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Posted: 12 Jan 2010, 23:16
ok, i started this topic, because jig suggested not to mix the theme with other 512 related subjects, and i agree.
now, can an admin once has seen this topic to open new main category called "Development" or something, because i dont think we should talk about something like this in the "Bar", am i correct?
the starting point is: me and others have noticed that in the 512 patch the makeitgood lights stopped working.
here is what i did jig, in some steps:
1 BEFORE noticing the bug: i installed the 512 texture pack and patched the 1.207 exe.
2. noticing the bug: when inserting a light source in makeitgood it did not have the usual effects on the mesh vertex points, ie. it didnt have any. it effected the objects though, like the car. i checked this with a pickup model as well, which we know has an orange glowing effect on the vertex points, this time it was behaving like the lights, no effect at all on the vertex points.
3.AFTER noticing the bug i started to go back to the original step by step:
- first i replaced the textures in the folder with 256 ones
- then i deleted the patched exe and renamed the .bak version to revolt.exe
- then i went back to 3dsmax and re-exported the track with the 256 textures
now, after doing all these things, the lights are still dead in makeitgood, so i have no idea what to do now, because i have no idea what else to change
EDIT: oh, and the exact things:
patch version 0.4
revolt version 1.1 patch 1.207
os windows xp sp3
level used: nhood1
Posted: 12 Jan 2010, 23:35
Good job, human.
human wrote:now, can an admin once has seen this topic to open new main category called "Development" or something, because i dont think we should talk about something like this in the "Bar", am i correct?
I feel the same.
Weird bug here. The funny thing is that you can't get back to a nice working state. Surprising.
Just to say:
- then i went back to 3dsmax and re-exported the track with the 256 textures
I don't think you have to use 3dsmax for stuff related to 512/256 textures, because the models, etc, are not modified in any way. Replacing the bmp is enough...
I have a big job to finish before the end of january, so I'm not sure I can find enough time to work on this bug for now. Sorry about that, human. But don't worry, keep up the tests if you can, as I wil try to take a look at it nevertheless.
EDIT: Can you also specify the windows compatibility mode you're using.
EDIT2: And you have better to try with patch 0.5 now (please restore .bak file before applying new patch)
Posted: 12 Jan 2010, 23:47
If this information is for any use, the 1906 version of the 512 patch doesn't seem to have this bug (at least not on my system). You might be able to do some sort of comparison and that way find the bug somehow easier, Jig.
Oh, and Jig is right about the 512/256 textures, btw.
Posted: 13 Jan 2010, 00:17
jigebren @ Jan 12 2010, 07:05 PM wrote: I don't think you have to use 3dsmax for stuff related to 512/256 textures, because the models, etc, are not modified in any way. Replacing the bmp is enough...
well, that is what i thought, but when i saw it still not working i went back as far as i could.
the compatibility mode is set to win 98 of course.
i will try the 0.5 version too.
and dont worry jig about the time, i dont think i will have time for track creation in the next few weeks, so its not that urgent. unless mike and others are keen to create tracks

Posted: 14 Jan 2010, 01:37
human @ Jan 12 2010, 07:47 PM wrote: and dont worry jig about the time, i dont think i will have time for track creation in the next few weeks, so its not that urgent. unless mike and others are keen to create tracks
Yay...more competition. I'll pwn you all in tracks.
Well, anyway, intresting bug. Tracks that use them heavily could be obsolete. This bug should be fixed. I have no programming skills, lol.
You might wanna try out
Road in Space 2 V2 with the 512 patch...
Posted: 16 Jan 2010, 08:45
Well, sorry if I made mistakes in this post, but that's the fault of the good
Chimay Bleue beer I'm drinking, not mine.
I made some test about that bug:
I'm running XP. I tried to add a omni light in makeitgood mode, modifying the light values to see the effect it has on the walls, on the car and on instances.
-unpatched revolt using 256x256 textures, level jailhouse:
no problem, I can clearly see that the light modifies the walls and the car color.
-patched revolt using 512x512 textures, level jailhouse:
the same that above
-patched or unpatched revolt using 512x512 or 256x256 textures, level nhood1:
it isn't working. The car is modified, the walls are not. In fact, it seems that distant walls are modifed. But if I try to change the light type, when I came back to omni, then the light won't affect the distant wall anymore. Pretty weird.
Just a note: If I do the same test than above without the compatibility mode set (to windows 98), I got strange colors on the ground at the begining of the level (another bug?).
-patched or unpatched revolt using 512x512 or 256x256 textures, level market2:
It's working good.
It seems that there is a bug, but once again (see Bug While Loading 'nhood1.fin' topic), I'm not sure this bug has something to do with the patch 512.
So as usual, I need other people trying and reporting feedback (I don't know why I kepp on saying that again every time).
Posted: 16 Jan 2010, 23:13
thanks jig,
if i understood correctly, you tried three tracks and the lights worked on two of them, but they didnt work on nhood1.
i will try it on a different track, other than nhood1. it would be interesting to know if mike (skitch) who reported the same bug was trying it on nhood1 as well, also would be interesting to hear hil's opinion, as he seemed to be surprised when i told him about the bug, which means he didnt see it before, and he makes all his tracks on nhood1.
Posted: 16 Jan 2010, 23:30
human wrote:if i understood correctly, you tried three tracks and the lights worked on two of them, but they didnt work on nhood1.
That's just it, human.
But it seems to me that I once tried (just after you talk about that bug) with jailhouse rock and it wasn't working, but as I said, I'm not very use to working with makeitgood mode so I could have done another mistake. (like, I noticed that sometime if you set the flickering ON then OFF, it stops on the OFF value, so light seems not to work at all).
I have not enough time for now, but yep, we have to test on other levels to list those that have / have not the bug.
The only clues I have for now is that:
- it works on some levels (stock and user) while other(s) have bug
- the compatibility mode seems to have an effect on the weirdness of the lights edit mode (at least in the level that has the bug)
- urnemanden doesn't have the bug on his system/revolt version
Posted: 17 Jan 2010, 01:08
I haven't noticed any lighting problems using it either.
I'm using the latest patch, but I don't recall what the number is.
Posted: 17 Jan 2010, 01:18
Thanks, aeon, but can you precise:
-your OS
-revolt version (0916, 1207)
-perhaps the levels you've tested (I you remember)
-that you've tested with the maketigood mode
Posted: 17 Jan 2010, 04:07
XP Pro SP3
Version 1207
Tested Museum 2 and Toy World Levels, but haven't noticed any issues on other levels.
Haven't tested anything in MAKEITGOOD.
Posted: 17 Jan 2010, 05:22
Aeon @ Jan 16 2010, 11:37 PM wrote:Tested Museum 2 and Toy World Levels, but haven't noticed any issues on other levels.
Haven't tested anything in MAKEITGOOD.
So that's quite normal you didn't notice any issues as it seems to be a makeitgood bug.
But thanks anyhow, as any info can help.
Perhaps human should edit the topic name from '512 Patch Light Bug Project' to something like 'MAKEITGOOD Light Bug Project', as it is not clear for now if the bug has something to do with the 512 patch, while it's clear that it appear under makeitgood mode.
Posted: 17 Jan 2010, 08:01
Actually I'm thinking now that the lighting effects I'm seeing are shaded effects on the textures rather than being from the lights.
Posted: 17 Jan 2010, 08:42
jig, guys, i fixed the bug!
it was my fault.
what happened was: the vertex colors of my mesh in 3ds max and the rgb properties in the .inf file of the track were both set to the maximum, 255,255,255 rgb in max and 100% in the .inf file, which means there were nowhere to go from there, when i tried to give a positive value for the light object, it couldnt make the vertex points brighter.
i noticed it when i adjusted the light to negative values (darkness) and that worked, went back to 3ds max and checked the vertex points and they were all set to the maximum brightness. i dont normally set them to maximum, the only reason was, and my only excuse is that this is just a test track to try out the 512 patch and i didnt really start "creating" the track, therefore there was no need for vertex shading, so they were all left as they are automatically created by 3ds max, that is maximum value of brightness.
im sorry for the confusion and time wasting i caused with this, but i am really happy that there is no bug at all and we can make tracks with 512 textures!!!
EDIT: thinking it through again i think the main problem was that i didnt switch on the "vertex color display" option in 3ds max, but thats just the same problem and also my fault.
Posted: 17 Jan 2010, 08:58
human @ Jan 17 2010, 04:12 AM wrote: im sorry for the confusion and time wasting i caused with this, but i am really happy that there is no bug at all and we can make tracks with 512 textures!!!

You're welcome, human.
And I'm glad that you achieved to fix your bug.
Moreover, it seems that there is really some weird things with lights, and indirectly you have helped to point this out.