 2010, 04:55
WolfR4 has been updated. And this version has reached the
Release Candidate status!
Well, I think I have found a way to prevent bugs with reversed user tracks even in online mode

(it was quite complicated, so I hope it will work). If the host starts the first track in reverse mode, afterward only reversed tracks will be selectable.
Of course it means we can't switch from reverse to non-reverse mode during an online session, but we'll have to do with that. Believe me, it was complicated enought to have it working that way.
I had also to make all reversed track detected at the begining (it should be done when the frontend is fisrt launched). Once again, this was not that easy, so I hope it will work properly. If you have user tracks with reverse info, please check that they are
all properly detected (check the WolfR4 log).
Take a look a the changelog to see all other modification...
* RC:10-07-21 (Release Candidate Version)
Fix: The cursor in Edit mode can now reach the whole screen area when using
the Screen ratio patch.
Fix: Modify lobby launcher registering procedure so that WolfR4 get quickly
registered/unregistered as soon as the checkbox state is modified.
Mod: Move the "Load WolfR4 Default Settings" button in the Log tab for an
easier access.
Mod: The Reverse monitoring procedure has been heavily modified.
All reverse tracks are now patched at the beginning, not only each time
one is selected like before.
And now, when Reverse mode is selected in online racing for the first
track, only tracks that have reverse info could be selected afterward.
Mod: When the 30 cars mode option is activated, up to 30 cars can be set in
the WolfR4 interface, instead of the usual limit of 12 cars.
(same thing for the 'Allow single car race' option and 'Number of laps').
Mod: Add support for multi-tracks selection for all buttons working with the
selected tracks.
Mod: Fast loading mode: when lauching re-volt by double-clicking on a track in
the WolfR4 tracks list, the re-volt intro images are skipped.
Fix: Rewrote the internal patching code:
Some code were lame, some parts were not properly cleaned up when
restarting re-volt without quiting WolfR4.
Mod: By using "Open 'custom.ini' file" button without any track selected, a
default 'custom.ini' file can be created in the re-volt directory.
Of course, this file is of no use except taking a look at the content of
the current 'custom.ini' available options.
Mod: Added a right margin to the Track list to facilitate dragging to select
multiple tracks.
Add: The TVTIME cheat can be enabled directly like the MAKEITGOOD one.
Add: All other cheats in DEV panel.
Mod: Fixed the order of each controls of the interface so that the TAB key can
be used to move the focus in a consistent way.
I also want to point that this should be the last version before the public release, so feedback is more than ever needed for this version.

All feature requests will have to wait a bit...
Posted: 21 Jul 2010, 05:42
jigebren @ Jul 21 2010, 04:55 AM wrote: If the host starts the first track in reverse mode, afterward only reversed tracks will be selectable.
Of course it means we can't switch from reverse to non-reverse mode during an online session, but we'll have to do with that. Believe me, it was complicated enought to have it working that way.
Even with normal revolt, we cant switch from reverse to normal tracks. So this is not a new problem.
On first sight, everything seems to work well. After starting nhood1R, i couldn't select Jailhouse. I don't have any other tracks right now, so maybe someone else can test if all reverse tracks are selectable.
Register For Lobby: Will work for all users, but there is something i need to say. When I start normal revolt, wolf is unregistered, and to register it again, you need to re-register in wolf. This works nicely (all you have to do is uncheck "register for lobby" and check again). But when I start the old revolt demo (the one we have the pc source code for), Wolf is unregistered, and re-registering from wolf does not work. I had to start revolt from wolf or maually add the key to registry to re-register. I don't know why it happens.
Hope i was clear on that lol.
Mod: Fast loading mode: when lauching re-volt by double-clicking on a track in
the WolfR4 tracks list, the re-volt intro images are skipped.
Can you make revolt always load like this, even if revolt is started with "Launch Re-Volt" button?
Bug - TVTIME Setting Not Remembered: Enabling the cheat works, but the setting is not remembered next time wolf starts.
Posted: 21 Jul 2010, 06:22
Re: Register For Lobby
Not fully sure, but my idea about your Demo issue is:
When you start the re-volt demo, it registers itself with its own path as the Re-Volt application and delete the launcher entry (as the demo is not patched), thus making WolfR4 unregistered.
But in WolfR4,
I'm only modifying the lobby Launcher entry in the registry, not the re-volt path neither the re-volt filename. It means that it's still the demo that is registered.
Maybe I should also modify the re-volt filename and path entries, but at first I was afraid to mess with this values...
When I start normal revolt, wolf is unregistered, and to register it again, you need to re-register in wolf. This works nicely (all you have to do is uncheck "register for lobby" and check again).
In last release, just launching WolfR4 should be enough.
Re: Fast loading mode
Can you make revolt always load like this, even if revolt is started with "Launch Re-Volt" button?
Hey, I was quite sure that I would be asked that after this modification... I could do it, of course, and I have hesitated to do so. But it means nobody will ever look at the nice Acclaim logos anymore, and I'm not very pleased by that idea. Don't know why, though...
Re: Bug - TVTIME Setting Not Remembered:
Damned, you're right, I forgot this one.
Let's say it was a test to see if I really have an efficient crew of beta testers. Well, less than 1 hour to find it... I think I do have.

Posted: 21 Jul 2010, 21:58
Re: Register For Lobby
Hmm , I checked the registry key. The registered re-volt path and the file revolt.exe are the same (demo file is revoltd.exe). When I run the demo, the "Launcher" key is deleted, but everything else is quite the same. But the next time I start wolf, wolf does not write anything to the registry key.
Jig wrote:But in WolfR4, I'm only modifying the lobby Launcher entry in the registry
Well, even the "Launcher" value is not written to registry. At this point, even rvhouse does not work. (it says re-volt is not installed. If demo revolt was registered, it would start up when launching from rvhouse but that does not happen). Only thing i can do now is start revolt from wolf or
just open regedit and write the "Launcher" string myself. If I just write the Launcher string myself in registry now, with value WolfR4.exe, rvhouse works again, and launches wolf correctly. But wolf still does not write to the registry. (now when I uncheck Register for lobby button, the Launcher string I created is not deleted). I have to start re-volt from wolf once to clear this up, so wolf can write to registry again.
Now, I think this a problem on the demo's part, but if you could just write to registry directly using registry API so it will be written in all cases, there will be no complaints in any case.
When I start normal revolt, wolf is unregistered, and to register it again, you need to re-register in wolf. This works nicely (all you have to do is uncheck "register for lobby" and check again).
In last release, just launching WolfR4 should be enough.
Oh, right. But what I meant was, if Wolf was already open and you don't want to close it...
Re: Fast loading mode
Jig wrote:But it means nobody will ever look at the nice Acclaim logos anymore..
Aw, that's sad
A checkbox to turn this option on or off will make everyone happy.

Posted: 21 Jul 2010, 22:59
nero @ Jul 16 2010, 04:25 PM wrote: Maybe cause Windows 7 is a waste of money?
Let me guess, you heard that on YouTube?
Posted: 22 Jul 2010, 00:27
Re: Register For Lobby
With the re-volt demo version I tried, the registry key was is "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DirectPlay\Applications\Revolt", while for re-volt the key is in "...\Applications\Re-Volt". Can you confirm that your demo version actually use the same key than re-volt \Re-Volt instead of \Revolt?
Also, it's quite normal that lobby doesn't work after the demo or another version of re-volt has been launched, as the proper revolt version has to be the last one launched before you use RvHouse. In fact, I think WolfR4 can't do much about that without risk of messing with the directplay registry key...
Posted: 22 Jul 2010, 00:56
Well, yes. After running the demo, the key name is Revolt and not Re-Volt. I guess that clears the confusion.
Posted: 22 Jul 2010, 06:09
A quick update of WolfR4, to fix the TVTIME Setting not saved, and another little issue with the Fullscreen/Windowed mode option.
And I couldn't refrain myself from adding 2 new features.
- First, there is a new option that force AI opponents to select only stock cars (I think that's what miro asked for above).
- And for track makers, there is a new entry in the custom.ini file to create a track that have to be raced with the track cameras (like in replay mode or TVTIME) instead of the usual car cameras.
This could allow to create other kind of tracks. Maybe shorter than usual, more close looking to real RC tracks. I think that using one single camera, or just 2 rail cameras could be enough to have fun tracks...
* RC:10-07-22 (Release Candidate Version)
Fix: Forgot to save/restore the TVTIME Setting.
Add: We can now prevents AI opponents to select user cars (so that AI can
only race with stock cars).
Mod: Modify/complete help information in custom.ini file.
Add: New entry in custom.ini: use_replay_cameras
Allow to create new kind of track that will only use the replay camera
during the race (to give a better RC driving feeling). The usual cameras
(with [F1] key) are disabled.
Of course, it means some cameras have to be set for the track (1 single
camera is probably enough), otherwise it will crash.
Fix: A bug with fullscreen/windowed mode introduced in previous version.
Re: Register For Lobby
And I forgot to mention it, but WolfR4 will now add the launcher entry in registry only when the proper "...\DirectPlay\Applications\Re-Volt" key actually exists.
Posted: 22 Jul 2010, 13:02
Hi everyone!
I don't know if someone as already asked for it, but I have a little (or big, I don't know) request for you Jig...
Is it possible to remove the 1st 2nd 3rd position limitation when doing championship? I don't know why Re-Volt wants a user to be in the first three position in every races... I think it will be more challenging if I can win a chapionship starting with a -for example- 6th place, instead of be forced to arrive at least third...
Do you think it's possible? Do you think it's a stupid thing what I'm asking?
Posted: 22 Jul 2010, 15:54
Thank you Jigebren for the AI opponents option!

You really made me happy.
Thank you very much, you're really Insane!
Posted: 22 Jul 2010, 16:18
Adamodell @ Jul 21 2010, 06:29 PM wrote: Let me guess, you heard that on YouTube?
No, my friend uses it, and he can't play half of the games he wants to, cause of new refurbished Vista. Alias 7.
Posted: 22 Jul 2010, 16:23
Thefactor82 wrote:Is it possible to remove the 1st 2nd 3rd position limitation when doing championship? I don't know why Re-Volt wants a user to be in the first three position in every races... I think it will be more challenging if I can win a chapionship starting with a -for example- 6th place, instead of be forced to arrive at least third...
Even tho it might sound obvious that you have to be good at all tracks, before you can race the cup through, it would become boring when playing them again later. Thumbs up for thefactor82's suggestion. (:
Hide/Unhide Check Boxes in Custom Tracks Tab
It would perhaps be easier if you made some checkboxes for each category that when checked on was visible and otherwise when unchecked instead of "only custom tracks" "hide stock tracks" and "display hidden tracks". Btw, if R4 tracks is called custom tracks, then what is a fan-made tracks called?
Reverse mode
Does WolfR4 do anything to prevent Re-Volt from crashing when selecting a reversed track that doesn't support reversed racing? Does "Refresh user levels" add any new reversed tracks as well? You're welcome to link me to a post, cause I couldn't really find the information on the last two pages (only related to online racing).
Music Volume controls both SFX and music
As the title says, when lowering the music volume, the SFX is also playing at lower volume, even when the SFX volume doesn't change inside the options.
Posted: 22 Jul 2010, 18:57
Re: Remove the 1st 2nd 3rd position limitation in championship
urnemanden @ Jul 22 2010, 11:53 AM wrote:Thefactor82 wrote:Is it possible to remove the 1st 2nd 3rd position limitation when doing championship? I don't know why Re-Volt wants a user to be in the first three position in every races... I think it will be more challenging if I can win a chapionship starting with a -for example- 6th place, instead of be forced to arrive at least third...
Even tho it might sound obvious that you have to be good at all tracks, before you can race the cup through, it would become boring when playing them again later. Thumbs up for thefactor82's suggestion. (:
As far as I'm concerned, I think it's a good challenge to be required to have a decent level on each and every tracks of the championship. That way, you can't dare to be lamentable on one track even if you are very good on all other tracks. So although the suggestion is not that stupid, I'm not really in favor of this option.
Hide/Unhide Check Boxes in Custom Tracks Tab
> Btw, if R4 tracks is called custom tracks, then what is a fan-made tracks called?
Maybe non-custom ?
I understand that the option to hide/display category may doesn't sound very logical at first glance, but I think it has to be that way. Keep in mind that some tracks can belong to several categories.
Of course, I could use:
- Hide non-custom tracks
- Hide stock tracks
- Hide hidden tracks
Instead of the current:
- Only custom tracks
- Hide stock tracks
- Display hidden tracks
It is better? I don't know, "Hide hidden tracks" sounds weirds, and "Hide non-custom tracks" is not clearer than "Only custom tracks".
Re: Reverse mode
Nothing prevents re-volt from crashing when a non-reverse-ready track is selected in reverse mode. But with the current patch, you shouldn't be able to select a non-reverse-ready track in reverse mode even in online racing (if you can, please tell me how), so it should never crash.
> Does "Refresh user levels" add any new reversed tracks as well?
Currently not. Maybe I could add it if it's not too complicated.
But before going further I have to be sure that the Reverse detection procedure is working nicely for everyone.
Re: Music Volume controls both SFX and music
For me it's ok. I use to have music volume to 0, and still hear the sfx properly. I tried with and without MP3 activated.
Posted: 22 Jul 2010, 19:58
Some other suggestion... I don't know if it was implemented or suggested before, but...
As we know, Re-Volt doesn't support Stunt Arenas only if we replace the original folder. Would be cool to be able to play the custom Stunt Arenas without replacing the original one, and to have still the 20 stars.
Would that be possible?
Posted: 23 Jul 2010, 00:41
jigebren @ Jul 22 2010, 06:57 PM wrote: Hide/Unhide Check Boxes in Custom Tracks Tab
> Btw, if R4 tracks is called custom tracks, then what is a fan-made tracks called?
Maybe non-custom ?
I call user-made tracks as Customs and Wolf/Phoenix tracks as Full Custom.
And Miro's suggestion reminds me.. in practice mode, after you capture the star, it stays above the car, rotating and filling almost the whole screen. Can you hide this rotating star in practice mode when the star is captured?
Posted: 23 Jul 2010, 03:47
Re: custom Stunt Arenas
Ufortunately, it's not as easy as it could seem.
Just replacing the stunt level by a user track could be done, I think, it would not be the hardest thing to do.
But I see at least 2 issues:
- the progression (stars list) will be shared for all stunt tracks.
- all stunts level will also be added to the usual tracks list.
To fix this 2 issues properly, it would involve a lot of supplementary management in WolfR4. I'm not sure it worth the pain, and I'm not sure I feel up to do all this.
(Just for info, the progression record is shared between stunt level and practice levels, and it's protected by a checksum, so it means that saving/loading the stunt progression only would not be that easy).
huki wrote:I call user-made tracks as Customs and Wolf/Phoenix tracks as Full Custom.
I prefer "user tracks" for user-made tracks, and "custom tracks" for Wolfed track, as they use a "custom.ini" file (contrary to user tracks).
Can you hide this rotating star in practice mode when the star is captured?
But, what would be the goal to keep racing a track in practice mode when the star has already been captured?
Also guys, see no offence, but for now I would be glad to have more feedback on the last Wolf version, rather the feature request, otherwise the public version will never be released...
Posted: 23 Jul 2010, 05:32
jigebren @ Jul 23 2010, 03:47 AM wrote: Can you hide this rotating star in practice mode when the star is captured?
But, what would be the goal to keep racing a track in practice mode when the star has already been captured?
So that you can drive around the track in any direction without the wrong X blinking on the screen. Also, in practice mode there is no timer, position or other HUD elements, so only the track world is visible in the whole screen, almost like replay mode.
Posted: 23 Jul 2010, 07:15
Huki @ Jul 23 2010, 01:02 AM wrote:jigebren @ Jul 23 2010, 03:47 AM wrote: Can you hide this rotating star in practice mode when the star is captured?
But, what would be the goal to keep racing a track in practice mode when the star has already been captured?
So that you can drive around the track in any direction without the wrong X blinking on the screen. Also, in practice mode there is no timer, position or other HUD elements, so only the track world is visible in the whole screen, almost like replay mode.
Ah ok, I see.
I have found a way to hide this star. Still not 100% sure I'll add this feature though, as it's not really a must have. Well, maybe, if I find some free space in the WolfR4 interface.
Re: Rename Track Feature
I'm currently adding it.
Posted: 24 Jul 2010, 04:25
I was not very pleased by the idea to add an option for something as specific as hiding the rotating star in practice mode (sorry Huki).

I did it, but it was quite reluctantly.
But I just had an other idea that I like better: I can hide the whole HUD panel (I mean the blinking X, timers, and even speedometer, well, everything...), so that way you can really have only the track (and car of course) visible in the whole screen.
I think you (Huki) have nothing against the fact that I substitute this HUD option for the star one?
Posted: 24 Jul 2010, 05:29
I Tried this tool and it's useful and awesome!
Now unfortunately I'm going to format my Hard Disk, but after this I'll try better the WolfR4!
Posted: 24 Jul 2010, 07:21
Keeping number of players to 1 and hiding the HUD would do, but isn't it easier to just hide the star and choose practice mode?
You can choose either option, i don't have any objections

Posted: 24 Jul 2010, 16:02
when I host a multiplayer session and create a game with "random cars" activated, in the waiting room appears "random" instead of the car name, this can generate misunderstandings between players. So jigebren, there is a way to esclude this option in online races? if it is hard to do no problem, I just must remember to deactivate this option before hosting a game ;-)
I noticed also that this issue dont come under rvhouse.
Replay questions:
1) There is a way to keep visible players' name? I took online replay, it is good but a bit confused without names...
2) Can you set the save replay function to take several replays renaming them automatically? I make this manually and am not fast eheheeh
for example Replay.rpl replay2.rpl replay3.rpl and so on
Posted: 24 Jul 2010, 16:10
I actually thought that all players would have random cars, if the host has the random cars option activated. Of course, if it's possible to use the random mode while not being host I see the problem.
Posted: 24 Jul 2010, 19:16
Huki @ Jul 24 2010, 02:51 AM wrote:Keeping number of players to 1 and hiding the HUD would do, but isn't it easier to just hide the star and choose practice mode?
You can choose either option, i don't have any objections

I think I'll simply merge the 'hide star' option with the 'hide HUD' option. That way, everything could be hidden.
Re: Replay questions:
> 1) Is there a way to keep visible players' name?
I don't think so. Can we at least see the players' name sometime/somewhere when loading a replay? (if the answer is Yes, please tell me when).
> 2) Can you set the save replay function to take several replays renaming them automatically?
Not possible in re-volt itself.
Of couse, I could try to manage it from WolfR4. There would still be one single slot in re-volt, but we could imagine making it selectable amongst a list in WolfR4 before launching re-volt.
Maybe one day I could add it, nothing sure though...
name is "random" when hosting multiplayer with "random cars" activated.
I was not aware of this. I can't anything for now, I have to take a look before.
Can someone clarify if the random cars option works in multilayer with or without RVHouse? I mean, all player gets a random car (the same for all) when host is using the option, or only the players who have the option activated?
Posted: 24 Jul 2010, 20:23
name is "random" when hosting multiplayer with "random cars" activated.
In fact, I didn't get it, I thought it was messing with the player name, while you're talking about the car name.
So now, I don't see any issue here: the car name is set to "random" because at this point the car is not already known, as the Random lottery is only done later (therefore, unless I've misunderstood something, there is nothing that can be done about it).
Posted: 24 Jul 2010, 21:39
I don't get it either.
- Random Car/ Random Track races have to be hosted through IP, not through RV House. Like the 12 player problem, Re-Volt doesn't read from registry when launching from rvhouse. If I launch from rvhouse with Random Cars enabled, Host and other players can select any car and it is just a normal race. (Random setting doesnt work). If I host by IP (which means others have to join by IP too), then Host and
all players get a random car every race. All get the same random car. This is with or without wolf.
About random tracks with user tracks, suppose host has 200 tracks and others have only stocks, what will happen during multiplayer races? Also, using "User cars in Random Cars", what car will player get if host is getting a custom car? So either everyone have to download the 200 tracks, or the host should disabled "activate user tracks to random selection" and only play stocks in random. Do you see another solution?
Edit: Hmm, I don't know if "user tracks/cars in random mode" works online in the first place. I don't have customs
About Replay: Replays during online races don't really work. The replay will lag like hell. I don't think anything can be done about it. So replays are only useful for single player races. Having one replay slot is enough in my opinion.
And no, user names are not shown anytime/anywhere in replay. I don't think they are stored in the replay file at all.
Re - Hide Hud:
Jig wrote:I think I'll simply merge the 'hide star' option with the 'hide HUD' option. That way, everything could be hidden.
Hmm, that means everytime before switching from practice mode to another race, you have to remember to disable the option. :/
I see you dont want to add something that specific, but that star is
Huge. Maybe you can give 2 separate options - Hide HUD and Hide Practice-Won Star.
Posted: 25 Jul 2010, 02:29
Many thanks to all for the explanations!
And sorry, I think I confused you all, I didnt realize that I had also "special mode" activated, in this case, revolt allows the host to select a car but in waiting room the car is named as "random", anyone joins the host can't select a car and the game start with same call (choosen by host) for all players. So, as you said jig, this cant be considered as issue, all is clear now!

Posted: 25 Jul 2010, 02:52
Thanks Huki for the clarification about Replay and Random car/track in online race.
Huki wrote:Like the 12 player problem, Re-Volt doesn't read from registry when launching from rvhouse.
Well, the 12 online players was not an issue with the registry, it was a real limit fixed in re-volt.
BTW, random car/track settings are not saved/restored in registry, that's why I added the option in WolfR4.
But now, I think I have found a way to make
random car and track work even when using RVHouse. I'll add it in next release.
About random tracks with user tracks, if the host try to to launch a track (from random mode or by hand) that the an user don't have, I think this user will be in trouble.

Don't know in which way, though. I'm not enough used to online racing. But I'm sure at least someone here can anwser that...
Do you see another solution?
For now, no, as I have never think about it yet.
About replay, the player name seems to be stored in the replay file. But if it's never displayed by re-volt itself, then adding by hand sounds far too complicated.
Re - Hide Hud:
Huki wrote:Hmm, that means everytime before switching from practice mode to another race, you have to remember to disable the option. :/
Well, I don't really see it that way. For me, you just race in any mode, and when you want to have a nice look at the track, you activate the hidding option in WolfR4 (it can be modified in realtime). When it's not needed anymore, you deactivate the option and all is back to normal.
It could sound more constricting, as you have to switch from re-volt to WolfR4 to activate/deactivate the option, but in fact I think it's more powerfull, because you can use it anytime, in any race mode, even when a race is already started.
The Special mode is an funny hack, so it's very possible that there is some glitches when using it, like the one you reported. But no big troubles, I think.