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Posted: 01 Feb 2010, 03:25

R6 Turbo Rally Car

Adeon Rally Car

Adeon MAX

Cat TC20

Top Fuel TC20
I don't know when i'm going to finish them, i should do it before march (schools open in Argentina).
Posted: 01 Feb 2010, 04:34
Good luck!
Posted: 01 Feb 2010, 05:20
I like your liberal use of GT2 wheels. The cars on the top and bottom are my favorites.
Posted: 01 Feb 2010, 06:12
Adamodell @ Jan 31 2010, 08:50 PM wrote: I like your liberal use of GT2 wheels. The cars on the top and bottom are my favorites.
the R6 Rally and the Top Fuel TC20?
Posted: 01 Feb 2010, 22:05
They look best when they maintain the original car's lighting (the middle one doesn't look right without shading). They look good, although it looks like you could still make better use of anti-aliasing. I like the yellow one.
Posted: 01 Feb 2010, 23:00
I agree with Aeon on that point. The shading is like the topping of the icecream and that's for both tracks and cars =)
Posted: 01 Feb 2010, 23:55
@Aeon: is orange with a touch of yellow, possibly Sunburst.
Is possible to make an Light node act like a sun? because i think in that way the track can give shading to the car.
An executable/program that can give shading to the PRMs should be cool
Posted: 03 Feb 2010, 03:44
On the scale of the six main colors that computers use, its yellow. (Translation: I don't care.)
The bottom line here is that the default cars come with their own model shading, which apparently is impossible to duplicate at the moment. If you modify the mesh too much you lose the shading, which damages the look of your car unless you shade the model through the texture, and even then that's not an ideal solution. Your best bet to keep consistency is just not to change the models. I think you can get away with stretching and such, but anything beyond that ruins it.
Even if you could do something with track lighting to add shading to cars, 99.9% of tracks out there won't do this, so its a waste of time.
Yes it would be nice if we could add shading to our own cars.
Posted: 03 Feb 2010, 03:49
is practically impossible to shade RV's standard cars via texturing because the models aren't mapped rightly
Posted: 03 Feb 2010, 10:32
Cat @ Feb 2 2010, 11:19 PM wrote: is practically impossible to shade RV's standard cars via texturing because the models aren't mapped rightly
That's because the textures were designed in assumption that the models would have the shading, and they did. Haha.
There is a way to do shading on car models, ase2prm. But... that is somewhat of a hassle for someone who's used to exporting with ZMod.
Posted: 03 Feb 2010, 14:48
As Adam said, as long as you don't use Zmod to export it from (or run it through rvshade I think), you can keep the shading. If you need it exported from Zmod with shading, you can import it to Gmax to re-create the shading, it's a pretty easy task afterall.
Posted: 03 Feb 2010, 23:25
Adamodell @ Feb 3 2010, 06:02 AM wrote: Cat @ Feb 2 2010, 11:19 PM wrote: is practically impossible to shade RV's standard cars via texturing because the models aren't mapped rightly
There is a way to do shading on car models, ase2prm. But... that is somewhat of a hassle for someone who's used to exporting with ZMod.
im interested to know how thats possible?
Posted: 04 Feb 2010, 21:48
urnemanden @ Feb 3 2010, 06:18 AM wrote: As Adam said, as long as you don't use Zmod to export it from (or run it through rvshade I think), you can keep the shading. If you need it exported from Zmod with shading, you can import it to Gmax to re-create the shading, it's a pretty easy task afterall.
I've installed Gmax and converted the prm to 3ds with zmodeler. How i've to do to add the vertex shading?
Posted: 07 Feb 2010, 02:31
ase2prm.exe -m adeonMA.ase

Posted: 07 Feb 2010, 03:05
You have to rename the bmp file you have used as material to "BlackA" - any letter between A & J. That's what the error says.
Posted: 07 Feb 2010, 06:06
urnemanden @ Feb 6 2010, 06:35 PM wrote: You have to rename the bmp file you have used as material to "BlackA" - any letter between A & J. That's what the error says.
assigning materials in Gmax? how?
Posted: 07 Feb 2010, 09:32
It's also a quick fix in the .ase file. Simply open it in any text editor (Notepad), find the word black.bmp and change it to blacka.bmp
Posted: 07 Feb 2010, 13:12
Zach got a point there, but if you'd rather want to change things in Gmax, perhaps you should take a look at
Setting Up The Master Material.
Posted: 07 Feb 2010, 18:15
As I said nice looking, but try repainting other stock cars.
Even tried to repair Genghis Kar? Or Pole Poz? I know Urne likes Pole Poz, that's why

. But really, would be cool to see cars like these repainted! And with the good paintjob you did on these, would look amazing! Just try.
Posted: 19 Feb 2010, 05:11
Heavy Rider

Sprinter XL (planned for NFS4)
need beta testers for the TC20 and Heavy Rider's parameters, and probably somebody that can vertex shade the Adeon MAX because i don't feel like going to do it rightly
Posted: 19 Feb 2010, 05:17
man that sprinter xl is sweeeeeet!
Posted: 19 Feb 2010, 08:14
Good job, cat. But the inverted "heavy weight" texture on the left back of the Bertha car doesn't give it a very professional look.

Posted: 22 Nov 2010, 10:34
Posted: 03 Dec 2010, 20:25
notice the rear spoiler
I'm trying to make the lines smoother. Tried GIMP's antialias filter but didn't worked
Posted: 03 Dec 2010, 20:32
I'll suggest that you take higher res pictures and re-size them down with a bicubic filter or anything similar. However, if you want to stick with your picture, try move the background onto an other layer and do the anti-aliasing on the cars layer. That should work, at least it does for me in P.NET.
Posted: 05 Dec 2010, 07:31
urnemanden @ Dec 3 2010, 12:02 PM wrote: I'll suggest that you take higher res pictures and re-size them down with a bicubic filter or anything similar. However, if you want to stick with your picture, try move the background onto an other layer and do the anti-aliasing on the cars layer. That should work, at least it does for me in P.NET.
I'm referred to the car's texture, not the picture
Posted: 05 Dec 2010, 14:56
my mistake! Could you possibly upload the texture?

Posted: 05 Dec 2010, 18:44
Posted: 05 Dec 2010, 21:36
Do you work in layers? If not, I don't think I can help you much with Gimp, as I primarily use Paint.NET. If you got that piece of software installed tho, here is two ways to anti-alias those lines:
a.) Select the Magic Wand (that's what it's named in and use Global Select with a tolerance at 0% to select the grey-ish lines. The windows' lines is a bit harder, you possibly need to manually select each pixel. Add them onto a new layer and use either
Basic Anti-Alias or
Feather on them.
Download Basic Anti-Alias and Feather here
b.) Re-draw those lines using Line/Curve with anti-alias enabled.