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Posted: 26 Jan 2010, 05:13
Greetings to all RVP members, new and old.
Just post one entry here with some basic info on yourself and status, or just leave a classic statement.
I'm here less and less these last few years, but I am going to try and make more of an effort this year and may produce one or two personal projects.
Work suck's BIG TIME! but it pays the bills.

Posted: 26 Jan 2010, 05:23
Posted: 26 Jan 2010, 05:24
I'm still here obviously, to the disdain of everyone.
Full name: Adam Ryan O'Dell
Orientation (lol): Straight
Age: 17 going on 25
Weight: effin' large
Hobby: Making music, making people mad, being a general party pooper
Attitude: baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad just like a bahhhhhhd sheep
What I've done for the Re-Volt community: handed your rear to you on a silver platter
No, really, what have I done: Converted more cars than death counts in most school shootings
Posted: 26 Jan 2010, 05:25
hey adam! havnt talked to you in forever. lol. my life has changed sooooo much these past few years. lol.
Posted: 26 Jan 2010, 05:33
yeah im still here (never left yet lol)
<insert original phrase here>
Posted: 26 Jan 2010, 05:44
Still here. Still play the game...almost nightly.
Posted: 26 Jan 2010, 05:47
Wheres Sjampo at?
Posted: 26 Jan 2010, 05:59
Still here.
Full name: Lancelot Hilaire Lovejoy
Orientation: Straight, mostly
Location: California, USA
Interests: Polo, tending my flock of sheep and growing wheat.
What I've done for the Re-Volt community: Lowered the average IQ down about 30 points.
My YouTube channel:
Posted: 26 Jan 2010, 06:17
Posted: 26 Jan 2010, 08:37
Hello ReVolt racers,
This game was the foreFront of PC racing. From this game, others built TrackMania, Nations and then many others joined in but ReVolt was the foundation.
I remember playing hours, even sometimes seeing the sun rise without knowing how long I was playing the game.
The input of cars and the various tracks by the dedicated players was and is overwhelming to say the least. You folks have kept the game alive and made a basic game into a Classic. Thank you
Posted: 26 Jan 2010, 08:46
Name: Z
Age: A
Sex: C
Job: H.
Hobby: K
Posted: 26 Jan 2010, 10:07
Hello ORP~
Not new to Re-Volt but new here...
Great forum!

Posted: 26 Jan 2010, 10:36
Dr. Ricky D. Wallbanger
Age 49
Bad track maker.
Hobby's Beer drinking smoking bar hopping hookers.
For a appointment call 669-6969
Dont worry I have a pill for you!
Over 40 years experience and only 35 deaths.
Call today!
Posted: 26 Jan 2010, 10:45
Need to see if this goes in Windows 7 now

Posted: 26 Jan 2010, 12:41
Anyone remember me?
Havent played a game ( any game ) since who knows. But i remember how my next morning college would never deter me to play a dozen of them lan games on revolt
Full name: Raunaq
Orientation: Straight
Location: Delhi, India
Interests: Keeping my neighbors awake on my new guitar
What I've done for the Re-Volt community: Made a couple of tracks, Repaint jobs on cars
My blog:
I still see jess on my fb page.
Great seeing you guys !
I guess:
Rank name: Plic
Rank number: ? [Member number: 174]
Man its totally awesome seeing all u guys. Emotions runneth over me like the tires of a toyeca...
My lame sense of humor still persists...
Posted: 26 Jan 2010, 17:30
Guardian of R'lyeh
Hey, haven´t played the game for a while but I´m still alive

Posted: 26 Jan 2010, 17:53
i'm still here! with less time for re-volt. i'm still slaving away my time to mother.
and MM update us w/ some baby pic, babies are cute, from a distant

Posted: 26 Jan 2010, 18:23
I'm also sitting in the pub, found the community Dember 27th 2007, officially released 8 tracks, and had problems with my common sense at least 1 time. Uh, and then I got a website and an unfinished magazine for Re-Volt. =)
Member No.: 526
Current Rank Name: Methanolic
Posted: 26 Jan 2010, 18:38
Here i am, Nero, here from September 19, 2007.
Still here, just waiting for the right time to release my HQ track.
And now i see a few familiar names, cool, the gang is back!

Posted: 26 Jan 2010, 20:22
Juicy J
What's up
Posted: 26 Jan 2010, 20:43
Here, and there and everywhere.
Over 10 months since I'm here.
Glad to see the old Re-Volt fans back!
Really got worried to know what's going on with Plic and revoltkid.
Most of you know me, I mean the guys who are active.
Is good that every member was called to rejoin at least one time this forum. Maybe you'll help some to return back totally, not for only a visit.
Hope to see more great guys here!
Rank: Methanolic.
Member number 673.
Posted: 26 Jan 2010, 21:21
Member No: 525
Full name: Juan Cruz Mazzola.
Age: 16, but i will have 17 in 2 weeks
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Orientation: Reverse BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, nah, i lie, forward.
Interests: See my profile.
What i've done for this community: Repaint cars, some conversions, a track, a tutorial, post some car rice and spit on the Toyeca.
Posted: 26 Jan 2010, 22:19
By god am I still here.
I'll be turning 18 in the next month and 'alf.
I'm more one of those who just sits in the back, downloads stuff and plays.
Should play RV online more often.
Oh and is there anyway I can get my name changed? It's quite a pain having to copy and paste it in all the time when I need to log in.
Damnit, forgot number and rank.
Rank: Regular
Member number: 6
Posted: 26 Jan 2010, 22:30
Posted: 26 Jan 2010, 22:33
Hi guys since Vista 64 bit never played again online, but I wish I could, still interested in games however, I've got a beautyfull daughter of 7 weeks finally
I'm a Paragnostic(Medium) guy and help people guide to there path again sometimes as a pure hobby.
I can enjoy MAME too today I played Phozon, stupid but fun too, Hey have a nice life all, hope to meet togheter one day.
Posted: 26 Jan 2010, 23:44
Still here but not HERE!
Someone who came on the biggest Italian site about Re-Volt know me!!!
But I'm growing too fast... I'm already 27!!!
Posted: 26 Jan 2010, 23:55
GWC @ Jan 26 2010, 07:00 PM wrote: Yes
awfully nice to see that, Geoff!
kind of here. i stroll the forums once in a while and at about the same ratio start the game we all love. other than that, its like MM mostly... working and working...
oh well...
Posted: 27 Jan 2010, 01:38
I'm here. I occasionally play online too. I wish I had more time to work on RV House and RVZT, but life's been too busy.
Posted: 27 Jan 2010, 01:47
Just want you all to remember, it was me who brought the first "controllable" hot-rods to Re-Volt.
There is no comparison, I am the best of all time.

Posted: 27 Jan 2010, 01:57
ÞÊþ§Ï @ Jan 26 2010, 05:49 PM wrote: By god am I still here.
I'll be turning 18 in the next month and 'alf.
I'm more one of those who just sits in the back, downloads stuff and plays.
Should play RV online more often.
Oh and is there anyway I can get my name changed? It's quite a pain having to copy and paste it in all the time when I need to log in.
Damnit, forgot number and rank.
Rank: Regular
Member number: 6
dude, skarma, get yer rear in rvhouse! lol
Posted: 27 Jan 2010, 02:41
RiffRaff @ Jan 26 2010, 09:17 PM wrote: Just want you all to remember, it was me who brought the first "controllable" hot-rods to Re-Volt.
There is no comparison, I am the best of all time.
Oh my god dude!
Is possible to be true?
You are really the great RiffRaff!!!!
Posted: 27 Jan 2010, 03:12
Very nice, only a day and we get responses from a good selection of new members and some real legends.

Posted: 27 Jan 2010, 03:31
Still here too

Posted: 27 Jan 2010, 03:35
im here!
im the one who makes cars and never releases them...
Posted: 27 Jan 2010, 03:44
Here I am, I just finished my dinner, a plate of seasoned french fries and sloppy joes, as American as it gets.
I stare at the screen and ponder....
1. I started a post trend. Interesting.
2. RiffRaff posted. More interesting. Especially the sarcastic narcissism.
3. Who's next?
Oh yeah, I'm number 404. I don't know my rank name, my special description hides that. It's good.
Haha, 404. I'm a bad page that doesn't load.
Posted: 27 Jan 2010, 06:44
Member n° 760
age 29
I think I'm one of the newest member here.
For now, I'm mainly active as a revolt
Perhaps one day, I will release a Blender import/export filter, and then I would turn myself into a track maker and/or car maker.
Nice thing to see here such a bunch of famous names.
Hey, a french compatriot! I see you went on RVTT a few day ago. Glad to see that you are still here...
Posted: 27 Jan 2010, 07:46
Iron Bob
Still Here

I think

Posted: 27 Jan 2010, 15:09
Alive and kicking (:
Not playing much revolt though, since im running on a mac atm.
Posted: 27 Jan 2010, 22:10
Riff, you'll be telling us about the $10,000 car next!
Posted: 28 Jan 2010, 02:37
In case anybody was wondering, I still exist too...
Name: Dave <last name here>
Age: 15
Orientation: Straight
Hobbies: Re-Volt, cranking death metal from sucky computer speakers (especailly older In Flames), having to deal with the boringness of waiting an hour to get on a computer at a library to do as much as I can in an hour (not fun)
What I've Done for the Re-Volt community: Lots and lots of tracks built the old-fashioned way (and now my hands are glued toghether). and some cars.
...and my rank: Everclear-Addict
Well, it's great to see everybody here, so now it's time for me to wait 2 more weeks before I can prove I exist again (yay)
Posted: 28 Jan 2010, 03:36
Dave-o-rama @ Jan 27 2010, 10:07 PM wrote: In case anybody was wondering, I still exist too...
Name: Dave <last name here>
Age: 15
Orientation: Straight
Hobbies: Re-Volt, cranking death metal from sucky computer speakers (especailly older In Flames), having to deal with the boringness of waiting an hour to get on a computer at a library to do as much as I can in an hour (not fun)
What I've Done for the Re-Volt community: Lots and lots of tracks built the old-fashioned way (and now my hands are glued toghether). and some cars.
...and my rank: Everclear-Addict
Well, it's great to see everybody here, so now it's time for me to wait 2 more weeks before I can prove I exist again (yay)
Melodic death metal.
I hope some day you get a real workflow going rather than this library run bull****.
Posted: 28 Jan 2010, 04:40
Still here, I guess

Posted: 28 Jan 2010, 06:05
Rank Name: Sober
Number: 764
Only just joined this community, still learning the ropes
Mainly been making a few contributions to the
Re-Volt Wiki
Re-Volt is Awsome!

Posted: 28 Jan 2010, 06:18
well im here been apart of the rv community since i guess 1999/2000 off and on left for a few years came back left for more years and came back and this community is still kickin so its nice. ive done a few repaints and conversions for cars and a few lego/extreme tracks back when i was active, currently working on a xtreme track for zachs mod and nice to be back.
Age: 23
Sex: Male
Hobbies: 3d, motorcycles, gaming
Member no: Couldnt tell ya.
Rank: n00b
Posted: 28 Jan 2010, 17:10
Joined The Re-Volt community in 2005 and never left..
Mostly in RVHouse and, i'm not that into forums.
Posted: 28 Jan 2010, 18:07
name: Kallel A.Y
nick: theKDL, Kfalcon
Age: 17, male
Re-Volt experience (engine view): fair (2005-2006; 2007-2010 online)
Re-Volt experience (driving) : Gone extremely bad
done to Re-Volt: some applications, 1 prm kit, 1 car, 5 tracks in developement (all are made in 3ds max + MIG), used to be the 2nd main editor in Re-Volt the WIKI
Posted: 28 Jan 2010, 19:54
Still alive here.
Posted: 29 Jan 2010, 02:39
I am here

Posted: 31 Jan 2010, 09:03
As far as anything goes, I may be fading away from existence from Re-Volt. Not to bring this to shame on everyone else, but this game is starting to bore me, and the community is starting to come to a set closer to a compete stop on the grand railroad. So, I may not be here, "forever"....
Posted: 01 Feb 2010, 22:36
Here and still a fan!
Mikes Youtube Fun