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Posted: 04 Mar 2010, 00:18
urnemanden @ Mar 3 2010, 06:51 PM wrote:Code: Select all
gfx\fxpage1.bmp = #\JV\Fx1.bmp
gfx\fxpage1.bmp = #\JV\Fx2.bmp
gfx\fxpage1.bmp = #\JV\Spru.bmp
Doing this, the usual 'gfx\fxpage1.bmp' will be remplaced by your '#\JV\Spru.bmp', and Fxpage are not modified at all. That could explain your picture (but I didn't know that the pickup was textured).
The reason why I didn't include a check for dupplicate lines is that when starting from the default 'custom.ini' file, you have no reason to copy/paste lines, you just have to comment / uncomment existing lines, so there is no real reason to have dup lines, I think.
Because of the mistakes in the first code, I think WolfR4 was unable to copy the 3 bmp's into the gfx folder,
Well, WolfR4 doesn't copy/move any file (I wouldn't have find this way very safe).
- Error: "Can't load mipmap texture Fx1.bmpmp"
This message is strange. I can say that the issue don't come from this
'custom.ini' file.
I'd like to know the content of your 'Listed Custom Tracks:'.
And the video reporting way is quite helpfull (but if it must ask you some time to put everyting in place).
- Bug: The Re-Volt Menu without text and spru
Maybe it's just because re-volt can't load some textures (spru.bmp, fxpage, ...), so it can be linked to the message above. Fixing this message may fix this thing too.
Posted: 04 Mar 2010, 02:08
Jig -> Fxpage duplicates wrote:
The reason why I didn't include a check for dupplicate lines is that when starting from the default 'custom.ini' file, you have no reason to copy/paste lines, you just have to comment / uncomment existing lines, so there is no real reason to have dup lines, I think.
I agree with you in that there is no reason to copy/paste lines and exactly therefore I think there should be some sort warning when loading a track where more files is trying to replace the same file. I didn't get the bug on purpose, but by accident because I forgot to modify everything in each line in the custom.ini. And the bug that shows up in cause of this mistake from my side, doesn't clearly enough tell exactly where the bug is, thinking that WolfR4 should be user-friendly both for players as well as track makers.
A check for that the same file isn't pointing for more files should in my opinion be written at least on the TODO List as the last thing to do, just to help track makers who cannot promise 100% that they won't be a bit sloppy (forgetting or making mistakes), like I was, when I wrote JungleVolt's custom.ini. Of course that's just my opinion
Jig -> WolfR4 wrote:Well, WolfR4 doesn't copy/move any file (I wouldn't have find this way very safe).
I wouldn't neither, but I thought that this was the way you made WolfR4 doing what it does. And I agree that moving is a risky way to make tracks custom - that's another big advantage in using Wolf, compared to Phoenix and I am very happy for that
Re: Error: "Can't load mipmap texture Fx1.bmpmp"
To me it looks pretty normal, but you can probably tell that better than I can. I am glad you find the videos I upload helpful, I am only uploading them for that reason. =)
Re: Bug: The Re-Volt Menu without text and spru
I am pretty sure that the bug will dissappear if no error messages is shown during the loading. You cannot minimize Re-Volt while it's loading (pause the loading), so that might be the reason to it's "vulnerabilty" during that state.
Posted: 04 Mar 2010, 03:38
urnemanden wrote:A check for that the same file isn't pointing for more files should in my opinion be written at least on the TODO List as the last thing to do, just to help track makers who cannot promise 100% that they won't be a bit sloppy (forgetting or making mistakes)
It's noted.
Re: Error: "Can't load mipmap texture Fx1.bmpmp"
I still can't find what's wrong here.
Can you make a search to list all the 'custom.ini' files in your 'levels' directory, and also confirm that you have not modified the jailhouse 'custom.ini' ?
What is strange is that the message report an issue with a file from Wolfed Jailhouse (#\jlh\...).
Posted: 04 Mar 2010, 19:45
Re: Error: "Can't load mipmap texture Fx1.bmpmp"
By searching the Re-Volt512 folder I found 4 custom.ini. Here are their full location on my laptop:
- C:\Program Files (x86)\Acclaim Entertainment\Re-Volt512\levels\JungleVolt\custom.ini
- C:\Program Files (x86)\Acclaim Entertainment\Re-Volt512\levels\jailhouse_org\custom.ini
- C:\Program Files (x86)\Acclaim Entertainment\Re-Volt512\levels\jailhouse\custom.ini
- C:\Program Files (x86)\Acclaim Entertainment\Re-Volt512\custom.ini
By pressing on one of the paths above you can read what they contain. I am sure that nothing inside the \levels\jailhouse\custom.ini file has been modified in any way - and that also counts for the custom.ini inside Re-Volt512 (generated by WolfR4). Didn't have time to read it all through, so I just left it where it was generated.
I agree with you that it's a quite weird error, thinking that I was loading JungleVolt and not Jailhouse. Actually I managed to prevent the error from comming, by copy-pasting and rename the file
Fx1.bmp to
Fx1.bmpmp. Of course, this is not the correct solution, as it's probably a bug somewhere in the Wolf-code or in Re-Volt.
Testing Jailhouse Rock (Updated)
Played 20 laps without noticing any bugs, at least not bugs related to WolfR4. Had some trouble making the great skymap seamless all around when re-sized - do you know any good Re-size filter for that task?
I will try Wolf Bone Island later, tonight I hope I have the time to do that.
Posted: 04 Mar 2010, 20:36
Re: Error: "Can't load mipmap texture Fx1.bmpmp"
The fact that this issue occurs with your track and not with jailhouse is, at least is think, because you're customizing files that are also used by the frontend (fxpage, spru.bmp).
When a user is choosing a level, there is enough time for wolfR4 to patch the necessary values, before the level is actually loaded.
But when you quit a race back to fronted, there is no delay before the frontend datas are loaded, so previous patched values can be restored to late (this may even occurs if you change a level and load it very quickly).
I have two solutions:
-deactivate support for customizing files that are used by fronted.
-find a way to patch the values before the frontend (or any other level) loading occurs.
I'm on the way to change the level detection procedure, trying to add a little delay in revolt before level loading, to let me the time to apply / restore patch. I hope I will achieve to make it work this way.
Fx1.bmp to Fx1.bmpmp.
About this thing, it sounds like a WolfR4 bug (maybe linked to the above issue). But all things I've checked until now are fine.
seamless jailhouse skymap
I'm not sure to understand what you mean by seamless. Because any bicubic or similar filter would do the job nicely enough for resizing without pixellating, I think.
Posted: 04 Mar 2010, 21:24
Re: Error: "Can't load mipmap texture Fx1.bmpmp"
Another solution could be to leave the bmp's used by Frontend unchanged till the next level is loaded or Re-Volt is exited. But I support your second solution more, this could eventually just be an alternative if your solution doesn't work.
Disabling would limit Wolf alot, so I would recommend to leave that solution as the last thing to do.
Re: seamless jailhouse skymap
Just checked the original sized skymap, and I saw that it wasn't fully seamless neither, so I guess it has nothing to do with what Re-size mode I was using. (Of course the loss of seamlessness is not noticeable when driving normally)

Posted: 04 Mar 2010, 21:47
urnemanden @ Mar 4 2010, 04:54 PM wrote:Re: Error: "Can't load mipmap texture Fx1.bmpmp"
Another solution could be to leave the bmp's used by Frontend unchanged till the next level is loaded or Re-Volt is exited.
Yep, but obviously this would mean that the frontend will be displayed using the last custom track textures.
Re: seamless jailhouse skymap resizing
It's a bit offtopic, but it's an interessting subject.
I think resing nicely/seamlessly a skymap is not an easy task.
The only way I could imagine is to recompose the full image (the best would be to use this recomposed image as a pattern to create an even bigger image - not easy to explain, the goal is to have dummy margins), then you resize this image (using eg. bicubic filter), and after you can cut out each of the 6 images needed to create the final skymap, resized and seamless...
I hope this is understandable.
Posted: 04 Mar 2010, 22:11
I agree that it would make a limitation/bad look, if the gfx will be showed in frontend, but I don't think we are talking about many bmp's that won't be useable. Personally I have nothing against seeing the JungleVolt theme in frontend as well, as long as it disappears when loading a new track or exit Re-Volt.
Related to the Skymap Re-sizement, do you mean creating a dummy like this?

Posted: 04 Mar 2010, 22:23
urnemanden @ Mar 4 2010, 05:41 PM wrote:Related to the Skymap Re-sizement, do you mean creating a dummy like this?
Yep, quite like that. But IMO the best would be (the thing I tried to explain):

Sorry, it's quickly done. I've grayed the part to keep at the end.
EDIT: I had forgotten some parts in the image.
Posted: 05 Mar 2010, 02:53
Re: seamless jailhouse skymap resizing
Your method could work as well, but I tried to just copy the transperant outline that comes when re-sizing up (look at image below)
Unfortunately that requires a lot of concentration, and actually I didn't manage to make a Skymap that looked better than a Skymap where the textures just was Re-sized individually.
Maybe I get time to try your method out tomorrow, I can see the advantages in it, but when looking at the method first time it looked like my own method was faster - but it took me about 1½ hour to finish the re-sizement of that skymap. Perhaps I just don't use the right tools, perhaps I am slow on that point.
Testing WolfR4 (back-to-frontend-fix)
I tested JungleVolt again using the new fix you sent me and I got no error when getting back to frontend (I remembered to delete the Fx1.bmpmp). The Spru still showed up in the frontend, but changed again after starting a new track or exiting and that's fine enough if you ask me. The spru is used in all tracks, so you cannot use it for something else - The menu will show up just as incorrect in the track itsel,f as on the frontend.
Posted: 05 Mar 2010, 03:55
Re: seamless jailhouse skymap resizing
but it took me about 1½ hour to finish the re-sizement of that skymap
Well, I'm not sure it worth the pain to spend all that time for the little improvment of quality you'll get

. With photoshop, you can use magnetism and/or grids that might help you a lot. The Gimp allows grids too (not sure for magnetism). Under photoshop, you can even register a script to do the task. But it looks like a lot a work for a little result.
- Error: "Can't load mipmap texture Fx1.bmpmp"
So, I think we can consider this bug as fixed, can't we?
I'm just all little disapointed not to have find the exact reason of the 'mp' added at the end of 'Fx1.bmp'...
spru.bmp texture.
Well, sorry but I have to remove the support for customizing that file. As I emailed you, I discovered that it is not well designed to be changed for every tracks (it's the same for 'font.bmp' and 'loading.bmp'). It could have added a bit fun, but anyhow it is not essential for a good track.
Maybe I could add it again one day, but as a global alteration (ie. for the fronted and all tracks). However, I'm not sure this project will evolute that far.
urnemanden wrote:The spru is used in all tracks, so you cannot use it for something else - The menu will show up just as incorrect in the track itsel,f as on the frontend.
I have not really understood that part...
Posted: 05 Mar 2010, 10:10
jigebren @ Mar 4 2010, 04:06 PM wrote: When a user is choosing a level, there is enough time for wolfR4 to patch the necessary values, before the level is actually loaded.
But when you quit a race back to fronted, there is no delay before the frontend datas are loaded, so previous patched values can be restored to late (this may even occurs if you change a level and load it very quickly).
I have two solutions:
-deactivate support for customizing files that are used by fronted.
-find a way to patch the values before the frontend (or any other level) loading occurs.
I'm on the way to change the level detection procedure, trying to add a little delay in revolt before level loading, to let me the time to apply / restore patch. I hope I will achieve to make it work this way.
I'll just chime in here to remind that there are other situations also when Wolf does not have time to detect what level the user is selecting:online races. Only the host selects the level, all other players just get the data and start loading the level straight away.
So a little delay might work if it's put in the right place so that it works in multiplayer also.
Posted: 05 Mar 2010, 18:13
Re: Spru.bmp texture
Well, I thought that the reason to that you find spru.bmp unsuitable for changing, because the spru will show up in frontend after loading as well? Is it something technically, perhaps? I remember RST was having troubles with customizing spru as well because the so called "x.bmp" was interrupting and created a weird bug in the end (Gaming4JC knows more about that, but I am unsure whether he wants to share information for WolfR4's advantage or not, especially because RST might call that "treachery" as we appearently is the "bad guys" in his eyes.).
Jig -> My explanation of why I think we should keep spru.bmp as a opportunity to costumize wrote:I have not really understood that part...
Oh, and let me try tell with pictures what I meant. Let's say I changed the spru.bmp and choosed to use it for something else, like for example for a water texture.
What I then thought you didn't think of, was that both of the menus in the Frontend and in the track that uses the water textures on the spru, will look weird, like below:
Perhaps it's because of a techincal problem, that you don't want to have spru costumized?
Posted: 05 Mar 2010, 18:43
arto @ Mar 5 2010, 05:40 AM wrote:I'll just chime in here to remind that there are other situations also when Wolf does not have time to detect what level the user is selecting:online races. Only the host selects the level, all other players just get the data and start loading the level straight away.
So a little delay might work if it's put in the right place so that it works in multiplayer also.
Ok, that's good that you pointed this out. I think that the new procedure I wrote to detect level change will manage this case as well. Of course it has to be tested before I can affirm it (but that will be your job part

). I can also try to see in the source code, but it's quite time consuming.
Also, I have added to WolfR4
the possibility to set the default number of cars in a race. I think you have asked for it, haven't you?
But I can't certify it will allow to use more than 8 cars in online race. We have to try it to be sure that there is not a test or something to prevent from doing so.
Re: Spru.bmp texture
'spru' is not loaded at the same time and in the same place that level textures. While it could maybe possible to patch this, it will require another level change detection procedure (which I'm not even sure is possible), and a supplementary work for patching, etc.
It's better to keep things like they were designed in original re-volt, ie. spru is not linked to track change.
But maybe for a total conversion (new fronted, etc.), I could add this support back.
urnemanden wrote:My explanation of why I think we should keep spru.bmp as a opportunity to costumize
I understand that spru.bmp is used in the frontend and in the track menu, but what I don't understand is why do you want to use it for something else. Do you mean that you could have thought about using it as a supplementary texture for models, etc.?
Posted: 05 Mar 2010, 19:44
Re: Spru Texture
Tracks like Bone Island and JungleVolt is actually using the spru, especially Bone Island for a torch only comming with the custom version.
Me and Crone is also experiencing a problem we think is related to either WolfR4 or the stock track's special features. We have Wolfed
Rooftops 2003, but the custom sounds doesn't play while we're racing. This could be because of the "incompatibilty", custom tracks have with 3D sounds, unless you patched this some way? Did you try this feature of WolfR4 out, yourself?
I will e-mail you the wolfed Rooftops track if you want.
Jig -> Saving Car number wrote:Also, I have added to WolfR4 the possibility to set the default number of cars in a race. I think you have asked for it, haven't you?
Great to hear that, yes I remember that some of us wanted that possibility. I hope I can test it out soon (;
Posted: 05 Mar 2010, 21:30
urnemanden @ Mar 5 2010, 03:14 PM wrote: Me and Crone is also experiencing a problem we think is related to either WolfR4 or the stock track's special features. We have Wolfed
Rooftops 2003, but the custom sounds doesn't play while we're racing. This could be because of the "incompatibilty", custom tracks have with 3D sounds, unless you patched this some way? Did you try this feature of WolfR4 out, yourself?
Indeed, perhaps we thought that you might have made it work since you've implemented sfx into the custom.ini file.
Also i just wanna show my support and appreciation of the immense amount of work and time you put into this. *thumbs up*
Posted: 05 Mar 2010, 21:55
Thanks, crone. "immense amount of and time" is so true...
urnemanden @ Mar 5 2010, 03:14 PM wrote:Me and Crone is also experiencing a problem we think is related to either WolfR4 or the stock track's special features. We have Wolfed
Rooftops 2003, but the custom sounds doesn't play while we're racing. This could be because of the "incompatibilty", custom tracks have with 3D sounds, unless you patched this some way? Did you try this feature of WolfR4 out, yourself?
During my first try of custom support, I've also made a version of custom version of rooftop. And I'm quite sure it was working. I can check it, but the custom.ini file I made is probably outdated now.
But I it's easy to mess with the sfx part. I'll wait to see the custom.ini file you've made with Urne.
Posted: 06 Mar 2010, 00:48
It has to be asked... I just tried online racing without compatibility mode with Wolf4R (I usually use compatibility mode). RV crashed when starting the second level (and this was in quite unexpected place, I don't usually experience crashes where it now happened).
Now the question is, how can I get some useful information for you about crashes? What are the steps? I found revolt.log file, but it was from 6th of december, so nothing about the crash was there.
The second question is, are you at all interested in the non-compatibility mode bugs with RV? I have no idea if they're because of the non-compatibility mode or because of Wolf4R.
I've put now the compatibility mode back on, so maybe I have more to report later.
Posted: 06 Mar 2010, 00:51
I don't think it's a coinsidence that it says
Code: Select all
ReVolt Error Log File
Compilation Date 14:24:27, Dec 6 1999
in my revolt.log too. I think this might be a bug inside the revolt.log, as the rest of the data pretty much matches the tracks I was playing this afternoon.
Posted: 06 Mar 2010, 00:57
urnemanden @ Mar 5 2010, 08:21 PM wrote:I don't think it's a coinsidence that it says
Code: Select all
ReVolt Error Log File
Compilation Date 14:24:27, Dec 6 1999
in my revolt.log too. I think this might be a bug inside the revolt.log, as the rest of the data pretty much matches the tracks I was playing this afternoon.
Ah right, thanks... I didn't read carefully, the log file says "Compilation date". I should read more carefully

Anyway, I'm not sure how useful this log file will be. We were coming from nhood1 to market 2, where it crashed while I was waiting for the race to start. The last lines of the log are these:
Code: Select all
Loading: models\basketball.m: Found
Loading: models\basketball.hul: Not Found
Loading: models\basketball.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels\Market2\Market2.inf: Found
Loading: gfx\envstill.bmp: Found
Loading: gfx\envstill.bmq: Found
Loading: gfx\envroll.bmp: Found
Loading: gfx\envroll.bmq: Found
Loading: gfx\shadow.bmp: Found
Loading: gfx\shadow.bmq: Found
Loading: levels\Market2\Market2a.bmp: Found
Loading: levels\Market2\Market2a.bmq: Found
Loading: levels\Market2\Market2b.bmp: Found
Loading: levels\Market2\Market2b.bmq: Found
Loading: levels\Market2\Market2c.bmp: Found
Loading: levels\Market2\Market2c.bmq: Found
Loading: levels\Market2\Market2d.bmp: Found
Loading: levels\Market2\Market2d.bmq: Found
Loading: levels\Market2\Market2e.bmp: Found
Loading: levels\Market2\Market2e.bmq: Found
Loading: levels\Market2\Market2f.bmp: Found
Loading: levels\Market2\Market2f.bmq: Found
Loading: levels\Market2\Market2g.bmp: Found
Loading: levels\Market2\Market2g.bmq: Found
Loading: levels\Market2\Market2h.bmp: Found
Loading: levels\Market2\Market2h.bmq: Found
Loading: levels\Market2\Market2i.bmp: Found
Loading: levels\Market2\Market2i.bmq: Found
Loading: levels\Market2\Market2j.bmp: Found
Loading: levels\Market2\Market2j.bmq: Found
Loading: levels\Market2\Market2.w: Found
Loading: levels\Market2\Market2.vis: Found
Loading: levels\Market2\Market2.rim: Found
Loading: levels\Market2\CHEESE.prm: Found
Loading: levels\Market2\CHEESE.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels\Market2\CHICKEN.prm: Found
Loading: levels\Market2\CHICKEN.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels\Market2\CLOSED_N.prm: Found
Loading: levels\Market2\CLOSED_N.ncp: Found
Loading: levels\Market2\CLOSED_P.prm: Found
Loading: levels\Market2\CLOSED_P.ncp: Found
Loading: levels\Market2\FABRIC.prm: Found
Loading: levels\Market2\FABRIC.ncp: Found
Loading: levels\Market2\FLOURO.prm: Found
Loading: levels\Market2\FLOURO.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels\Market2\FLOUROOFF.prm: Found
Loading: levels\Market2\FLOUROOFF.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels\Market2\FORKLIFT.prm: Found
Loading: levels\Market2\FORKLIFT.ncp: Found
Loading: levels\Market2\KIDRIDE.prm: Found
Loading: levels\Market2\KIDRIDE.ncp: Found
Loading: levels\Market2\LFLOURO.prm: Found
Loading: levels\Market2\LFLOURO.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels\Market2\MILK_FF.prm: Found
Loading: levels\Market2\MILK_FF.ncp: Found
Loading: levels\Market2\MILK_NF.prm: Found
Loading: levels\Market2\MILK_NF.ncp: Found
Loading: levels\Market2\MILK_ROW_FF.prm: Found
Loading: levels\Market2\MILK_ROW_FF.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels\Market2\MILK_ROW_NF.prm: Found
Loading: levels\Market2\MILK_ROW_NF.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels\Market2\OPEN_N.prm: Found
Loading: levels\Market2\OPEN_N.ncp: Found
Loading: levels\Market2\OPEN_P.prm: Found
Loading: levels\Market2\OPEN_P.ncp: Found
Loading: levels\Market2\OUTSIDE.prm: Found
Loading: levels\Market2\OUTSIDE.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels\Market2\POST.prm: Found
Loading: levels\Market2\POST.ncp: Found
Loading: levels\Market2\POSTER.prm: Found
Loading: levels\Market2\POSTER.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels\Market2\TIN_G.prm: Found
Loading: levels\Market2\TIN_G.ncp: Found
Loading: levels\Market2\TIN_S.prm: Found
Loading: levels\Market2\TIN_S.ncp: Found
Loading: levels\Market2\TINS_G_ROW.prm: Found
Loading: levels\Market2\TINS_G_ROW.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels\Market2\TINS_S_ROW.prm: Found
Loading: levels\Market2\TINS_S_ROW.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels\Market2\TRAY.prm: Found
Loading: levels\Market2\TRAY.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels\Market2\FABRIC02.prm: Found
Loading: levels\Market2\FABRIC02.ncp: Found
Loading: levels\Market2\MILKROWFF.prm: Found
Loading: levels\Market2\MILKROWFF.ncp: Found
Loading: levels\Market2\MILKROWNF.prm: Found
Loading: levels\Market2\MILKROWNF.ncp: Found
Loading: levels\Market2\Market2.fin: Found
Loading: levels\Market2\Market2.ncp: Found
Loading: levels\Market2\Market2.lit: Found
Loading: levels\Market2\Market2.taz: Found
Loading: levels\Market2\ Found
Loading: levels\Market2\Market2.fld: Not Found
Loading: levels\Market2\Market2.pan: Found
Loading: levels\Market2\ Found
Loading: models\go3.m: Found
Loading: models\go2.m: Found
Loading: models\go1.m: Found
Loading: models\gogo.m: Found
Loading: models\drum.m: Found
Loading: models\mt.bin: Found
Loading: wavs\moto.wav: Found
Loading: wavs\petrol.wav: Found
Loading: wavs\clockwrk.wav: Found
Loading: wavs\ufo.wav: Found
Loading: wavs\honkgood.wav: Found
Loading: wavs\scrape.wav: Found
Loading: wavs\skid_normal.wav: Found
Loading: wavs\skid_normal.wav: Found
Loading: wavs\skid_rough.wav: Found
Loading: wavs\pickup.wav: Found
Loading: wavs\pickgen.wav: Found
Loading: wavs\shock.wav: Found
Loading: wavs\shockfire.wav: Found
Loading: wavs\electro.wav: Found
Loading: wavs\electrozap.wav: Found
Loading: wavs\firefire.wav: Found
Loading: wavs\firebang.wav: Found
Loading: wavs\balldrop.wav: Found
Loading: wavs\ball.wav: Found
Loading: wavs\hit1.wav: Found
Loading: wavs\hit2.wav: Found
Loading: wavs\wbomb.wav: Found
Loading: wavs\wbombfire.wav: Found
Loading: wavs\wbombhit.wav: Found
Loading: wavs\wbombbounce.wav: Found
Loading: wavs\puttbang.wav: Found
Loading: wavs\fuse.wav: Found
Loading: wavs\oildrop.wav: Found
Loading: wavs\countdown.wav: Found
Loading: wavs\turbo.wav: Found
Loading: wavs\servo.wav: Found
Loading: wavs\menuNext.wav: Found
Loading: wavs\menuPrev.wav: Found
Loading: wavs\menuUpDown.wav: Found
Loading: wavs\menuLeftRight.wav: Found
Loading: wavs\beachball.wav: Found
Loading: wavs\lightflk.wav: Found
Loading: wavs\bottle.wav: Found
Loading: wavs\boxslide.wav: Found
Loading: wavs\starfire.wav: Found
Loading: wavs\tvstatic.wav: Found
Loading: wavs\splash.wav: Found
Loading: wavs\honka.wav: Found
Loading: levels\Market2\Market2.tri: Found
Loading: models\pickup.m: Found
Loading: models\pickup.hul: Not Found
Loading: models\pickup.ncp: Not Found
Loading: models\firework.m: Found
Loading: models\firework.hul: Found
Loading: models\wbomb.m: Found
Loading: models\wbomb.hul: Not Found
Loading: models\wbomb.ncp: Not Found
Loading: models\ball.m: Found
Loading: models\ball.hul: Not Found
Loading: models\ball.ncp: Not Found
Loading: models\ball.m: Found
Loading: models\ball.hul: Not Found
Loading: models\ball.ncp: Not Found
Loading: models\star.m: Found
Loading: models\star.hul: Not Found
Loading: models\star.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels\Market2\Market2.fob: Found
Loading: models\slider.m: Found
Loading: models\slider.hul: Not Found
Loading: models\slider.ncp: Found
Loading: gfx\clouds.bmp: Found
Loading: gfx\clouds.bmq: Found
Loading: cars\Toyeca\body.prm: Found
Loading: cars\Toyeca\wheelfl.prm: Found
Loading: cars\Toyeca\wheelfr.prm: Found
Loading: cars\Toyeca\wheelbl.prm: Found
Loading: cars\Toyeca\wheelbr.prm: Found
Loading: cars\misc\Aerial.m: Found
Loading: cars\misc\AerialT.m: Found
Loading: cars\Toyeca\Toyecatx.bmp: Found
Loading: cars\Toyeca\Toyecatx.bmq: Found
Loading: cars\Toyeca\hull.hul: Found
Loading: cars\Toyeca\body.prm: Found
Loading: cars\Toyeca\wheelfl.prm: Found
Loading: cars\Toyeca\wheelfr.prm: Found
Loading: cars\Toyeca\wheelbl.prm: Found
Loading: cars\Toyeca\wheelbr.prm: Found
Loading: cars\misc\Aerial.m: Found
Loading: cars\misc\AerialT.m: Found
Loading: cars\Toyeca\Toyecatx.bmp: Found
Loading: cars\Toyeca\Toyecatx.bmq: Found
Loading: cars\Toyeca\hull.hul: Found
Loading: cars\Volken\body.prm: Found
Loading: cars\Volken\wheelfl.prm: Found
Loading: cars\Volken\wheelfr.prm: Found
Loading: cars\Volken\wheelbl.prm: Found
Loading: cars\Volken\wheelbr.prm: Found
Loading: cars\misc\Aerial.m: Found
Loading: cars\misc\AerialT.m: Found
Loading: cars\Volken\Volken.bmp: Found
Loading: cars\Volken\Volken.bmq: Found
Loading: cars\Volken\hull.hul: Found
Loading: cars\Toyeca\body.prm: Found
Loading: cars\Toyeca\wheelfl.prm: Found
Loading: cars\Toyeca\wheelfr.prm: Found
Loading: cars\Toyeca\wheelbl.prm: Found
Loading: cars\Toyeca\wheelbr.prm: Found
Loading: cars\misc\Aerial.m: Found
Loading: cars\misc\AerialT.m: Found
Loading: cars\Toyeca\Toyecatx.bmp: Found
Loading: cars\Toyeca\Toyecatx.bmq: Found
Loading: cars\Toyeca\hull.hul: Found
Loading: cars\Toyeca\body.prm: Found
Loading: cars\Toyeca\wheelfl.prm: Found
Loading: cars\Toyeca\wheelfr.prm: Found
Loading: cars\Toyeca\wheelbl.prm: Found
Loading: cars\Toyeca\wheelbr.prm: Found
Loading: cars\misc\Aerial.m: Found
Loading: cars\misc\AerialT.m: Found
Loading: cars\Toyeca\Toyecatx.bmp: Found
Loading: cars\Toyeca\Toyecatx.bmq: Found
Loading: cars\Toyeca\hull.hul: Found
Loading: cars\Toyeca\body.prm: Found
Loading: cars\Toyeca\wheelfl.prm: Found
Loading: cars\Toyeca\wheelfr.prm: Found
Loading: cars\Toyeca\wheelbl.prm: Found
Loading: cars\Toyeca\wheelbr.prm: Found
Loading: cars\misc\Aerial.m: Found
Loading: cars\misc\AerialT.m: Found
Loading: cars\Toyeca\Toyecatx.bmp: Found
Loading: cars\Toyeca\Toyecatx.bmq: Found
Loading: cars\Toyeca\hull.hul: Found
Loading: cars\Toyeca\body.prm: Found
Loading: cars\Toyeca\wheelfl.prm: Found
Loading: cars\Toyeca\wheelfr.prm: Found
Loading: cars\Toyeca\wheelbl.prm: Found
Loading: cars\Toyeca\wheelbr.prm: Found
Loading: cars\misc\Aerial.m: Found
Loading: cars\misc\AerialT.m: Found
Loading: cars\Toyeca\Toyecatx.bmp: Found
Loading: cars\Toyeca\Toyecatx.bmq: Found
Loading: cars\Toyeca\hull.hul: Found
Posted: 06 Mar 2010, 01:56
arto @ Mar 5 2010, 08:18 PM wrote:The second question is, are you at all interested in the non-compatibility mode bugs with RV? I have no idea if they're because of the non-compatibility mode or because of Wolf4R.
Yes, I am. Except for thing related to network, which might be too complicated too fix.
You can see that I've already corrected some bug that only occurs when compatibility mode is deactivated. I'd like to be able to use re-volt without this comp. mode. Except maybe for online stuff, where it's probably safer to let it activated (I said maybe, because I don't know).
wolfed Rooftop
Ok, there is an issue that could come from WolfR4 here. I've checked your custom.ini file, and it is ok (except that you'd better to put the wav files in the '#\RFT' dir too, for simplictity's sake, and not to have custom files spread everywhere).
I tried with a custom rooftoop version I have made before, which was working, I'm quite sure, and:
-I have the same error message than you have reported (with 'bmpmp'). In a sort a way, that's nice. It will give me the opportunity to check where it really come from.
-it don't have the sound either. --> I have to find time to double check everything.
arto wrote:I just tried online racing without compatibility mode with Wolf4R (I usually use compatibility mode). RV crashed when starting the second level (and this was in quite unexpected place, I don't usually experience crashes where it now happened).
Well, I have no idea for now. I will concentrate on it a bit later, but keep on with feedback.
And about the Error log Compilation Date, the value is quite normal

Posted: 06 Mar 2010, 02:16
jigebren @ Mar 5 2010, 09:26 PM wrote: arto @ Mar 5 2010, 08:18 PM wrote:The second question is, are you at all interested in the non-compatibility mode bugs with RV? I have no idea if they're because of the non-compatibility mode or because of Wolf4R.
Yes, I am. Except for thing related to network, which might be too complicated too fix.
You can see that I've already corrected some bug that only occurs when compatibility mode is deactivated. I'd like to be able to use re-volt without this comp. mode. Except maybe for online stuff, where it's probably safer to let it activated (I said maybe, because I don't know).
Ok, I will do the majority of my testing online with Compatibility Mode, but will try without compatibility mode once in a while.
I think you should not look much into what I just posted before I can confirm it happens more often. It might be just a fluke that's not reproducible.
I just did a bunch of online races (the re-volt race weekly custom tracks race) with Wolf4R + Compatibility mode without problems.
Posted: 06 Mar 2010, 06:15
arto @ Mar 5 2010, 09:46 PM wrote:I just did a bunch of online races (the re-volt race weekly custom tracks race) with Wolf4R + Compatibility mode without problems.
That's good to hear.
Wolfed Rooftops: custom sounds issue
I spent all the evening on this bug, checking memory with an external tool, modifying WolfR4 code, etc. And it was just a stupid upper case function that I forgot to add when I rewrote some code lately

. It's sometime so easy to loose time...
'bmpmp' message bug
Ok, this one was fixed too. It was quite nasty and hard to find. Even now, I exactly know what to do not to have this bug, but I have difficulty to fully and exactly understand why it occured.
And I have already sent to urnemanden a testing build that prevented this message to display, but in fact it wasn't really
fixing the bug. Now, I think it's done.
Well, I'll have to release another beta update soon...
And another thing. I'm on the way to add a simple
packer for custom tracks. It will ease the task for track maker when it will come to distribute their track by finding all used files (looking in custom.ini) and put everything in an archive. I think I will use 7zip format.
Posted: 06 Mar 2010, 17:10
This is all quite amazing. I wish I didn't have to work this weekend

... Just wanted to say thanks to all that have been pushing this.
Posted: 06 Mar 2010, 19:49
WolfR4 Online Testing
At the start I had trouble with WolfR4 since it didn't launch when the host launched the game. But somehow I managed to fix that problem and an hour later I, together with Arto tested WolfR4, both as joiner and host. We tested JungleVolt, Jailhouse Rock, Bone Island and Ghost Town 2, - in that order.
Re: Spru Texture & 'bmpmp' message bug (& pickupp.m)
After testing WolfR4 online, I could clearly see what you mean with that the spru doesn't load/function the same way as other textures and that you therefore want to remove the customization of it.
Here is the results of the spru loadings while Arto was host and I joined:
- JungleVolt: The JungleVolt spru was loaded and shown during gameplay.
- Jailhouse Rock: The JungleVolt spru was still loaded, so I still had green borders around the menu.
- Bone Island: The Bone Island Spru theme didn't load, instead the original frontend spru was loaded.
- Ghost Town 2: The track was loaded, but with many errors and in the end a crash. I saw that the Bone Island spru was applied just before the crash.
Arto didn't have any problems during loading of the sprus, but even as the host he experienced the same crash at Ghost Town 2. After the game crashed, it was my turn to be host, which gave the same results: This time it was Arto who was having trouble with the sprus, while I didn't have any problems on that point. At Ghost Town 2 we both crashed, just like before.
The errors we got was first the
bmpmp message bug and then a new
pickupp.m bug. This bug was clearly reproduceable, so I recorded a video of it all.
Press the picture below to download it.
Detailed course of events & theory
I do see some sort of pattern in theese bugs we get. Here are some facts:
- The spru file is always customized when we get the bugs.
- We only get the "Fx1.bmpmp" & "pickupp.m" error, when loading a track/frontend after we've loaded theese files. Bone Island has a customized pickup and Fx1.bmpmp, just like JungleVolt has. But your frontendfix only seems to cure the error I used to have with JungleVolt, at least online.
- Theese bugs doesn't occur offline, probably because I have to go back to frontend every time I have to load the next track.
- Me and Arto tried only to load Bone Island and afterwards Ghost Town 2, but then everything loaded just fine. We had to load Jailhouse too, before getting the same crash and error (check video).
JungleVolt showed to be unnecessary to load, in order to reproduce the errors and the crash.
- The spru loading seems to be loading like this at the joiners comp when racing online:
Code: Select all
-> Re-Volt launches through Wolf.
-> Re-Volt loads the Stock Spru, no interactions from Wolf.
-> Host starts the game, choosing the track JungleVolt. *Synchronizing*
-> WolfR4 changes the spru to the customized JungleVolt Spru as of the custom.ini.
-> Re-Volt loads the spru from the location WolfR4 changed it to.
-> Host restarts to the next track, Jailhouse Rock.
-> Re-Volt loads the spru, which at this point still is the JungleVolt Spru.
-> WolfR4 changes the spru back to the Stock Spru, because Jailhouse Rock doesn't have a customized spru as of the custom.ini.
-> Host restarts to Bone Island.
-> Re-Volt loads the spru, which now is the Stock Spru.
-> WolfR4 changes the spru to the Customized Bone Island Spru as of the custom.ini.
-> Host restarts to Ghost Town.
-> Re-Volt loads the Customized Bone Island Spru, but is temporarily paused because of a horde of errors comming from WolfR4 (check video).
-> After finishing the loading and after the "3, 2, 1, GO!", Re-Volt crashes.
To me it looks like the Spru is loaded in a delay, and the errors we are having is probably an outcome of this delay & mess.
Connection to Loading1-, 2-, 3- & 4.bmp not loaded when using -sli?
When loading a track (or frontend) for the first time, you cannot see the loading graphics, while loading. Only if you restart the track, it appears, because it now was loaded & when restarting a track, (in multi-player too) Re-Volt doesn't load the data again. Maybe that's also the reason to that you cannot restart the same track online without terminating the multi-player race, as well as the reason to that we get theese errors & crashes?
Conclusion: In my theory, theese 3 bugs (loading.bmp issue when using -sli, delayed spru load & restart the same track online) has some connections to each other - they might all be because of a too fast loading, so the new paths WolfR4 is making aren't loaded before Re-Volt is refreshing (restart). The 3 bugs might be proofs of 1 or 2 bigger bugs/issues in the Re-Volt code.
Hope you can fix this somehow, sorry if my test report is a bit hard to understand. I am writing it chronologically, so sometimes I just get a new thought and writes it into the rest.
Other than the bugs me and Arto is experiencing, I am very happy to see that I finally can play through RV House, without the need of joining by IP (what I usually do when playing online, because writing -sli into the registry appearently doesn't work here). I will do some further tests today and I will of course report it, if I get into trouble or find further bugs.
EDIT: I am also hoping that you will release the next beta version including the real bmpmp fixer soon, perhaps it will totally destroy what we are experiencing online of bugs and such. I hope I gave you information enough to be more or less sure about whether the the bmpmp error and pickupp error is fixed or not. I will try take an other stock track than Ghost Town 2 later today btw, since Ghost Town 2 is known for it's crashes during Multi-Player races.
Thanks Arto, for the online races yesterday btw, they were fun, even though we also ran into all theese errors and such. =)
Posted: 06 Mar 2010, 22:18
jigebren @ Feb 18 2010, 03:57 AM wrote: But there will be some restriction on the file path length. When patching the value in revolt, changing the lenght is practically impossible. It means that custom models will probably have to be placed in another directory than the track itself (a directory with a very short name, like 3 or 4 letters only, it's a bit long to explain for now).
I have concerns about this... manifested now that I've seen a couple of custom tracks utilizing Wolf.
If the name is so short, collisions between tracks are pretty much unavailable when Wolf4R is starting to be more widely used - and it being widely used surely is the goal, and I think an eventual fact.
I think it'd be quite important that the sub-directory name could be (and even enforced to be) the same as the tracks directory in levels directory (even if it resides in Wolf's # directory).
Can you see any practical way how it could be done like that?
And on a more positive note, the tests we did yesterday with Urne were quite exciting, and the work you're doing is just fabulous. It was surprising that when we talked about the tool in RV House there was many people who didn't know what Wolf4R is. Urne redirected them to this topic of course, so the good word is spreading.
Posted: 07 Mar 2010, 04:32
Online Test w/ Stock Tracks
Today I've been trying out WolfR4 on the stock tracks (as the title mentions) and I experienced 2 crashes & one error during 3 races together with Arto, Shur, Gaming4JC & +-Juice & Nuclearathymics. No errors at the first 2 crashes - just some crashes that probably can't be fixed. But they still seem to be of perhaps the same reason, just a reason I have no idea could be, maybe the error Gaming4JC got at 3rd time we launched the race, could help us a bit. Here is a course of events:
- 1st races
We launched and managed to race 2½ race before Re-Volt crashed on my computer. Gaming4JC tells me that the rest of the joiners still were racing, only I was crashed (on Toyworld 1).
- 2nd races
After having raced about the same amount of races as above, Re-Volt crashed on almost everybodys computer including mine. I couldn't see at what time the crash occured, but as it was in over the middle of the race on Toys in the Hood 1 with Toyeca, I guess it was around 3-4 minutes.
- 3rd races
We managed to race 3 whole races, but when loading the 4th Gaming4JC had got an error while loading the inf of ToyWorld 2:
Code: Select all
err:ntdll:RtlpWaitForCriticalSection section 0x16d868 "?" wait timed out in thread 0034, blocked by 0009, retrying (60 sec)
He tells me that this error could either come from Wine or Re-Volt, as he was using Ubuntu when racing online with us. He managed to avoid a crash, after a retry after 60 seconds.
I hope I gave you clues enough, to give you an idea of why theese crashes happen.

Posted: 07 Mar 2010, 04:49
Sorry guys, I was not here this afternoon. I'm glad to see that some were working so hard during this time.
I whished I could release the next beta version before, but it was not enough tested, so I couldn't.
I think it would have fixed at least the 'bmpmp' bug, and by removing the 'spru' entry from custom.ini file, you could fix this other bug too.
urne wrote:Connection to Loading1-, 2-, 3- & 4.bmp not loaded when using -sli?
When loading a track (or frontend) for the first time, you cannot see the loading graphics, while loading. Only if you restart the track, it appears, because it now was loaded & when restarting a track, (in multi-player too) Re-Volt doesn't load the data again
I think this is just the normal result of the '-sli' command (I explained something about '-sli' and buffer flipping somewhere above). I appears to be already known, see
this page.
Hope you can fix this somehow, sorry if my test report is a bit hard to understand. I am writing it chronologically, so sometimes I just get a new thought and writes it into the rest.
Don't worry, your repports are above all helpful.
Bug when restarting the same track online
Seems to be a new bug to work on... I have not taken a look at it yet. I'll see but maybe I could need more information about this new one.
arto wrote:I think it'd be quite important that the sub-directory name could be (and even enforced to be) the same as the tracks directory in levels directory (even if it resides in Wolf's # directory).
Sorry, but it's not a choice I made. I think it's just unfeasible. For some strings, I have only 15 characters available (and it's not possible to increase this size) [in fact, I think I know a way to make it possible, but it would ask me a year of work, so we can't count on it].
Let's take for example '#\???\servo.wav', it already uses the 15 chars. I can give one more char to the dir name, but I'll have to remove one char from the name.
Maybe a 4 chars long name will be enough for the track directiry (using only alphanumeric chars, it gives 1679616 different possibilities, it could be enough

arto wrote:It was surprising that when we talked about the tool in RV House there was many people who didn't know what Wolf4R is
Yep, but it's not so surprising. It's still quite new, and except from ORP, nobody could have heard of it. Thanks for spreading the information.
And I remember that interesting old question:
arto wrote:Now the question is, how can I get some useful information for you about crashes? What are the steps?
I you have win XP (maybe vista/seven have something similar), I recently discovered that information from Dr.Watson can be very usefull. Sending me the log file after a crash can help a lot.
This log file can be found in 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Dr Watson'
urnemanden wrote:I hope I gave you clues enough, to give you an idea of why theese crashes happen. smile.gif
Well, sorry, but not really. I'm not yet a bug shaman

Posted: 07 Mar 2010, 06:06
A new release of WolfR4 WIP is available.
I have compiled the last bugfixes, reworked some parts, added new features...
changelog wrote:* beta WIP:10-03-07
Add: Error message when dupplicate entries are detected in 'Custom.ini' file.
Mod: Level change detection procedure has been rewritten (in some case, it
may have been possible that levels were loaded before patching could be
Add: Beta Custom Track Packer. You need to place the file '7z.exe' (available
when you have installed 7-Zip) inside the re-volt/WolfR4 directory.
Add: Can now set the default number of cars/opponents in a race. Still have to
be tested online.
Rem: Entries 'gfx\spru.bmp', 'gfx\loading.bmp' and 'gfx\font.bmp' were removed
from default custom.ini file. Please don't use these entries, as I will
eventually remove support for them.
Mod: Better display of multi-line comment in 'custom.ini' file.
Mod: Command line panel has been updated a bit.
Fix: A bug that prevented to use custom sfx.
Fix: A bug that gave messages with weird extension like:
Error: "Can't load mipmap texture Fx1.bmpmp"
Posted: 07 Mar 2010, 12:20
jigebren @ Mar 7 2010, 12:19 AM wrote: arto wrote:I think it'd be quite important that the sub-directory name could be (and even enforced to be) the same as the tracks directory in levels directory (even if it resides in Wolf's # directory).
Sorry, but it's not a choice I made. I think it's just unfeasible. For some strings, I have only 15 characters available (and it's not possible to increase this size) [in fact, I think I know a way to make it possible, but it would ask me a year of work, so we can't count on it].
Let's take for example '#\???\servo.wav', it already uses the 15 chars. I can give one more char to the dir name, but I'll have to remove one char from the name.
Maybe a 4 chars long name will be enough for the track directiry (using only alphanumeric chars, it gives 1679616 different possibilities, it could be enough

The number of permutations are surely enough, but when individual track makers do tracks it is hard for them to know what is taken.
If I understand the code correctly, there is 15 chars for the model name but 255 characters for the full path.
Is the code in question in the source file instance.cpp function LoadInstanceModels?
Here are the buffers:
Code: Select all
char buf[256];
char names[MAX_INSTANCE_MODELS][16];
Here it fills the path part:
Code: Select all
sprintf(buf, "%s\\*.prm", CurrentLevelInfo.szDir);
Couldn't you patch there quite long a custom path?
Posted: 07 Mar 2010, 22:19
arto @ Mar 7 2010, 07:50 AM wrote:If I understand the code correctly, there is 15 chars for the model name but 255 characters for the full path.
Is the code in question in the source file instance.cpp function LoadInstanceModels?
For this part, it's neither a question of code nor of buffer, etc.
It's about how data are written in the memory. Considering an array of strings written in the binary file, one value is directly followed by the next value. If we want to increase the first value length, it will overwritte the second value. Moreover, as the starting position of the second value is already fixed, it will now point somewhere in the middle of the previous value.
Sorry, but it's a bit harsh and long to explain, and I'm not an expert. Those are things I've discovered while experimenting. When patching, you sometime have to quit thinking as a c+ develloper, because things can be really different in ASM/binary (mainly for strings and array access).
Hence, we have no choice but to compose with that. And custom track makers will have to take care about this point.
Posted: 07 Mar 2010, 22:24
jigebren @ Mar 7 2010, 05:49 PM wrote: Hence, we have not choice but than having to compose with that. And custom track makers will have to take care about this point.
Unfortunate, but if that's how it has to be then we'll gonna suck it up and figure a way to avoid collisions

Posted: 07 Mar 2010, 23:05
I think we should create a database over Wolf-tracks, where you can write the 3-4 letter long name into a field and then it will check if the name aleready is used and eventually come with other suggestions to a name.
Posted: 08 Mar 2010, 03:31
Ok, I have changed the default lenght of the custom dir to 5 characters in default 'Custom.ini'.
It has reduced the length of some filenames to 3 chars only, but is doesn't really matter, as long as the track maker know what this name correspond to.
With 5 chars, I think collision can be easily avoided, no?
Posted: 09 Mar 2010, 16:11
Changing the subject a wee bit but have you any knowledge on how the piano lights work?
I f this can be recreated or that sort of light can be made any shape i want it would open all sorts of track ideas....Pin ball machine, fair ground and soo on.
I know that you are way buisy and I am not expecting you to do anything with it but I would realy like to know how that sort of lighting was done.
Posted: 09 Mar 2010, 23:44
I had no idea about how piano works when you asked for it. So I took a look, and it appears that everything is 'hard' written in the binary exe file (number of keys, black keys width, texture UV, rainbow colors, etc.).
That is to say we can't modify anything (except maybe the size ok the keyboard in makeitgood mode). And even by patching each value, we couldn't modify it a lot. Don't need to add that locating all values to be patched would not be an easy task.

Posted: 11 Mar 2010, 01:02
12 Player testing online
Yesterday, we were 10 players trying to see if WolfR4 could break the 8-player limit Re-Volt has online, because the amount of cars cannot be saved into the registry. It was a very exciting moment when I launched, but unfortunately when getting into Re-Volt not more than 8 was able to join the game, even though WolfR4 is set to use 12 players as default. I tried using this setting offline, but I really don't know why it doesn't work online. Maybe both the registry entry and the amount inside Re-Volt has to be 12?
I hope so much that you can fix the 8 player limit. It's not often that more than 8 online-players is race-ready in RV House at the same time, but when there is it's such a shame only 8 can play. Btw Jig, Did you ever test WolfR4 online or with RV House?
Posted: 11 Mar 2010, 01:33
12 Player testing online
Too bad, but I was almost waiting for this result. So it seems that there is a limit for online racer. Maybe it was set on purpose, who knows?
and about the registry entry, don't waste your time, it's not read at all by re-volt.
Btw Jig, Did you ever test WolfR4 online or with RV House?
I tried it with RV House, but alone, just to see if it launch, etc.. I have never raced in RVHouse (with or without WolfR4).
And these last days I tried to work on png textures, and non 4:3 screen ratio correction, and other various stuffs, but I think I just achieved to waste my time, as I couldn't get any really descent result.
Posted: 11 Mar 2010, 01:34
urnemanden @ Mar 10 2010, 08:32 PM wrote: Maybe both the registry entry and the amount inside Re-Volt has to be 12?
For what it's worth, RV House does set the registry value to the amount of players the host has selected.
Posted: 11 Mar 2010, 01:35
jigebren @ Mar 10 2010, 09:03 PM wrote: 12 Player testing online
Too bad, but I was almost waiting for this result. So it seems that there is a limit for online racer. Maybe it was set on purpose, who knows?
No, you can race with 12 player online. You just have to host by IP. If you host by IP you can go to the menus and change the number of players to 12, before starting to host the game. With lobby started game you can never enter into the settings menu to do the change.
Posted: 11 Mar 2010, 01:42
This might help setting the player limit for online lobby game:
network.cpp: bool InitNetwork(void)
LobbyConnection->lpSessionDesc->dwMaxPlayers = DEFAULT_RACE_CARS
Posted: 11 Mar 2010, 01:46
arto @ Mar 10 2010, 09:05 PM wrote: No, you can race with 12 player online. You just have to host by IP. If you host by IP you can go to the menus and change the number of players to 12, before starting to host the game. With lobby started game you can never enter into the settings menu to do the change.
Yes, I had read this somewhere. Well, maybe the 8 limit is only for lobby online racing...
I think the way I set the default 12 value should be enough, unless of course this value is re-initialized somewhere when lobby stuff is called.
I'll try to see if I can find another interesting things.
Posted: 11 Mar 2010, 03:18
I think I got it (but it needed to be tested).
WolfR4 update is pending... <edit>...update is done

I was not the part you pointed out, which seems to be a too recent (!) addition. Anyhow, I appreciate your effort, it could have helped me much. Thanks.
Posted: 12 Mar 2010, 03:39
Posted: 12 Mar 2010, 03:42
Very cool thingy Jig!
Good job, you made this possible!

Posted: 12 Mar 2010, 03:55
The 12 player fix worked, awesome. Great work Jig!
Posted: 12 Mar 2010, 12:32
Ok, thanks guys, and thanks for the report, urne. I'm glad to see it works now.
I'll have to update the 1st post with this new feature.
Posted: 12 Mar 2010, 18:58
Re: 3D Sounds
Since I own a rather cheap surround system, I had some issues with making all 5 speakers work. But now I tested the 3D Sounds out and it seems to be working very well. I still need to do a comparison to when having 3D Sounds turned off/using 0916. I do have a suggestion: Could you make Wolf launch with 3D Sounds turned on by default? They always turn off, just like the 12 cars in-game does.
Posted: 12 Mar 2010, 21:00
Do you think its possible to fix the limit for the number of tracks installed? At this time Re-Volt cannot handle more than 256 tracks, this includes the 19 stock tracks. The problem when installing more tracks is that Re-Volt doesnt show all the tracks.
Posted: 12 Mar 2010, 21:44
3D sounds
This comparison can be interesting, as no one seems to really know the difference introduced by 3D sounds (as far as re-volt is concerned).
Could you make Wolf launch with 3D Sounds turned on by default? They always turn off
Are you talking about the
3D audio or the
3D Technology entry?
And it's strange, because I think both value are correctly read/saved by re-volt. On my system,
3D audio entry is restored, but
3D Technology is not !? Maybe they are deactivated when re-volt think that they are not supported by hardware?
Number of tracks limit
Unfortunately, it's likely that there is some fixed size arrays (same issue than in the 'High Poly Env Bug ' topic), and this is not fixable.
Even if I achive to patch it to allow more than 256 tracks, each supplementary track will overwrite some memory area, and it will lead to hazardous crashes.