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Posted: 31 Oct 2009, 07:02
Can you guys list up what you generally expect from a track, what is your preference list if it comes to custom tracks? Which one of the above you cannot afford to not have done well, do you watch racing line instead of what is around, do you like smooth and high fps flow but dont care about the design, do you need a challenging race line instead of this and that? try to list them in a preference list like this, important things first:
1. Flow
2. Fps
3. Design
4. File size
5. Gfx picture
6. And so on
(i think racing line and flow are quite similar things, arent they?)
Posted: 31 Oct 2009, 09:45
1. Design
2. Flow
3. Fps
4. Gfx picture
5. File size
Posted: 31 Oct 2009, 17:40
1. Design - (Textures and Geometry highlighted!)
2. FPS
3. Flow
4. File Size
5. Gfx Picture
Posted: 31 Oct 2009, 18:08
1. Flow
2. FPS
3. Design
4. GFX pics
5. File size
Posted: 31 Oct 2009, 22:17
1. Flow
2. Design (no rip-offs)
3. FPS
4. GFX
5.File size
Posted: 31 Oct 2009, 22:17
very good, thanks, others?
Posted: 31 Oct 2009, 23:27
1. Fps
2. Design
3. Flow
4. GFX Picture
5. File size
i have a slower pc.
Posted: 31 Oct 2009, 23:37
as your list:
- Flow
- Design
- Filesize
- gfx picture
as my list

* Racing path
1 - 3D shapes
2 - UV mapping
3 - collision / FPS
4 - File size
5 - GFX picture
Posted: 01 Nov 2009, 00:27
1. Design
2. Flow
3. Fps
4. Gfx picture
5. File size
Fps shouldnt be much of a problem on newer computers though, also i dont see the file size as anything that should be on the list at all
Posted: 01 Nov 2009, 01:09
crone, file size is - like the other points - just an example of things people may consider when judging a track. you guys can include anything in the list, i just didnt know what else can be there. they are all examples. thanks for the replies so far, great.
Posted: 01 Nov 2009, 01:13
Well in that case, I would give a high priorty to the textures. *Editing Post*
Posted: 01 Nov 2009, 02:48
1. Theme
2. Flow (Winner should be the fastest driver, not just the one who crashed the least. If you can't drive a flawless lap after some practice, the track is crap.)
3. Design (Gotta look good and be atmospheric!)
4. FPS (Only because lego tracks have ultra-sucky FPS)
I am extremely picky about finding tracks that all fit the same theme. Example: Real-life road/circuit/rally tracks, Futuritic POD-style tracks, or tracks that make you feel like an RC-car with a camera strapped on the roof.
I can make my own track selection pic and I usually end up redoing the AI line anyway. The defaults never work with my cars.
File size is totally irrelevant to me.
Posted: 01 Nov 2009, 02:49
1-Difficulty (Being the fastest also includes being able to dodge the bullets faster, harder tracks give plenty of room for mistakes, as long as you drive it fast, while the easy ones, are mostly "NO MISTAKES ALLOWED")
2-Innovations (Driving on roofs, tunnels, sewers, strange jumps, different scales, that sort of thing)
3-Racing Line (It can't be ubber frustrating, a little bit of flow is good)

I can race an ugly hard track, but not a beautiful easy one

Posted: 01 Nov 2009, 05:01
1. theme imagination ( track can be done well but with no imagination can be very boring)
2. flow (fast but a bit hard is nice)
3. graphics (lots of lighting/shadowing is very nice to see. also highest definition possible textures

4. lap time
5. usability with lots of car types? (nice with fast or slow, offroad/onroad etc)
Posted: 01 Nov 2009, 14:25
...So what about surrealistic themes? Do they count as er good themes or rather bad themes?
Posted: 01 Nov 2009, 22:13
urnemanden @ Nov 1 2009, 12:55 AM wrote: ...So what about surrealistic themes? Do they count as er good themes or rather bad themes?
I count them as bad themes, personally. Surrealistic themes usually mean you can throw anything anywhere and it doesn't have to make sense. Having a proper theme means everything has to look like it belongs, which is much harder to do.
Posted: 01 Nov 2009, 22:21
However, tracks with a futuristic theme is surrealistic of some sort, right?
Posted: 01 Nov 2009, 23:06
keep it on topic guys
so far, according to my point system the community's preferencies are:
1. flow 21 points
2. design 20 points
3. fps 13 points
keep them coming please.
Posted: 02 Nov 2009, 00:01
wtf, fps only 13 points? so ppl prefer to play laggy or what?
Posted: 02 Nov 2009, 00:44
you too have put it as second

Posted: 02 Nov 2009, 11:15
urnemanden @ Nov 1 2009, 08:51 AM wrote: However, tracks with a futuristic theme is surrealistic of some sort, right?
One definition of surreal is "having the disorienting, hallucinatory quality of a dream". Tracks where things are just floating around wherever and out of place (perhaps a lot of hilaire's tracks). A random space ship here, a gigantic chess piece there, driving on tops of huge cars, etc... Settings that are utterly unbelievable.
A track that's in a setting where you are an RC car driving around in a real world environment which just happens to be really huge to you since you're really small - that's believable.
A rally track designed for real life cars, or a circuit track, or a road track - those are believable.
A futuristic racing circuit, to me at least, is believable.
A floating purple track with balloons and helicopters, a stegosaurus and lots of beach falls rolling around - not believable in any setting.

Posted: 02 Nov 2009, 11:24
You can always lower your gameplay resolution if its too laggy for you.

Posted: 19 Nov 2009, 03:17
1. FPS (anything over 10 FPS is good to me)
2. Design
3. Flow
4. File Size
5. GFX Picture
Posted: 19 Nov 2009, 08:20
Aeon @ Nov 2 2009, 06:54 AM wrote: You can always lower your gameplay resolution if its too laggy for you.
I cant, i play my revolt at 640x480 and anything under that my monitor doesnt support. either that or revolt just doesnt support it

my pc had a hard time not lagging while racing rickyD's newer track halloween 2. creepy canyon was sort of close to lag, but not there, like lagging sometimes lol.
Posted: 19 Nov 2009, 11:57
I think that the Re-Volt Demo is able to use lower resulotions than 640x480, can't remember exactly, though.
Posted: 19 Nov 2009, 18:42
Posted: 19 Nov 2009, 20:48
1. Challenging raceline/difficulty (the harder, the better

2. Design/graphics/FPS
3. GFX picture
4. AI