Page 2 of 4
Posted: 10 Oct 2009, 01:38
Alright. Heres page 12:
Repacked (NOTE: Gfx on rvzt is missing, use the gfx included in the zip)
Crossroad Ultramanx 2

(Repacked, created gfx, renamed from "User002" to "CrssroadUltra2")
Crossroad Ultramanx 5

(Created gfx)

(Repacked, created gfx)
Crossroads By jib

(Created gfx)
Crossroad Ultramanx

(Created gfx, edited to capital letter in .inf file, renamed from User001 to CrssroadUltra)

(Created gfx, edited captial letter in .inf file)
Crusty cars of the dirt

(Repacked, created new gfx. NOTE: I was unable to recover the old gfx from the zip file!)
Czech Roller Coaster

(Repacked, Created gfx)

(Repacked, Renamed, created gfx)
Posted: 28 Nov 2009, 02:48
Ok, page 12 and part of page 13 have been fixed. Thanks again Urne.
Posted: 12 Dec 2009, 23:57
Okay, here is the rest of Page 13:
Dark Silence (Object NOT Found!)
Dark Ages

(Created gfx)
(Deleted superfluous readme.txt)
(Deleted superfluous readme.txt)
Decisions Extreme

(Created GFX)
Deconstruction Yard
(Moved readme.txt to levels\DYard\)
(Repacked, moved readme and into levels\deepspace\)
Delacs GP
(Deleted superfluous readme.txt, repacked)
(Repacked, removed superfluous readme.txt)
Posted: 01 Jan 2010, 23:39
Downloaded and ready for checking. Anyone else care to help us out? Thanks,
Posted: 12 Jan 2010, 22:53
(The rest of) Page 14:
(Repacked, Added BMQ files)
Desert Wilderness
(Repacked, Added BMQ files)
Deus Ex Aqua
(Repacked, Deleted an unnecessary readme.txt, Added BMQ files)
Digger's Domain
(Repacked, Added BMQ files.
Note that the gfx isn't the recommend 256x256 size)
Dirt Valley
(Repacked, Deleted cloned readme.txt)
Note: I didn't backup the original zips myself
Posted: 13 Jan 2010, 08:01
Cool beans dude.
Posted: 24 Jan 2010, 00:26
(Repacked, added BMQ files)
(Repacked, moved readme, created BMQ's)
I am unsure that the thumbnail of Dizzier exists on page 15.

(Exported from tdf, repacked)
Note: Author contacted related to the repackment.
Donnington GP

(Exported from tdf, repacked, created BMQ's)
Note: invalid E-mail.
Donut Speedway
Double Dragon
Note: Author contacted related to the repackment.
Down and Up

(Repacked, created gfx & BMQ's, modified inf name)
Down Town
(Repacked, deleted double-cloned readme.txt)
Down Town (marc)
(Repacked, fixed inf name, added BMQ's)
Note: The gfx is smaller than standard
Down Town SE
(Repacked, added BMQ's)
Note: gfx smaller than standard. The w-file is bigger than in Down TOwn (marc) - requires a test or two (;

(Exported from tdf, Repacked, created BMQ's)

(Exported from tdf, Repacked, created BMQ's)
Dragon Zone
(Repacked, added BMQ's)
(Repacked, added BMQ's)
(Moved dublin.jpg to \levels\Dublin\, added BMQ's)
Posted: 24 Jan 2010, 09:39
Sweet action dude.
Posted: 24 Jan 2010, 18:56
zagames @ Jan 24 2010, 05:09 AM wrote: Sweet action dude.
Sooner or later, Zach's going to run out of witty phrases...
Cool beans made me chuckle. Crap, haha repacking this many tracks must be insane.
Posted: 24 Jan 2010, 19:59
Hey now adam. Anyways, 15 pages have been completely updated. Thanks urne.
Posted: 07 Mar 2011, 21:07
Oh well, I better start where I stopped last summer. Here is page 17
Added GFX, removed "User-" from name in .inf file.
Earth 3176
Invalid zip file.
Earth 3176 (Revised)
Cropped GFX, Repacked.
Readme wrote:This track was was only edited. A few new things were added here and there for more action.
Earth 3177
Cropped GFX, Repacked.
Earth 3178
Cropped GFX
Eastern Bloc
Incorrectly packed, removed *.xx- files.
Easy Toys
removed *.xx- files.
Easy Way
Converted from *.TDF and added gfx.
El Dorado 2
The zip was in a zip.
Posted: 07 Mar 2011, 22:28
I think you mean last year.

Good work!
Posted: 08 Mar 2011, 09:11
Thanks urne, but I think you forgot a few zip links

Posted: 08 Mar 2011, 14:09
Oooh, thanks I didn't notice. The previous post has been edited with the links. Only Earth 3176 has not been updated, as the zip file is invalid. I suggest you just delete is as the revised version seems to be in a fine state.
I'll begin on page 18 later today.
Posted: 26 Mar 2011, 04:13
I wouldnt mind lending a hand if you need one as I ALWAYS have free time. Isn't that right, Urne Man Den Dot Com?

Posted: 26 Mar 2011, 04:37
Sure, It would be great if you could help out Skarma. If not for tracks, perhaps for cars? I belive many of them is packed incorrectly or doesn't keep up to the
minimum requirements. But you are also very welcome to do track repacking of course.

Posted: 26 Mar 2011, 04:46
You want cars also? I could do that, I guess bragging about the so called 1500+ total cars I have finally came in handy. Whilst on that subject, I have a bunch of cars (possibly tracks too) not found on any websites these days that I could potentionally submit, just curious if I actully should.
Posted: 26 Mar 2011, 07:43
Yes skarma. If you know the original names and authors, feel free to upload them to RVZT. Just change the name in the submission form to the author's name and we'll be glad to host them. If you don't mind, please make sure the track isn't already on RVZT before submitting. Thanks,
Posted: 26 Mar 2011, 09:13
Very well Zach, I shall dig into my archives tomorrow. Small question: I know a few of them have no readme so I have have absolutly no idea who the original authors are. Should those still be uploaded?
Posted: 26 Mar 2011, 17:58
Skarma, if you don't know the original author, and you think the creation is worth making available, submit them as 'unknown author'. Try asking me, I may know.
Posted: 22 Jun 2011, 10:16
I'm not sure where all of you stand, but please help us keep this going. Feel free to email me any tracks/cars/updates directly. If you guys want to put collections of missing tracks/cars together, I will be glad to take care of all that when I switch over to the new RVZT. Thanks to jigibren, I should be able to upload all the cars. Hopefully we won't have any issues with them.....
Posted: 20 Dec 2011, 22:47
Posted: 20 Dec 2011, 22:52
Still repackin' yo? Better wait for RVZ.
Posted: 21 Dec 2011, 01:36
This reminds me that I want to do some updates for some of my tracks. Should I submit them to RVZT like I would any other track, or email them to zach or someone? (when they're done, of course.)
Posted: 21 Dec 2011, 01:52
Hmm, I e-mailed the updates I had to Zach. He wrote earlier:
Zach wrote:I'm not sure where all of you stand, but please help us keep this going. Feel free to email me any tracks/cars/updates directly. If you guys want to put collections of missing tracks/cars together, I will be glad to take care of all that when I switch over to the new RVZT.
I think updates can go through the track submission system too but I'm not sure. Would love some clarification on this actually (it isn't stated on the track submission page anywhere).
Posted: 21 Dec 2011, 05:23
Page 72, because I felt like being productive. I will send the updates to zach as soon as i finish this post.
YCT Circuit
GFX missing from RVZT.
Ye Olde Fun Shoppe
Repacked and made skymap 1.2 compatible.
GFX missing from RVZT.
Zach's Garden
Custom features now 1.2 compatible.
GFX missing from RVZT, also made track gfx function in Re-Volt. It was an improperly sized .jpg before.
Renamed track folder from zero to zero_raf24.
Zero 2
GFX is missing from RVZT. I would also like to add that this track has the greatest readme ever.
Zero G Moon Base Alpha
Repacked and made sun 1.2 compatible.
Zoo Walrus Zone
Custom models now 1.2 compatible. And I must say, they are cleverly used IMO.
EDIT: Updates sent to zach.
Posted: 28 Dec 2011, 05:00
Uhh, I didn't get any emails. Thanks anyways though! lol. I'll get those tracks taken care of soon. The new RVZT is taking longer than expected. I had to take a break and it's hard getting back into it.
Posted: 28 Dec 2011, 05:19
Posted: 28 Dec 2011, 06:10
...strange. ORP must not like sending emails. Anyway, I'll resend them to the email you just listed and hopefully you get them
EDIT: sent.
Posted: 29 Dec 2011, 01:23
Page 21/22. All zips is named exactly like they are on the RVZT server (case-sensitive), I'm quite sure of that.
GFX changed to 256x256.
Floats Battle
Battle tag track now compatible with Re-Volt 1.2.
Fly or Fall
Missing GFX, created new one.
Foggy Metro
Foggy Morning
Foggy Ride
Repacked. Now 1.2 compatible (custom skymap).
Fools Mate
Fools Mate 2
Converted to 1.2 custom.
Forest Rally
GFX missing, created new one.
Forest Run
Forest View Dr.
Four your flies
GFX missing on RVZT, created new. Repacked.
Separated car from track. Download car here.
GFX missing on RVZT, created new.
Converted to 1.2 custom.
GFX missing, created new one. Repacked.
GFX missing, created new one. Repacked.
Future Funland
GFX missing, created new one. Repacked.
Future Funland 2
GFX missing, created new one. Repacked.
Broken links = go hunting
here. Happy new year in 3 days.
FYI: I'll remove the zips from the server as soon as you have updated them on RVZT. So I would be appreciate if you write here, when you're done. I hope that isn't asking too much for you ^^
Posted: 29 Dec 2011, 20:39
All files to date have been downloaded. Thanks for all the hard work Urne! I will return to RVZ soon.
Posted: 29 Dec 2011, 23:19
Zach I have two extra zips here.
First one is Floats Battle, a zip you probably already downloaded from my last reply. Well, I forgot to add an entry in the *.inf file that makes it a battle tag track so please re-download the zip here:
Floats Battle
Battle tag track now compatible with Re-Volt 1.2. EDIT: Added *.inf file entry.
The other track is Floating World. I have delayed the upload of this because a bug in the *.fan file and a limitation in the current 1.2 that prevented it from being playable. Should be fixed now for a future release though. Also had to dig this track up from my archives as it seems like the access is denied on RVZT.
Floating World
Converted to be 1.2 compatible. Repacked.
Will see if I have time to do a page more tomorrow.
Posted: 31 Dec 2011, 00:12
Posted: 31 Dec 2011, 09:58
All zips have been downloaded. Awaiting the missing gfx images? Thanks urne!
Posted: 31 Dec 2011, 15:50
ah yes Zach. The missing gfx images is always also included in the zip files under \gfx\*.bmp. I thought the *.png wasn't needed because of that but if you prefer to download the *.png files I'll continue uploading those too. Will update my previous posts.
EDIT: My previous posts has now been updated with *.png images. You might as well find them
here too.
Posted: 31 Dec 2011, 20:19
I would prefer .jpg format. But anything is great. Thanks again.
Posted: 31 Dec 2011, 20:49
I will keep that in mind for the next pages then.

Posted: 01 Jan 2012, 14:18
I'm done repacking these tracks from Page 3:-
Battle Platform 2
Bomber Zone
Cemetery Battle
Dugout Battle
Extreme Climb
Floats Battle
In My house Battle
Lego Battlezone
Mega Ball
Moon Battle
Revolt Club
Revolt Flight Sim
Rocky Mountain
RV Test Area
RVS Battle
Skate Battle
Now i am not sure where to upload these files and where to send these repacked battle tag tracks.

Posted: 01 Jan 2012, 16:14
Pranav, I am glad you helped out!

A few things though:
Changelog wrote:--Deleted all the .bmq files as they are no longer needed.
I advice you to refrain from deleting the *.bmq files of the repacked tracks. You state that they are no longer needed, but this
is not true. *.bmq files will be used on textures placed far away and they help providing
far better looks - if you notice the new tracks on RVZT, many of these look very grainy and pixelated in the distance because of the lack of bmq files. Have a look at
Huki's post for more details - he has explained very well here what the mipmaps does (together with anisotropic filtering). Picture 1 is without mipmaps (bmq files) and picture 3 shows you the result with mipmaps+anisotropic filtering.
Changelog wrote:
--Added music and GFX wherever needed.
I assume you are referring to the stock track music here? Just want to be sure.
Also, I already thought all tracks from page 1 to page 23 have appropriate GFX textures? I am quite sure that I already have created GFX images for the tracks that needs it. Could you specify the tracks you think need GFX?
Changelog wrote:
--There was a custom sound included, added that in MP3 entry.
Custom sounds should belong to a \Custom\ folder inside the track's directory - but since you seem to done this with other tracks I assume you actually mean "custom music" and not custom sound?
Changelog wrote:
--Deleted the unnecessary "cars" folder included with the zip.
I would advice you to separate the cars folder and upload this too if the cars folder contains a specific custom car, not just delete it.
So sorry for being a bit picky here but many of the entries have me wonder what actual changes you have made as they are not specified precisely. Anyway, thank you so much for doing this effort. I hope you already are aware that I have repacked all tracks from page 1 to 25, so you will probably only find battle tag tracks and WolfR4 customs that needs repacking. Have fun!!

Posted: 01 Jan 2012, 17:57
I am sorry Urne for not being precise.
Urnemanden wrote:I advice you to refrain from deleting the *.bmq files of the repacked tracks. You state that they are no longer needed, but this is not true. *.bmq files will be used on textures placed far away and they help providing far better looks - if you notice the new tracks on RVZT, many of these look very grainy and pixelated in the distance because of the lack of bmq files. Have a look at Huki's post for more details - he has explained very well here what the mipmaps does (together with anisotropic filtering). Picture 1 is without mipmaps (bmq files) and picture 3 shows you the result with mipmaps+anisotropic filtering.
Okay, i get it. I am sorry for deleting them.
But check out the Unreal Tournament with and without BMQ files.
With the BMQ files, the far things looks messed up but if you say i won't delete them.
Urnemanden wrote:I assume you are referring to the stock track music here? Just want to be sure.
Yes, i am referring to stock music.
Urnemanden wrote:Also, I already thought all tracks from page 1 to page 23 have appropriate GFX textures? I am quite sure that I already have created GFX images for the tracks that needs it. Could you specify the tracks you think need GFX?
Cemetery Battle, Rocky mountain battle & Revolt Club were the tracks which needed a GFX so i have added them.
Urnemanden wrote:Custom sounds should belong to a \Custom\ folder inside the track's directory - but since you seem to done this with other tracks I assume you actually mean "custom music" and not custom sound?
Sorry for using the wrong word here. I mean there was custom music included in the folder of Bomber Zone named "bomberzone.mp3". I think the author probably forgot to add an MP3 entry in the .inf file so i did my job there.
Urnemanden wrote:I would advice you to separate the cars folder and upload this too if the cars folder contains a specific custom car, not just delete it.
I deleted it since there were no cars present in the "cars" directory. So i deleted it.
There were some cars present in the Battle platform 2 directory, should i submit them to RVZT seperately?
Urnemanden wrote:So sorry for being a bit picky here but many of the entries have me wonder what actual changes you have made as they are not specified precisely. Anyway, thank you so much for doing this effort. I hope you already are aware that I have repacked all tracks from page 1 to 25, so you will probably only find battle tag tracks and WolfR4 customs that needs repacking. Have fun!!
You are welcome!
That's ok, its nice to see that someone checks out the effort you put and provide the feedback.

Posted: 01 Jan 2012, 18:22
Pranav wrote:You are welcome!
That's ok, its nice to see that someone checks out the effort you put and provide the feedback.
I definitely agree with you on this in general. Thank you for understanding.
Pranav wrote:There were some cars present in the Battle platform 2 directory, should i submit them to RVZT seperately?
Pranav wrote:Now i am not sure where to upload these files and where to send these repacked battle tag tracks.

Providing a separate zip file for the car, and call it something similar to the track (for example:
{trackname} ) would do. Also, as for the question about where to upload the zips. I asked Zach this question 2 weeks ago and got the following reply:
Zach @ PM wrote:
When the new RVZ comes out, you will be able to upgrade your own tracks very easily. Now, though, it is better to post or email the zips to me.
So I guess that if you could just upload the track zips to mediafire temporarily and link them here or in an e-mail to Zach, then you should be fine.
Pranav wrote:Okay, i get it. I am sorry for deleting them.
But check out the Unreal Tournament with and without BMQ files.
With the BMQ files, the far things looks messed up but if you say i won't delete them.

Yes you are right, there is definitely a mipmap issue in Unreal Tournament Battle. As you can see below the mipmaps doesn't match at all and results in a very bad look in-game. I am quite sure this wasn't what Skitch2 intended at all, so I can see a reason to delete the BMQ files (or redo them) in this specific case.
The pictures below show Muse_bata.bmp and Muse_bata.BMq.

Posted: 01 Jan 2012, 18:32
I think Skitch2 forgot to remove those bmqs and it seems to me that these are museum battle bmqs, so i think i will make the proper bmqs.
I am done with the zips of Page 3 battle tag tracks, so i will put all the zips into one single zip file and link them here. Is that ok?
And most of the page 3 battle tag tracks do not contain bmq files so that reduced my work.
EDIT: Congrats on your 1000th post, lol.
EDIT2: Can you tell me which search critera are you using at RVZT for searching the tracks? I am using Show all, Type criteria. And according to this, battle tag tracks are on page 3.
Posted: 01 Jan 2012, 19:16
I definitely think you are right about Skitch forgetting to remove those mipmaps. He also writes in his readme:
Skitch2 @ readme.txt wrote:
This is just a quick battle Skitch threw together. [...]
Pranav wrote:I am done with the zips of Page 3 battle tag tracks, so i will put all the zips into one single zip file and link them here. Is that ok?
Yes, that should do.
Pranav wrote:EDIT: Congrats on your 1000th post, lol.
EDIT2: Can you tell me which search critera are you using at RVZT for searching the tracks? I am using Show all, Type criteria. And according to this, battle tag tracks are on page 3.
Thanks for the congratulations! I wasn't even aware of this actually. ^^
I don't use any search criteria. I simply press Show All which will list all tracks in alphabetical order where I've made it to page 23 so far. This would actually cause some interference but since you have only repacked tracks of the Battle type I will just skip these as they appear on page 24-72.
Posted: 01 Jan 2012, 21:45
I am done with the repacking of the Battle tag tracks available at RVZT.
Download them here:-
Here's the change log:-
Tracks included:-
Battle Platform 2
Bomber Zone
Cemetery Battle
Dugout Battle
Extreme Climb
Floats Battle
In My house Battle
Lego Battlezone
Mega Ball
Moon Battle
Revolt Club
Revolt Flight Sim
Rocky Mountain
RV Test Area
RVS Battle
Skate Battle
Skate Battle 2
The Desert Oasis Battle Arena
Travaux Battle
Please tell me if there any errors and if i have left any of the track.
Posted: 07 Jan 2012, 06:59
Posted: 07 Jan 2012, 10:21
A note about Graphical Error: I noticed you've removed the # folder, but left out the custom.ini. You might want to remove the ini too, so running with WolfR4 doesn't try to load missing files. On the other hand, since the original readme mentions it is supposed to be run with Wolf, maybe the # folder should be left intact (I've noticed all new conversions follow this way). Oh, and you forgot to mention the 32-bit anti-aliased textures.

(not sure if you've updated the world file though).
Posted: 07 Jan 2012, 18:32
Thanks for the note huki. I also forgot to remove the 24-bit textures from the archive, so I must have been pretty tired yesterday.

As to keeping both WolfR4 and 1.2 compatibility for the custom features, you have a point. Personally I think keeping compatibility with Wolf is unnecessary, especially as I believe Skitch2 only decided to use WolfR4 since 1.2 by that time didn't have the custom features available. Here is a quote:
Skitch2 - 1.2 vs. WolfR4 @ 23th June 2011 wrote:
I would like to know why with all the years work with Wolf and 1.2 there is a slow down on combining them? I mean in order to push the game as we have been trying to do over the years would surely be to utilise all available tools? I just get the jist of Wolf and find out that members arent going to want to race them online due to the lack of bug fixes. Excuse my sharpness but as an editor it P****s me off somewhat lol.
I can only go on what feedback i have been getting and it is so far that online fixes out do track customisation and that realy is a shame.
My point might make more sense if you also read the
source. To me though, it seems like Skitch2 would have created this track as a 1.2 custom if the 1.2 custom features had been implemented back then due to a larger proportion of the community using Re-Volt 1.2 compared to 1207+WolfR4.
Anyway, in the end I think it's up to Zach and up to Skitch2 himself if he comes around again later this year though. For now, I have updated Graphical Error so that it doesn't contain the custom.ini either. Thanks for the notice.
@huki: I haven't edited the world file in this case, as I think it would be crossing the border a bit by the definition of "repacking". Besides, Skitch2 might not be in favor of the "soft look" which the translucent polygons cause (works best on vegetation anyway). But I will definitely try it out for personal use anyway. For now though, the 32-bit textures will only sharpen the shapes. You can see difference in the two pictures below .
24-bit 32-bit
EDIT2: Initially I had removed some blend between rgb(0,0,0) and textures themselves some bitmaps but this seems to have been on purpose from Skitch2's side as the track is dark anyway. Another update to the graphical error zip will come later today, without these texture changes. Will still be converted to 32-bit though.
Posted: 08 Jan 2012, 09:42
Urne, I have everything downloaded except the morvangp. The file seems to be missing. It's not even on the directory list. Thanks,
Posted: 09 Jan 2012, 01:10
Thanks for reporting that Zach. I forgot to remove the morvangp entry in the text file as I found out it didn't need to be repacked. So you should be fine if you have downloaded all other zip files.
By the way, when do you plan to update the zips on RVZT?

Posted: 09 Jan 2012, 20:02
Hopefully tonight sometime. I found some previous ones that I had gone through and never uploaded so I plan to finish it all up today. No guarantees though, I've got a lot going on.