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Posted: 02 Feb 2010, 04:31
I know of a way that could save space when submitting repaints to RVZT. Yet again, this is just a suggestion, and should be taken into consideration though. Usually when people repaint the stock cars, they include "clones" or repacked files of PRM models that already exist. This just bogs down space on the servers, and on the HDD. With this method here, it should cut space by a considerable amount.
Let's take the Best Buy version of Adeon from REVOLTWORLD for example. He had it set to replace your original Adeon, which some people, like me, do not like. If you wanted to include the original Adeon, and the Best Buy version of Adeon, you could make a new folder for it and copy the PRMs with it too.
Image 1:
But, what if you still made a new folder, but only included the car's BMP texture and the car's BMQ low-resolution texture, and the parameters? It STILL works out on the game!

Look below.
Image 2:
So, anyone up for this idea? I know I am...

Posted: 02 Feb 2010, 15:13
Hey, that's a good idea, chris! Yet again, we might need another repacker and as no one else really seems up to repacking tracks, I am pretty sure that there won't be anyone up for repacking cars. But who knows, lol.
Posted: 02 Feb 2010, 20:00
I also support the idea, but I was a bit skeptical about the cut space by a considerable amount, because .bmp is the big one, .prm files doesn't take much place.
I made a try with 'adeon'. The files are Zip compressed.
All files: 57KB
Parameters + bmp + bmq files:39KB
in that case, 30% of the size is saved, which is pretty good.
But you may have notice that the adeon car have a simple colored skin, which means it has a high compression ratio.
So I tried with 'mouse'
All files: 153KB
Parameters + bmp + bmq files:135KB
In that case, only 10% of the size is saved. It's nice, but not that much.
That could become very nice in case of car pack from the same mesh, but that is not very usual.
I still support the idea, because it means that the car are true and real repaint (only repainted, the mesh is not modified in any other way). Perhaps it could be needed to use a specify name (like 'true repaint', or anything else) to clarify when car are released that way.
Posted: 02 Feb 2010, 21:42
Not a good idea

It used to be done a lot, but there were too many complaints.
RVers with many custom cars usually delete the stock cars (you only need 1, to select when you exit the game) and this obviously won't work.
Posted: 02 Feb 2010, 23:53
GWC @ Feb 2 2010, 05:12 PM wrote:Not a good idea

It used to be done a lot, but there were too many complaints.
RVers with many custom cars usually delete the stock cars (you only need 1, to select when you exit the game) and this obviously won't work.
Ok, I think it's clear.
We could ask to these RVers to delete just the parameters.txt file of the stock track, not the whole directory...

But I fear it won't be appreciated a lot.
So we can forget about the idea, I think.
Posted: 03 Feb 2010, 05:59
As Geoff said, the pro's and con's of this have been looked at a long time ago.
As jigebren calculated, the actual file size saving is very little for stock car prm's.
The only benifit of this kind of thing is when submitting personal large repaint packs of the same car, such as what I did in my
As said, it relys heavily on the original stock car files been unaltered, which most people probably don't, but there are those tweakers amongst us that try and get the most out of customising ReVolt to suit their pleasures.
Posted: 03 Feb 2010, 10:29
Even I've had this idea before. You're not Einstein for coming up with it, haha.