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Posted: 28 Jan 2010, 08:52
As a part of my (maybe) future tool, I'd like to allow the use of custom models in user tracks.

By writing a revolt launcher that will run in background, add patch the necessary memory values when needed (when the current track is changed).

What would be supported?
For now, I plan to support:
-all models in '/models' directory
-sfx from one track (in the '/wavs/track' directory), 1 level can be choosen amongst any stock tracks.
-all generic sfx (in the '/wavs' directory)

Track maker
The track maker will have to edit a 'custom.ini' file to specify which models to replace.

The player will have to lauch revolt via the launcher to play this level.

Here is an overview of what the 'custom.ini' file could look:

Code: Select all

; levels\toylite\water.bmp = ... (27 characters allowed)
; levels\toy2\dragon.bmp = ... (23 characters allowed)
; levels\muse2\sun.bmp = ... (23 characters allowed)
; levels\ship1\sky_ft.bmp = ... (23 characters allowed)
; Don't add the '.m' extension in this group
; models\barrel = ... (15 characters allowed)
; models\beachball = ... (19 characters allowed)
; models\earth = ... (15 characters allowed)
; Only if you want your model to appear in makeitgoodmode.
; Be aware that the number of characters allowed can become more restrictive than in '[models]' group.
; models\earth.m = ... (15 characters allowed)
; Use one (only one) of the level below, depending of the number of sounds you want to include.
; use_sfx_from_level = ToyLite
; Use the level set in 'use_sfx_from_level'
; wavs\toy\piano.wav = ... (19 characters allowed)
; wavs\toy\plane.wav = ... (19 characters allowed)
; wavs\toy\copter.wav = ... (19 characters allowed)
; Except for total conversion, I don't encourage you to modify the generic sounds.
; wavs\moto.wav = ... (15 characters allowed)
; wavs\petrol.wav = ... (15 characters allowed)
; wavs\clockwrk.wav = ... (19 characters allowed)
If you have any comment/question, don't hesitate.

What I'm personally wondering:
- does anybody have anything against the use of a launcher/memory patcher? (I'm afraid there is no other way to do).
- is there some track makers interested by this stuff?
- are they/you ready to support the developement / testing of this tool? If nobody is helping, I won't do that work all alone.

Posted: 28 Jan 2010, 17:19
Sorry, I'm not really sure what it does with the models.
Could you explain me?

Posted: 28 Jan 2010, 18:09
I'm very interested in this , along I'm online, I can help :-/
good luck

hey, can you enabled mp3 playing?

Posted: 28 Jan 2010, 18:23
Jig wrote:- is there some track makers interested by this stuff?
I have 4 tracks using custom models, gfx & sfx, so I would be very interested in this. They all just needs to be compatible with your patch, hopefully that won't be any process that is too hard.

I also support Kay's idea about enabling mp3 playing.

Posted: 28 Jan 2010, 23:47
I am particularly interested in the skymap aspect. There are a number of tracks with custom skymaps and inserting them manually is a real nuisance.

Most, if not all, tracks with custom models also have bat files for changing them, so it's not so much of a problem. However, if you make automatic changing possible and more tracks use custom models..........


Posted: 29 Jan 2010, 07:33
im interested too, jiggie.
let me know if i can do something.

Posted: 29 Jan 2010, 09:40
I'd be interested and would test it.

@GWC the automatic object changes is especially useful in multiplayer.

Posted: 29 Jan 2010, 10:24
I'm more than happy to help. Let me know.

Posted: 29 Jan 2010, 19:29
miromiro @ Jan 28 2010, 12:49 PM wrote:Sorry, I'm not really sure what it does with the models.
Could you explain me?
It will just replace, for a given track, the model file (or bmp file or wavs file) that is normally used by revolt (and can't be changed) by a one provided by the track maker.
Only the model is modified, the behavior is hardcoded in revolt and can't be altered.

It's what is done currently with batch installer file, or with phoenix thing, I believe. But it's far better than bat file, because you don't have to restart revolt to use another track with other models.


Anyway, thanks for your support, guys. I see here a good a beta-tester crew. ;)
The main help I will need is to test things when I'll release the first version, and to repport here what is working / non working, what could be improved, etc.


Sorry, but the mp3 stuff will wait. I don't know if I can do something, but for now, I don't really care about it. I use to have my own music player running while playing, and that fit me better. But I keep it on my TODO list...