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Posted: 10 Aug 2009, 13:07
Back along there was this "so called" RV fan who came up with a great tool to add custom models and stuff to your RV tracks by way of installers so there was no need to run .bat files, which lets face it, no one uses lol.
WHERE IS IT? Is this tool around anywhere? Is it usable? Is it slowly letting RV tracks stagnate without custom content?
YES, YES I think that it is!!!!
I would be track making now if i had a tool like this so if this,nice, friendly community member who created this tool could let it be used ,it would be a big help and if not then ill start to wring Re-Volt out of my system and move on as in order to be forward thinking in terms of tracks i need to add more custom content.
Thanx to ever who can help.
If Payment is required you can all sod off lol!!!!
Posted: 10 Aug 2009, 13:13
I think you should ask rst about that , but I don't think he will give you the tool.
Because you are banned like 95% of all guys from ORP. So i think we can't help you.
He say that you must be a RRR Master to can reach that tool what mean to be all the time in RRR and to reach over 1000 posts. So i think is no chance , but try anyway.
Posted: 10 Aug 2009, 14:43
I got contact to Simon Harrison. He can't help with a tool like that, but he might help us an other way.
Posted: 10 Aug 2009, 15:52
As far as I'm concerned, no such tool exists. Its like the tool that I created which lets you play custom engine sounds for each car - but its only for personal use, and nobody else can have it.
Posted: 10 Aug 2009, 16:39
and what Phoenix R3 is needed for?
You can hack the exe using notepad,me, Zach, Urne, Zipperrulez are able to create a full custom without Phoenix R3 ...
just keep the length of the strings
MP3 player? heh, _inmmm replaces it?
what's special about Phoenix R3? deleting porn scenes in Re-Volt????
Posted: 10 Aug 2009, 17:28
Hmmm,ya need ranking 2 in RRR to get it.(average player)
I might distribute it whenever i get it.
If it get banned from RRR?So what?
Posted: 10 Aug 2009, 17:50
Well , if you have Phoenix R3 and the get banned is no problem but if you
don't reach the 2nd ranking you don't have it.
Posted: 10 Aug 2009, 20:25
I've made tracks for the Phoenix R3 program.
It is very cool, but the program is locked up at
the RRR site and not freely available.
Here is a YouTube Video (watchable in HD) featuring
animated custom models. I doubt if this program will
ever be available like other Revolt tools.
Dali track using Phoenix R3 program (click here for video)
Posted: 10 Aug 2009, 22:03
hilaire9 @ Aug 10 2009, 03:55 PM wrote: I've made tracks for the Phoenix R3 program.
It is very cool, but the program is locked up at
the RRR site and not freely available.
Here is a YouTube Video (watchable in HD) featuring
animated custom models. I doubt if this program will
ever be available like other Revolt tools.
Dali track using Phoenix R3 program
Same as above, in fact im sure it will never be available for foreigns like us.
Hacking would just be wrong.
I see the only possibility as creating a new program which would do the same thing, which there was a topic about some months ago nothing happened though and i dont know anything about programming and stuff like that.
Posted: 11 Aug 2009, 03:08
Copy the program is not possible nero. It will only work under your license, not under others.
Posted: 11 Aug 2009, 03:22
I'm tempted to get my brother to do this. He could. Although... he'd probably want something out of it.
Posted: 11 Aug 2009, 07:19
lol ask him how 20 bucks sounds

Posted: 11 Aug 2009, 11:34
Haxx0r the Phoenix program so anybody can use it.
Posted: 11 Aug 2009, 12:16
Alright then,we can start the 'Operation:Phoenix's Legacy' then

Posted: 11 Aug 2009, 12:57
I think it's a bit cruel to haxx0r another guys program just because he don't want to share it with anyone.
Posted: 11 Aug 2009, 13:05
Why is it unfair when for years we share everything Re-Volt with him and dont ask for anything back?
If only i could meet him in real life!!!!
I would rip his proggie if i could and flapp it in his face by making awsome tracks with it.
Ohh and you would all quite happily rip the stuffing out of Re-Volt itself but not some jumped up little upstarts proggie??
Posted: 11 Aug 2009, 13:59
Skitch2 @ Aug 11 2009, 08:35 AM wrote: Why is it unfair when for years we share everything Re-Volt with him and dont ask for anything back?
If only i could meet him in real life!!!!
I would rip his proggie if i could and flapp it in his face by making awsome tracks with it.
Ohh and you would all quite happily rip the stuffing out of Re-Volt itself but not some jumped up little upstarts proggie??
I agree...that dude actually edited the ASE2W!!!
Posted: 11 Aug 2009, 17:31
[quote=""Skitch2""]Why is it unfair when for years we share everything Re-Volt with him and dont ask for anything back?[/quote]
Well, it was your own choice to share Re-Volt stuff, wasn't it? No one pushed me to share my Re-Volt stuff as I know. And just because one idiot don't want to share his stuff, it doesn't mean that we now can blame him for being an outsider and steal and rob his stuff from him just to satisfy our needs.
[quote=""Skitch2""]If only i could meet him in real life!!!![/quote]
As of I know he lives in Malaga, go take some holidays there while it's summer
[quote=""Skitch2""]I would rip his proggie if i could and flapp it in his face by making awsome tracks with it.[/quote]
Sounds very nice, the part with making awesome tracks I mean.
Posted: 11 Aug 2009, 21:03
Bring it to me,I have no moral problems about Haxx0ring that moron's program
He's splitting the community,we'll be bringing it back,on our own way
I'm with you Skitch!
He races on tracks made by other track makers,on cars made by others car makers yet doesn't want to share his stuff? Bad Bad Bad Boy!
I'm all for doing it

Posted: 12 Aug 2009, 00:36
Skitch2 @ Aug 11 2009, 08:35 AM wrote:... jumped up little upstarts proggie??
urnemanden @ Aug 11 2009, 01:01 PM wrote:... one idiot don't want to share his stuff...
Aylown @ Aug 11 2009, 04:33 PM wrote:... that moron's program ...
Aylown @ Aug 11 2009, 04:33 PM wrote:... Bad Bad Bad Boy! ...
Well! what can I say to all that ?
I thought we agreed to close the RRR section of this forum, and refrain from RST bashing ?
I'm sorry guys, but I seriously doubt your current words and frame of minds would actually provide a hint of him changing his mind or his ways.
RST is who he is, I don't think he will change anytime soon.
Either live without Pheonix R3 or create your own full spec limitation & restriction free alternative.
I believe the RRR consider them selves as an Elite Special Group, I just think of them as
"Special People" if you know what I mean.

Posted: 12 Aug 2009, 02:35
SK2 wrote:...there was no need to run .bat files...
actually nobody wants to run batch files... because of severe modifications (sometimes)
SK2 wrote:WHERE IS IT?
only 'RRR members only' can get it, that means you shouldn't visit this forum or any other forum
Nero wrote:Hmmm,ya need ranking 2 in RRR to get it.(average player)
I might distribute it whenever i get it.
If it get banned from RRR?So what?
False, it requires being RRR member only... and being on IRC channel 24/7
You don't want to be banned from RRR, do you?
Hil9 wrote:Dali track using Phoenix R3 program (click here for video)
and i got your track "moonshine" renamed it into Mshine and hacked Re-Volt strings words, and now it's full custom
Urne wrote:Copy the program is not possible nero. It will only work under your license, not under others.
Any assembly geek is able to hack Phoenix R3, urne and disable that license thingy
SK2 wrote:Why is it unfair when for years we share everything Re-Volt with him and dont ask for anything back?
When I talked about him last time, he said that he don't want the Phoenix R3 on the *bad* hands
SK2 wrote:If only i could meet him in real life!!!!
Go to Spain
\\RST's quote with modifications\\
I don't want from the tool I'm working for years on it to be hacked or someone steals the source. I was working on it day and night and sometimes never sleep
Maybe he's right
MM wrote:I thought we agreed to close the RRR section of this forum, and refrain from RST bashing ?

RST told me that you and him are in touch and convinced me that he's your bestbestbest friend... Does RST told you to close the subforum or just did that byyourself?
Posted: 12 Aug 2009, 02:58
Clean room reverse engineering, guys! It's how I run my Windows programs on Linux, lol.
Or start anew. Maybe my brother needs convincing lol, he could probably implement R3's most cherished features in the exe itself (rather than trainer style like R3), because I'll make a bet R3 just modifies Re-Volt simply while in memory to add all the features.. what trainers do. Getting the second exe out of the equation would be awesome.
Posted: 12 Aug 2009, 11:39
Falcon wrote:Hil9 wrote:Dali track using Phoenix R3 program (click here for video)
and i got your track "moonshine" renamed it into Mshine and hacked Re-Volt strings words, and now it's full custom
That's nice to hear, Falcon. I wonder how you did that.
Falcon wrote:Urne wrote:Copy the program is not possible nero. It will only work under your license, not under others.
Any assembly geek is able to hack Phoenix R3, urne and disable that license thingy
I meant copy in Ctrl+C Ctrl+V, like normal people does when they want to copy something.
Posted: 12 Aug 2009, 13:00
Which side are you people are on!?
RST's side!?
Posted: 12 Aug 2009, 13:06
Umm... What are yoU talking about?
Posted: 12 Aug 2009, 13:16
To be honest MM you are seeming to be a little two faced! (not being agressive dude just pointing out the "sticking up" for a guy who ripped this long running comm to bits)
This post was a call out to find out if any of you Re-Volters that are left in the game are gonna try to fix the gap between what "you" have created over here and what rst has created but it seem that you are no longer willing to move re-Volt forward and i find that a bit upsetting.
I just want to get my hands on this tool. I dont care how or who i piddle of in the process! I know hil has got it and probably a few others around here and after being around as long as i have I would have thought i may have got a little help with this.
I am fed up with having all these track ideas and half made ones in max with really good new ideas that can only be finished with this tool i am getting annoyed lol.
But never mind ill see you all around on and off.
Posted: 13 Aug 2009, 00:24
Skitch2 @ Aug 12 2009, 08:46 AM wrote:To be honest MM you are seeming to be a little two faced! (not being agressive dude just pointing out the "sticking up" for a guy who ripped this long running comm to bits)
Your quite right Mike, I had my dummy spitting session over this matter many moons ago, but, I am in no way two faced or sticking up for RST.
I'm just trying to keep the thread nutral as it serves no real purpose, does it ?
I consider RST a friend as I do all you RV members that put hours of work into helping others enjoy the game at sacrifice to your own time. The problem with RST is that he does not like opposing points of view that clash with his personal rules, to be honest, I think he has and is being a TOTAL @$$ over this Pheonix R3.
But he wont be the first friend who I passionately argue with, I've even come to blows with one of my best friends, and yet we'er still friends.
My initial point to start the RRR forum section here was to give those of you who did not meet the RRR standards a chance to speak out, but it started to be too negative all round.
Skitch2 @ Aug 12 2009, 08:46 AM wrote:I am fed up with having all these track ideas and half made ones in max with really good new ideas that can only be finished with this tool i am getting annoyed lol.
But never mind ill see you all around on and off.
You would like to think that RST would love to have someone of your caliber on board with him to help get the best out of his program.
Rules is rules, what's his loss is unfortunately everyones loss.
Posted: 13 Aug 2009, 01:44
I understand the frustration, but I agree with Urnemanden. it's his creation, it's his choice how he wants it to be distributed.
It'd be wrong to just hack it. If you have the skills to hack the program, then with just a little bit more effort you can create R3 Phoenix clone. That kind of tool is not too difficult to create, it's pretty straightforward hacking. But creating that kind of tool is VERY TIME CONSUMING. So you need the skills and the time.
In fact the Phoenix tool is not any original idea either. The code of course is all original. But the idea came from an earlier tool that operated in the same manner, switching the skymap to custom ones on the fly. Of course R3 does a lot more nowadays, but that was the start for the whole thing. I think it was created by Dr. Strangelove quite many years ago. I'm not sure if the tool left the beta stage, but I remember testing it.
Well, those considering hacking R3. Create your own similar tool instead. Because RST surely is not going to distribute it openly. I think he's an bottom with his programs, but it's his choice. It's a non-issue for me.
Posted: 13 Aug 2009, 12:07
This community sure is getting weird.
Posted: 13 Aug 2009, 12:40
Aeon @ Aug 13 2009, 07:37 AM wrote: This community sure is getting weird.
I agree...
Who's side are you people are on!?

Posted: 13 Aug 2009, 13:23
The community is not getting weird guys!!
This has and always will be a great place to debate and argue points.
That is what a forum is about.
I thank you all for your comments in this post but i have now heard enough so can we leave it at that now?
rst is a pain but I am hoping that this will spurr someone into making a similar program so we can one day add our own custom content but I will say that on a community that has an average track download of about 40 people it sure is slower than the old days and i feel sad about that.
See you all soon.
Posted: 13 Aug 2009, 14:38
weird community
Hacking exe's string = using notepad or notepad++, urne (I thought I told you or I told Crone about that)
Hacking Phoenix R3= disabling the license, disabling the license = work for ever even after you quit
I'm on my side