Page 4 of 4
Posted: 24 Dec 2012, 04:35
I. am. not. dead.
Instead of talking this... How was the world end? It was great. I'm living in hell right now, pretty hot in there, but still a great place.
Page 17
Deconstruction Yard
Correct file
Deep Forest
Resized gfx to 256x256 (was 255x255).
Added "full custom" file support for v1.2 patch (sky_XX.bmX files (from moved to "custom" folder).
Destination Mars
Correct file
Lap timer goes crazy after beating 1st lap (tested with toyeca)
Down Town
Correct file
Repacked. txt file moved to track folder. Resized gfx to 256x256 (was 267x266).
Repacked. Resized gfx to 256x256 (was 255x255).
txt file moved to track folder.
Repacked. txt file moved to track folder.
Road To Nowhere
Rocket Town
Repacked. txt file moved to track folder. Added "full custom" file support for v1.2 patch (sky_XX.bmp files (from skymap folder) moved to "custom" folder). Removed .bat files, due to changed filesystem they won't work anymore, plus they were created to install/uninstall custom skymap, but it can be supported without it now.
Ruins of Voltmore
Correct file
Some cars resets at start (when playing with 12 cars)
Rumble Downs
Correct file
Correct file
Scale Factor
Correct file
Seaport Haven
Repacked. Added "full custom" file support for v1.2 patch (sky_XX.bmp files (from moved to "custom" folder).
Short Circuit
Repacked. Added gfx file from RVxtg site.
Repacked. Removed ReadMe.txt, cuz it already exists in level folder.
Slightly Superstage
txt file moved to track folder. Fixed slightlygpa.bmp, it was corrupted, file copied from same track on RVxtg site. Added bmp, bmq gfx from slightlygp.bmp.
Super Flat GP
Correct file
Techetium 43
Repacked. Converted snap1.bmp to .png format. Added bmo, bmp gfx file from Tech43.jpg (original file in track folder).
Repacked. Converted snap.bmp to .png format.
The Catacombs
Added "full custom" file support for v1.2 patch (horse.m (from # folder) and CATACOMBS.fi_, fo_ copied to "custom" folder and renamed to correct names)
The Dig
Repacked. Removed ReadMe.txt, cuz it already exists in level folder.
The Gambia
Repacked. Moved jpg file (from ScreenShot folder) to track folder.
Download all (Except "Deconstruction Yard", "Destination Mars", "Down Town", "Ruins of Voltmore", "Rumble Downs", "Safari", "Scale Factor" and "Super Flat GP")
Tracks of this page has been tested.
Posted: 24 Dec 2012, 21:45
Heh, Vaidux, give my regards to the Old Red then
And thanks for the tracks.
Posted: 26 Dec 2012, 04:23
Merry Christmas!
Correct files are not showed, unless with spotted problems.
Page 18
The Force
Removed empty "instance" folder.
Warp Pool
Repacked. txt file moved to track folder. Renamed track name in .inf file from "warp pool" to "Warp Pool". Added gfx file from RVxtg site.
Water Track
Repacked. Renamed track name in .inf file from "Water Tack" to "Water Track".
Grass Bridge
Repacked. Removed ReadMe.txt, cuz its same as other txt file in track files.
The land of OZ
txt file moved to track folder.
Resized Power Plantd, g.bmp to 256x256.
Powerplant 2
Same as "Powerplant".
Scaled canyon
Repacked. Removed ReadMe.txt, cuz its same as other txt file in track files.
Tolkien Quest
Repacked. txt file moved to track folder. Resized gfx to 256x256 (was 250x250).
Tunnelz 2
Fixed car start position (changed X (if not mistaken, can be Z
) position in .inf file, from STARTPOS 12000.00 to 12700.00). Fixed AI Nodes and Track Zones (old files are called with .ta- and .fa- extensions), some cars reseted at start before.
Virus (with Virus Town files) Should be "Virus" (Wrong track files!) (You will find fixed already in archive)
Changed whole archive to REAL track (founded in RVxtg site).
Was confused with other track called "Virus Town". You can find (Virus Town) in Page 12 or RVZT.
[Updater WARNING!] Both tracks: "Virus" and "Virus Town" shares same filename in RVZT "", I recommend rename "Virus Town" zip to "" and "Virus" leave same.
Repacked. Removed ReadMe.txt, cuz its same as other txt file in track files.
Jungle Speedway
Removed ReadMe.txt, cuz its same as other txt file in track files.
Correct file
Some cars will fly on whole track, which makes it unplayable.
Tracks of this page has been tested.
Posted: 21 Mar 2013, 01:47
Let's continue this thing...
Page 19
Delacs Grand Prix
Correct file
Lego X
Repacked. Removed ReadMe.txt, cuz it already exists in level folder.
Repacked. Renamed track files from "doh" to "nightlife", cuz "Doh!" (no, actually because it's very confusing and not related to track). Resized gfx to 256x256 (was 255x255).
Centre Cross Circuit
Correct file
Renamed "readme.txt.txt" to "readme.txt". Removed Extra.fin and Main.fin, cuz they're empty and useless for track. Removed bedlam.bmp (in level folder), cuz its same as in "gfx" folder
Scale Force
txt file moved to track folder. Removed Thumbs.db.
Earth 3176
Added file "earth3176.jpg", it's an original size gfx pic (640x480), but it's in jpg format sadly, image is from here.
If you have better quality (.bmp) 640x480 gfx picture, please post here.
Falling Star
Correct file
Flat Gas
Removed FlatGas.jpg and RVA_FlatGas.jpg, cuz they're duplicate and worse quality of FlatGas.bmp.
Foggy Bottom
Correct file
Future Funland
Correct file
I don't really like track gfx (I'm sure it was made by other repacker), cuz it doesn't show alot about track, so I would change it to other. I've found better at RVxtg.
Future Funland 2
Changed track name from "future fun land 2" to "Future Fun Land 2". Removed Toyliteg.bmp, bmq, cuz they're unused.
I don't really like track gfx (I'm sure it was made by other repacker), cuz it doesn't show alot about track, so I would change it to other. I've found better at RVxtg.
Grass Pass
Converted gpass.bmp to png format. Added bmp, bmo gfx from gpass.bmp, resized to correct texture size (original file in track folder). Removed "User-" from track name
High Voltage
Correct file
In the loop
Correct file
AI cars reposition and shows red X at start.
Jade Racer
Correct file
Correct file
Shows red X at start.
Repacked. Removed Readme.txt, cuz it already exists in level folder.
Some AI cars reposition and shows red X at start.
Middle Ages Garden
Midnight Garden
Repacked. Moved Mgarden.JPG to level folder. Added bmo, bmp gfx file from Mgarden.JPG (original file in track folder).
Misty Grounds
Correct file
Moms Garden
Repacked. Removed Readme.txt, cuz it already exists in level folder.
Minora Kalita
Repacked. Removed ReadMe.txt, cuz it already exists in level folder.
Repacked. Added "full custom" file support for v1.2 patch (sky_XX.bmp files (from moved to "custom" folder).
As of now, I won't mention that tracks are tested, of course I will continue to test them before releasing every page.
Posted: 28 Mar 2013, 01:53
Spamming... like a boss
Page 20
Abandoned Warehouse
Correct file
Integrated update (adds camera nodes, visiboxes). Resized gfx to 256x256 (was 255x255).
Big Blue
Correct file
Botanical Garden 3
Correct file
Correct file
Dirt Cross
Correct file
Dirt Valley
Correct file
Glacier Cliffs
Converted snap105.bmp to png format. Changed .bmp gfx from RVxtg site, cuz it was wrong. Removed rvglue.exe, glue.bat, command.txt, Main.fin, Extra.fin,, .pa-, cuz they're not needed or empty.
Glacier Cliffs 2
Removed GC2.jpg, cuz it's duplicate and worse quality of GC2.bmp.
Grand Prix de Morvan
Correct file
Resized gfx to 256x256 (was 255x255).
Buggy AI nodes (I think).
Hockenheim ring
Repacked. Removed readme.txt, cuz it already exists in level folder.
Hokey Smoke
Correct file
Added "full custom" file support for v1.2 patch (Fxpage2.BMP (from IllusionCust folder) moved to "custom" folder). Removed .bat files, due to changed filesystem they won't work anymore, plus they were created to install/uninstall custom skymap, but it can be supported without it now.
Jim K pass
Resized .bmq gfx to 128x128 (was 128x127). Removed, cuz it's empty.
Correct file
Midnight Construction Site
Repacked. txt file moved to track folder. Removed, .po- cuz they're empty.
Monster Park
Resized gfx to 256x256 (was 341x256), original file in level folder (converted to png format). Removed Warehous.bmp, cuz it's unused.
Nairb's Weir Hauss of Fun
Correct file
Neighbour Hood 3
Repacked. Removed scrennshot.jpg, cuz it's duplicate of nhood3.bmp. Removed tree1.ncp and tree1_w.prm, cuz they're empty.
Repacked. Integrated update (adds signs and fixes bugs) and update2 (tweaks AI, adds visiboxes and other bug fixes). Removed Oasis.JPG, cuz it's duplicate and worse quality of Oasis.bmp. Removed ReadMe.txt and LisezMoi.txt, cuz they already exists in level folder.
Rally ZX
Repacked. Removed ReadMe.txt and LisezMoi.txt, cuz they already exists in level folder.
Some AI cars reposition at start.
Re-Volt Castle
Moved rcastle.jpg, rcastleroute.jpg and Readme.txt to level folder.
Sand Track
Resized .bmq gfx to 128x128 (was 125x125). Removed, cuz it's empty.
Posted: 30 Mar 2013, 17:56
Awesome man! Keep up the great work
Posted: 31 Mar 2013, 02:13
Thx Zach, I will keep going.
Correct files are not showed, unless with spotted problems.
Page 21
Supermarket 3
Added missing files that needed to work correctly, removed install.bat (doesn't need anymore).
Hermit's Property
The Launch
txt file moved to track folder.
Dublin, Ireland raceway
Removed dublin.jpg, cuz it's duplicate and worse quality of dublin.bmp. Removed, cuz it's empty.
Repacked. Removed readme.txt, cuz it already exists in level folder.
Technosis Park
Correct file
Some AI cars reposition and shows red X at start.
How Good Are You
Repacked. Resized gfx to 256x256 (was 256x270), original file in level folder (converted to png format). Resized hgrua.bmp to 256x256 (was 250x222). Removed Extra.fin, Main.fin,, cuz they're empty.
Ice Cave
Repacked. Resized gfx to 256x256 (was 256x188), original file in level folder (converted to png format). Removed Extra.fin, Main.fin,, cuz they're empty.
Some AI cars reposition at start.
Repacked. Resized gfx to 256x256 (was 256x225), original file in level folder (converted to png format). Removed Main.fin,, .fa-, cuz they're empty.
The Vicious 8
Resized gfx to 256x256 (was 226x223), original file in level folder (converted to png format). Removed Extra.fin, Main.fin,, glue.bat, cuz they're empty or not needed.
Digger's Domain
Resized gfx to 256x256 (was 256x234), original file in level folder (converted to png format). Resized DDg.BMP to 256x256 (was 257x256). Removed DD.fa-, cuz it's empty.
Posted: 14 Apr 2013, 20:12
RickyD was lazy to resize gfx to 256x256 for most his tracks.
Page 22
Freezing Rain
Resized gfx to 256x256 (was 265x232), original file in level folder (converted to png format). Resized FRa.bmp to 256x256 (was 250x222). Removed Extra.fin, Main.fin,, cuz they're empty.
Jungle Jeep Trail
Repacked. Resized gfx to 256x256 (was 177x145), original file in level folder (converted to png format). Resized jjta.bmp to 256x256 (was 256x222). Removed Extra.fin, Main.fin, glue.bat, cuz they're empty or not needed.
Fog Town
Resized gfx to 256x256 (was 254x202), original file in level folder (converted to png format). Removed Extra.fin, Main.fin,, cuz they're empty.
Resized gfx to 256x256 (was 256x239), original file in level folder (converted to png format). Removed Extra.fin,, cuz they're empty.
Resized gfx to 256x256 (was 256x253). Removed Extra.fin, Main.fin,, cuz they're empty.
Zero G Moon Base Alpha
Repacked. Resized zgmbaj.bmp to 256x256 (was 256x180). Removed Extra.fin, Main.fin,, cuz they're empty.
Re-Volt Airport
Added "full custom" file support for v1.2 patch (sky_XX.bmp files (from ship1 folder) moved to "custom" folder). Renamed rviarh.bmq to rvairh.bmq. Removed zm_model.inf,, .fo-, .pa-, .vis, sky_lt.bmq, cuz they're empty or not needed.
Hillbilly Hollow
Repacked. Resized hillbi.bmq to 128x128 (was 128x127). Removed "hillb" folder inside level folder, cuz it had same files.
Devil's Glide
Correct file
Some AI cars reposition at start.
Correct file
Glacier Cliffs 4
Resized gfx to 256x256 (was 256x255).
Stunt Arena GP
Added missing files that needed to work correctly, removed install.bat (doesn't need anymore).
All AI cars reposition at start (Reversed only).
Puz 3D
Renamed Ex-lego.bmp to Exlego.bmp. Resized exlegoe.bmp to 256x256 (was 255x255).
Jump Street
Renamed track files from "user003" to "JumpStreet". Removed "User-" from track name. Added gfx file from RVxtg site.
Different Sizes
Correct file
Devil's Ride
Added "full custom" file support for v1.2 patch (sky_XX.bmp files moved to "custom" folder).
Correct file
I don't really like track gfx (I'm sure it was made by other repacker), cuz it doesn't show alot about track, so I would change it to other. I've found better at RVxtg.
Total Hell
Correct file
Worm Hole
Correct file
Top Speed
Added gfx file from RVxtg site.
YCT Circuit
Resized gfx to 256x256 (was 150x150), original file in level folder (converted to png format). Removed "__«_ - YCTlongg.lnk", cuz it's not needed.
Wild Wild Power
This should be deleted.
Files are same as "Top Speed", maybe it was upload mistake, dunno.
Resized (and converted to .bmp) gfx to 256x256 (was 202x152), original file in level folder.
Technosis Park part 2
This shouldn't exist.
Why this file exist? It has only textures, .w and txt, from Technosis Park track. With only few files, track is unplayable, so it must be deleted from RVZT.
Posted: 14 Apr 2013, 22:02
Beautiful work!
Posted: 28 Apr 2013, 21:58
Nothing much to say about this one.
Correct files are not showed, unless with spotted problems.
Page 23
ROAR 2001 Carpet Nats at The Track
Repacked. txt file moved to level folder.
Removed, cuz it's empty. Renamed "" to "". Added gfx file from RVxtg site.
Warehouse (Erik)
Resized gfx to 256x256 (was 255x255). Removed, cuz it's empty.
Some AI cars reposition at start.
New York Grand Prix
Correct file
Some AI cars reposition and shows red X at start.
Aq3: Inversion
Changed track name from "aq3 by kv" to "Aq3: Inversion by kv". Removed aq3.bmp, cuz it's duplicate of aq3.bmp in gfx folder.
Urban Desert
Repacked. Removed ReadMe.txt, cuz it already exists in level folder.
Industrial District
Water Fall
Repacked. Removed wf.bmp, cuz it's lower res version of screanshot.jpg. Added bmp, bmq gfx from screanshot.jpg, resized to correct texture size (original file in track folder)
Dirt Track
Shares same download link with Dirt Cross from Page 20.
Looney Land
Added "full custom" file support for v1.2 patch (all .wav moved to "custom" folder). Removed .bat files, due to changed filesystem they won't work anymore, plus they were created to install/uninstall custom sounds, but it can be supported without it now. Removed, cuz it includes duplicate of readme.html. Moved readme.html to level folder.
Repacked. Converted indi.bmp to png format, moved to level folder. Added gfx from indi.bmp, resized to correct texture size (original file in track folder). Removed, cuz it's empty.
ERban Grfeatee
Correct file
Not the worst track gfx, but I like this one more: RVxtg, also at RVZT it shows this one for some reason.
Repacked. Removed Valleys1.w, cuz it's same as Valleys.w and, cuz it's empty.
The Narrows
Posted: 05 May 2013, 00:58
502 tracks has been checked so far and 350 of them are repacked by me.
Correct files are not showed, unless with spotted problems.
Page 24
RV Aqua
Removed read me.txt and rvaqua.bmp (from levels folder), cuz they already exists in other folders. Changed track name from "RV: Aqua Edtion by kv" to "RV: Aqua Edition by kv"
Repacked. Converted Grasshopper.bmp to png format. Added gfx from Grasshopper.bmp, resized to correct texture size (original file in track folder)
Repacked. Resized gfx to 256x256 (was 255x256).
Space Speedway
Resized gfx to 256x256 (was 256x198).
Highland Park
Correct file
Some AI cars reposition and shows red X at start.
The Slew (Gold version)
Renamed track files from "slew" to "slew_gold", cuz it shares with standart version. Changed track name from "The Slew by Opalstorm" to "The Slew - Gold Version by Opalstorm".
The Slew
Old Town
Repacked. Removed Cabin.ncp/prm/i.bmp, factory.ncp/prm/f.bmp, garage.ncp/prm/c.bmp, testi.bmp, Towns.bmp, cuz they're not needed. Added gfx file from RVxtg site.
Added "removed car.txt" file inside track folder to tell which car was included.
This track had a car "Cat 2000", which is deleted now. You can find it here.
Happy Land
tdf files moved to level folder.
Robie House
Added "full custom" file support for v1.2 patch (sky_XX.bmp files (from skymaps folder) moved to "custom" folder). Removed .bat files, cuz they're not needed anymore.
F-1 2
Resized gfx to 256x256 (was 255x255). Removed Cabin.ncp/prm/i.bmp, factory.ncp/prm/f.bmp, garage.ncp/prm/c.bmp, testi.bmp, f12s.bmp, cuz they're not needed.
San Francisco
Repacked. Resized gfx to 256x256 (was 255x255).
Posted: 05 May 2013, 01:34
great job, Vaidux