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Posted: 04 Aug 2009, 02:12
Manmountain @ Aug 2 2009, 10:47 PM wrote:Use clever positioning of your AI nodes to allow for a decent run up to steep walls or over turns.
Remember, repositioning relys on/uses your AI nodes.
So if you dont actually place any nodes up to the point of no return then you wont get repositioned on the steep or overturn sections.
You will only get repositioned on/over the last AI node that you crossed, if you position the nodes so you don't cross any until you past the point of no return, then you should be OK.
Does that make any sense to you ?

Posted: 04 Aug 2009, 02:51
if you were talking to me, yes it does make sense.
Posted: 04 Aug 2009, 03:35
zipperrulez @ Aug 3 2009, 10:21 PM wrote: if you were talking to me, yes it does make sense.
To anyone who cares or anyone that may find the information useful.

Posted: 04 Aug 2009, 05:07
ah, i see.
Posted: 04 Aug 2009, 15:59
Aylown's SketchUp mesh converted to a Revolt track.
Here is a MAKEITGOOD fly-around YouTube video
watchable in HD:
Chemistry track by Aylown and hilaire9
Posted: 04 Aug 2009, 16:01
1 word: Awesome! !!
Posted: 04 Aug 2009, 22:35
Superb Hil! Superb!
Just raced the track of the e-mail and it was great,people will at first complain about the steep turns,but the track is almost enterely raceable on the walls,even on toyeca,and that is the faster route,the middle has a lot of banks,which slow you down
I managed to do a 53 secs lap,but this track is very unforgiving and HARD,not dodge the obstacles hard,but hard to be fast on it
Incredible,I could have not imagined a better job,the AI provides enough challenge
Also,I tested with a Ferrari Bolido,a F2007 and Toyeca,the track gets easier to drive on the walls in proportion to the car's speed
I'll release more meshes soon enough!
Posted: 04 Aug 2009, 22:58
wow. looks super cool
puts me in the mind of meteor trail
Posted: 04 Aug 2009, 23:13
nice track and video hilaire9

Posted: 05 Aug 2009, 01:44
What! no power point presentation ?
NICE!.... I like.

Posted: 05 Aug 2009, 02:01
Ok,now that the first track is released,and the door is open,it's time to announce the line of thought now:
I plan on making sequels of classic tracks,some are already semi-complete,other are being made from scratch,but the idea is to vary and pay homage to several track makers
I)Semi-complete tracks
A)Go-Kart GP 2:Yamada's Center
Track layout:A Karting track at first,in the last corner an exit door,race through the parking lot,the reception and the changing room,then go back to start
Nº of Turns:49

Interweave Highway 2:Death Cliff
Track Layout:Race through tunnels and cliffsides,rainy track,tarmac based,several banked turns and a cycle road on the mountains
Nº of Turns:67
Difficulty:Easy to Medium(5,5)
C)Blossom Garden
Track Layout: Starting at the base of ruins,different heights at this track,one lap composed of two(Lower Line and Higher Line),this will provide challenge enough! Several Shortcuts
Nº of turns:37
D)Atomic Accelerator
Track Layout:Starting at the line,this track will be raced focusing on scenery,which will be mollecullar space,at the exit,we'll find ourselves in a theme park,which will be used soon
Nº of Turns:29
Difficulty:Medium to Hard(8,0)
E) Link's Deku Palace
Track layout,inside the tree dungeon of legend of zelda(Or kind of)
Difficulty:Very Hard(9,5)
Started Projects:
F)Hull Breach 4:To the End
G)Fun & Scare
H)RC Nightmare:Ghetto
I)Ascension:Apollo's Project
Difficulty:Medium to Hard(7,5)
To Be Started when I'm done:
J)Fool's Mate 3(Gotta Texture alone)
K)Dark Factory
L)Clever Contraption
M)Re-volt Zoo
On the weekend I should release the first mesh
Posted: 05 Aug 2009, 02:03
Looks awesoem. Did you say that track in the video was intended for FutureCars? I'd love to see how they fare on it. BTW, how long is that track?
(Although honestly if I get ahold of it the Cybersex pics will be the first things to go.)
Posted: 05 Aug 2009, 02:13
Aeon @ Aug 4 2009, 09:33 PM wrote: Looks awesoem. Did you say that track in the video was intended for FutureCars? I'd love to see how they fare on it. BTW, how long is that track?
(Although honestly if I get ahold of it the Cybersex pics will be the first things to go.)
Around 600m
Try not to hit the arrow keys,otherwise driving will prove difficulty!

Posted: 05 Aug 2009, 19:13
wow Alyown, this is a very good post! so many track ideas, its great! i don't think i have the track creation flair in me compared to these cool tracks. i'd rather make some tools and allow others to be the creative genius!
i see Alyown you are into sketchup. i had not thought of that before, but clearly it can work wonders and i know it's nice to use. i'm currently investigating if i can incorporate that into my revolt work so far which is in my 3d program Rhino. Rhino supports sketchup files SKP and 3ds files but i'm not sure about the textures yet.
seeing your track ideas motivates me to get my texturing and map import / export stuff working so i could help you with the texturing to get the maps out there for everyone faster.
regards your physics questions, i have also thought about how to make a map where you drive on the ceiling at one point. i realised if you had a dark tunnel to drive thru, while they can't see anything, you could simply flip the upcoming world file upside down or to any angle really (what you see) and keep the NCP file like a normal track (what you feel). visually it would look upside down but the game would find it easy to keep racing as normal i think...?
overall: awesome!!!

Posted: 06 Aug 2009, 02:45
Re-Volt already has reverse and mirror modes. Maybe one can be modified to flip...
Posted: 06 Aug 2009, 04:07
I have the pleasure to announce that the Blossom Garden Mesh is almost complete...and TEXTURED!
I have 5 images(From the 4 corners) and overview of the track
Hope you like it,I'm putting my best on it
I'm gonna make this one of the same quality of Human and Skitch2 tracks,no matter what
Anyone kind enough to help me?
Posted: 06 Aug 2009, 04:49
Tracks are looking great!
Posted: 06 Aug 2009, 06:00
looking good ayl,
how do you do the texturing? sketchup, max, rhino?
how do you get the file into revolt? .ase export from one of the above progs?
remember to make sure that the poligons are facing the right direction

Posted: 06 Aug 2009, 12:23
Wow !

That looks so awesome !

Posted: 06 Aug 2009, 13:03
ayl, that's an amazing work!
go for it!

Posted: 07 Aug 2009, 00:56
Very good work Ayl. You really own me now (sorry, but I am kinda envious you got hold of this so fast, but that's just me being immature ya know

Posted: 07 Aug 2009, 08:14
human @ Aug 6 2009, 01:30 AM wrote: looking good ayl,
how do you do the texturing? sketchup, max, rhino?
how do you get the file into revolt? .ase export from one of the above progs?
remember to make sure that the poligons are facing the right direction
The texture is done IN-sketchup
It has a nice texturing feature,it textures the whole wall,so every different texture is a wall
The rest I have no idea,the first mesh was edited/imported by hil,so he should be your man for answering
The poligons get flipped upon export,but I'm making this track very low poly and have finally finished texture and race line idea,use the pictures for guidance
1-You start at the base of the Blossom Garden Entrance
2-Straight,then right turn,big and easy
3-Jumps over Stream of water twice,
4-Right turn into Windy Hallway,there will be a farce field pushing you to the end of the hallway,I prepared a Spiny Rose wall on the end,reposition for hitters
5-Into the glass chamber,you have to U-turn in the Pillar,then U-turn again for the ramp
6-Big air jump into the platform,where you jump to the other one
7-On the Secon Platform,jump over the garden
8-Follow the straight and then the bending turn,the small tunnel is kinda tricky
9-U-turn and climb the ramp
10-Jump to the edge of the road,the bricks,to go over the roof
11-Jump over the roof,to the roof of Blossom Garden Entrance
12-Follow the obvious road,with lots of shortcuts
13-Jump down into the sand Garden,beware of Mines
14-Go into the stream and into the tunnel
15-Follow the Stream until you reach a pond
16-Jump and brake,you will be on a fishing glass deck,go to the garden
17-Climb the Roof once more,now going down and into the Tunnel,this is a inovative track line
18-Go down and finish!
Tomorrow I'll have this finished and will start complete another one until sunday
I still need someone to fix the bugs and make it playable,can someone pretty please do it?

Posted: 07 Aug 2009, 17:49
Good News for all Re-volters!!!
Thanks to Sketch-up wonders,I found that Halo levels were converted into models!
The same applies to basically all FPS,like Counter Strike,Quake and co.
Those levels mainly consists of ramps and co. and are nice racing material,and the best part,can come out really fast,since I'll have to do only minor adjustments and it will provide plenty of textures and models for future use!
Here is the level I've found,I'm sure there are others:
This was imagined by me last year,it's nice to see it's possible ... c=1035&hl=
Now for Gran Turismo searching!
Posted: 08 Aug 2009, 19:11
i have never actually made or even checked the texture set of a counter strike map, but if it was squeezable into 10 tiny little fragments like 256 pixel square .bmp files, i would be very surprised.
Posted: 12 Aug 2009, 04:33
Ok,all tracks have been put "On Hold"(And that's a shame,some were almost finished) and a new track idea will be worked around the clock
Two new tracks will be made
1-Red Light District
Kinda like a hard version of Nhood Grimm,and on the all known Red Light District
Puteiro is a brazilian word for brothel,somewhat like Domestic Disturbance,but with P0rN
I'm personaly annoyed at recent reaction to Chemistry track and will now provoke the little hypocrits to their sorry end
Also,could someone ask arto to remove the last vote on the track?
It had an average of 9,4(way too high,it does not deserve that) with 2 votes,so 18,8
Now it has an average of 6,6,with 3 votes,which means 19,8,so someone just voted 1
And that's a shame...Maybe it's time to act like RST? Keeping things to a circle of friends?