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Posted: 29 Aug 2009, 03:28
Hello, all. My name is PatS and I have been involved with Re-Volt from the beginning, ten years ago. My personal involvement with RV has been making a few ciustom tracks, a very few, but I do enjoy creating them. Last January I had a complete computer crash of my desktop and all my RV files were lost, including a killer new track that was complete visually, but needed all of the nodes placed in order to drive it. Today I finally got my compy back and am looking forward to reinstalling Re-Volt, downloading all the necessary apps, and starting all over. It will be a long process, but an enjoyable, wish me luck, you will be hearing from me. Long live Re-Volt!!
Posted: 29 Aug 2009, 03:42
Cool, Welcome Back
I am also back! Some of you might remember me!
Gotta get my skills back and better now!

Posted: 29 Aug 2009, 04:04
Did you loose the files of the RV Equestria track? I got some files of that track on the pc. Let me know if you need them.
Posted: 29 Aug 2009, 05:03
Yes, the Equestria files were lost, but that track, even though I thought it had possibilities, was never going to be shared with everyone. Maybe down the line I will ask you for them for old times' sake, I know ManMountain has some of those files, too, he helped me with the AI.
It will be a tedious process, I need to start from the beginning and download Re-Volt, maybe tomorrow I will have the time to start coming back!!!
Posted: 29 Aug 2009, 07:43
Welcome back man, can't wait.
Posted: 29 Aug 2009, 10:33
Welcome back Pat.

Hope to see some good tracks from you

Posted: 29 Aug 2009, 11:08
Welcome back! Computer crashes are our misfortune.
Posted: 29 Aug 2009, 11:35
Welcome Back PatS. I remember you as the guy who helped me
figuring out how to insert a skymap on a track in the past, but Crone told me later how difficult and good your own tracks are. Welcome back, I hope you will enjoy your stay!

Posted: 29 Aug 2009, 13:11
More competition...i ca'nt wait!
Welcome back...even though i do'nt know who you are!

Posted: 29 Aug 2009, 14:45
Welcome back PatS
Posted: 30 Aug 2009, 00:34
welcome back PatS (aka. steelerfan on mirc hehe...)
Posted: 30 Aug 2009, 02:51
I'm a big fan of your tracks PatS
Good to have you back!
Posted: 31 Aug 2009, 11:25
Aylown @ Aug 29 2009, 10:21 PM wrote: I'm a big fan of your tracks PatS
Good to have you back!
Exactly same as above
Welcome back