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Posted: 02 Nov 2009, 01:16
Aylown wrote:vening,
Due to extreme work, I've been less than active
However, I've accepted a series of submissions
There are others, though, pending approval, and they will be, but I like to give other people's cars their 15 minutes of fame
Sunday, I'll be accepting other cars
Well it's a sunday today. Not a single car has been approved.
Now,why did you take the responsibility to be a car admin if you know you will not be active?
Either do the job properly,or DON'T DO IT AT ALL,i say...
We need a NEW car admin who:
-Is regularly active
Approves the car in max. 2 days
-Looks at the minumum specs of cars,according to that he submits them
Sends an E-mail to the person who incorrectly packaged a car or did not reach the minimum specs
Please,there is nothing to debate. We
must have another car admin.
Posted: 02 Nov 2009, 06:20
Check again

Posted: 02 Nov 2009, 06:36
-Looks at the minumum specs of cars,according to that he submits them
-Sends an E-mail to the person who incorrectly packaged a car or did not reach the minimum specs
This explains why Allan1's cars are in RVZT! The actual admin isn't looking at the minimum requirements & standards seen in the "Car Submitting @ R V Z T" topic
What happened to ManMountain?
Posted: 02 Nov 2009, 07:47
Seeing as Sunday isn't over yet... You seem to have jumped the gun a little bit. I do agree, another car admin would be nice. But that is not something I choose to do. It needs to be Arto's decision.
Posted: 02 Nov 2009, 19:13
if i were a noob i would say "Quantity > Quality"
but im a person and i say
where the f*** is manmountain ????
i am able to respect all requirements that said nero
i could be an admin
but not car admin
maybe track (sorry sjampo)
Posted: 03 Nov 2009, 04:10
I enter rvzt, to accept cars, and as usual, 1 day delay = Nero ranting
First of all
1)As Back-up car admin, I don't really see the e-mail of the guy who sent the track, which means most of the time, I can't send the e-mail, only if it is in the readme
2) I do follow MM's rules, mr. know it all, Do you have any idea how many submissions we receive EACH DAY??? Besides, as I already said, I did not approve ANY cars by allan1, it was zach, who approves cars when we dissapear
3)I've been doing this job for YEARS

YEARS! Probably more time than you have re-volt...
4) I am NOT going to give any thoughts to a ridiculous teenage boy, who knows nothing about life!
I have a fiancé, a house, a job, soon one kiddo of mine, time isn't as vast as it once was!
As I once said to you, life will be your teacher, I can only imagine how are you in Real Life, and probably feel sorry for you
But hey, I had fun this weekend, so who cares?
Here's one of the photos:
Cheers Re-volters

Posted: 03 Nov 2009, 15:42
*...Why do I live in Denmark right now*

Posted: 03 Nov 2009, 15:54
urnemanden @ Nov 3 2009, 11:12 AM wrote: *...Why do I live in Denmark right now*
Dont u dis Denmark
And if people seriously care so much about this they should get some fresh air and maybe some friends.
Big grats with soon becoming a dad Ayl (:
Posted: 03 Nov 2009, 18:34
We need a NEW car admin who:
-Is regularly active
-Approves the car in max. 2 days
-Looks at the minumum specs of cars,according to that he submits them
-Sends an E-mail to the person who incorrectly packaged a car or did not reach the minimum specs
I understand your life,but if you just are not active enough then we need another,sorry mate...
And once again:
4) I am NOT going to give any thoughts to a ridiculous teenage boy, who knows nothing about life!
I have a fiancé, a house, a job, soon one kiddo of mine, time isn't as vast as it once was!
Me not knowing about life?
I'M an 8th grader with many friends,and i do many things besides playing Re-Volt...
Please,if you feel like you are not active enough,or don't have the time at all...then step down.
Posted: 03 Nov 2009, 22:28
I'M an 8th grader with many friends,and i do many things besides playing Re-Volt... cool.gif
so you wouldnt have the time to submit cars then...
so what makes you think anyone else does.
come on its really not that bad a situation.
Posted: 03 Nov 2009, 23:55
If you would gather all the information and logic,you would've not just said what you've said...
He said that message 29th Oct 09
Sunday was 1 Nov 09
So...not just one day,four infact.
-Approves the car in max. 2 days
Please do not fiddle around something ridiciulously pointless,just get ANOTHER admin!!!
Posted: 04 Nov 2009, 00:18
i have too much freetime as it is, and i have an idea as what not to approve.
for example, my old repaints lol. they would never make it on now.
Posted: 04 Nov 2009, 02:13
the solution is very simple:
1. buy a server and a domain
2. create a host site for car submissions
3. create web design, rules, forum abilities
4. advertise a bit, help people know about it and start accepting car submissions
5. go online every day and spend an hour with fixing bad zip files, answer silly questions, test tracks, help people,
6. after doing this for 5-6 years still be online every day, tell your kids to shut up, because you are fixing a rubbish zip file.
7. and after doing this for 8 years, still be online daily to have a chat with pretentious newbies appeared in the revolt scene only in that last few months
Posted: 04 Nov 2009, 02:29
A couple of comments, in somewhat of order of importance:
1) Congratulations Ayl for the baby!
2) If sometimes the cars/tracks take a bit more time to be approved, that is not a major catastrophe in my opinion. People, even those approving cars/tracks, have lives.
3) There can be more car/track admins if there is need for it. I'd rather trust the current car/track admins opinion on this. Do they feel like extra help is needed? RVZT's car/track approving system doesn't scale too well to very many admins. If there's going to be many active approvers then some more coding will be quite necessary.
One more thing that I've been thinking about. Maybe the cars/tracks could be downloadable even before they have been approved? I mean, you couldn't comment or vote on them. But you could straight view the uploads and try them out before the admin has approved them. In that case, for the most impatient ones, they could try out the tracks/cars on their own responsibility before admin has had a chance to make final decision.
I'm still not sure if it's a good idea, but something I've been pondering about.
Posted: 04 Nov 2009, 05:31
Many thanks mr. arto and Crone!
It's a big responsability, but I believe it a blessing!
I sincerely do not think it is necessary, MM is probably overworked, just as I am and if we both fail, there's always Zach!
When my kid is born, I'll be sure to step down Nero, so no rushing, it's due 7 months from now
Posted: 05 Nov 2009, 02:03
I think we need a small bot, for checking
and the results will be showed as "Pending" until admin's confirmation?
Posted: 15 Nov 2009, 20:25
miromiro @ Nov 2 2009, 02:43 PM wrote:if i were a noob i would say "Quantity > Quality"
but im a person and i say
where the f*** is manmountain ????
Hmm ??
arto @ Nov 3 2009, 09:59 PM wrote:One more thing that I've been thinking about. Maybe the cars/tracks could be downloadable even before they have been approved? I mean, you couldn't comment or vote on them. But you could straight view the uploads and try them out before the admin has approved them. In that case, for the most impatient ones, they could try out the tracks/cars on their own responsibility before admin has had a chance to make final decision.
I'm still not sure if it's a good idea, but something I've been pondering about.
Sounds like a reasonable and agreable solution.
Go for it.
Aylown @ Nov 4 2009, 01:01 AM wrote:I sincerely do not think it is necessary,
MM is probably overworked, just as I am and if we both fail, there's always Zach!
Correct, albeit a slight under statement.
Christmas, what we call 'peak period', starts October and finishes about mid January and is keeping me very busy and away from my PC.
Please all do what you feel is needed to keep things moving, just try and maintain a standard of acceptable quality.
I'll see you when I see you.

Posted: 15 Nov 2009, 20:31
Now we are talking about business, what are you working with, Manmountain?
Posted: 15 Nov 2009, 21:29
Manmountain @ Nov 15 2009, 03:55 PM wrote: miromiro @ Nov 2 2009, 02:43 PM wrote:if i were a noob i would say "Quantity > Quality"
but im a person and i say
where the f*** is manmountain ????
Hmm ??
nice to see you still live