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Posted: 23 Jan 2010, 20:53
Hey everybody,
I'm working on a track, and I have a bit of a problem...
Well, except for the problem, it's almost finished.
When you run prmbend on pipes, sometimes small holes come up, especialy when you're going from a straight pipe to one that is a turn with a height change. In a normal sized-pipe, you can barely see the hole and it's no problem.
But, the pipe I'm working with is huge, and the giant hole is just ugly.
So, what I'm asking is, can somebody with max or some 3dmodeler patch up these holes for me (I don't care who)? From what i've run, there aren't any collison problems, just ugliness.
And even if you don't have max, feel free to dl it anyway and tell me what you think of it:
You should defintely click here :)

Thanks, Dave

Posted: 23 Jan 2010, 21:58
Hi Dave
I dont think you can patch the holes in
I dl it and I will check it out.
Ill get back to ya ;)

Posted: 23 Jan 2010, 22:11
I think you could make a small prm file.
And stick it behind the tube where the holes
are. That way you wont see the holes.
If you need a black prm file I can make one
for you. There is room on the H and G maps
for the texture.
Send a e-mail so I will have your address.
Later :D

Posted: 23 Jan 2010, 23:43
Don't really know what it could be, but if you have Zmodeler, and know how to use it, try to export the whole .w file of the track and fix the things there. Not sure if it will work... so make a backup before.