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Posted: 29 Jul 2009, 05:12
Listen all,I'll be quick

Please,wait at least 3 days before worrying about your car not being approved,if that has happened,send a PM to either ManMountain or Me,or both,The links are below: ... E=4&MID=84 ... DE=4&MID=5

And wait 2 more days at least,if your submission has not been yet approved,check the packaging and re-send it,there's no problem in re-sending it

One of us will probably respond to you,if that does not happen,consider both of us busy,and WAIT,pattient is a virtue,don't even THINK about ranting on the news or another creator's track/car,it's disrespectfull and if I see it,i'll disapprove the submission,no matter how good it is,and probably also send a not so kind reply to you

Ranting annoys me,annoying me makes me prone to retaliatory actions,and you DON'T want to see this brazilian pissed off

Read MM's topic,for god's sake,and we will not have any trouble

You've been warned,no excuses,period


Posted: 07 Aug 2009, 02:30
Because of the following posts:
Posted by Nero on 5th Aug 09
In this case,you dont know what a car admin really does. -_-

When MM was still active,my cars got approved in about a day or 2,now its like a week.

And please,PLEASE do NOT make any excuses why it takes so long,because if MM could approve decent cars soon enough,so can YOU.

Your car has been successfully submitted,wait until the admin approved it (typically 1-2 days)

6 DAYS!?

4 days late!?

Im sick of it now,and i hope this changed rather rapidly.

PM one of you!?
How long will it take till one of you read your e-mails?13 days perhaps?Maybe 'bout 4 months?
No,i'm not buying it anymore.

I'm pissed off,rather then YOU.



If you do'nt like this reply,feel free to ban me.
I dont care anymore,i can NOT align with delays,excuses this and that why the cars aint approved when they should.
If i fall,others WILL rise,mark my words.
Well,life when tell when you've made mistakes.

submitted 2 days ago

Now,there is a difference between 2 days and 6 days.
If y'all are busy,then why volounteer for the rank?

Others will rise?Oh,wait,they already did.

You should rethink YOUR actions,i think mine thoroughly thank you very much.

Considering im 13 and you,umm 20+,you do NOT want to admit your mistakes.

Im running out of time,so i thought i'll make this quick.

If i fall,others will rise,mark my words,and do not take it as a joke.
Soon it will be like in China,now you dont want that now do you?
Posted by Nero on 5th Aug 09
Now to test you actually mean finishing my latest conversion,my Citroen BX.

Let us see when it's approved.
If it's not approved within 4 days,then the war goes on...
I do not approve censorship and this is not Cuba,but I also do not approve disrespect,maybe it's time for this annoying teenager who thinks he owns the world to be taught a lesson:

Cars submitted by Nero will NOT be accepted by me for as long as he does not apologize

If you want your cars approved,ask MM,I'll let them rot for all I care

I justify my actions with a little piece of human's two cents:
Posted by human on 6th Aug 09
my worldview is quite simple guys. just like you dont naturally argue with a cashier in a shop on the prices, so one shouldnt argue about the rules or deadlines or anything in general with admins of a website. if i cannot get along with a website, i go to another one or i make one myself, instead of a pointless, useless and unrightful fight with admins.
I would not stop accepting your cars if you did not clearly challenged me with your last response,that's my limit for childish annoyance

I wonder how MM can take it

Posted: 07 Aug 2009, 03:26
heh , that looks like a bad problem.
and could we help you 2 ?
how you said , you are the admins. Maybe we should support you 2 ?

Posted: 07 Aug 2009, 05:38
Maybe there just needs to be more car and track staff. Problem solved.

Posted: 07 Aug 2009, 07:17
i would help but i dont actually think you would make me an admin :P
i am on the pc almost everyday and i can make tracks and cars. (conversions originals (bad originals lol) repaints, extreme tracks, blah.)

Posted: 07 Aug 2009, 07:38
There is no need for more admins,we have already 5




Want to support? Then please be patient...that's all I ask,doing that,approving submissions becomes fun and we'll do it sooner

I'm not a bad guy and I personaly don't like to take retaliatory actions...

I hope I don't have unpleasant conversations anymore


Ah,Did you know that several submissions were packed incorrectly and as I accepted I corrected the package,just so the car could be on RVZT? Did you know that MM does that also?(That Zipper Package,for example)

But then again,maybe we really are lazy,who knows....

Posted: 07 Aug 2009, 12:52
Aylown @ Aug 6 2009, 10:00 PM wrote: Because of the following posts:
Posted by Nero on 5th Aug 09
In this case,you dont know what a car admin really does. -_-

When MM was still active,my cars got approved in about a day or 2,now its like a week.

And please,PLEASE do NOT make any excuses why it takes so long,because if MM could approve decent cars soon enough,so can YOU.

Your car has been successfully submitted,wait until the admin approved it (typically 1-2 days)

6 DAYS!?

4 days late!?

Im sick of it now,and i hope this changed rather rapidly.

PM one of you!?
How long will it take till one of you read your e-mails?13 days perhaps?Maybe 'bout 4 months?
No,i'm not buying it anymore.

I'm pissed off,rather then YOU.



If you do'nt like this reply,feel free to ban me.
I dont care anymore,i can NOT align with delays,excuses this and that why the cars aint approved when they should.
If i fall,others WILL rise,mark my words.
Well,life when tell when you've made mistakes.

submitted 2 days ago

Now,there is a difference between 2 days and 6 days.
If y'all are busy,then why volounteer for the rank?

Others will rise?Oh,wait,they already did.

You should rethink YOUR actions,i think mine thoroughly thank you very much.

Considering im 13 and you,umm 20+,you do NOT want to admit your mistakes.

Im running out of time,so i thought i'll make this quick.

If i fall,others will rise,mark my words,and do not take it as a joke.
Soon it will be like in China,now you dont want that now do you?
Posted by Nero on 5th Aug 09
Now to test you actually mean finishing my latest conversion,my Citroen BX.

Let us see when it's approved.
If it's not approved within 4 days,then the war goes on...
I do not approve censorship and this is not Cuba,but I also do not approve disrespect,maybe it's time for this annoying teenager who thinks he owns the world to be taught a lesson:

Cars submitted by Nero will NOT be accepted by me for as long as he does not apologize

If you want your cars approved,ask MM,I'll let them rot for all I care

I justify my actions with a little piece of human's two cents:
Posted by human on 6th Aug 09
my worldview is quite simple guys. just like you dont naturally argue with a cashier in a shop on the prices, so one shouldnt argue about the rules or deadlines or anything in general with admins of a website. if i cannot get along with a website, i go to another one or i make one myself, instead of a pointless, useless and unrightful fight with admins.
I would not stop accepting your cars if you did not clearly challenged me with your last response,that's my limit for childish annoyance

I wonder how MM can take it
Apologise to the likes of you?
You're a bad joke,you know.
The fact is that YOU do NOT realise your mistakes,and you do not realise what serious consequence it will have.


You,not being Mr.RRR!?

You're completely like him,i cant upload my cars because of my opinion,you ba***rd!!!

You have a bad influence on this part of the Re-Volt community,so pack your bags,and GET LOST.

Posted: 07 Aug 2009, 14:07
Aylown @ Aug 7 2009, 03:08 AM wrote: There is no need for more admins,we have already 5



lol :P
I thought the list is so :

Everything :

Zack -> approved some tracks some months ago since he saved rvzt.

Ayl - > also arto make you admin ? :)

lol , you and ManMountain should be friends because you 2 are the car admins :P
also , arto is just with the new rvzt and rvhouse changes , zack is with the packing ...
all those things mean just X situation.
Oh and let's don't forget GWC and Wind. They have some power. And i think urne can
do some moderator actions on rvzt.

is strange : look why :

first time was just 1 admin , arto.
then came hard days and arto needed support and were added other 2 admins , Manmountain and Sjampo
then rvzt wanted all tracks ever released , some guys helped and were moderators ,
Wind and GWC (sorry if maybe im wrong)
then were just these guys who were with the rvzt a lot of years.
Ok , rvzt went down and someone needed to save it. This was Zach's chance to be
general admin over rvzt , and he did that.
OK , Urnemanden found the new address and also made for rv house the denmark language
He became a moderator
The ayl , wanted or maybe he did something and became the cars admin maybe because the general admins saw that ManMountain don't come back.
And now ? TOTAL CHAOS. I'm curios to see who will be the next admin or mod for rvzt. Maybe in one year we all will become admins :P
I don't know what should i say. Maybe ayl and manmountain will say that im stupid like always but however , i just said what was in my mind , sorry if im wrong in some situations and excuse me for my english but i think you can understand what i said.
If i went offtopic excuse me please.

Thank you ,


Posted: 07 Aug 2009, 17:05
nero @ Aug 7 2009, 08:22 AM wrote:
Apologise to the likes of you?
You're a bad joke,you know.
The fact is that YOU do NOT realise your mistakes,and you do not realise what serious consequence it will have.


You,not being Mr.RRR!?

You're completely like him,i cant upload my cars because of my opinion,you ba***rd!!!

You have a bad influence on this part of the Re-Volt community,so pack your bags,and GET LOST.
And I'll rest my case(soon)

Grow up,stop acting like a child and also bear in mind,you can upload your cars,I only will not approve them,but hey,we always have british ManMountain,and I did not ask him to do the same,nor will ask

Check your words:
Posted by Nero on 5th Aug 09
Now to test you actually mean finishing my latest conversion,my Citroen BX.

Let us see when it's approved.
If it's not approved within 4 days,then the war goes on...
You are going to send a car,just to test or annoy me...Maybe both,and if we do not approve "on time",you'll keep disrespecting me
You have no grounds to act like that,and I'll show what happens when you act like a get treated like no toys for you!(or cars)
And now,you are being taught a lesson,hope you like it,I couldn't care less

If I were anything like Rst,I would disapprove your cars at first sight,but hey,that wouldn't be very professional would it?

Since you used your cars to challenge me,here is what you got,hope you're satisfied

Also,please refrain from offenses,as I am not offending you and it just helps to prove my point

Serious consequences? Others will rise? Seriously kid,grow up and try talking with me when you are a man,those are powerfull phrases,for powerfull situations,not to use vainly on internet,be a man

Rant all you want,the decision is done,go tell your mom and if you don't like it,we can always bet this on a race,yet I'll probably just beat you easily...on any track(even yours) ;)

You may post further,I have 0 intention of replying to the likes of you

I hope we can live happily ever after,though I doubt it'll work,but you can always blame someone else...right?

Now @miro
I do not see your total chaos,things get done when you are patient,and do not want to fight the cashier of the store(Thanks human)

Don't you worry,we'll be right back at ya! I'll approve cars daily now,as I can see it was taking long...

Subject closed B)

Posted: 07 Aug 2009, 22:44
Now,it seems like you dont check when certain messages were posted.

And do not overestimate yourself,because you have never raced with me or against me.


There,fog cleared for you,are you done finally with you useless words,obsolete threats?
Can you see through the fog now!?
If you can't,then tough.You're fighting against yourself.


Posted: 07 Aug 2009, 23:56
Nero, I find your personal attack on Ayl totally indefensible. I am not prepared to tolerate this at the RV Pub, please moderate your language and aggression.

IMHO, Ayl and MM are doing a thankless job at RVZT, the best as they can. Please, all support them.

Miro, don't confuse RV Pub with RVZT - they are totally separate locations. I may be a moderator here at the pub, but, at RVZT, I am an ordinary member, with the same rights as you or, indeed, Nero!

This thread is now closed.


Posted: 09 Aug 2009, 20:19
Can I just say... WTF!

First off, thanks Geoff.

I take a few days away from the internet to spend time with my grandson, and all hell breaks loose.

The 'within 1-2 days' is a general guideline and not an absolute rule. If we get the time then we might make the effort.
Make it easier for us, follow all the recomendations found in the thread : Car Submitting @ R V Z T, Minimum Requirements & Standards, then all we need to do is simply approve them as is. Otherwise we need to download, extract, check, edit, repack then resubmit.

It's hard to believe that in a world of ever increasing speed (upload, download, delivery and service) that patience is indeed a virtue long since lost.
This thread is now closed.