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Posted: 22 Mar 2010, 20:20
Re: MP3 Player
That's really a shame, thanks for looking into it though. I also found the same mp3dec.asi used in the game Heroes Might & Magic III, but when I tried it with Re-Volt it gave the same result. But I don't think the loss of high frequencies is Re-Volt faults, tho, since I can hear the same difference when playing the Heroes Mp3 file in WMP & playing them through the game. I will go look for more codecs, maybe there is some who varies in size and maybe is updated/fixed.
Custom Sounds is lagging
Well, after converting & Racing Bone Island, Rooftops & now also Floating World me & Crone94 could hear that some the Sounds doesn't play at some areas, while playing at other. I have no idea why the sounds do like they do, but it makes the tracks less realistic, when the sounds dies in a completely innatural way. I can do a record of a race in Floating World or send you the track if you want.
Posted: 22 Mar 2010, 22:19
Re: MP3 Player
I have also tried with a more recent 'mp3dec.asi', and it didn't change anything.
But I have a better news: I think I have fixed it.

And I'm glad, as I was close to renounce, spending too much time for a feature I don't really feel concerned about...
It's looking like the sound frame rate was set globally, for all sfx sounds, and they were using a lower frame rate value (enough for all sfx wav files, but not enough for the music files). I patched this, and music and sfx are played properly, with no quality loss for music (and no distinguishable difference for sfx).
Custom Sounds is lagging
I don't know. Have you tried to increase the number of sfx channels in audio settings? Maybe this limit could be reached.
You can try to send me the track, telling me where precisely it occurs, I think it's more easy than making a record.
Posted: 23 Mar 2010, 19:09
Re: Custom Sounds is lagging
Here is a quick summary of an email exchange with urnemanden:
He noticed that on some custom track, sounds doesn't play at some areas, and after some test, he founds out that it only occurs when there is more than 8 cars in the race.
I did some tests too with a custom track he provided me, and I have the same issue, also with more than 8 cars in the race, but only at the beginning of the race, when all cars are quite close.
Now, I think this is a limitation of re-volt itself, probably because the maximum number of sounds available is reached when there is more than 8 cars, which entails that re-volt has to skip some sounds. In fact, it can be seen a a track bug, because too much sounds are used in it.
Unfortunately, I think it is not patchable, as it is still the same static arrays issue (like for the ENV limit, or the number of user tracks limit). This sort of array can't be sized up by a patch because their space is already allocated.
But I tried to disable 3D sounds, and it seems to work properly for me. There is no sound skip anymore, and I can't notice any real difference. I mean that, at least, disabling 3D sound doesn't prevent the stereo localization of the sound source.
Posted: 25 Mar 2010, 00:31
Have you tried the -nosound trick to fix custom sounds skips?
New WolfR4 features
Host restart same race
I'm adding a new fix: in multiplayer, the host can't restart the same race, as all clients get the message 'Host Started Game With Unknown Track'. Now it works, revolt will simply reload the track.
Infinite car overview
I'm also thinking about another little feature: making the overview of the car lasting indefinitely (after the carbox is removed when the car is selected in frontend). For example, it can help car makers to take a screenshot a the car, as the current timer is quite short...
Posted: 25 Mar 2010, 00:45
Great news Jigy!
Here's another bug that the guys who use Custom Cars (like me) get.
If you test a custom car and exit leaving the custom car as the last car you played with, delete the car, re-enter and when you go to select the car, game crashes!
This is because Re-Volt can't load the last car you used because you deleted it, and crashes. Is there a way to fix this?
Posted: 25 Mar 2010, 00:50
Thanks for the tip Jigebren, now I almost doesn't hear any sound lagg at all with 8 players (I still heard with 8 players before). Related to both the 3D Sounds and the MP3 Player: Could you somehow set the priorty of theese things higher? I often hear lagg from the MP3 Player just if my FPS goes from 75 to 73. But theese lags only happen the first time the song is played, tho.
Re: New WolfR4 features
Great to hear that you've fixed the restart track, issue. The idea about making to see the car indefinetly after selecting it in frontend is a good idea as well.
This has been discussed before, but do you know what causes the loading picture to disappear when using -sli to launch Re-Volt? In most full customs, the loading screen is used to show the user what he is about to race, and even though it's only a little touch to the main user excitement, it adds the feeling that a track is finished.
Posted: 25 Mar 2010, 04:14
Deleted custom car bug
I was thinking about simply adding a button in wolfR4 to delete the last car and track entries in the registry. It won't be automated, for simplicity's sake, but it could be helpful when revolt crashes and we know that we have deleted some custom cars.
I'm not sure the same kind of bug happens when deleting custom tracks too? Does anybody knows?
And for the car, I think it only happens is you have deleted a sufficient amount of cars so that their is no car anymore at the last index number (not really easy to explain).
If someone knows, he can feel free to confirm/invalidate.
EDIT: And if anyone know any value in the registry that can make re-volt crash when its value is corrupted, please tell me, so I can add it to this registry cleaning procedure.
About the MP3 lag linked to FPS drop, unfortunately I can't do anything. There is no priority set anywhere AFAIK. Maybe it's because the whole thing where not designed to run on our modern OSes/hardware.
About the -sli command line, I tried to understand its outcome a little better after your above question, but I can't tell you more, sorry. I can't test anything as I don't have Vista (and will probably never does), and if I use the -sli option on my system, it doesn't prevent the loading image to be displayed.
Moreover, I think the -sli was probably a quick simple fix, which means that nicely fixing the issue would have taken longer even for acclaim devellopers (which were working with source code). So fixing this with a patch on the binary file is likely to be impossible... And I have no knowledges about directX, buffer flipping, blitting, etc.
Posted: 25 Mar 2010, 12:05
Alright, I was just wondering because the images actually does display when restarting a track, for example in multi-player or single race.
Jig -> Deleted custom car bug wrote: I'm not sure the same kind of bug happens when deleting custom tracks too? Does anybody knows?
The developers included a smart feature to prevent that on this point.
I thought that now that we are reaching a very stable WolfR4, the GUI perhaps could use a little optimizing. Here is what I was thinking in:
I wanted to keep the original grey design, and at the same time gloss the header a little bit. Is it too conspicuous? Tell me what you think.
Posted: 25 Mar 2010, 19:19
Another new little feature:
For fun, I tried to re-enabled the
'Select Language' menu, as I was sure this menu existed in a version I used many years ago (maybe a demo version, I can't remember, I just remember the menu).
I did it, but in fact we have to choose the language at every re-volt startup. So I have added another option to choose language from WolfR4 directly.
I'm not sure I will keep both options eventually, but having the possibility to see the 'Select Language' menu was fun.
WolfR4 GUI, the first thing I plan to do is enable the support for XP theme. I didn't care about it as I don't use theme on my system, but it will already add a bit of eye-candy.
About glossy thing, first I don't know how to do it, second I became quite bored to see this effect added everywhere to add a 'modern' touch.
But I like the pick-up icon in the 'launch' button. I was already thinking about adding this one, the problem is I don't know how to do. I can easily use a button with text, I can easily use a button with an icon, but I can't easily have both. I think I'll have to do it myself with the help of the Windows API, and it will take time for a non-vital feature.
Also, as you said urnemanden, WolfR4 is reaching a quite advanced state. So if you have any other remark about the GUI organization, or about option title or tooltips content, please tell me so I can do the needed correction.
Posted: 25 Mar 2010, 20:14
Re: WolfR4 GUI
Ah, that's nice to hear. I am using Windows Classic (as you see), so it will hopefully not change anything here then. I understand that you're tired of the glossy stuff, so I'll try do some experiments myself, in order to get an okay result as well.
It's nice to hear that you've enabled the Select Language Menu again. Perhaps you're referring to the 1.0 version of Re-Volt when talking about this menu at start-up?
Suggestions & Questions
- This suggestion might be hard to do, but if you could make an option to set the highest priorty of above-mentioned it could give a quite good sound experience. Let's say I created a priorty list called
Redbook, MP3, 3D Sound. WolfR4 would make Re-Volt play music from the Re-Volt CD if it's inserted and if no REDBOOK defined in the .inf file, it would use the MP3 Player to play the MP3 if there is a mp3 defined in the .inf. In the end if neither of theese is defined, WolfR4 will enable 3D Sounds.
- There is a lot of work into doing a priorty like this, but if you don't feel like trying, could you then make an option to use Redbook?
-Do you know what the
mssb16.tsk file is for?
- At the
Custom Track tab, all the tracks WolfR4 found valid is written with capital letters. It's quite annoying to look at, so I'll suggest that you eventually use the name of the folder or the name of the track inside the .inf file.
- What about some Gfx support at the
Custom Track tab?
- Maybe a some statistic stuff? Like the total amount of tracks as well for cars.
- Perhaps a BMQ creator that goes all folders through for BMP files, and then creates a familiar BMQ file 50% as big?
- Are you planning to release the re-sizer tool you've created for the 512patch? It could be very useful, if you're a guy like me who runs WolfR4 with the 512patch.
Posted: 25 Mar 2010, 22:01
AFAIK there is no problem leaving a custom track selected and then deleteing it. RV has never crashed, for me, in this circumstance.
With cars, it only has to be the selected car that is deleted for RV to crash. Though, sometimes, if you replace it with another car, the new car will take the deleted 1's place and you are lucky.
With RV v1.0, the language menu appears every time you start the game. With RV v1.1, it only appears when you 1st install RV - after that, I don't think there is a way of changing the language without re-installing. Unless there is an option somewhere that I've forgotten. Or not found yet!
Posted: 25 Mar 2010, 23:20
redbook stuff, I think it's the part used for playing audio from CD, right?
I didn't feel like working on this, because as I said before, I'm not very interested by re-volt music, and I don't like the idea to have to keep the re-volt CD in the tray.
I've added MP3 playing because you asked for it, and because it can be re-used for user tracks, on the contrary to redbook, which is of no use for custom tracks AFAIK.
Anyhow, I will try to take a look, just for fun, but I can't spend to much time on it.
About the 'mssb16.tsk' file (and also 'mss16.dll' and 'Mss32.dll'), I think you already know that there are part of the Mile sound system, the audio API used by re-volt.
I think, but I might be mistaken, that 'mssb16.tsk' and 'mss16.dll' were used only for 16-bits windows system (ie. windows 3.1), so they are not used anymore. I always delete these two files. 'Mss32.dll' is the only one to keep.
And also, about 'mssb16.tsk', it seems that is was used for background task (that's why the extension is '.tsk'), but I can't tell you more.
custom tracks tab
About the custom tracks name list, if I want to display the name in .inf file, it means that I have to writte a supplementary function only to read the content of the .inf file, to get the content of the NAME entry. That why for simplicity's sake, I just display the directory name (which is moreover the name re-volt uses internally).
About gfx and statistic support, that could be a good idea, but it's not really the goal of WolfR4. I don't want to add any management feature, because it would be an endless task if I start. The 'Custom Track' tab is designed for Custom management features only. If I begin to display gfx, then I will be asked to also add non-custom track to the list, etc, etc. You see what I mean?

I think this task deserves a dedicated tool (like 'Car Manager' or 'Track Manager').
But feel free to keep up with suggestion (the fact is I already have spent so much time on this tool that I'd like now to have a bugfree/working version to release so that I can slow down development and came back to a normal life

Oh, and I forgot. About BMQ creator, it was more a part of the re-sizer tool I've created for the 512patch. About this re-sizer tool, I don't know if I will release it one day. Maybe. I havn't used it recently, but I can remember it was far from being 'releasable'.
Language menu
I remember once having reinstall re-volt without any patch, but as far as I remember, there were no language menu, even at the very first start.
In the 1207 version, I can re-enable the menu, in which case it appears at every startup, but I don't see any way to have it call once only, with the setting saved for following session. But it doesn't really matter, it was more by curiosity.
Posted: 26 Mar 2010, 02:44
Re: redbook
New WolfR4 feature: the redbook is finally back.
It means Re-Volt v1207 is able to play the CD music again.
You will just have to set the CDROM drive letter in WolfR4.
I'm not sure yet about the result if we enable both MP3 and redbook at the same time...
Posted: 26 Mar 2010, 02:58
That's great to hear Jigebren! Now I can add MP3 Music to all my custom tracks and use Redbook to all stocks and the ones I download when there some day will be a 512 track available
You are making me quite excited about the next release of WolfR4. I am aleready considering to buy a new speaker system! =)
Posted: 26 Mar 2010, 23:20
You can use REDBOOK for custom tracks.
Posted: 26 Mar 2010, 23:22
I have enabled the
replay feature, there will be new Replay load/save entries in menu.
I have also released an updated version of WolfR4, as the new features list was beginning to become quite big.
Add: Reverse mode available for user tracks.
Warning: Selecting reverse mode for a track not designed for it (without
a 'reverse' folder) will crash re-volt.
Add: New entries in 'custom.ini' file ([object_properties]).
Mod: Modify entries in [camera] section in 'custom.ini': uses 1 vector instead
of 3 separate coordinates.
Fix: Little corrections in command line part.
Add: Init sound system to 44kHz, to prevents MP3 playing quality degradation.
Add: Host restart the same race fix.
When host restart the same race in multiplayer, it will force Re-Volt to
reload the track instead of displaying an error message to all clients.
Add: Option to display main camera position and looking direction.
Add: Infinite selected car preview
Make a pause on the selected car preview in frontend (good to take car
screenshot, for example).
Add: New entries in 'custom.ini' file:
'levels\market1\trolley.bmp', 'models\gogo.m', etc.
Some are hidden, but could be used eventually.
Add: 'Select Language' menu can be re-enabled (like is was in first Re-Volt
version, maybe 1.0), and will be launched at Re-Volt startup.
Add: Instead of using the above menu, you can also force the Re-Volt used
language from WolfR4 directly.
Add: Redbook can be re-enabled.
It means Wolfed Re-Volt v1207 is also able to play the CD music.
You will just have to set the CDROM drive letter in WolfR4.
Add: New Replay load/save entries in menu.
The replay file ('Replay.rpl') is loaded/saved in the Re-Volt directory.
(There is only one single replay file available).
Rem: Aspect ratio correction checkbox was removed, as this is looking too
complicated to be implemented in WolfR4 and may need a dedicated patcher.
Posted: 27 Mar 2010, 01:03
Great to hear, Jig! For the next days I won't be able to test it tho, but I promise I will when I get back to my laptop friday.
Also, me and Crone94 has been testing Floating World on both 1207 & 0916 where it was being replaced with Toytanic 2 using the installer comming with the track. It seems to be correct that there is some sort of 3D Sound Limit, because we experienced lagg all times we tested, with or without using my external sound card. But if there really is a limit, could you then tell how big it is? We tried to delete some of the unnecessary 3D Sounds and did some other modifications as well, but that didn't help neither. Crone is also telling me that he tried Floating World before, experiencing no lagg at all; perhaps it could have something to do with the SFX Channel value in the Audio Options as you pointed out as well - I don't remember this setting in 1.0, but I might be wrong. What is it techincally used for, btw?
Posted: 27 Mar 2010, 03:44
Just a little bug report on the newest one:
I deleted the old Wolf4R.ini file, and launched Wolfy.
The Run/Windowed mode was on. Of course I wanted it off, so I selected Fullscreen. Both Fullscreen and Windowed were then selected! And the "Command line" part still showed "-window". I had to edit Wolf4R.ini file in notepad and put "windowed=0" to fix it.
But looking good and impressive development has been done!
Posted: 27 Mar 2010, 05:36
Thanks, arto. This bug is fixed. I made a little mistake while cleaning up the interface layout.
@urnemanden, about sound skips
I made other test and I look at the code source, but keep in mind that the v1207 modifications (like 3Dsound) are not in the available source code, so I have to understand these parts from dissasembly only.
To answer your question, I think that up to 64 sfx channels (32 is the default value set in the frontend) and 64 3Dchannels are available (but I'm not sure the term 'channel' is appropriate in both cases, maybe it's 'samples' for at least one of the two).
But, when enabling 3DSound, only 26 sfx channels are allocated (at least on my system). It doesn't seem to be a re-volt choice, but it looking like the driver doesn't want to allocate some more.
So for Floating World, if you enable 3D sounds, you'll have only 26 sfx (no matter what is set in the frontend), and when all channels are full, some sounds will be skipped.
But if you deactivate 3D sounds, you'll got 32 (or up to 64) sfx, and sound will be ok.
To prove that, you can try to disable 3D sounds, but set only ~20 sfx in frontend audio setting, and I'm quite sure you'll have the same sound skip than with 3d sounds enabled.
And last, if Crone has already tried this track without sound skips, either he could have been using less than 9 cars, or he had 3D sounds disabled, or he was using a previous re-volt version that don't have the 3D sound feature at all (I'm not sure for this last one, it's only an idea).
Posted: 27 Mar 2010, 15:44
First, i believe we ran with 8 cars when trying this out, so that's most likely not the problem.
When i had my old windows xp, i didnt run with a patch, that means version 1.0, which could be why as well.
Also it could be a possibility that it has something to do with the individual computer and not Re-Volt, but thats just a guess, im far from sure. But if i know RST right, he would never release a track with issues remaining, so i believe he didnt experience any problems as well.
Anyways, keep working, you're doin' it rite

Posted: 27 Mar 2010, 18:01
Re:Deleted custom car bug
That's not really a problem, worst comes to worst you have to download a registry file that makes the selection go back to RC Bandit.
Posted: 28 Mar 2010, 15:32
Thanks for the Save replay feature! Because, some races are so great and it's such a bad thing to lose the replay of it, so we can save and send the file.
Too bad, there's space only for one.
Good job Jigebren! Again!

Posted: 28 Mar 2010, 21:23
Double post for the win!...
But, I'd have some requests for Jigebren for the next version of WolfR4...
I'm not sure if they're possible, but most of them could...
- Would be great, for tracks makers if, we could make tracks with more than 10 workable .bmps, maybe 20 would be great. Just a request.
- Custom track finder, for those who have a lot of tracks, and would play them in Single Race again, but the track is at M and they're at B. Would be cool, if, by clicking M, to get at the first M custom track installed. Would be so good.
- Re-Volt Refresh. If we could press something and to refresh it. This would work if we would press Alt + Tab while being in the Menu, then download a custom track or car, install it, and by pressing any button, or automatic refresh to have the new installed custom track or car without exiting and re-entering in Re-Volt.
- To play with custom Random Cars too, why not? To see 12 BMWs, or Jeeps or whatever else.
- To be able to type more words in Multyplayer when you press F12.
Those are all, hope at least 2 of them to be possible to make.
Good luck and Greetings!

Posted: 28 Mar 2010, 23:48
These requests seems to be taken from the phoenix features list
miromiro @ Mar 28 2010, 04:53 PM wrote:- Would be great, for tracks makers if, we could make tracks with more than 10 workable .bmps, maybe 20 would be great. Just a request.
This one have already been asked in the beginning of the 512 pach, I think. I won't do it, because:
- I can't: texture array is fixed and can't be sized up.
- I can maybe re-use car n° 9 to 12 textures like phoenix seems to do, but I'm not interrested by this solution.
- I try to avoid to totally break the compatibility with non-wolfed track, and doing this will do.
- Custom track finder, for those who have a lot of tracks, and would play them in Single Race again, but the track is at M and they're at B. Would be cool, if, by clicking M, to get at the first M custom track installed. Would be so good.
It may look simple to imagine, but it is not to implement. Revolt is not designed for that kind of feature. It could be fun to try, but doing this would involve a lot of suplementary code. For exemple, I will have to monitor the keyboard, which I'm not doing until now. And sorry but I don't feel like working again so much on this project.
- Re-Volt Refresh. If we could press something and to refresh it. This would work if we would press Alt + Tab while being in the Menu, then download a custom track or car, install it, and by pressing any button, or automatic refresh to have the new installed custom track or car without exiting and re-entering in Re-Volt.
For the cars, it is already implemented in WolfR4. For the track, I don't even know if it's doable, and it the time I'll have to spend to implement this feature won't worth the pain, compared to the time needed for user to just restart re-volt.
- To play with custom Random Cars too, why not? To see 12 BMWs, or Jeeps or whatever else.
Do you mean that using random cars curently only allow stock cars? In that case it could be interesting to try to modify it.
- To be able to type more words in Multyplayer when you press F12.
Maybe it could be done. What is the current limit?
Posted: 29 Mar 2010, 00:04
Yeah right, first 3 requests were from Phoenix.
Thought I'll trick you
Jigebren wrote:Do you mean that using random cars curently only allow stock cars? In that case it could be interesting to try to modify it.
Yes, only stocks. Well, this if you don't replace them. And if you have as example only the first 8 Rookie class cars only those will be chosen. Would be funny if we would be able to play with random custom cars. Do you think you can do that?
Jigebren wrote:Maybe it could be done. What is the current limit?
Dunno, I think about 25 words including spaces. Never tried. If you can make that, make at least a number of 40 words. Too many would be annoying.
Jigebren wrote:For the cars, it is already implemented in WolfR4. For the track, I don't even know if it's doable, and it the time I'll have to spend to implement this feature won't worth the pain, compared to the time needed for user to just restart re-volt.
Oh really? Never tried, gotta try this
Jigebren wrote:It may look simple to imagine, but it is not to implement. Revolt is not designed for that kind of feature. It could be fun to try, but doing this would involve a lot of suplementary code. For exemple, I will have to monitor the keyboard, which I'm not doing until now. And sorry but I don't feel like working againd so much on this project.

Oh, okay then.
Jigebren wrote:This one have already been asked in the beginning of the 512 pach, I think. I won't do it, because:
- I can't: texture array is fixed and can't be sized up.
- I can maybe re-use car n° 9 to 12 textures like phoenix seems to do, but I'm not interrested by this solution.
- I try to avoid to totally break the compatibility with non-wolfed track, and doing this will do.
Okay then, good luck!
Some other request that wasn't taken from Phoenix feature list
- If, we could play with 30 opponents, but not on Clockwork Carnage, with stock opponents. Dunno if this is possible, but just a request!
Good luck doing the next version of WolfR4!

Posted: 29 Mar 2010, 00:51
Jig wrote:Do you mean that using random cars curently only allow stock cars? In that case it could be interesting to try to modify it.
If you're interested in modifying this option for cars, I think it could be just as nice to have for tracks. It could really give Re-Volt a boost, if the lazy user just have to press 4 buttons to play a new track, stock or custom. Especially with the WolfR4 features enabled, it could be awesome

Posted: 29 Mar 2010, 00:53
Posted: 29 Mar 2010, 02:12
nice idea
when will it be ready for track makers btw

Posted: 29 Mar 2010, 03:15
Random user cars
Is that something like that you were expecting?
miromiro wrote:- If, we could play with 30 opponents, but not on Clockwork Carnage, with stock opponents. Dunno if this is possible, but just a request!
We can't at least for one simple reason, there is not enough texture files available for all these cars. Clockwork Carnage cars are all using the same texture file, that's why they can be so numerous.
when will it be ready for track makers btw smile.gif
If you're talking about public release, it quite simple: "when it's done".
For now, everyone can become a "beta tester" and use it.
Anyhow, I have to rework/finish the go go fix before any public version can be distributed, and this part is a bit fussy. With the help of arto, we're trying to understand it better, and we're having a hard time. Moreover, AFAIK I have no beta tester for that part (ie. someone with the gogo bug).
Posted: 29 Mar 2010, 17:34
Posted: 29 Mar 2010, 19:20
miromiro @ Mar 29 2010, 01:04 PM wrote:I tried with 20 cars using Chat Engine that Chris Elston said that would work. Well, it worked, but textures were crap
(I think you mean Ch
eat Engine. At first reading, I was wondering what textures would have to do with a Chat engine...)
Yep, I told you you can't. It will overwrite other textures if you try (if you have a screenshot to post, it could be fun).
Random user levels
Following the
Random user cars feature, I have added the support for random user levels too. But it will work only for approximately the first 100 user tracks. Following tracks will be ignored. (Yes, we can't do what we want in the binary file...)
Refresh installed user tracks
Another new feature, I was very glad to have this one work, even if it's not an
essential feature. Like for the cars, there will be another button in wolfR4 to refresh the installed user tracks. It means you can add/remove track while re-volt is running, press this button, and available tracks will be refreshed in re-volt.
Chat message lenght in Multiplayer (when you press F12)
I think this one can be done, but doing it nicely will involve to move the used memory zone, and it implies quite a lot of patches (not so much though). So I don't feel like doing it.
Of course, if it is
really a wanted feature, I may change my mind (online gamers, give me your opinion).
Posted: 29 Mar 2010, 19:32
Yeah, Ch
eat Engine

Here's a pic about this...
There's also a topic related to this...
right here.
About the refreshing...
Good luck and good job Jig!

Posted: 30 Mar 2010, 01:24
Double posting For The Win!!!
I just got an idea of feature what would be good.
- When you play a track reversed you see at the track chooser (the place where you choose the track you want to play), and press R for reverse, you see the same no. of meters like the normal one. At Toy World 1 is another racing line and it is longer than 354m, it has about 380m. I wonder, if the track is playable reversed too, and POS Nodes are done, to see the right no. of meters reversed and not the same like on normal playing. Could this be possible?
Let's hope so.

Posted: 30 Mar 2010, 01:31
Juicy J
jigebren @ Mar 29 2010, 02:50 PM wrote: miromiro,Mar 29 2010, 01:04 PM wrote:
Chat message lenght in Multiplayer (when you press F12)
I think this one can be done, but doing it nicely will involve to move the used memory zone, and it implies quite a lot of patches (not so much though). So I don't feel like doing it.
Of course, if it is really a wanted feature, I may change my mind (online gamers, give me your opinion).
Posted: 30 Mar 2010, 04:36
miromiro @ Mar 29 2010, 08:54 PM wrote:and press R for reverse
Press R ?!?

For me, it's key down...
I wonder, if the track is playable reversed too, and POS Nodes are done, to see the right no. of meters reversed and not the same like on normal playing. Could this be possible? Let's hope so.
No, it's not possible. Re-Volt only read the .pan file in the track directory to get the track length. The .pan file in the reversed folder is not read.
Posted: 30 Mar 2010, 11:10
jigebren @ Mar 29 2010, 02:50 PM wrote: Chat message lenght in Multiplayer (when you press F12)
I think this one can be done, but doing it nicely will involve to move the used memory zone, and it implies quite a lot of patches (not so much though). So I don't feel like doing it.
Of course, if it is really a wanted feature, I may change my mind (online gamers, give me your opinion).
It would be nice to have, but nothing essential. So maybe not worth a lot of work.
Posted: 30 Mar 2010, 17:26
jigebren @ Mar 30 2010, 12:06 AM wrote: miromiro @ Mar 29 2010, 08:54 PM wrote:and press R for reverse
Press R ?!?

For me, it's key down...
I wonder, if the track is playable reversed too, and POS Nodes are done, to see the right no. of meters reversed and not the same like on normal playing. Could this be possible? Let's hope so.
No, it's not possible. Re-Volt only read the .pan file in the track directory to get the track length. The .pan file in the reversed folder is not read.
Uhh... key down... I meant that appear that R after track's name when you press key down for reversed
About the reverse meters... too bad

Posted: 30 Mar 2010, 19:48
I have a few suggestions for WolfR4 -
1. That the space in-game for vehicle names (currently 19 characters) be increased.
I hate when a name is only a few letters short and is cut off...
Maybe the font size could be decreased as an option to allow longer names...
Perhaps this could apply to tracks as well -
2. Maybe an option to have a graphic (even something very simple) on the boxes for custom cars that appear for the Re-Volt default cars -
3. And lastly, how to get the ratings bars next to each custom vehicle to appear correctly representing each cars parameters.
TO ANYONE: And just to clear things up about WolfR4, how many custom cars and
how many custom tracks can be loaded. What are the limits for each. Thanks~
Posted: 30 Mar 2010, 19:59
Cars: 32766.
Tracks: 256 (yet).
Posted: 30 Mar 2010, 21:39
An oddity with RV cars is that 4 of them - Rotor, Panga, Mystery Car and Probe UFO - are never selected as cpu cars, except in 'Random' mode. These cars all have special features (Controls continue to work normally with Rotor when it is inverted; Panga turns his head when the wheels steer; sides of the sheet over the Mystery car sway; Probe UFO is steerable when off the ground). In addition, the engine sounds used by the UFO and the clockwork cars are tied to their folders.
I very much doubt if it is possible to do anything about this, but, if you don't know about it already, you possibly should!(?)
Thanks for the random fix - the ignoring of custom cars was the reason that I stopped using random mode.
But the feature that would really refresh RV for me is custom championships, with both tracks and number of laps selectable, and custom cars available for selection (at present, only the original cars are selected).
Sorry I've not mentioned any of this earlier.
Posted: 30 Mar 2010, 21:59
Posted: 30 Mar 2010, 23:31
Seeing your request, and as you're quite new on this topic, I think I have to clarify some points. I'm just patching re-volt binary file, not modifying source code and recompiling. That make each little change quite hard to implement, and a lot of stuff are not doable at all.
Some features, like Ghost car, Replay, etc., were already implemented in the binary file by re-volt develloper (unless it would not have been possible to add these features from scratch), and they
just had to be reactivated.
1. That the space in-game for vehicle names (currently 19 characters) be increased.
Not possible. The memory used for that field is structured in such a way that you can't increase its size without overwritting adjacent field. That's the kind of thing that would easily be done from source code, but can't be modified by a patch.
2. Maybe an option to have a graphic (even something very simple) on the boxes for custom cars that appear for the Re-Volt default car
Anything even very very simple would be an astronomical amount of work to implement. Once again, that kind of stuff can only be done in source code.
3. And lastly, how to get the ratings bars next to each custom vehicle to appear correctly representing each cars parameters
That's simple, I think you just can't. I have not yet verified the reason why (I might do it, but it won't change anything to the issue).
Rotor, Panga, Mystery Car and Probe UFO
I think what miro said about is quite right. It's looking like having these cars selectable by AI has no real sense, no?
About random fix, I glad to se that this feature is appreciated.
custom championships
I have already sketchily thought about this idea, as a kind of full custom feature but:
-it will be very hard to implement, as it implies to customize cars, tracks, championship data, and also car shadows, etc.
-it's too much work, I don't think I will continue to develop WolfR4 during such a long time.
-even if it would be implemented in WolfR4, I'm not sure anybody will take the time to select enough custom tracks and cars to make a full custom championship. It would not be that easy.
-and last, I'm not even sure it's doable...
using Rotor's, Panga's, Probe UFO's and Mystery's parameters for other custom cars
Yep, the idea would be quite exciting. But for that kind of stuff, I think you'll have to wait for the DEV team to release a new complied version of re-volt (openvolt).
Moreover, I won't explain all difficulties to make such a patch, but I'm quite sure that it would not have been possible to have several custom cars with the same special setting at the same time.
Posted: 31 Mar 2010, 23:37
Well... Mystery's parameters are very nearly to be the same like Aquasonic's. Only it drives a little faster. Still, Mystery's AI is quite good.
About the custom champs, you don't have to work so much, people can still make
Mods, replacing the champs' tracks with other custom tracks. So, don't worry
About the custom parameters...

We'll wait. Is there a way to merge OpenVolt with WolfR4? Would be an
Anyway, good luck in all what you'll do, cya soon

Posted: 01 Apr 2010, 02:41
miromiro @ Mar 31 2010, 07:07 PM wrote:About the custom champs, you don't have to work so much, people can still make
Mods, replacing the champs' tracks with other custom tracks. Sp, don't worry
Yes, or course. It's just that WolfR4 would have help to make things easier. Like for custom track, it can be done without WolfR4, but then you have to replace files and restart re-volt each time. That why it could have been interesting to support custom championships too, but, as I said above...
About the custom parameters... sad.gif
We'll wait. Is there a way to merge OpenVolt with WolfR4? Would be an AWESOME tool
If one day OpenVolt become a reality, then there would be no need for WolfR4 anymore. All could be done so much more easily directly in the source code...
Posted: 01 Apr 2010, 03:22
OpenVolt would cooperate with WolfR4 if once released...
I think it will be released in only 10 years

. (no professional C++ programmers are in)
even talking about NewVolt which is a total recode of the game, is totally different from Re-Volt system
so WolfR4 is a keeper

Posted: 01 Apr 2010, 03:32
Woah!... 10 years???
So, this won't happen tomorrow

Posted: 01 Apr 2010, 06:56
MP3 Thingy...
Jig, try out the files on my website, i ripped the from the disc in wmp.
i dont really visit any forums that often anymore... so dont get mad if i dont answer. the best way to get an answer is to email me.
Posted: 01 Apr 2010, 07:25
Well, the WolfR4 public release date is approaching. There is still some work to do but I'm working hard on it.
I have decided to make WolfR4 available for a
little fee. I think you will understand, compared to the time I have spent working on it.
The price is fixed to 26$ or 26€ if you live in Europe.
I think this tool is so cool that it really deserve it, and I'm sure you think this price is not enough: I agree with you!
You can
pre-order now by sending me a check (send me a PM to get my address) before I take the necessary steps to enable a
secured paypal transaction.
Hurry up before I jack up prices!
Special mega offer:
The first 3 guys who answer to this advertisement will get it FOR FREE! (incl. lifetime update)
So shout out
"I want it" before it's too late. Remember, only
first 3...
Posted: 01 Apr 2010, 08:25
"I want it!"

Posted: 01 Apr 2010, 09:15
I want it