Page 3 of 4
Posted: 09 Jan 2012, 20:34
Are you still working on RVZ or was that just a prank?
Posted: 12 Jan 2012, 08:54
I am still working on it Miro. Lately plans for my upcoming wedding have taken priority. That is why I have been working so slowly on it. I will say that I continue to get closer and closer to finishing it.
Posted: 15 Jan 2012, 10:16
@Zach: Trying to download
Floating World still gives an Access Denied page even though the archive has been updated (the tracks before and after it are updated, so I assume you've updated this one too

Posted: 15 Jan 2012, 16:05
When's your wedding mate?

Posted: 15 Jan 2012, 17:33
Huki @ Jan 15 2012, 05:46 AM wrote: @Zach: Trying to download
Floating World still gives an Access Denied page even though the archive has been updated (the tracks before and after it are updated, so I assume you've updated this one too

GFX are also missing on many repacked tracks on RVZT so I assume Zach isn't quite done updating them yet.
btw, congratulations Zach.

Posted: 15 Jan 2012, 18:52
Just wanted to make a comment regarding the repacking of "Soccerground".
I have included the repacked "Soccerground" in the zip of all Battle tag tracks posted at Page 2. At rvzt, its mentioned that its a battle so i removed all the POS nodes data but it has a small racing line. I would suggest Zach to exclude the "Soccerground" from the zip and change the Track type from Battle at RVZT.

Posted: 16 Jan 2012, 06:05
May 26 is the big day. Just over 4 months away. I am working quickly on RVZ trying to get it finished up soon. I updated all the zip files to date. Including the ones that I had downloaded months ago to update and forgotten. I have not uploaded the new gfx yet for a reason. They are sitting happily on my Desktop waiting for the 'opportune moment'.
Posted: 22 Jan 2012, 15:42
Page 25 tracks are repacked except one.
I am facing some problems with Gridlock by Shawn64. The cars always crash at once place and never proceed from there. THe problem is out of my knowledge.
The repacked tracks are here.
Grass Bridge
Repacked. Moved the readme to levels\Grass_Bridge
Repacked and added GFX.
Grassy lane
Fixed GFX.
Grassy lane II
Fixed GFX.
Gravel town
Repacked. Moved the readme from \gfx to \levels\gravelt
Grayscale road
Custom features now compatible with 1.2.
Green Grass
Grindage X
Separated the “cars” folder from the zip file. Download the cars here:- (linky)
Repacked. Moved the readme.txt to levels/Grinder
GT Highway
Fixed the GFX.
Repacked. GFX missing at RVZT. Created a new one. Renamed the track name to “GT2” from “GTX STA 6958”.
Repacked. GFX missing at RVZT. Created a new one.
GTX STA 2005
Repacked and created GFX.
GTX STA 3000
Posted: 18 Nov 2012, 15:02
Sorry for bumping, but I don't see anyone doing repacks anymore. So, i came here to ask if some one is still doing it.
Anyway, I've already repacked lots of tracks, but maybe that's just time waste for me, because other person is already doing that. I repack tracks from track
Date (oldest to newest), that means all tracks made in 18th August 2000 at first (although this date for these tracks is wrong). Track starts from "2fun" to "Xtrack", in total there are 293 tracks posted at that date. Right now I'm working on
page 8. Of course I stopped repacking until i get answer.
I will post tracks here (with written changes), if anyone is going to re upload them.
Posted: 18 Nov 2012, 18:49
Well, currently I am not at least, so feel free to continue.

Posted: 18 Nov 2012, 21:08
Okay, here it goes.
I will start from
Page 4, because 1,2 and 3 seem to be okay as I remember.
Figure 8 (Tested, can be updated to RVZT)
Repacked. Converted from tdf. Added gfx (from rvzt track page). Added reversed mode. txt, tdf and jpg files moved to track folder
Page 5
txt and gif files moved to track folder
Repacked. Removed H1ring.jpg, cuz its duplicate and worse quality of H1ring.bmp. Converted H1ring.bmp to png format, moved to level folder. Added bmp, bmo gfx from H1ring.bmp, resized to correct texture size (original file in track folder)
Repacked. Renamed "Hang_Timev.pan" to "Hang_Time.pan", cuz it didn't had same file name as other files, that way game ignored it and made track unplayable. Added gfx file from RVxtg site
He-he (...

Repacked. Converted "he he snapshop.bmp" to png format
Track doesn't have .taz (track zones) file.
Head Rush
Repacked. Converted from tdf. txt and tdf files moved to track folder.
Added reversed mode. Added gfx file
Hell (Track author: EXTREME)
High Air Rally
Repacked. Converted from tdf. txt and tdf files moved to track folder.
Added gfx file
Repacked. Converted from tdf. tdf file moved to track folder.
Added reversed mode. Added gfx file
Hot Rally
Repacked. Resized Hot_Rallya, e, g, h.bmp to 256x256. Added gfx file from RVxtg site
Repacked. Converted from tdf. tdf file moved to track folder.
Added reversed mode. Added gfx file
In The Rythm
Repacked. Added gfx file from RVxtg site
Repacked. Converted from tdf. txt and tdf files moved to track folder.
Added reversed mode. Added gfx file
Jumping Bean
Repacked. Added gfx file
Repacked. Resized Junkyard.bmp to 256x256.
Correct file
Thinking about improving .bat files for easier different texture file installation
Repacked. Converted KATHLON.bmp to png format. Added bmp, bmo gfx from KATHLON.bmp, resized to correct texture size (original file in track folder). Removed "User-" from track name
kaz Trick 03
Repacked. Converted from tdf. txt and tdf files moved to track folder.
Added reversed mode. Added gfx file
kaz Trick 04, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, Keep It Simple
Repacked. Converted from tdf. txt and tdf files moved to track folder.
Added gfx file (all of them)
Download all (
Correct files are not included, that means no "Kaos" inside)
7z format, because it takes less space.
Every page contains 25 tracks if you didn't know.
Feel free to test these tracks, i didn't test some of them, so I'm not sure if they work correctly.

Very sorry for not added gfx, I' lazy to do them right now.
Phew, this took a while to write, due to differences checking. More pages will come.
[Edit]: All these tracks of this page has been tested, that means it can be updated to RVZT.
I've also added missing gfx and reversed mode for some tracks. Reversed was added for only these tracks which has .tdf files. It wasn't so hard to do it, just open .tdf file with track editor, rotate start position block 90 degrees and export it. Then copy few (only needed) files to reversed folder and edit few rev lines in .inf file. Although, it was impossible for tracks with jumps (ramps), because it would be "dead end"/wall if driving reverse and also track editor wouldn't let me to export.
(New changes are
colored green and underlined)
Posted: 18 Nov 2012, 22:23
Nice job Vaid! Finally somebody doing the good thing!

Posted: 19 Nov 2012, 01:25
This took much longer...
Page 6
Repacked. Removed Kidstuff.bmp, cuz its duplicate and smaller size of Kidstuff.jpg. Added gfx from Kidstuff.jpg, resized to correct texture size (original file in track folder)
txt file moved to track folder. Fixed "REDBOOK" line from "1 3 4 9" to "1 9"
Land of sand
Repacked. Converted "screenshot.bmp" to png format
Leap of Faith
Correct file
Lemans Super Speedway
Repacked. Renamed track files from "USER003" to "Lemans". Removed "User-" from track name
Repacked. Renamed track files from "USER007" to "limerock". Removed "User-" from track name.
Limerock 2 the sequel
Repacked. Renamed track files from "USER015" to "limerock2". Changed track name from "USER015 by Mike454" to "Limerock 2 by Mike454".
Added gfx file from RVxtg site
Lithium Drome
Correct file
Lo Bridges
Repacked. txt file moved to track folder. bmp file moved to gfx and resized to correct texture size. Removed "User-" from track name.
Long Fight
Repacked. Converted from tdf. Renamed "long_fight.TDF" to "!long_fight2.TDF", because it was unreadable by track editor. tdf file moved to track folder. Need gfx file
Long Jump Piecemeal
Renamed track files from "USER_jphafhbe" to "long_jump_piece". Removed user_nafneeia.bmp and long_jump_piecemeal.jpg, cuz its duplicate and worse quality. tdf file moved to track folder. Removed "User-" from track name.
Added reversed mode.
Not sure about track file name "long_jump_piece", maybe call it "long_jump_mix"?
Long Spiral
File name "mckriver1" is so confusing, maybe call it "long_spiral"?
This track includes "pornographic" textures, of course they can't be accessed normally, BUT BE WARNED!
Repacked. Converted from tdf. tdf file moved to track folder. Need gfx file
Repacked. Need gfx file
jpg file moved to track folder
Matrix 2
Repacked. Resized "Matrix 2.bmp" to correct texture size. Updated readme.txt file to tell which car was included. Fixed odd texture filenames (example, from "Matrix 2 A.bmp" to "Matrix 2a.bmp"), game ignores bad named files.
This track had a car "Ac Superblower", which is deleted now. You can find it here.
Repacked. Converted from tdf. tdf file moved to track folder.
Added reversed mode. Need gfx file
Repacked. Added gfx file from RVxtg site
Repacked. Renamed track files from "Met" to "Metalicka". Converted Metalicka.bmp to png format. Added gfx from Metalicka.bmp, resized to correct texture size (original file in track folder). Added "removed car.txt" file inside track folder to tell which car was included. Resized Metalickag.bmp to 256x256.
This track had a car "Metalicar", which is deleted now. You can find it here.
Mighty One
Repacked. Added gfx file from RVxtg site
Millenium Silverstone (Wrong track!) (Can be found in "wrong" folder)
Repacked. Converted from tdf. tdf file moved to track folder.
Added reversed mode. Need gfx file
doc and jpg files are moved to separate zip - "Millennium (files).zip" in "wrong" folder.
This track is wrong, because of different name inside tdf, doc files and different track showed in "snap.jpg"
Molasses no rails
Repacked. Converted from tdf. tdf file moved to track folder. Added reversed mode. Need gfx file
Repacked. Removed "User-" from track name Added gfx file from RVxtg site
Monster Truck Jump
Repacked. Renamed track files from "USER_pljoapjl" to "m_truck_jump". Changed track name from "monster truck jump" to "Monster Truck Jump" Need gfx file
Download all (Except "Leap of Faith" and "Lithium Drome")
[Edit]: All these tracks of this page has been tested.
Also added gfx and reversed mode for some tracks.
Posted: 19 Nov 2012, 01:46
VaiDuX461 @ Nov 18 2012, 08:55 PM wrote: Long Fight
Repacked. Converted from tdf. Renamed "long_fight.TDF" to "!long_fight2.TDF", because it was unreadable by track editor. tdf file moved to track folder. Need gfx file
be careful of track editor version !
Posted: 19 Nov 2012, 02:17
sebr @ Nov 18 2012, 11:16 PM wrote:VaiDuX461 @ Nov 18 2012, 08:55 PM wrote: Long Fight
Repacked. Converted from tdf. Renamed "long_fight.TDF" to "!long_fight2.TDF", because it was unreadable by track editor. tdf file moved to track folder. Need gfx file
be careful of track editor version !
I'm always carefull

If you don't know, file name was "long_fight.TDF", that means it should be for v1.1 editor, but it was unreadable (ignored) and didn't had "!" before file name.
And for old editor (v1.0) all file names are "FILEXXXX.TDF", i don't think other names are supported by old editor.
Posted: 19 Nov 2012, 22:14
MOAR Trakz!
Page 7
Motocross 22
Mountain 1
File name "mckriver13" is so confusing, maybe call it "mountain1"?
Mountain 2
File name "mckriver14" is so confusing, maybe call it "mountain2"?
Mountain 3
File name "mckriver15" is so confusing, maybe call it "mountain3"?
Repacked. Renamed track files from "USER002" to "mountainscape". Removed "User-" from track name. Added gfx file from RVxtg site
Movie scene
Repacked. Resized "moviescene.bmp" to correct texture size. Added "full custom" file support for v1.2 patch (Fxpage2.BMP and countdown.wav moved to "custom" folder)
Repacked. Converted from tdf. Renamed "!n2o.tdf" to "!N2O_Ramp.tdf", because it had wrong file name (name is different in tdf file) and was unreadable by track editor. tdf file moved to track folder. Need gfx file
Removed nachalo.jpg, cuz its duplicate and worse quality of Nachalo.bmp
Repacked. Renamed "screenshot.bmp" to "nadia.bmp" and moved to "gfx"
Repacked. Converted "nora.jpg" to bmp format and moved to "gfx"
Repacked. Added same gfx file as from "Nora" track
Repacked. Renamed track files from "USER_nuke" to "nuke". Removed "User-" from track name. Removed "USER_nukec.lit", because it was useless (takes 4 bytes) and is same as "nuke.lit". Need gfx file
Oil Spill
tdf file moved to track folder. Removed "User-" from track name. Removed hud from track gfx
Oilpit 1
File name "mckriver2" is so confusing, maybe call it "oilpit1"?
Oilpit 2
File name "mckriver3" is so confusing, maybe call it "oilpit2"?
On Fire
Converted On_Fire1pic.bmp and On_Fire2pic.bmp to png format
Repacked. Converted from tdf. tdf, txt and jpg files moved to track folder.
Added reversed mode. Added gfx file from RVxtg site
Paranoia (Track author: Quijote)
Repacked. Converted from tdf. tdf file moved to track folder. Need gfx file
Pikes Peak
Correct file
Plad World
Repacked. Renamed "Plasma128.bmp" to "Plasma.bmq" and moved to "gfx"
Plateau 1
Repacked. Renamed "" to "readme.txt"
File name "mckriver10" is so confusing, maybe call it "plateau1"?
Plateau 2
File name "mckriver11" is so confusing, maybe call it "plateau2"?
Download all (Except "Pipe")
[Edit]: All these tracks of this page has been tested.
Also added gfx and reversed mode for some tracks.
Posted: 20 Nov 2012, 00:36
Who will reupload these to RVZT? People are supposed to find them there, not here.
Who wants to be the first uploader?

Posted: 20 Nov 2012, 01:58
Phantom @ Nov 19 2012, 10:06 PM wrote:Who will reupload these to RVZT? People are supposed to find them there, not here.
Well, we have time because of that (maybe that's a good thing). Plus, they're not even tested in game duh, better not to upload them yet. Remember, lots of gfx are still missing and also I'm going to add reversed modes for some tracks that has tdf files (... rotate start position 90 degrees, export it and modify some files, that's it)
When I will finish page 8 (probably tomorrow), I'm going to start making gfx and reversed modes (limited tracks).
[Edit]: I LIED about that "tomorrow" thing, anyway it will come other day.
@Phantom (\/\/ post below): Yea, there's some tracks which are ziped in zip... annoying.
Although, it will come time for them too to repack (as I'm going to check ALL RVZT tracks, call me crazy

, it won't be so much work as now though).
If you really Really REALLY want them to be repacked now then ok, you can post most wanted repacks here.
Posted: 20 Nov 2012, 07:13
Allright, say when you feel ready. Nobody better than you for that job.

I'm sure many people out there will be very happy to see RVZT tracks finally working as they're supposed to work.
We just raced
Aztec Gold with DSL_Tile today and we found out that it's double zipped. It must be on the first pages.
Same happens with most of Scloink's tracks that are very popular but people always have trouble at installing because of this problem.

Posted: 22 Nov 2012, 01:37
Another "pile of
cra ...tracks"
Page 8
Repacked. Renamed "Plutarq128.bmp" to "Plutarq.bmq" and moved to "gfx"
POD Super Speedway
Repacked. Removed podssw.jpg, cuz its EXACTLY same file as podssw.bmp except file extension. Removed "tex backups" folder, cuz all files inside (texture bmp's and inf) are EXACTLY same (checked 2 times) as in main track folder. Converted podssw.bmp to png format. Added bmp, bmo gfx from podssw.bmp, resized to correct texture size (original file in track folder). Removed "User-" from track name
Repacked. Renamed track files from "USER003" to "power". Removed "User-" from track name. Added gfx file from RVxtg site
Power Max
Repacked. Converted from tdf. tdf file moved to track folder. Added reversed mode. Need gfx file
Repacked. Converted from tdf. tdf file moved to track folder. Need gfx file
Not sure about track *Real* name, when track is exported in track editor it's called "super prugna cinciu", I left "Prugna".
PSV Eindhoven
Repacked. Renamed track files from "USER_kobofmmn" to "psv_eindhoven". Removed "User-" from track name. Need gfx file
Psychedelic Daze Misspelled name at RVZT (Should be "Phychedelic Daze")
Repacked. Converted PhychedelicDaze2.bmp to png format. Added gfx from PhychedelicDaze2.bmp, resized to correct texture size (original file in track folder)
Push It
Repacked. Converted Screenshot.bmp to png format. Added bmp, bmo gfx from Screenshot.bmp, resized to correct texture size (original file in track folder)
Repacked. Added bmp, bmo gfx from Quark-1.jpg, resized to correct texture size (original file in track folder)
Quasar Tech
Repacked. Removed Quasar Tech.jpg, cuz its duplicate and worse quality of Quasar Tech.bmp. Converted Quasar Tech.bmp to png format. Added bmp, bmo gfx from Quasar Tech.bmp, resized to correct texture size (original file in track folder)
Repacked. Added gfx file
Raceway 3
Repacked. Converted Raceway3.bmp to png format. Added gfx from Raceway3.bmp, resized to correct texture size (original file in track folder)
Raceway 4
Repacked. Converted Raceway4.bmp to png format. Added gfx from Raceway4.bmp, resized to correct texture size (original file in track folder)
Rain City
Repacked. Renamed track files from "RGarden" to "rain_city", due to lots of confusion. Added gfx file from RVxtg site
Correct file
Repacked. Renamed track files from "USER016" to "rallycross". Changed track name from "User-tester" to "Rallycross". Added gfx file from RVxtg site
Rattlesnake Park
Repacked. txt file moved to track folder. bmp file moved to gfx. Removed "User-" from track name.
Repacked. Added gfx file from RVxtg site
Re-Volt Gran Prix V1
Repacked. Renamed track files from "ReVolt_Gran_Prix_V1" to "RV_Gran_Prix_V1", because game can't read tracks with long file names (atleast v1.2 patch). Added bmp, bmo gfx from Gran_Prix_V1.JPG, resized to correct texture size (original file in track folder).
Reapers Relm
Repacked. txt file moved to track folder. bmp file moved to gfx. Resized gfx bmp to 256x256 (was 255x255).
Red Zone
Repacked. Renamed track files from "USER012" to "red_zone". Removed "User-" from track name. Added gfx file from RVxtg site
Ride Em
Repacked. Converted from tdf. tdf and txt files moved to track folder. Added reversed mode. Need gfx file
Ride Em Again
Repacked. Converted from tdf. tdf and txt files moved to track folder. Added reversed mode. Need gfx file
Repacked. Converted roby.jpg to bmp format and moved to gfx.
Rocky Road Extreme
Repacked. Renamed track files from "USER002" to "RockyRoadE". Changed track name from "Jacob & JamesBondy-The Rocky Road Extreme" to "The Rocky Road Extreme by Jacob & JamesBondy". Added gfx file from RVxtg site
Download all (Except "Rainday")
[Edit]: All these tracks of this page has been tested.
Also added gfx and reversed mode for some tracks.
Posted: 23 Nov 2012, 02:21
I'm not much aware of that "rvzt repack" stuff, what's the actual need, what's the goal, but it's looking like you've already done a great deal of work...

Posted: 23 Nov 2012, 02:49
When I started the topic the goal was to go through the RVZT archives and repack all tracks so that they conform to the RVZT standard way of zipping files, add missing graphics and so on. That way users who download the track will easily be able to unzip the level right into the Re-Volt folder and the /levels/ and /gfx/ folders in the zip will automatically merge with the existing folders.

Posted: 23 Nov 2012, 06:33
I see this
"Repacking of tracks" as
highly needed. It is a pending job left behind in the last years which will be even more important in the 1.2 days.
The need is that we see custom tracks that are incorrectly compressed very often, and they are too many to just ignore them. When the track files are not in correct folders (
see Water Track by Yamada) or double zipped (
see some famous Scloink's Tracks), the installation process
is not user-friendly, which just gives the audience of the site reasons to don't play them, which decreases the effectivity of the website.
This repacking brings more quality to RVZT, therefore to the community behind the game. And RVZT is a worldwide community site, even more than the forums can be, where not all people have the knowledges needed to fix them by themselves.
Posted: 24 Nov 2012, 21:46
@Jigebren: urne and phan already answered that, I don't have anything to add.
I've finally finished page 5 (100%), all tracks are tested and has gfx, so they can be updated to RVZT without any worries. (
Check this post)
I won't create new gfx for pages 6, 7, 8 (and others) tracks, I don't feel like doing them (they eat time very much), maybe much later. I first repack all tracks.
But I didn't said that I won't update pages 6-8 (will add reversed modes and test them).
[Edit]: Updated page 6 (tested all tracks, fixed some things, added gfx and reversed mode, not for all tracks ofcourse)
[Edit2]: Updated page 7
[Edit3]: Updated page 8
Posted: 29 Nov 2012, 12:40
Unless You Search These Track In Progress
Posted: 29 Nov 2012, 16:46
Platform @ Nov 29 2012, 10:10 AM wrote:This Ride Em Track Was Wrong
In what? I don't see anything wrong with that track (checked on other pc).
P.S. don't quote my whole post.

it looks like spamming same thing all over again and wasting page space (for good things).
[Edit]: thx, jig
[Edit2]:Platform @ Nov 29 2012, 10:10 AM wrote:Unless You Search These Track In Progress
Still can't get it

Posted: 30 Nov 2012, 02:01
One track is different than others, can you find it?
Page 9
Repacked. Converted from tdf. tdf and txt files moved to track folder. Added reversed mode. Need gfx file
Repacked. Converted from tdf. tdf and txt files moved to track folder. Need gfx file
Round-n-round Grid Locked
Repacked. Added gfx file from RVxtg site
Repacked. Converted from tdf. Renamed "Rushhour" (even without file extension!) to "FILE0010.tdf", because it was unreadable by track editor. tdf file moved to track folder. Added reversed mode. Need gfx file
Repacked. Converted from tdf. tdf file moved to track folder. Need gfx file
Shaynes 2
Repacked. Removed "User-" from track name. Renamed "shaynesh.bmp" to "shaynes2h.bmp", cuz it was ignored by game. Added gfx file from RVxtg site
Shortcuts 1
Correct file
Repacked. Converted SideWinder.BMP to png format. Added bmp, bmo gfx from SideWinder.BMP, resized to correct texture size (original file in track folder)
Repacked. Added gfx file from RVxtg site
Repacked. Converted from tdf. tdf and doc files moved to track folder. Added reversed mode. Need gfx file
This is a track which looks absolutely same as *wrong* "Millenium" track (link), but this zip has correct doc file (for this track), so it's better than *fake* zip. Both zip files has same tdf file but different docs, jpg (for"Millenium" only).
Skate Battle
Converted all file names from uppercase to lowercase. Removed sk8battl.jpg, cuz its duplicate and worse quality of sk8_bat.BMP, readme.txt, cuz its same as other txt file in track files and sk8_bat.pan, cuz its annoys in btag mode (red x). Renamed track files from "bot_bat" to "sk8_bat". Changed track name from "fruits in da boot" to "sk8"
. Added "GAMETYPE 1" line in .inf file to support v1.2 patch. Added "full custom" file support for v1.2 patch (.wav files moved to "custom" folder)
Slalom Fest
Repacked. Converted from tdf. tdf and doc files moved to track folder. Added reversed mode. Need gfx file
Snake Bite
Southpark Alien
Repacked. Removed southparkalien.BMP, cuz its duplicate of same file in gfx folder. Removed "User-" from track name.
Space Port
Repacked. Renamed "Space_Portt.bmp" to "Space_Port.bmp" and moved to "gfx", "Space_Port.bmq" to "Space_Portk.bmq". Added "full custom" file support for v1.2 patch (sky_XX.bmp and sky_XX.bmq files moved to "custom" folder). Removed Space Portt.bmp, cuz other files like this exists (sky_bk.bmp, sky_bt, sky_tp), its not useable in this track.
Repacked. txt file moved to track folder.
Spiral 2000
Repacked. Converted from tdf. tdf and txt files moved to track folder. Added reversed mode. Need gfx file
Correct file
Removed stadium.jpg, cuz its duplicate and worse quality of stadium.bmp and both .txt files, cuz they already are in track folder. Removed "User-" from track name.
Repacked. Removed, cuz its include original, made with track editor track textures, not useable in this track.
Repacked. Changed track name from "User-Haha" to "Streetlife". Resized Streetlifeh.bmp to 256x256. Added gfx file from RVxtg site
Repacked. Added gfx file from RVxtg site
Repacked. txt file moved to track folder. Converted Summershower.bmp to png format. Added bmp, bmo gfx from Summershower.bmp, resized to correct texture size (original file in track folder)
Download all (Except "Shortcuts 1" and "Spybreak!")
Tracks of this page has been tested.
Posted: 30 Nov 2012, 09:36
This is awesome progress Vaid! Keep it up!

Posted: 01 Dec 2012, 21:45
More repacked tracks spam...
Page 10
Repacked. Converted from tdf. tdf and txt files moved to track folder. Added reversed mode. Need gfx file
Supa Dupa Fly
Repacked. Renamed track files from "USER_cjfcfbje" to "supa_dupa_fly". Removed "User-" from track name. Need gfx file
Track doesn't have .taz (track zones) file.
Swampdog's Challenge 2
Repacked. Renamed track files from "USER003" to "swampdogch2". Changed track name from "User-Twist & Turn 1" to "Swampdog's Challenge 2". Added gfx file from RVxtg site
Correct file
Repacked. Renamed track files from "USER009" to "t_o_rama". Removed "User-" from track name. Converted t_o_rama.bmp to png format. Added gfx from t_o_rama.bmp, resized to correct texture size (original file in track folder)
Team Ghostie 2
Repacked. Converted TeamGhostie2.bmp to png format. Added bmp, bmo gfx from TeamGhostie2.bmp, resized to correct texture size (original file in track folder)
Test track
Repacked. Converted from tdf. tdf, txt and jpg files moved to track folder. Added reversed mode. Added gfx from testtrack.jpg, resized to correct texture size (original file in track folder).
The Call
Repacked. Removed TheCall.jpg, cuz its duplicate and worse quality of TheCall.BMP
The Cleft
Repacked. Added gfx file from RVxtg site
This track had a car "Electra", which is deleted now. You can find it here and also inside "cars" folder in this package.
The long one
Repacked. Renamed track files from "USER_fnoofbha" to "thelongone". Removed "User-" from track name. Resized gfx bmp to 128x128 (was 125x125).
Track doesn't have .taz (track zones) file.
The Moon
Repacked. Resized gfx bmp to 256x256 (was 258x258).
The Patriot
Repacked. Added gfx file from RVxtg site
The Pits
Renamed track files from "USER_clnkfhoi" to "the_pits". Removed USER_oigohocf.bmp and the_pits.jpg, cuz its duplicate and worse quality. tdf file moved to track folder. Removed "User-" from track name
The Playpen
The Skye Misspelled name at RVZT (Should be "The Sky")
The track of the pinkest floyd
Repacked. Converted PF.bmp and tracksnap.bmp (removed white useless border) to png format. Resized PFc, g, h.bmp to 256x256. Added bmp, bmo gfx from PF.bmp, resized to correct texture size (original file in track folder)
The track of the Slightly Pink Floyd
Repacked. Resized PF2c, g, h.bmp to 256x256. Added gfx file from RVxtg site
The Xtreme
Repacked. Converted from tdf. tdf and txt files moved to track folder. Need gfx file
Three- to fourleaved clover
File name "mckriver9" is so confusing, maybe call it a different name?
Tight Spots
Repacked. Renamed "Tigfht Spotsg.bmp" to "Tight Spotsg.bmp". Removed pspbrwse.jbf, cuz its useless for this track (that file used for painting program, although it won't be useful). Removed "User-" from track name. Converted Tight Spots.bmp to png format. Added bmp, bmo gfx from Tight Spots.bmp, resized to correct texture size (original file in track folder)
Tighter Spots
Repacked. Renamed "Tighter Spots bmp.bmp" to "Tighter Spots.bmp". Removed pspbrwse.jbf, cuz its useless for this track (that file used for painting program, although it won't be useful). Converted Tighter Spots.bmp to png format. Added gfx from Tight Spots.bmp, resized to correct texture size (original file in track folder)
Time to die
Repacked. Resized gfx bmp to 256x256 (was 234x242).
Tomb of the Pharoah
Tommy's Jump Circuit
Repacked. Converted from tdf. tdf file moved to track folder. Need gfx file
Repacked. Fixed "REDBOOK" line from "11 13 12" to "11 13"
Download all (Except "T")
Tracks of this page has been tested.
Posted: 02 Dec 2012, 15:38
That was a nightmare

, no correct files, lots of tdf files to convert and also confusing tracks with their filenames at end. Atleast that's the last page of lego only tracks.
Page 11
Towers of Babylon and Wuthering Heights
Repacked. Converted from tdf. tdf and txt files moved to track folder. Added reversed mode. Need gfx file
Zip file includes 2 tdf files, that means 2 tracks. They should be separated, but I didn't do that yet.
Repacked. Need gfx file
Repacked. Converted from tdf. tdf, txt and jpg files moved to track folder. Added reversed mode. Added gfx from trioval.jpg, resized to correct texture size (original file in track folder).
txt file moved to track folder. Resized gfx bmp to 256x256 (was 190x150).
Repacked. Removed pspbrwse.jbf, cuz its useless for this track (that file used for painting program, although it won't be useful). Added gfx file from RVxtg site
Repacked. Converted from tdf. tdf and txt files moved to track folder. Need gfx file
Fixed bug with track zones, you could get red x when bridge is jumped over and had to reset car.
Tunnel Trap
Repacked. Added bmo gfx from TUNNEL.BMP, resized to correct texture size. Resized bmp to 256x256 (was 384x384).
Repacked. Converted from tdf. tdf and txt files moved to track folder. Added reversed mode. Need gfx file
Turner Brown
Repacked. Converted from tdf. tdf and txt files moved to track folder. Added reversed mode. Need gfx file
Twist 'n' Turn
Repacked. Converted from tdf. tdf and doc files moved to track folder. Need gfx file
Repacked. Converted from tdf. tdf and txt files moved to track folder. Added reversed mode. Need gfx file
Ultimate Raceway Plus
Repacked. Converted from tdf. tdf and txt files moved to track folder. Added reversed mode. Need gfx file
Up And Down
Repacked. Renamed track files from "USER003" to "UpAndDown". Changed track name from "holodeck" to "Up and Down by Marc". Need gfx file
Up Town
USER cjokjlmd Better call it as "PrimeTimeBern" or "Prime Time Bern"
Repacked. Renamed track files from "USER_cjokjlmd" to "PrimeTimeBern". Removed "User-" from track name. Need gfx file
User-courtney Better call it as "Courtney"
Repacked. Renamed track files from "USER001" to "courtney". Removed "User-" from track name. Converted screenshot1.bmp and screenshot2.bmp to png format. Added bmp, bmo gfx from screenshot1.bmp, resized to correct texture size (original file in track folder)
User-limp bizkit Better call it as "Limp Bizkit"
Repacked. Renamed track files from "USER003" to "limp_bizkit". Removed "User-" from track name. Converted screenshot.bmp to png format. Added gfx from screenshot.bmp, resized to correct texture size (original file in track folder)
User-Rollercoaster Better call it as "Rollercoaster (2)"
Repacked. Renamed track files from "USER004" to "rollerc". Removed "User-" from track name. Added gfx file from RVxtg site
Not to be confused as other track with same name founded in page 9 or here.
User-Testtrack Better call it as "Testtrack (2)"
Repacked. Renamed track files from "USER_ommmpcgd" to "testtrack_". Removed "User-" from track name. Need gfx file
Not to be confused as other track with same name founded in page 10 or here.
User-up and down Better call it as "Up and Down (2)"
Repacked. Renamed track files from "USER_dpaneecm" to "UpDown". Removed "User-" from track name. Added gfx file from RVxtg site
Not to be confused as other track with same name founded in this page or here.
User016 Sadly, that's real name of this track (even readme tells you)
Repacked. Converted USER016.bmp to png format. Added bmp, bmo gfx from USER016.bmp, resized to correct texture size (original file in track folder)
USER_cmmphpmb Better call it as "Big tings agwan"
Repacked. Renamed track files from "USER_cmmphpmb" to "big_tings_agwan". Removed "User-" from track name. Removed big tings agwan.jpg, cuz its duplicate and worse quality of big tings agwan.bmp. Converted big tings agwan.bmp to png format. Added bmp, bmo gfx from big tings agwan.bmp, resized to correct texture size (original file in track folder)
USER_eohimlok Better call it as "i81u8i2"
Repacked. Renamed track files from "USER_eohimlok" to "i81u8i2". Removed "User-" from track name. Added bmp, bmo gfx from i81u812.jpg, resized to correct texture size (original file in track folder)
Download all
Tracks of this page has been tested.
[Edit]: Fixed .taz bug for "Tube-o-Rama" track.
Posted: 02 Dec 2012, 20:10
Vaid, thank you very much for all your hard work. I would like to point out that whoever is fixing the ZIP files is also encouraged to create their own GFX files.
Posted: 02 Dec 2012, 21:42
You're alive?! wat........
Posted: 02 Dec 2012, 21:44
zagames @ Dec 2 2012, 05:40 PM wrote:I would like to point out that whoever is fixing the ZIP files is also encouraged to create their own GFX files.
Sorry for no gfx, I'm not in mood right now to create them. But wouldn't be ATLEAST better to update the files (files in correct folders) or you want with everything? gfx files would be updated later then. Or you will be lazy to update tracks 2nd time?
Posted: 02 Dec 2012, 22:11
End of lego only "crazyness".
Page 12
USER_kjhnflmok Better call it as "Whostoletheshow" or "Who stole the show"
Repacked. Renamed track files from "USER_kjhnflmo" to "whostoletheshow". Changed track name from "User-whostoletheshow" to "Who stole the show". Removed whostoletheshow.jpg, cuz its duplicate and worse quality of whostoletheshow.bmp. Converted whostoletheshow.bmp to png format. Added bmp, bmo gfx from whostoletheshow.bmp, resized to correct texture size (original file in track folder)
USER_pdimfalk Better call it as "Track Name Here" (Yes, that's real name)
Repacked. Renamed track files from "USER_pdimfalk" to "TrackNameHere". Changed track name from "User-TrackNameHere" to "Track Name Here". Need gfx file
Viper2000 Viper2001 (Wrong track!)
Repacked. Converted from tdf. Renamed "viper2000.dat" to "!viper_2001.tdf", because it was unreadable by track editor and has different name inside this file. tdf file moved to track folder. Need gfx file
Viper2001 Viper2000 (Wrong track!)
Repacked. Converted from tdf. Renamed "viper2001.dat" to "!viper_2000.tdf", because it was unreadable by track editor and has different name inside this file. tdf file moved to track folder. Need gfx file
Repacked. Converted from tdf. Renamed "viper2003.dat" to "!viper_2003.tdf", because it was unreadable by track editor. tdf file moved to track folder. Added reversed mode. Need gfx file
Virus Town
Repacked. Resized gfx bmp to 256x256 (was 258x258). Renamed track files from "virus" to "virus_town". Renamed .zip file from "" to "".
Can be confused with other track called "Virus" (by Shawn64). You can find it in Page 18 or RVZT.
[Updater WARNING!] Both tracks: "Virus" and "Virus Town" shares same filename in RVZT "", that's why I renamed "Virus Town" zip to "".
W V Raceway
Repacked. Added gfx file from RVxtg site.
Converted warped.bmp to png format. Added bmp, bmo gfx from warped.bmp, resized to correct texture size (original file in track folder). Fixed car start position (changed .inf file, from STARTPOS 26000 to 26700), cars started at wrong position (with 12 cars), that way red X showed up at start.
txt file moved to track folder.
Repacked. Removed Wasteland.inf, cuz its same as other inf file in track files. txt file moved to track folder. Added "full custom" file support for v1.2 patch (sky_XX.bmp files (from moved to "custom" folder).
Way Cool
Repacked. Converted from tdf. tdf and txt files moved to track folder. Need gfx file
Is track double size or normal, it's total mystery for me. When exported (normal size) it says 800m, when double 1600m, but in readme it says 1550m and not mentioned about double size exporting. I exported normal size.
What might have been
Repacked. Renamed track files from "USER004" to "whatmighthavebeen". Changed track name from "User-whatmighthavebeen" to "What might have been". Added gfx file from RVxtg site.
Where's the light
Repacked. Renamed track files from "Wheres the light" to "Wheresthelight", cuz game ignored (too long name). Need gfx file
Whoopy Doo
Repacked. Converted WhoopdyDoo.bmp to png format. Added bmp, bmq gfx from WhoopdyDoo.bmp, resized to correct texture size (original file in track folder)
Repacked. Added bmp, bmo gfx from Wooden-TT-2.jpg, resized to correct texture size (original file in track folder)
Repacked. Converted from tdf. tdf file moved to track folder. Need gfx file
jpg file moved to track folder.
That was the last track with the infamous date (18th Aug 00). From now, there will be tracks with other dates.
Crusty cars of the dirt
Removed CRUSTY~1 (2).TXT, cuz its same as other (crusty cars.txt) file in track files. Resized gfx bmp to 256x256 (was 256x255).
Cross-Matrix 1
Correct file
txt file moved to track folder.
Toy Train Arcade
Correct file
Fools Mate 2
Correct file
Zero Degrees
Added reversed mode (Reversed patch is by SebR), lisezmoi-readme.txt (inside reversed folder) from rvtt site.
Bubble World
Correct file
Download all (Except "Cross-Matrix 1", "Toy Train Arcade", "Fools Mate 2" and "Bubble World")
Tracks of this page has been tested.
[Edit]: Renamed "Virus Town" track files and filename.
Posted: 03 Dec 2012, 03:15
Correct files are not showed, unless with spot problems.
Page 13
Los Angeles
Resized LosAnge.bmp to 256x256 (was 255x255).
Figure of 8 (by SPBTool) Figure of 8 (by sjd & SuperTard) (Wrong track!) (You will find fixed already (by sjd & SuperTard) in archive)
Changed whole archive to REAL track (founded in RVxtg site). Repacked. Removed figure-8.jpg, cuz its duplicate and worse quality of figure-8.bmp. txt file moved to track folder.
Was confused with other track called "Figure of 8 by SPBTool", updater made a mistake and overwrited with this. You can find (by SPBTool) in page 4 or here.
Medieval Mayhem
txt and jpg files moved to track folder.
Fixed car start position (changed height in .inf file, from STARTPOS 3134.83 to 3100.83), was problem when there are more than 6 cars, they start below track, fix makes cars to spawn higher at start.
About 4 ai last cars resets at start (with 12 cars).
NHood Grim
Added "full custom" file support for v1.2 patch (Horse.m and rings.m files (from models folder) moved to "custom" folder)
Repacked. Removed readme.txt, cuz its same as other txt file in track files. Added "full custom" file support for v1.2 patch (copter, 2, 3.m files (from models folder), sky_XX.bmp, bmq files (from ship2) moved to "custom" folder)
Opera House
Fixed AI nodes (and track zones), thanks to huki. Link.
Yabba Dabba Doo
Removed ReadmeYabbaDabbaDoo.txt, cuz its same as other txt file in track files.
Glacier Gliffs 3
Fixed car start position (changed height in .inf file, from STARTPOS 200 to -400), was problem when there are more than 8 cars, they start below track, fix makes cars to spawn higher at start.
Hull Breach 2
Added "full custom" file support for v1.2 patch (all files (from # folder) copied to "custom" folder, renamed some files if needed)
Canyon Run
Added reversed mode (Reversed patch is by SebR), lisezmoi-readme.txt (inside reversed folder) from rvtt site.
Correct file
Get red X, ai cars resets at start.
Download all (Except "City Nites", "At Home", "Botanical Garden 2", "Esso", "Fools Mate", "Hull Breach", "Magnet", "Museum 9", "The Mines of Alderon" "Toy World Xtreme", "White Rabbit", "RV Temple", "Mr. Toad's Wild Ride" and "Bossanova")
Tracks of this page has been tested.
[Edit]: Added reversed mode for "Canyon Run" track.
[Edit2]: Includes fixed AI for "Opera House".
Posted: 03 Dec 2012, 03:24
F*cking amazing work...
Hmm, BTW I wonder if some batch files could be of any use to this task, like for example detect at once all the tracks with extra files (eg. readme, images, etc.) outside the track folder, or track with improper subfolder path, stuff like that. I could write an example if you feel you could need it.
Posted: 03 Dec 2012, 11:55
jigebren @ Dec 2 2012, 10:54 PM wrote: Hmm, BTW I wonder if some batch files could be of any use to this task, like for example detect at once all the tracks with extra files (eg. readme, images, etc.) outside the track folder, or track with improper subfolder path, stuff like that. I could write an example if you feel you could need it.
I had some Ruby scripts to automatically detect and repack track submissions when I was approving tracks. Tdf tracks of course still would need manual labor.
Posted: 07 Dec 2012, 22:05
jigebren @ Dec 3 2012, 12:54 AM wrote:I wonder if some batch files could be of any use to this task, like for example detect at once all the tracks with extra files (eg. readme, images, etc.) outside the track folder, or track with improper subfolder path, stuff like that. I could write an example if you feel you could need it.
Automatic checking for incorrectly packed tracks would come in handy, it would take less time. Although, I'm finished most difficult repacking part already, but there still some Extremes which includes double zips, readmes in main folder, etc. It would be annoying a bit to check all 74 pages tracks which are correct or not.
If you have time to write that, sure I don't mind

. It would come also handy for other tracks not on RVZT (you can find lots at RVxtg site).
arto @ Dec 3 2012, 09:25 AM wrote:I had some Ruby scripts to automatically detect and repack track submissions when I was approving tracks. Tdf tracks of course still would need manual labor.
But you don't have them now?
Posted: 08 Dec 2012, 03:55
VaiDuX461 @ Dec 7 2012, 05:35 PM wrote: Automatic checking for incorrectly packed tracks would come in handy, it would take less time.
I just wonder how you use to proceed. Do you download all tracks and check the zip files directly, or do you extract all zip in subfolders, then work on the extracted files, then recompress every folders in separated archives when clean-up is done (which sounds to me like a more efficient way).
Posted: 08 Dec 2012, 04:18
jigebren @ Dec 8 2012, 01:25 AM wrote:I just wonder how you use to proceed. Do you download all tracks and check the zip files directly, or do you extract all zip in subfolders, then work on the extracted files, then recompress every folders in separated archives when clean-up is done (which sounds to me like a more efficient way).
I do that ^^ and change files (add, delete)
inside zip file (if need), it makes much faster than extracting, fixing and packing again.
There shouldn't be very big difference between updating zips and create new one with track files.
I just tested 1 file and tried both ways, new file (with files) took about 2000 bytes less than updated zip.
[Edit]: I tested more tracks to see size differences between two packing ways and it seems that some files takes less in *updated zip* way than new. So i won't re archive already repacked tracks. As this difference occurs *randomly* on every track.
And also, there isn't very huge difference in size, if it would be megabytes then I would do it probably.
Posted: 08 Dec 2012, 16:32
Do you have 7-zip installed on your computer? If not, would you mind installing it?
When I write batch to create backups or tool releases, I use to point to "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z" to create / extract archives (in both Zip or 7z formats). This command line executable is installed by default with 7zip.
You can download the 7-Zip 9.25 alpha version from
Posted: 08 Dec 2012, 16:50
jigebren @ Dec 8 2012, 02:02 PM wrote:Do you have 7-zip installed on your computer?
Heh, I already have it. Using .7z file format for archiving tracks (zip) files (for uploading here).
Posted: 08 Dec 2012, 19:26
If you have time right now, can you upload a sample of, let's say, ~ 10 tracks, with the most common issues, so that I can work with this set as an example.
Posted: 08 Dec 2012, 19:58
After a short break...
Correct files are not showed.
Page 14
Cobblestone Run
Changed track gfx with one (Cobblestone Run.bmp) inside level folder, because it was better quality (I think earlier file had jpg quality and then was converted to bmp)
The Matrix
Repacked. Added "full custom" file support for v1.2 patch (sky_XX.bmp, bmq, txt files (from moved to "custom" folder). Removed readme.txt, thematrix.bmp (in level folder) cuz these files already exist in other folders.
Integrated update (fixes lights and instances). Added "full custom" file support for v1.2 patch (all files (from # folder) copied to "custom" folder.
Integrated update (fixes bugs). Added "full custom" file support for v1.2 patch (sky_XX.bmp files moved to "custom" folder).
Slick City Sewer
Ye Olde Fun Shoppe
Repacked. Added "full custom" file support for v1.2 patch (sky_XX.bmp files (from Skymap folder) moved to "custom" folder). txt file moved to track folder. Removed pspbrwse.jbf, cuz its useless for this track (that file used for painting program, although it won't be useful). Removed bat files, due to changed filesystem they won't work anymore, plus they were created to install/uninstall custom skymap, but it can be supported without it now.
Sue & Joe
Added "full custom" file support for v1.2 patch (all files (from wavs folder) moved to "custom" folder).
Small Circuit 1
Added "full custom" file support for v1.2 patch (sky_bk.bmp, bmq files (from ship2) moved to "custom" folder). Modified zip file comment (removed text about installing custom skymap). Removed "original" folder (included backup skymap files, doesn't need it, cuz skymap isn't changed anymore).
Drunken Eight
Removed pspbrwse.jbf, cuz its useless for this track (that file used for painting program, although it won't be useful).
Tracks of this page has been tested.
Posted: 08 Dec 2012, 20:49
jigebren @ Dec 8 2012, 03:56 PM wrote:Can you upload a sample of, let's say, ~ 10 tracks, with the most common issues, so that I can work with this set as an example.
here. It includes 12 incorrectly packed tracks.
List: Long Jump Piecemeal, Mikes Medievel Mahem, Matrix 2, Metalicka, Rollercoster, Slick City Sewer, Ye Olde Fun Shoppe, The Matrix, TriOval, Virus Town, Wasteland and What might have been.
If you don't know why they're wrong, ask here.
I've already repacked these tracks, it's just samples.
[Edit]: I deleted that file, so i changed link.
Posted: 09 Dec 2012, 00:33
Ok, I've created a small set of batch file. It just checks for improperly packaged tracks, I mean, no fixing is done ATM, but it should already give you an explanatory message. Don't know it will actually be useful to you...
I've create a dedicated topic not to pollute this one in case feedback is needed:
Posted: 09 Dec 2012, 04:27
Legos again?! Impossibru. Atleast better ones.
Page 15
Lawn Road
Repacked. Removed ReadMe.txt, cuz it already exist in level folder.
Repacked. Renamed track files from "USER001" to "jumpy". Removed "User-" from track name. Converted jumpy pic.bmp to png format. Added bmp, bmo gfx from jumpy pic.bmp, resized to correct texture size (original file in track folder)
Repacked. Removed ReadMe.txt, cuz it already exist in level folder.
Illumen Raceway
Repacked. txt file moved to track folder. Converted Hellfire.bmp to png format. Resized hellfireb.bmp to 256x256. Converted hellfireg, h.bmp to png format. Added bmp, bmo files from hellfireg, h.bmp (original file in track folder). Added gfx from Hellfire.bmp, resized to correct texture size (original file in track folder)
Metal Path
Repacked. Removed ReadMe.txt, cuz it already exist in level folder.
Four your flies only Misspelled name at RVZT (Should be "For your flies only")
Correct file
Oxford Road
Cross Hills
Correct file
Concrete Steel
Correct file
Brick Yard 3
Correct file
Brick Yard 2
Correct file
Brick Yard
Correct file
Bricks and Gravel
Correct file
Green Grass
Repacked. Removed ReadMe.txt, cuz it already exist in level folder.
World of Wonder
Renamed track folder name from "World_of_Wonder" to "WorldOfWonder". Removed WorldOfWonder.jpg, WorldOfWonder.BMP, bmq (in level folder) cuz these files already exist in other folders. Resized all bmq files from 256x256 to 128x128.
Wild Wild West
Repacked. txt file moved to track folder.
txt file moved to track folder.
Straight Corners
Repacked. Removed ReadMe.txt, cuz it already exist in level folder.
Short Race Track
Repacked. Removed ReadMe.txt, cuz it already exist in level folder.
Sandy Run
Correct file
Ruff Road
Repacked. Removed ReadMe.txt, cuz it already exist in level folder.
Rockyard 2
Repacked. Removed Rockyard_II, orig folder (also in level folder), cuz they're empty.
RC semipro final Track is "Extreme", not "Lego"
Correct file
Download all (Except "For your flies only", "Cross Hills", "Concrete Steel", "Brick Yard 3", "Brick Yard 2", "Brick Yard", "Bricks and Gravel", "Sandy Run" and "RC semipro final")
Tracks of this page has been tested.
Posted: 09 Dec 2012, 11:52
VaiDuX461 @ Dec 7 2012, 05:35 PM wrote: arto @ Dec 3 2012, 09:25 AM wrote:I had some Ruby scripts to automatically detect and repack track submissions when I was approving tracks. Tdf tracks of course still would need manual labor.
But you don't have them now?
I should have them still. But using them on another environment would probably require some tweaking. Plus all the effort needed in installing ruby and required libs. So with jigebren doing some nice scripts sounds like easiest solution.
They were pretty good scripts. Automatically could scan multiple archives, repacking invalid ones, moving those it could not handle to another directory. If I remember correctly, could even handle zips inside zips style tracks.
Posted: 10 Dec 2012, 02:32
arto @ Dec 9 2012, 07:22 AM wrote:They were pretty good scripts. Automatically could scan multiple archives, repacking invalid ones, moving those it could not handle to another directory. If I remember correctly, could even handle zips inside zips style tracks.
Yep, at first I was thinking too about adding some kind of basic auto-fixing capabilities, but it soon appears obvious that the MS batch script language is way too limited for that task. I'd really better use PureBasic and release a compiled .exe file, too bad that I have no time to write such a tool for now...
Posted: 16 Dec 2012, 04:35
Lego Invasion 2
Correct files are not showed, unless with spotted problems.
Page 16
Ranger Island
Repacked. txt file moved to track folder.
Repacked. Removed readme.txt, cuz its same as other txt file in track files. Converted Unreal.bmp to png format. Resized Unrealc, d.bmp to 256x256. Added bmp, bmo gfx from Unreal.bmp, resized to correct texture size (original file in track folder).
Beneath a Red Star
Added "full custom" file support for v1.2 patch (sky_XX.bmX files moved to "custom" folder). Removed West_Sky folder, MARKIT.x and Skyswitch.bat files, due to changed filesystem they won't work anymore, plus they were created to install/uninstall custom skymap, but it can be supported without it now.
txt files moved to track folder.
Hippie Hillz
Repacked. Removed ReadMe.txt, cuz its same as other txt file in track files.
Fun Track
Converted fun track.bmp (removed white useless border) to png format. Added bmp, bmo gfx from fun track.bmp, resized to correct texture size (original file in track folder)
Converted over land.bmp (removed white useless border) to png format. Added bmp, bmo gfx from over land.bmp, resized to correct texture size (original file in track folder)
A rainy day
Repacked. txt file moved to track folder. Moved aday.bmp and ANOTHERDAY.fob to aday folder (in level folder). Added "full custom" file support for v1.2 patch (petrol.wav copied to "custom" folder)
Track can be played without rain, just need to rename and put 2 files to correct folders (Can be found in aday folder). Although it can be a bit annoying to install for someone and also not quickly, so I'm thinking about creating .bat file which could install these files.
Akira Extreme
Added "full custom" file support for v1.2 patch (sky_XX.bmp, txt files (from skymap folder) moved to "custom" folder).
Aztec Gold
Added bmp, bmq gfx from carnage.bmp, resized to correct texture size.
Dark Cloud Misspelled authors name at RVZT (Should be "Shawn64 ", not "Shawh64")
Correct file
Decisions Extreme
Resized DecisionsEXg.bmp to 256x256 (was 240x240). Added "full custom" file support for v1.2 patch (sky_XX.bmp files (from Skymap folder) moved to "custom" folder). Removed .bat files, due to changed filesystem they won't work anymore, plus they were created to install/uninstall custom skymap, but it can be supported without it now.
Tracks of this page has been tested.