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Posted: 09 Jan 2005, 06:16
More cars....
More tracks....
More new members...
Come on guys! Give me MORE!
Oh yes... Please.

Posted: 10 Jan 2005, 20:15
hehe i agree.
somehow i have to slap myself for being too lazy and too bad to manage my time properly so i didnt work on RV stuff lately... there will be releases tho. i think

Posted: 10 Feb 2006, 09:53
Just giving this a bump for something to do.

Posted: 10 Feb 2006, 16:01
Plz all come back to GameSpy for great races online.
A lot of racers are missing these times

Posted: 10 Feb 2006, 19:56
Could I suggest that you contact the admin at RV-League and that they contact all thier members with some kind of friendly rally the troops message.
I know that I myself have not been for a few month, mainly due to my terrible driving skills.
I vote that the better drivers should be handicapped, maybe they should have only three wheels on thier cars,

Posted: 10 Feb 2006, 21:02
I think people who don't know how they can make their own extreme levels like I have no fun to make tracks!

(I have a new homepage: But the page is not finished

Posted: 11 Feb 2006, 07:33
You don't need to make extreme tracks to have fun.
Just make a really good lego track that appeals to the majority, and have fun making that.
Having a bit of fun while in Re-Volt is half the game, call in at Gamespy and have some real fun with the regulars there.
They'll probably kick your bottom, but its fun trying.
Posted: 11 Feb 2006, 23:19
But I think extreme tracks are better than lego tracks. And i can't find any indrudaction for extreme tracks!

Posted: 11 Feb 2006, 23:32
Hmm ??
Maybe your not looking in the right places.
Take a look at the following links, these should help you to customise a lego track in to a lego extreme, or instruct you to create an all instance/extreme track.
RV Extreme
The Re-Volt Workbench
RV-Glue Documentation
Tutorials Menu @ RVA
Posted: 11 Feb 2006, 23:52
who knows the way to increase the number of the cars or the number of the laps up to the limit of the game?? i'd like to make a carnage with the stock cars, not only with the clockworks

Posted: 12 Feb 2006, 03:36
Right then !
The maximum number of laps that can be achieved is
255 using the original
Ladder Editor V1.0
The newer version has more setup features but only allows for
99 laps.
The maximum number of seperate individual cars is
12, the clockwork mode uses
30 of the same car, but this car can be any custom car you wish, just as long as it is in the
Wincar4 folder. Remove or rename the wincar4 folder then use the Carmanager to create a copy of your required custom car and save it to the wincar4 folder.
Please note that all the cars will have the same AI and handling, also, try and use a reasonably low poly car as 30 high poly cars will really slow the game down and lower fps.
The original clockwork car 'wincar4' only has 100 polies as compared to the average custom car of around 1200 polies.
To help give the cars a more individual look, try and repaint the car with light colours, the colours used on the original clockwork cars (except the red) would be ideal, for example :
Please also note that normal sized cars are a bit too big for the clockwork start grid formation. So you could always resize then.
Posted: 12 Feb 2006, 23:44
Hi Italia'76,
To save re-sizing a car, why not try my 'Wincar Adeon' - which is a smaller 'Adeon' - or 'Wincar Beta', which is a repainted and re-parametered 'Wincar Too'.
Posted: 13 Feb 2006, 16:20
Thanks, ManMountain and GWC both of you are very kind

Posted: 14 Feb 2006, 16:29
ManMountain of course it is not possible to change the original names of clockworks in carnage mode (such as "New York Jez",etc.)?

Posted: 15 Feb 2006, 06:25
Sorry, but at the moment .. NO.
Unless someone has created a little utility/program or knows of a way to edit the main Revolt.exe file without causing problems.
As the both the patches for the game are actual replacment .exe files, so there must be a way to edit it some how, surely ?