Posted: 25 Aug 2009, 13:29

The car's camera position is SO ankward,i tryed everything but the bug wont go!
Any help?

Highly informative and interactive forum for the R/C Racing Sim PC game Re-Volt by Acclaim.
...MOH @ Aug 25 2009, 12:09 PM wrote: that looks like youve got the COM too low, thats the only time i ever get that problem. Do you have the body 0,0,0 and adjust the wheels to fit or do you just move the body?
Code: Select all
; Handling related stuff
SteerRate 3.000000 ; Rate at which steer angle approaches value from input
SteerMod 0.400000 ;
EngineRate 4.500000 ; Rate at which Engine voltage approaches set value
TopSpeed 55.000000 ; Car's theoretical top speed (not including friction...)
DownForceMod 2.000000 ; Down force modifier when car on floor
CoM 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ; Centre of mass relative to model centre
Weapon 0.000000 -32.000000 64.000000 ; Weapon genration offset
; Car Body details
BODY { ; Start Body
ModelNum 0 ; Model Number in above list
Offset 0, -20, 0 ; Calculated in game
Mass 2.000000
Inertia 1400.000000 0.000000 0.000000
0.000000 2200.000000 0.000000
0.000000 0.000000 700.000000
Gravity 2200 ; No longer used
Hardness 0.000000
Resistance 0.001000 ; Linear air esistance
AngRes 0.001000 ; Angular air resistance
ResMod 25.000000 ; Ang air resistnce scale when in air
Grip 0.010000 ; Converts downforce to friction value
StaticFriction 0.800000
KineticFriction 0.400000
} ; End Body
; Car Wheel details
WHEEL 0 { ; Start Wheel
ModelNum 1
Offset1 -27.000000 -7.250000 48.700000
Offset2 -2.500000 0.000000 0.000000
IsPresent TRUE
IsPowered TRUE
IsTurnable TRUE
SteerRatio -0.500000
EngineRatio 45000.000000
Radius 11.000000
Mass 0.150000
Gravity 2200.000000
MaxPos 5.000000
SkidWidth 10.000000
ToeIn 0.000000
AxleFriction 0.020000
Grip 0.020000
StaticFriction 4.600000
KineticFriction 4.450000
} ; End Wheel
WHEEL 1 { ; Start Wheel
ModelNum 2
Offset1 27.000000 -7.250000 48.700000
Offset2 2.500000 0.000000 0.000000
IsPresent TRUE
IsPowered TRUE
IsTurnable TRUE
SteerRatio -0.500000
EngineRatio 45000.000000
Radius 11.000000
Mass 0.150000
Gravity 2200.000000
MaxPos 5.000000
SkidWidth 10.000000
ToeIn 0.000000
AxleFriction 0.020000
Grip 0.020000
StaticFriction 4.600000
KineticFriction 4.450000
} ; End Wheel
WHEEL 2 { ; Start Wheel
ModelNum 1
Offset1 -26.000000 -9.000000 -45.250000
Offset2 -2.000000 0.000000 0.000000
IsPresent TRUE
IsPowered FALSE
IsTurnable FALSE
SteerRatio 0.000000
EngineRatio 45000.000000
Radius 11.000000
Mass 0.150000
Gravity 2200.000000
MaxPos 5.000000
SkidWidth 11.000000
ToeIn 0.000000
AxleFriction 0.050000
Grip 0.020000
StaticFriction 4.600000
KineticFriction 4.450000
} ; End Wheel
WHEEL 3 { ; Start Wheel
ModelNum 2
Offset1 26.000000 -9.000000 -45.250000
Offset2 2.000000 0.000000 0.000000
IsPresent TRUE
IsPowered FALSE
IsTurnable FALSE
SteerRatio 0.000000
EngineRatio 45000.000000
Radius 11.000000
Mass 0.150000
Gravity 2200.000000
MaxPos 5.000000
SkidWidth 11.000000
ToeIn 0.000000
AxleFriction 0.050000
Grip 0.020000
StaticFriction 4.600000
KineticFriction 4.450000
} ; End Wheel
We are NOT talking about tracks here...human @ Aug 26 2009, 04:08 PM wrote: if the track is being done in max/rvtmod there is a chance (very rarely though) getting a bug-like phenomenon, odd poligons (and invisible walls) cause the camera to take a strange dive, when driving over, under or beside the odd polis. might be the case here.
I think i converted the wrong mesh.