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Posted: 22 Dec 2009, 00:18
I can't install it! It says revolt is not installed, when clearly it is. This frontend needs to be packaged again. At least in a ZIP file so I can do it myself. Whoever doesn't have the common sense to backup their files, just is too lazy. Please, help a good person out.
Posted: 22 Dec 2009, 01:21
hil is the best man to explain this, im sure he pops in at some point soon and will help you.
Posted: 22 Dec 2009, 02:03
Hi, chriselston!
I downloaded .exe file at RVZT and install this frontend...
I packed it in .zip file. Download it
clicking HERE.

Posted: 22 Dec 2009, 02:55
I tried it, not bad.
First you have to install the exe file.
It will automaticaly find your revolt directory and 'replace' the frontend.
If you wanna uninstall it just load the exe again
all with come back.
That's all. Should work. And you can use Krisss' .zip file too. Good luck

Posted: 22 Dec 2009, 10:43
The .exe file automatically backs-up files and install the custom
frontend. If you want to restore all original files just run the .exe again.
So there is no need to back anything up.
Do not try to install this custom frontend any other way.
Do not try to install the frontend with files packaged in a .zip file.
The .exe is easy: One click Installs, Click again to Restore all back to
the original.
The custom elements include the frontend folder and many .bmps in the
gfx folder. The .exe automatically backs-up all these files.
So only use the .exe file. If the .exe can not find your Re-volt folder
it must be in some strange place, so don't bother trying to install this.
Posted: 23 Dec 2009, 03:36
Well, I would like to use the executable file, but the EXE doesn't seem to pick up my revolt installed directory. Maybe a registry entry may help?
Posted: 23 Dec 2009, 09:03
If it's in the regular location C:\Program Files\Acclaim Entertainment\Re-Volt\revolt.exe this registry entry will just work.
If not, you can open the file with right click --> Edit, and then you can edit it to be the directory where it is, and then import the reg by double clicking on it and hitting yes.