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Posted: 23 Jun 2010, 02:22
Re: Number of Laps:
I've added it only because of the request of antonius to play "endurance" competitions (and because it was not too complicated). They had already a simple tool to do this (probably modifying the registry like you said). But if you try to increase the value in the frontend after setting it to 500 with the registry, it will be set back to 20. That why I added a little fix for this, as well as the ability to set the value from Wolf.
Re: Lap Time Bug:
Too bad your issue can't be fixed. Understanding the whole timing part in re-volt is quite arduous, and unfortuntely I can't do anything about this afar.
I also tried changing the revolt.exe process affinity in taskmanager to use only one core
That's what BugATux Fix also does...
Re: Suggestion - Set car and track settings:
As wolf already allows to set the number of cars/laps, who not set the car and track too?. We always crash to windows after a multiplayer lobby race, so the car and track we choose are never saved.
Hey, selecting track has been added in the last version! Just double-clic on a track in the Tracks List.
I could add car selection too, but it would be a lot of supplementary code for a little plus. I would have to list all cars. If I want to display the proper name, I have to read it in the parameters.txt file. So it means I have to write some code to be able to read the param. file content. Etc, etc. You see...?
Re: Suggestion - Default custom.ini:
I had this idea pending... But I don't think I will do it. Once again, it's a lot of work. And having the same patch available in the track custom.ini and in a global custom.ini could mess with the value in memory unless I'm extremely carefull about a lot of things. I'm getting tired just by thinking about it...
Re: Suggestion - Autostart Re-Volt :
Like re-volt is auto launched during lobby games, why not have an option to autolaunch re-volt in singleplayer/offline too?
Too much work (managing options) for a too litte plus.
Re: About Frontend load screen not shown in Vista/7
I didn't know what you said (I don't own any Vista/7 computer). So thanks for the info, it could indeed be a little clue, though there is no much chance I can do something about it. Maybe one day I'll try again...
Re: Lobby Launching
Works fine.. but if you quit re-volt after launching from lobby, Wolf still shows Launching From Lobby button, and clicking on it launches re-volt in lobby mode. Maybe it could be useful
Yep, it's done on purpose. Just quit WolfR4 when you're done with Lobby racing.
Re: Mp3 Player:
Thanks for the info about the metadata, I'll try to remember it when updating the WolfR4 help/info page.
Maybe there is also some interesting stuff that can be done using _inmm.dll, but I didn't want to spend much time on the MP3 feature. I've added this feature after some requests and because it was fun to try, but I don't really feel concerned, I use to play my own music with an external player.
-no3Dsound is automatically enabled when using mp3
It's done on purpose, because MP3 and 3Dsound can't work at the same time. I deactivate 3Dsound automatically to prevent people that don't read the doc or the tooltip from complaining that MP3 doesn't work, while they jsut left 3Dsound activated.
With the screen ratio fix + 16x antialiasing + 16x anisotropic filtering, re-volt looks its best smile.gif. Hope to see many full custom tracks in the future..
Well, you could also try the 512 pach...
And as a last remark, thanks Huki for all you suggestions.
Please don't take bad that I seem to refuse a lot of them but, well, I'm not a professional developer, I don't earn anything with this work, and I already have spend a lot of energy for re-volt, and this tool in particular. So I sometime feel I have to slow down a bit...
Posted: 25 Jun 2010, 21:56
I got the Wolf4R program yesterday, and it is very cool.
I converted a Full Custom track to the Wolf system quite easily.
It uses custom models and .fin and .fob files.
Here is a video of Dali track using custom models and mp3 support:
Posted: 26 Jun 2010, 01:42
The new version of WolfR4 doesn't have any bugs as far as of what I've seen and tested. But there is a bug in Re-Volt, which seems to happen a lot when I am hosting online races.
Bomb crashes game while playing online
Last time it happened we were racing Helios, while it usually happens on Nhood1 only. Someone gets a bomb and that makes Re-Volt crashes for some reason. It could also be because, there is a bad connection between one user and another in a short period that "confuses" Re-Volt somehow. I don't have much information related to it, I just thought I would inform you about the issue - which isn't Wolf related. Here is some information from Windows Vista Event Log, translated by Google Translate:
Windows Vista Event Log wrote:Program with error revolt.exe, version, time stamp 0x384bc86f, module with error revolt.exe, version, time stamp 0x384bc86f, exception code 0xc0000005, fault displacement 0x0009aa1d, process id 0x2e44, program start time 0x01cb14a071974d15.
Posted: 26 Jun 2010, 13:40
(Bug?) Automatic Scroll-up after deletion in Custom Tracks Tab
This problem will mostly annoy those who got more than 50 tracks installed. I noticed that after deleting, the list-scroller automatically goes to the top again. People might not be able to remember where exactly they have got to while cleaning up. =P
Posted: 26 Jun 2010, 14:39
I noticed that after allowing up to 255 laps the game crashes when I try to open the game settings to modify the number from the frontend, but I never use this way, It' s faster and simplier to set the number of laps directly in wolfr4!
I have another question/request for you jigebren, it's possible to set the pickups from wolfr4 as you did with laps? It's a fussiness but with this function the host will have all options to set an online race without open the game settings.
Thanks again for all!
Posted: 26 Jun 2010, 19:21
Re: Bomb crashes game while playing online
Unfortunately, the vista report is useless. I would need at least an offset to know where the bug took place in memory.
Too bad Dr. Watson tool is not provided with Vista/7 anymore. This kind a report would be a way more helpful. And I don't have time to find what is Watson's successor in Vista, and how it could be used.
Re: Automatic Scroll-up after deletion in Custom Tracks Tab
Well, it's not really a bug, indeed, just a missing feature...

I have to think about fixing it in the next version.
Re: Crash with 255 laps setting
I've made a mistake when entering the data for the patch. It'll be fixed in next release. Just don't activate the 'Allow up to 255 Laps' option for now (but you can still set 255 laps from WolfR4).
Re: Set the pickups from wolfr4
Yep, it's possible.
But the difficulty is to manage all these options in the WolfR4 interface.
There is so much options I think I'll have to rework the whole interface.
I can regroup option by theme, for example Car options, Track options, Racing options. But first I tried not to mix usual re-volt options with WolfR4 added option, and options with bugfixes, etc.
I still don't know what will be the best choice...
I can also increase the Wolf window's size, but as a rule, I used to keep a size just small enough to be usable even in 640x480.
I don't know if anybody still has a reason to use a 640x480 desktop resolution though...
Posted: 27 Jun 2010, 00:06
Thanks I've a 16/9 monitor.
This program is great!
Posted: 27 Jun 2010, 00:24
jigebren @ Jun 26 2010, 02:51 PM wrote: Re: Bomb crashes game while playing online
Unfortunately, the vista report is useless. I would need at least an offset to know where the bug took place in memory.
Too bad Dr. Watson tool is not provided with Vista/7 anymore. This kind a report would be a way more helpful. And I don't have time to find what is Watson's successor in Vista, and how it could be used.
See if this helps.
That seems to cover what dr.watson does.
Posted: 27 Jun 2010, 20:41
Hey jig, I get spelling (length) error for this Key in a custom.ini:
gfx\loading.bmp = #\grd\loading.bmp
The error:
08:06:10. Error(s) detected in 'levels\phoenix_garden\custom.ini' file.
#\grd\loading.bmp (17chars) exceed the max lenght (15)!
I tried various spellings, but no luck. Thanks
Posted: 27 Jun 2010, 21:15
hilaire9 @ Jun 27 2010, 04:11 PM wrote:08:06:10. Error(s) detected in 'levels\phoenix_garden\custom.ini' file.
#\grd\loading.bmp (17chars) exceed the max lenght (15)!
It just mean that you have to shorten the right string lenght, so it won't exceed 15 chars.
For example, you could use:
gfx\loading.bmp = #\grd\load.bmp ; <-- only 14 char
Of course you'll have to rename the file 'load.bmp'.
And you ought not modify the key name 'gfx\loading.bmp ='.
By the way, I wonder how you found out the [dev] section?? as it is not intended to be used (could be buggous), thus it is normally not generated by WolfR4 when creating a default custom.ini file...
Notice that when you created a default custom.ini file with WolfR4, all too long names are automatically shortened, so you just have to rename the files accordingly and replace #\?????\ by the name of the directory you actually use.
Posted: 27 Jun 2010, 21:35
Huki @ Jun 26 2010, 07:54 PM wrote:jigebren @ Jun 26 2010, 02:51 PM wrote: Re: Bomb crashes game while playing online
Unfortunately, the vista report is useless. I would need at least an offset to know where the bug took place in memory.
Too bad Dr. Watson tool is not provided with Vista/7 anymore. This kind a report would be a way more helpful. And I don't have time to find what is Watson's successor in Vista, and how it could be used.
See if this helps.
That seems to cover what dr.watson does.
Yep, thanks for the link, Huki. Unfortunately, I don't even know if the resulting dump file can be easily read. And to have it work, it seems that Vista users will have to download a Web Installer from m$ (I personally avoid Web Installers, I prefer Standalone ones), or you can download the 1GB

ISO image...
While the needed drwtsn32.exe file is 46KB.
I could provide this drwtsn32 file, but it would be the French version. If anyone has XP in English, maybe we could get an English version (it's in windows\system32 folder). Installing Dr.Watson on Vista seems to be quite easy to do, the only 'difficulty' is to open an elevated Command Prompt.
Interested peoples could take a look at this
interesting link.
I have also found
this company, which seems to distribute an automated installer of Dr.Watson for Vista. I've tested it and it seems to be safe. I was prompted that no product of this company are installed and the installer quit. But after launching it 2 or 3 times, it worked at the end.
Posted: 28 Jun 2010, 19:50
I found the [DEV] section in an error log after
placing a line in the wrong section.
I was messing with custom loadlevel .bmps,
but the load level screen goes by so fast you
can't really get a good look at it. I decided
it was not worth the extra four .bmps (five if you modify
the Revolt logo overlaying the load screen).
I see the Create default.ini button in the Wolf menu,
but I am not sure how this works. I've been writing
.ini files by hand using the Jailhouse Rock .ini as a source.
Also, I see no key lines for skymap .BMQ files. Are these loaded
if just the skymap .bmp files are in the .ini?
Posted: 28 Jun 2010, 23:07
hilaire9 @ Jun 28 2010, 03:20 PM wrote:I found the [DEV] section in an error log after
placing a line in the wrong section.
Ah ok. I would not have guessed this way.
I was messing with custom loadlevel .bmps,
but the load level screen goes by so fast you
can't really get a good look at it. I decided
it was not worth the extra four .bmps (five if you modify
the Revolt logo overlaying the load screen).
If I'm not mistaken (I have a bad memory), spru.bmp, loading.bmp and font.bmp where placed in a special hidden section of the custom.ini file because customizing them should be avoided (due to the way there are loaded in revolt, they are not intended to be modified per Track, even with Wolf support).
I see the Create default.ini button in the Wolf menu,
but I am not sure how this works. I've been writing
.ini files by hand using the Jailhouse Rock .ini as a source.
You'd better use the 'Create default.ini' function. It's very easy, the file is created in re-volt main directory. This file is generated from current internal data of WolfR4, so you're sure this custom.ini file has the most up to date entries and comments.
Of course, at the end, you can delete all unused (commented) entries and section, (but it's not mandatory).
Also, I see no key lines for skymap .BMQ files. Are these loaded
if just the skymap .bmp files are in the .ini?
All BmQ file are managed at re-volt runtime. Don't worry about them in the custom.ini file.
The only thing to care about is to be sure that they have the same name than the bmP files you're using (except the last letter of course).
Posted: 29 Jun 2010, 18:01
Pack Custom Track Feature
What kind of
archiver is needed? I do currently not have any stored into my Re-Volt folder, so I get a message saying "No archiver found".
Re: Dr. Watson
I used the Dr. Vista installer, so Dr. Watson now is my standard error reporter, so currently I am just waiting till I get a bomb-crash or anything similar while playing online.
Loadlevel Bug
Well, appearently it isn't fixed yet and I am still trying to figure out what might be going wrong. The Log in WolfR4 doesn't say much other than what tracks I loaded, but perhaps I will be able to reproduce the bug by playing the same tracks.

Posted: 29 Jun 2010, 19:52
Re: Pack Custom Track Feature
The archiver needed was quickly documented in the changelog (and in the WIP WolfR4 webpage).
WolfR4 changelog wrote:Add: Beta Custom Track Packer. You need to place the file '7z.exe' (available
when you have installed 7-Zip) inside the re-volt/WolfR4 directory.
You can use "7z.exe" (with the "7z.dll" file), or also "7za.exe".
- 7z.exe can be found in the
main 7-zip installer. You can install 7-zip and look in the "C:\Program Files\7-Zip" folder. Or you can directly extract the files from the 7-zip Installer (which is an auto-exec archive).
- 7za.exe can be found in the
7-Zip Command Line Version.
Re: Dr. Watson
Ok, nice. I hope it will actually help when reporting bug/crash. Of course it doesn't mean I'll be able to fix anything though...
Re: Loadlevel Bug
Sorry, I have quite forget what we have already test about this issue.
If you can find a way to reproduce it clearly, maybe I could send you a Wolf test version just to be sure of one parameter...
Posted: 29 Jun 2010, 23:05
Re: Pack Custom Track Feature
Aah, I never would've guessed that the 7-zip exe had a *.zip compressing feature as well.
Re: Loadlevel Bug
I was able to reproduce the bug! Below there is a description of each track, I loaded before seeing the bug at Toys In The Hood 1, which is the exactly same as the screenshot in the previous post also showed.
Track Descriptions wrote:
- Does not have any other WolfR4 features than the loadlevel.bmp's
- Redbook
- WolfR4 version includes Additional Waterboxes and loadlevel.bmp's
- MP3 Enabled
Rooftops 2003
- WolfR4 version includes Sounds, Models, & GFX Including loadlevel.bmp's
- No music enabled
Toys In The Hood 1
- That's a stock track - only the textures has been re-sized to the 512format.
I did a couple of tests so I could exclude some possible reasons to that kind of bug.
- Pressing the
Load WolfR4 Default Settings in the Advanced tab did not solve the bug.
- Removing 5:4 Patch and 512patch did not solve the bug.
- De-activating all except loadlevel paths in the custom.ini file in each track, did neither solve the bug.
- De-activating all custom.ini files except Sakuras made the loading.bmp change normally on both Rooftops and Toys In The Hood 1 (showing the default loadlevel.bmps).
- Activating only Sakuras and Rooftops custom.ini files resulted in an error very similar to the one I posted previously
here. It shows up for all loadlevel.bmp's (4 times) and after pressing OK to them all, the track loads as normal but without loadlevels.

I have created a movie that should show what's going on, in case you want a closer look:
Links to the 3 custom tracks used to reproduce the bug:
I'll gladly test that parameter out you were talking about in your previous, if that's needed as well. I hope I provided enough information to give you something to work with

Posted: 30 Jun 2010, 01:45
Re: Loadlevel Bug / .bmpbmp Bug
The bmpbmp bug is back!

Looking back at some of our previous posts, it seems that I already have tried something to fix it. Unfortunately, I can't remember at all what it was about...
Well, I'll work on it again.
Thanks for the video and the clear report.
But the 3 tracks are not exactly the ones you used. For example, custom loadlevel are missing... As it's what the bug is about, it can't test myself. Could you update the archives?
Posted: 30 Jun 2010, 02:36
Re: Loadlevel Bug / .bmpbmp Bug
Oh, you're right I forgot about that. Here is the zips, packed with the
Pack Custom Track button:
Posted: 30 Jun 2010, 02:45
Ok, thanks. I've just tried to load this tracks sequence: [Venice / Sakura / Rooftops 2003 / Toys In The Hood 1] in single player and everything seems ok.
I'll now try in multi-players.
I'll keep you informed if I have some news.
I can confirm the first bug:
After loading the tracks sequence:
[Venice / Sakura / Rooftops 2003 / Toys In The Hood 1]
in multiplayers, the Loadlevel displayed for NHood1 is the Sakura's one.
I can also confirm the second bug (bmpbmp bug):
After loading the tracks sequence:
[Sakura / Rooftops 2003 / Toys In The Hood 1]
in multiplayers, I got the message about the '#\Sakur\ll1.bmpbmp' file missing.
Posted: 30 Jun 2010, 02:57
That's good to hear I think, now we at least got something to go for.
Jig wrote:If you can find a way to reproduce it clearly, maybe I could send you a Wolf test version just to be sure of one parameter...
Do you think I should test that parameter or isn't it important anymore?
Posted: 30 Jun 2010, 03:13
urnemanden @ Jun 29 2010, 10:27 PM wrote:Do you think I should test that parameter or isn't it important anymore?
Now that I can reproduce the bug, I think the issue has nothing to do with this parameters anymore (I'd better test it just to be sure, but I should do it myself now).
And yes, the fact that I can reproduce it is at least a good beginning.
Now that you've launched it, the real harsh work can start for me.

Posted: 30 Jun 2010, 05:02
Ok, the bmpbmp/loadlevel bug is now history.
At least I hope...
It could occur in some cases that the backup of the memory modified by a WolfR4 patch (eg. to customize track) is done before another previous patch is removed (thus the new backup contains the previous patch, not the original unmodified memory).
Until now, it uses to work by luck only!
In sinlge player race, as the frontend (which is not customized) is always loaded between 2 custom track, backups were always clean.
But in multiplayer race, as the frontend is not loaded between 2 custom tracks, backups could get mixed up.
Well, thanks Urne once again to have reported this bug. The reproducible report of what you did, the video and the used tracks links have saved me a lot time.

Posted: 30 Jun 2010, 14:31
The WolfR4 way of playing a custom track in Reverse on a track with a
reversed folder included is much better than the old cheat code routine,
but what happens if you select to play a custom track in Reverse that
does not have a reversed folder? I tried it once and it froze the
computer on loading.
Loading: levels\SAKURA\reversed\SAKURA.fin: Not Found
Loading: levels\SAKURA\reversed\SAKURA.fin: Not Found
Revolt in Reverse mode looks for a reversed folder and if it
finds it empty will crash or freeze (at least the two times
I tried it).
Not a major problem, but you better be sure a track has a reversed
folder before you try to race it in Reverse.
Posted: 30 Jun 2010, 17:29
That's right, Hilaire.
If you try to launch a 'non-Reverse-Ready' track in Reverse mode, it will crash
[quote=""WolfR4 Option Tooltip: Reverse mode available for user tracks""]Warning: Selecting reverse mode for a track not designed for it (without a 'reverse' folder) will crash re-volt.[/quote]
The ideal would have that WolfR4 monitors Reverse it in real time, to be sure you can't select Reverse without the proper folder, but I have no time for it.
However, in the upcoming release of WolfR4, I have reworked the Tracks list, and now you can see directly in the list which tracks support Reverse. You'll just have to memorize it.

Posted: 30 Jun 2010, 19:57
Here is a way to stop Revolt from crashing if a track without
a valid reversed folder is selected in Reverse mode with WolfR4:
Just create an empty reversed folder in the main track folder.
Here is a video of what happens-
Click Here to See Video
Posted: 04 Jul 2010, 23:59
WolfR4 has been updated.
Code: Select all
* beta WIP:10-07-02
Fix: The 255 Laps patch was buggy, it's now fixed.
Mod: Reworked the Tracks list:
When deleting a track, the selection position is restored.
Colored items: Custom tracks in Blue, Stock Tracks in Red.
Stock tracks can be hidden.
Reverse track indicator (the 'R.' column).
Add: Double-clicking on the displayed track GFX image will open the BMP image
in the associated application.
Mod: Some clean up of the code.
Rem: The 'Active Custom Track' info was removed. This information is now
written in the log.
Rem: The 'Create Default Custom.ini' button was removed. Now a default
'Custom.ini' file can be created directly in the selected track folder
by selecting 'Open custom.ini file' for a non-custom track.
Fix: The bmpbmp/loadlevel bug that affected custom track in some conditions
is now fixed. It should also prevent other pending or eventual bugs.
Add: Activate pickups option
Add: New display options in the DEV Panel to skip some parts at rendering.
Mod: The interface has been reworked, 1 new tab has been added to better
distribute the options (I was short in place).
This release fixes the
crash when opening re-volt game settings with 255 laps patch reported by Antonius.
It also fixes the
bmpbmp/loadlevel bug reported by Urnemanden.
I have added the possibility to
activate/deactivate pickups from WolfR4, as it has been asked.
But the main changes are in the
Track tab.
The tracks is
colored differently for Custom and Stock tracks.
You can see directly in the track list whether a track has a
reverse directory (so it will be more easy to remember which one can be launched reversed).
I have removed the indicator of the custom track currently detected by WolfR4. I case this info his needed, you can now find it in the Log tab.
I have also removed the 'Create Default Custom.ini' button. Now, this file is created directly in the selected track directory. Just use the 'Open custom.ini file' button on a track that doesn't already have a custom.ini file.
I have also added a
new tab, called
'race option', to make room for last added/new options, and I wanted to have a tab with the most used settings. I mean, those who are the most likely to be frequently modified when playing re-volt.
For example, the option to have 12 players in lobby online racing is widely used, but I don't think it is often deactivated. So this kind of option is activated by default, but it doesn't have to be in the 'race option' panel.
If you still find some options are not in the right place, or you think that WolfR4 efficiency could be improved by arranging things differently, feel free to discuss about it here.
Now, the main things I'd like to improve for the
next release (you can tell me if you think it's useful or not):
- rearrange/clarify the interface, if I find some ideas (or if someone suggests me good ones)
- ability to deactivate (and reactivate) a track without deleting it.
- maybe adding the possibility to select several tracks at once in the list (not sure, as it could maybe be problematic).
Posted: 05 Jul 2010, 08:37
hil wrote:Here is a way to stop Revolt from crashing if a track without
a valid reversed folder is selected in Reverse mode with WolfR4:
Just create an empty reversed folder in the main track folder.
Yep, that will prevent Re-Volt from crashing in reverse mode, but this means Wolf will think these tracks tracks really have reverse mode (Reverse Mode Indicator would not be of much use then). So how about checking if the reverse folder is empty or not in Wolf?
Bug - Uninstalling Tracks: When I tried to uninstall 2 tracks (Bone Island and JungleVolt), the #\<track> folder was not deleted, and the custom spru.bmp was left inside. Tracks without custom Spru.bmp uninstall well.
Bug - Coloured Items: Museum Battle track is alone not coloured (it's black). It's a stock track
Selecting Multiple Tracks: Yes, you should do it!

This way, you can pack or uninstall multiple tracks. But trouble comes when you select too many tracks and click Open Track Folder.

It's upto the user to avoid this.
Packing Tracks : You should think of placing packed .zip files in a new folder, and not in the main re-volt directory. Also, how about packing multiple tracks in a single zip file? (If you enable Selecting Multiple Tracks feature).
Activate/Deactivate without deleting: Hmm, maybe you could Pack a track and then delete (uninstall) it. If it needs to be activated again, unpack the track (I hope 7zip commandline supports unpacking too).
Posted: 05 Jul 2010, 18:55
Huki @ Jul 5 2010, 04:07 AM wrote:hil wrote:Here is a way to stop Revolt from crashing if a track without
a valid reversed folder is selected in Reverse mode with WolfR4:
Just create an empty reversed folder in the main track folder.
Yep, that will prevent Re-Volt from crashing in reverse mode, but this means Wolf will think these tracks tracks really have reverse mode (Reverse Mode Indicator would not be of much use then). So how about checking if the reverse folder is empty or not in Wolf?
Yep, that's true, Hil's idea has this drawback.
I don't know if I'll do something more elaborated about reverse tracks. I can't say anything for now, first I have to examine again how re-volt works. But it will be quite complicated for sure. And I don't think there is a lot of user tracks designed to support reverse mode...
Re: Bug - Uninstalling Tracks:
In fact, it's not a bug. WolfR4 only delete files that are actually used (in custom.ini). If there is a junk file in the #\<track> folder, it won't be deleted. So the #\<track> folder won't be empty, and it won't be deleted either.
But it shouldn't happen with archives created with the Wolf Pack maker, because junk files are not included.
So, don't put unused files in the '#\<track>' folder (don't even put the MP3 file here if you use MP3). But you can put whatever you want in the 'levels\<track>' folder (here it's ok for the WolfR4 Archiver and for the Uninstaller too).
Re: Bug - Coloured Items:
Right, thanks Huki. It's fixed now. It was because of the upper case letters in 'Muse_Bat'.
Re: Selecting Multiple Tracks:
> But trouble comes when you select too many tracks and click Open Track Folder.
Yep, that's exactly what I was thinking of. Or if you choose 'Open Custom.ini' will several tracks selected, you'll be asked for each non-custom tracks whether you want to create a default custom.ini for the track.
Re: Packing Tracks:
> You should think of placing packed .zip files in a new folder
But... what would be the benefit?
> Also, how about packing multiple tracks in a single zip file?
I don't think I will. The main goal of the Packer it to create a distributable archive of one track.
Re: Activate/Deactivate without deleting:
The packing/unpacking idea could be nice (7zip do support unpacking). But just deactivating the .inf file would be a lot quicker and simpler, I think.
Posted: 05 Jul 2010, 23:13
More than 12 cars in-game
It's not that simple. I think you'll have to maximize the number of textures Re-Volt uses from 26 (i think) to whatever nice 3-5 digit number your heart says.

And then the SiS boards won't suffer from complete random things i.e.: texture errors, etc.)
Could this be possible for you to implement?
Posted: 05 Jul 2010, 23:46
Kay wrote:The Re-Volt game engine can only load 26 (a~z) bitmaps
the cars (12) + tracks (10) + models, fxpages etc... (4)
The number of textures is like the number of models, sfx sounds, etc. Can only be replaced, not increased

Posted: 06 Jul 2010, 02:26
Re: More than 12 cars in-game
Yep, it has already been asked a hundred of times, at least.

It's actually not possible. As I explained somewhere in this topic, quite all limits in re-volt
can't be overridden, because the memory is not allocated dynamically. Moreover, as Huki quoted, all textures are closely interlinked. Car textures are the first in the array, so adding new car textures will make them overlap other textures.
About user tracks and Reverse mode
I have spend hours on a new feature which I glad to add to WolfR4. I have written a new procedure that constantly monitors which track is currently pre-selected (in the Track selection screen, before the track is actually loaded). Then, if a user track is known by WolfR4 to have a Reverse folder, it directly patch the track properties in re-volt memory to allow this track to be run in reverse mode.
That way, only reverse tracks can be launched in reverse mode. We won't fear anymore to load a non-reverse track and crash re-volt.
It was a bit complicated, and a lot of work for such a little feature, but I was curious to know if I could do it, so I'm glad to have it working.
It'll be available in next Wolf release.
Posted: 06 Jul 2010, 06:30
Re: More than 12 cars in-game: Hmm... there is already a mode in Wolf to allow "Same Car for all players". If all cars are same, you can allow any number of cars, right? Even in online races, we use only Toyeca. What do you think?
Re: About user tracks and Reverse mode: Ah, that reminds me of Phoenix's intricate features

Nice job..
Register For Lobby - Quicker Way? Well, right now, re-volt is modified so that it registers Wolf instead of registering itself. This requires us to start revolt once with wolf, with Register for Lobby option activated.. only then it works. And if the user starts normal re-volt again, they need to do the process again. But this process of indirect launching (Ripple Launching?) is fairly simple. All you have to do is add a String "Launcher" to registry with value "WolfR4.exe". So, if this key is added to registry at Wolf startup, all the user needs to do to register is to do is start and close wolf
Ofcourse, even manually adding this key takes less than half minute, but then the key is different for 32bit and 64bit Windows. (For 64bit, it is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432node\Microsoft\..)
But if a windows program adds the key to registry, windows will take care of this change. (You just need to write the code for adding to SOFTWARE\Microsoft\..)
I think it would be nice to manually register lobby from Wolf
Re: Packing Tracks:
Jigebren wrote:
> You should think of placing packed .zip files in a new folder
But... what would be the benefit?
So that the main revolt folder wouldnt be cluttered up with many packed tracks.
Posted: 06 Jul 2010, 13:07
Huki wrote:Hmm... there is already a mode in Wolf to allow "Same Car for all players". If all cars are same, you can allow any number of cars, right? Even in online races, we use only Toyeca. What do you think?
I meant offline.

And i don't care about Toye...errr....Tardeca.
Jig, is it possible for you to implement this feature? Cause i'd like mass-effect races at certain tracks.

Posted: 07 Jul 2010, 01:38
Re: More than 12 cars in-game
Nero wrote:Jig, is it possible for you to implement this feature? Cause i'd like mass-effect races at certain tracks.
Why don't you just play in clockwork mode, then?
Huki wrote:Hmm... there is already a mode in Wolf to allow "Same Car for all players". If all cars are same, you can allow any number of cars, right? Even in online races, we use only Toyeca. What do you think?
Well, using the same car for all players doesn't imply that all textures share the same slot. In fact in this mode, each car still has its own texture in memory, even if all cars are using the same texture file.
The only thing we could think of (dream of...), is to be able to tweak the Clockwork mode, so that we can choose the car and the number of players.
Of course, it implies that it could work offline only, because clokwork doesn't work online.
And even that, it's not that easy...
Re: Register For Lobby - Quicker Way?
Ok, thanks for the complete info. I will try it soon.
But you will be responsible in case it don't work like expected...

Posted: 07 Jul 2010, 04:41
jig wrote:Why don't you just play in clockwork mode, then?
Cause it's just 30 drivers with the same car. And it would be much better if there could be a race with let's say...40 drivers with 40 different cars, than 30 drivers using the same car. Ya know?
This feature is a must for some. 12 cars is too little...

Posted: 07 Jul 2010, 05:50
Re: More than 12 cars in-game
After having hacked the clockwork mode to be able to use the car and texture I want, I decided to try another way. Clockwork hack was working, but it would be too hard to implement afterwards (mainly the car selection part).
So now, I'm on the way to hack the single player mode to allow more than 12 cars. But before I get asked, I want to clarify a few points:
- 30 cars is the maximum available (as in clockwork mode). More is just
not possible.
- Only one single car model allowed for all players. I have achieved to make re-volt using the same texture for all cars. One texture means that, unless we create special cars all sharing one single texture, we can use one car model only during the race.
- don't ask me if it could work in online lobby racing. I have not checked, but for now, I just think it can't.
This hack was an idea I had for a long time, but I never felt like doing it. It sounded too complicated, or was it me that sounded too lazy?

Anyway, I hope it will be working soon...
Posted: 07 Jul 2010, 07:30
Re: More than 12 cars in-game
I have now implemeted it in WolfR4, and it seems to work nicely.
Here is a sreenshot with 30 cars.
Be prepared for battle!
I have also tweaked the result display, so as it is displayed like in clockwork mode (to see all name):
It makes the race is quite fun (like in clockwork, but with bigger and more handleable cars).
Unfortunately, I can now confirm that
it won't work in online racing, because the array used for the starting grid is fixed to a max of 12 items.
Posted: 07 Jul 2010, 08:15
Good to see that you can do it.
And by the way Jigebren, i see that you have the Laptime bug too. o_O Your race time (one lap) is 42:919 while your lap time is 41:421 (same lap). Here's mine.
The same thing happens with my old pc with winxp too.
Posted: 07 Jul 2010, 17:25
Thanks Jig for implementing this great feature!

Posted: 07 Jul 2010, 18:48
Re: Laptime bug
Are you sure there is a Laptime bug? I mean, after your observation, I was also surprised by those values, but after some tries, I think it's a normal behaviour: the lap time clock starts only when you first cross over the starting line (so the time needed to reach this starting line is counted in the race time, but not in the lap time).
If you don't move your car, the Lap clock will just not start at all...
Can you confirm the idea? Or do you still have a 3 or 4 second delay in Lap time, like you reported lately?
Posted: 07 Jul 2010, 22:35
Ah you're right. The laptime starts only after the start line while race time starts immediately

Posted: 09 Jul 2010, 08:56
When using the screen aspect ratio, the "look back" (picture in picture) is correctly positioned to the left, but the "view opponents" picture in picture is not positioned to the right.
Do you think you can position it to the right?
Posted: 09 Jul 2010, 18:23
Huki @ Jul 9 2010, 04:26 AM wrote:When using the screen aspect ratio, the "look back" (picture in picture) is correctly positioned to the left, but the "view opponents" picture in picture is not positioned to the right.
Do you think you can position it to the right?
Done. Thanks for the report, Huki.
Posted: 09 Jul 2010, 20:43
WolfR4 WIP has been updated.
This release is a good opportunity to celebrate the birthday of GWC, the most senior member on ORP... Happy birthday GWC!
Well, there is quite some new stuff in this release.
For example, the Reverse monitoring for user tracks. It was quite a hard job, but now it should be working nicely. Only tracks with a 'reverse' folder should be selectable in Reverse mode (you shouldn't have anymore to use the trick Hilaire has suggested above).
There is also a new 'Carnage' mode. In offline single race, you can race against up to 30 AI opponents, all using the same car (to work around the texture issue).
There is also several changes in the tracks list. For example, double-clicking a track will now automatically launch re-volt. Tracks can be activated/deactived without uninstalling them.
And I have added an option to watch replay with only the same camera than during race, not randomly selected anymore. Sometime, I like it better that way.
And other stuff you can see in the changelog.
Please note that this version is really a WIP one.
I know that there is some unfinished stuff (like about the track list - see the changelog warnings), but I have no time to finish them now.
And also, I do know that the color in the track list can't be seen when a track is selected, but I think I can't do anything about it.
* beta WIP:10-07-09
Fix: Museum Battle wasn't detected as a Stock track in the WolfR4 tracks list.
Add: Reverse mode monitoring:
Now, WolfR4 will monitor the user tracks with a 'reverse' folder, to let
only those tracks selectable in Reverse mode. It shouldn't be possible
anymore to crash re-volt by trying to run in Reverse a track that was not
designed for.
Add: Replay mode: a new option to disable the random camera during replay.
It is still possible to select the usual race cameras with [F1], and to
select the tracked car with [PgUp] / [PgDown].
Mod: The current Track name can now be selected in a drop-down list (or you
can also use the Track List like explained below).
Mod: Double-clicking on a track in the Track List will now directly launch
re-volt with this track.
Add: It is now possible to select several tracks at once in the list.
Warning: this part is 'Work In Progress'. It is currently implememted
only for the 'Hide / Unhide Track' button. Other commands will only use
the first track selected in the list.
Add: New Carnage race mode:
Up to 30 cars mode: race against up to 30 AI opponents (all using the
same car). Only in offline single race mode.
Warning: you have to set the number of cars in the re-volt frontend. For
now, WolfR4 entry is still limited to 12.
Mod: Auto/Quick registering of lobby launcher. You shouldn't have to launch
re-volt once to have WolfR4 registered as a lobby launcher. Just
launching WolfR4 once should be enough (still has to be improved, as it
will work only if the option is already active when wolfR4 is launched).
Add: New option the Hide/Hunhide track:
You can temporarily deactivate any track with this option. Hidden tracks
won't be loaded in re-volt anymore.
Fix: Displayed track gfx is now refreshed also when using keyboard.
Mod: Interface reworked (anew): Memory patches are regrouped in a tab with
3 sub-tabs. I think it could be more clear that way.
Fix: Aspect Ratio patch:
The follow opponent camera is now properly kept aligned to the right.
Please note that I'm leaving for about 1 week.
So I won't read/answer emails, and I won't be on the Forum either.
Posted: 09 Jul 2010, 21:19
jigebren @ Jul 9 2010, 04:13 PM wrote: Well, there is quite some new stuff in this release.
For example, the Reverse monitoring for user tracks. It was quite a hard job, but now it should be working nicely. Only tracks with a 'reverse' folder should be selectable in Reverse mode (you shouldn't have anymore to use the trick Hilaire has suggested above).
Does it work in online races? Online races have different kind of track selection.
Posted: 09 Jul 2010, 21:32
arto @ Jul 9 2010, 04:49 PM wrote:jigebren @ Jul 9 2010, 04:13 PM wrote: Well, there is quite some new stuff in this release.
For example, the Reverse monitoring for user tracks. It was quite a hard job, but now it should be working nicely. Only tracks with a 'reverse' folder should be selectable in Reverse mode (you shouldn't have anymore to use the trick Hilaire has suggested above).
Does it work in online races? Online races have different kind of track selection.
I think it does. Not sure though, as I don't really see what you mean by
different kind of track selection...
But just try yourself, and you'll be sure about the answer.

Posted: 09 Jul 2010, 21:46
30 Car Bug: Just a small one.. with 30 car mode enabled, the clockwork cars in frontend start to play around on the frontend floor instead of their original place on the podium.
Enable TVTIME: You should also enable TVTIME cheat along with MAKEITGOOD. Because by default, with makeitgood, only the F6 camera is enabled and not the F5. With tvtime, it would also be possible to enter replay camera mode.
And maybe there should be a warning that, using F6 while viewing replay will crash re-volt.
Quick Lobby register: Works of course
Birthday Bug: A bug in GWC says he is 77 years old!
Anyway, Hilaire claims to be 98 years old. Born in 1912..... I think i was born in 2130
Posted: 09 Jul 2010, 22:35
Reverse Mode: Works both online and offline. If a track doesnot have reverse folder, it will appear locked. But...
arto wrote:Does it work in online races? Online races have different kind of track selection.
Well, this is true. After racing one track, you can select another track and restart race. This is how we select tracks online. If the first track raced was reversed mode, all other selected tracks are loaded in reverse mode. Re-Volt still crashes using this type of track selection when a non-reverse track is selected for Next Track.

Posted: 10 Jul 2010, 01:42
Re: 30 Car Bug
Yep, I forgot to mention it. In fact I find it quite funny. I think it comes from the startgrid alteration, but as it's not harmful, I won't even try to fix it.
Re: Enable TVTIME
I'll see. I keep the idea for when I'll be back.
Re: Quick Lobby register:
Of course.

But as stated in the readme file, I have to improve it a bit to make it work in all cases.
Re: Reverse Mode:
Ah ok I get it, thanks. I haven't thought about this way. Unfortunatelly at first sight I think I won't be able to do anything about that. But well, I can't really tell now, you'll have to wait till I'm back.
Re: Birthday Bug:
Ok, I'll fix that too...
Hey wait, I can't fix that!
Posted: 10 Jul 2010, 20:39
Thanks Jig for the dedication - it's always nice to receive unexpected presents!
Huki - I discovered how to put the Wincars on the floor many years ago, it was posted to the old forum. As Jig says, it is because of an alteration to the startgrid. (Another oddity with the frontend is that it has AI for a small track.)
re Birthday bug - unfortunately, that isn't a bug. Ignore Hil - he once claimed that he was Hilaire9 because he was a 9-year-old girl.
Have a look at and make up your own mind.