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Posted: 10 Dec 2005, 10:44
Seems to be quiet in the revolt hood at the moment.
Not much seems to be happening.
I know I only check in every now and again to see what is happening.
Any more news on the track tutorial from Skitch2?
Posted: 10 Dec 2005, 20:46
hey burnrubr,
do you mean you crashed?
i crashed too several times on this track, i guess it might be a track zone problem, or something like that, however i didnt check the track in makeitgood.
Posted: 10 Dec 2005, 21:18
NO i did not mean any track.
Was just saying that there does not seem to be much going on with re-volt at the moment.
I know I am not working on any thing for re-volt.
Was just wondering if anyone else was working on something for re-volt.
Posted: 11 Dec 2005, 04:20
oh, ok, sorry i misunderstood you.
Posted: 11 Dec 2005, 05:04
Hi dood.
I havnt been doing much for RV of Late as I am bogged down with Xmas and stuff but I am sure that i will once again be pounding max in the new year finishing off all of the stuff i got going on. The Tut is gonna be huge so youll just have to give me a bit of time to sort it, but it is going good.
Have a jolly cool xmas to all of you and ill let ya know whats what as it happens.
P.S. Human ya ole git!! Wheres your next track dude? I am gettin very impatient lol.
Posted: 11 Dec 2005, 13:29
hey skitch & the community,
thx for your work skitch about that very important tutor, im sure many creator will be helped by it. my new track is under construction, an area of about 100 m long racing line is ready (for further editing)

. the process depends on my free time (dont have too much from this treasure) so i dont know when it will be finished. but whats with you? you didnt uploaded track in the last months! do you want to make me upset?

Posted: 11 Dec 2005, 16:19
Killer Wheels
Not only uuuuuuuuuuu !
I watch every day for a new creation to be sorted out ! From both of you Human and Skitch2

Posted: 13 Dec 2005, 19:44
totally busy with real life stuff sadly. or luckily, depending on the point of view.