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Posted: 22 Dec 2009, 20:54
Hi there.
When I was working on the last track
I see in the makeitgood editor a new
It is called (acoustic zones)??
I think it has to do with sounds but
I could not make any zones in there.
Has anyone seen this?
And dus it work?
What the heck?

Posted: 22 Dec 2009, 20:56
Acoustic Zones.
Sure. I saw that too. Those are portals. No idea what they do.
Posted: 22 Dec 2009, 21:15
isnt that how you make shiny floors? you create a sqaure with one side red one green etc? or is that something else.
Posted: 22 Dec 2009, 21:21
Hil knows all the stuff like that.
My be he will drop by.

Posted: 22 Dec 2009, 21:50
I have no idea what Acoustic Zones are used for, I don't believe
they are used in any stock track. My first thought was they were
planned to add the acoustic effect of a car in a narrow tunnel
to the engine sound like used in other racing games,
or to set the range of 3D Sounds Objects.
It's there, but has no known use that I know about.
For mirrored (shiny) floors the 'Erm, nothing to see here' Ediit mode
and the mkMirror program are used.
Posted: 22 Dec 2009, 22:10

Thanks Hil.
I guess I never saw it before.
I dont know. U cant do anything in there.
Even the free look dont work.
Just more mysterious re-volt stuff.
Thanks guys!
C U later