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Posted: 11 Oct 2009, 14:28
i opened this topic to write everybody here his/hers next tracks that will be released , that he didn't begin to work at them yet. Here are my next tracks :
- Toytanic 3
- Speedy Warehouse - Done (find it here).
- Road In Space MR
- Toy Universe mmv
- Toys In The Hood 5
- Museum 5
- (halloween track with RickyD)
- Supermarket 4
- Botanical Garden 5
- (another track with hil no name yet)
- Shortly Canyon - Done (find it here).
- Midnight Canyon
- Skate Park
- Holes
- (another track with vic)
- Glacier Cliffs 5
- Ghost Town 4
- Forest Mount - Done (find it here).
- Offroad Desert - Done (find it here).
These are my next tracks !
Now tell me yours !
Posted: 12 Oct 2009, 01:57
I'm just waiting for Canyon Run 169 to be textured so that I can get to work finishing it up. I'd also like to redo Cosmo City someday so that it is a proper extreme instead of a fancied up lego (which kills frame rates).
Posted: 12 Oct 2009, 03:26
My goal is to release the RV Mod that we're working on late this year or early next. We'll just have to see how it goes. It has several new tracks and cars included in it.
Edit: I see you Aeon, did you get my message?
Posted: 12 Oct 2009, 15:39
yeah i wanna finish my mod as well. also been working on a skate park and a track in a tube.
Posted: 12 Oct 2009, 18:54
Many tracks i want to make but something always comes in between...
Posted: 12 Oct 2009, 19:19
Very nice idea Aeon !
Posted: 13 Oct 2009, 12:48
-RAGarden & Guigaga
Before December
Future comming tracks
- Pisa Grandprix 2
- Cyberspace 2
- Dragon Cave
- Swamp
- Other tracks which I won't mention.
Posted: 15 Oct 2009, 08:10
If I can find time, because of the work I'll finish Bleeding Core once and for all
Then again,there's always Blossom Garden,oh well,hope I find time soon
Cheers Re-volters
Posted: 16 Oct 2009, 02:29
Here are the tracks I'm working on:
Excuse me, did I just say that I was working on a track?
I lied. I'm totally out of worthwhile ideas.
If anybody has any tracks they're not gonna finish (for whatever reason,) let me know. I'm desperate...

Posted: 16 Oct 2009, 14:09
I always got a few ideas and some unfinished tracks, but I prefer finish what I started myself using Gmax, if I can live with making shadows using Re-Volt.
Posted: 16 Oct 2009, 18:22
Check your email dave

Posted: 18 Oct 2009, 13:35
First post was updated and a new track was done
Find it
Posted: 06 Nov 2009, 21:32
The first post was updated and 3 new tracks were done.
Find them
here ,
here and