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Posted: 22 Feb 2014, 10:55
There will be an 0916 and 1207 version. Most of the tracks are finished. I have a few cars that I want to use. Need 2 more battle tags and winter/ice cars. 2 tracks I was modeling need to be finished. MAKEITGOOD stuff needs to be tweaked on most and added to the tracks I haven't finished modeling. And I need to either texture afty's oil rig or start a new, more poly friendly one.
Posted: 22 Feb 2014, 19:11
zagames @ Feb 22 2014, 06:25 AM wrote:And I need to either texture afty's oil rig or start a new, more poly friendly one.
Well, new track material is what I'm most curious about.
Especially the oil rig one... I remember I found the preview very impressive the first time I saw it. With proper textures this track will likely look very nice. Does it actually have a good flow as well?
Posted: 22 Feb 2014, 20:29
It doesn't have any flow at the moment. lol. It will need some work to improve the flow and raceability. I do have a minor problem. I can't find the color of the pickup glow in my hex editor to change it. Could you help me out at all? Thanks.
Posted: 22 Feb 2014, 21:40
Hi Zach, maybe this post can result a bit useful for you: ... topic=3266
Btw you've asked this before, your previous guess was #FFFF80.
I do hope you use Afty's instead of making a new one.

Posted: 07 Mar 2014, 19:10
I really loved this mod so much. Can't wait!