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Posted: 11 Jul 2009, 20:30
Hey mates,
Listen,on my time off re-volt,I learned to use Google Sketch-up,which is a 3d tool,it can export in .3ds
Problem is....It does not texture at all,and I'm good as crap in texturing
So...I was interested to know if someone cared to texture it...
I have made 2 tracks(Sketch-up is faster and fairly easy to use) but they are pretty blank...
Zach? Hil? The racing line is quite done,only textures lacking,I can do the make it good
Thank you
Posted: 11 Jul 2009, 20:56
Oh If someone else cares to look at the tracks...I made them single model,so I could export
The first one is racing day theme track,with racing line on the racing track and the stands...also around one of the towers,the start is on a diferent place,which gives you two options to reach the starting node
The track is not sized yet,but the race track should be around 4 toyecas wide... a bit smaller than an average lego track
Here's the link:
Track 2:
Hil's doing it
The last one(hehe) I wasn't going to upload...but oh well,After an average difficult track...and an easy one...time for the OMG one,I watched the turns as I builted and instantly thought of the theme...Fools Mate 3,The Miasma(The evil fog of the medieval cities)(That is,of course,If skitch lets me use the theme...if not it will be simply "miasma"),the miasma will be in some track places,and will slow your car down,don't worry,it's not an obstacle,it will help you complete the New concept of a turn I designed,the Jumping U-Turn,it comes in three...the first one is quite simple....the miasma will do most of the work,the second one gives you enough space to manuever after you land...the last one,you will be slowed down by the miasma,and be able to land easily,but there's no space to manuever,you will you have to turn while jumping,it's a fun one...hard as a mess to master the move
Most of the track is 3 toyecas wide,there are some bigger parts,where I'll put some obstacles and co. and there is the hole,with it's 2 toyeca's wide space( I wanted to put 1,5,but it proved to be waaaaay too small)
Anyway,if anyone care to texture the track,here it is:
Cheers,Next one I'll go a bit off the racing circuits and do Domestic Disturbance 2,I loved PatS tracks and I'll pay my respects to them
See ya around

Posted: 11 Jul 2009, 21:40
I might get time when I come back from vacation, but for now I'll just watch this topic. Can't promise anything here but as you described them they sounds like some good tracks. Did you create any textures yet?
Posted: 11 Jul 2009, 22:48
Yep,but for Sketch-up...
I don't know how to texture in 3d Max
Posted: 11 Jul 2009, 23:02
Hil is currently working on Circuit 2
I thank him and am removing the link
Posted: 11 Jul 2009, 23:39
I would like to take a look at those tracks but unfortunately the latest version of Blender seems to have a broken 3DS import script. :/
Posted: 12 Jul 2009, 14:24
I would like to help... but no textures = can't work on it

Posted: 14 Jul 2009, 17:43
UV Mapping,eh?
Well,i tryed my best with that in 3DMax,and the result didnt turn out too bad!
But i will not volounteer.

Posted: 14 Jul 2009, 19:29
Ayl, I tried to work with these meshes in Max but ran
into various problems. Before I tried mapping I tested
Exporting the mesh. I got several errors, some I could
fix, some I could not. Mainly Normals flipped the wrong way.
Also, every polygon is a separate Element, making it a lot
of work to map.
Anyways, I do have an idea how to get it
into Revolt I may try later. Cya.
Posted: 14 Jul 2009, 19:50
As usual,lots of obstacles...

Posted: 14 Jul 2009, 22:38
If you name me the errors,maybe I can try finding a way to convert it so it does not bug so much
What are the file formats supported by 3d max importer?
Posted: 14 Jul 2009, 23:18
Sounds like the same problems I was running into with Blender, although the inverted normals are an easy fix.
Posted: 15 Jul 2009, 03:41
I flipped the normals with Max's Normals modifier, but still many normals
remain facing the wrong way. I think the normals problem must be fixed
in the original modeling program before being exported to .3ds.
I did manage to get the mesh into Revolt (Exported with no collision data,
and used rvGlue to add collision data). I even raced around in it a bit,
but when I come to a bad normal I fall through the polygon or have other
problems. I guess I could flip some normals one at a time, but I'm
not sure how much work that would be. But the best would be to fix the
normals problem before bringing it into Max. I consider this track a
puzzle so I might do some more work on it, being a big fan of puzzles.
Posted: 15 Jul 2009, 08:21
i tried to have a look but couldnt open the file in max, i have version 7.
would that be too old?
Posted: 15 Jul 2009, 08:45
I would man, but I'm busy mapping another track as we speak. Maybe later though. They look fun.
Posted: 15 Jul 2009, 16:32
Hey Human, you must Import the file into Max, I don't think you can
open it directly.
Posted: 15 Jul 2009, 20:43
Aylown @ Jul 14 2009, 06:08 PM wrote: Crap
If you name me the errors,maybe I can try finding a way to convert it so it does not bug so much
What are the file formats supported by 3d max importer?
I can import DXF, 3ds, PRJ & SHP. I know you are able to export to 3ds but if any of the other formats work we might be able to avoid the errors and such.
Posted: 15 Jul 2009, 20:56
Okey dokey,let me try it
One second please
Edit: Allright,it has the export option of .DXF,the link is below ... 1.dxf.html
I found no problems in the normals and co. in the original,they were flipped during export
Posted: 16 Jul 2009, 03:35
hilaire9 @ Jul 15 2009, 12:02 PM wrote:Hey Human, you must Import the file into Max, I don't think you can
open it directly.
ah, all right, i have forgot that option, i will try that way.
Posted: 16 Jul 2009, 05:03
hehe. took me a hour to see that. maybe if u label the meshes which is which. b/c idk what is what
Posted: 16 Jul 2009, 07:57
Blender's import functions are really falling short these days. I can't import the 3DS file OR the DXF file properly.
Posted: 16 Jul 2009, 12:17
Aeon @ Jul 16 2009, 03:27 AM wrote: Blender's import functions are really falling short these days. I can't import the 3DS file OR the DXF file properly.
I think you could use GMax...
Who knows!
Posted: 16 Jul 2009, 12:34
In Gmax the track looks fine, but as hil mentioned the polygons is turned the wrong way. I will try play some with it and maybe upload a version where each poly should be in the right way, but I don't know really if I have time. Anyways, it looks good mate.
EDIT: For some reason I cannot see the faces, only the splines. I don't think I will be able to fix your mesh :/
Posted: 16 Jul 2009, 22:23
I'll try making a less complex track,so stuff like this does not happen
Posted: 18 Jul 2009, 01:33
hey guys,
i sorted vertex normal issue, all polis facing the right direction.
the track has potentials, there are good ideas, im a bit concerned about the flow, it looks quite hard at some places,
texturing-wise not an easy case, poligons have odd mapping cordinates, they are generally uniform, but some of them are very different. restructuring with uvwmap would change it but not sure it would benefit from it.
spikes take a lot of polis (half of whole track!), could be done from less, they will drop fps a bit, maybe not much, depending on user's system.
i have also deleted not needed polis.
file available in .3ds or .max. from
Posted: 18 Jul 2009, 04:46
Spikes can be replaced by cones,I didn't know about that before,sorry human
Could you send to my e-mail the track? It's
Posted: 18 Jul 2009, 07:42
Here is what I got so far with Circuito2.3ds:
The two 45 degree banks are a little radical for Revolt, and some
parts are a little steep, but I think it can be raced.
Some parts have been deleted to save me some work flipping normals
and other problems, but I can add some decoration later.
Posted: 18 Jul 2009, 11:07
Why is it you can texture this track so fast while my tracks take forever?
And he said that Circuito2 was for FutureCars, which can handle radical things better than most Re-Volt cars. Although I honestly don't know that they can handle those tight inside corners with a huge downward slope while at the same time going 60mph because of the straightaway. Now if those were pipes or something, then it would be da bomb! Driving up the walls, oh yeah.
Posted: 19 Jul 2009, 02:52
As Peppy Hare might say:
I might add a Farce field to make the cars a little bit more attached to the ground
Hil,looking VERY good!
Posted: 19 Jul 2009, 03:29
YTMND? I'm gonna try to get that stuff sent to you tonight Aeon, then we can see what Blender can do.
Posted: 20 Jul 2009, 22:47
Posted: 20 Jul 2009, 23:27
Sure we like them !!

Posted: 21 Jul 2009, 03:11
Looks really good. That last track looks pretty fun.
Posted: 22 Jul 2009, 04:19
zagames @ Jul 18 2009, 01:59 PM wrote: I'm gonna try to get that stuff sent to you tonight Aeon, then we can see what Blender can do.
Yup, any time you want to send it...
Posted: 23 Jul 2009, 18:07
I never understood how you can create tracks so fast like that. I have been working on JungleVolt since December 2007. Your track meshes/sketches looks very nice, unfortunately with no vegetation.
Posted: 24 Jul 2009, 23:50
Simple,Models like Chairs,tables and co. are imported,not made by me(Which will be on the read me,I promise)
Also,I'm on vacation,and have very huge spare time,I'm working around 4 hours per day on the tracks
That is exactly why no vegetation is made,Trees use waaaaay too many polys for my taste
I'll be trying to make a track much like Road in the Sky by Kiwi,but larger and harder...I've been working on it for a while,we'll see what we get,but it's hard as the textures get lost on the exporting...

Posted: 28 Jul 2009, 15:03
With alot of experimentation and reading of tutorials you can make excellent trees beneath 200 polygons or even 100 polygons. My JungleVolt track can't be example of this because most of the trees is half-spheres with a seamless texture applied. What about bushes?
Posted: 29 Jul 2009, 03:27
With a little work, trees like the ones I made for Winter Park are pretty low-poly.
Posted: 29 Jul 2009, 05:10
Hil's making a spetacular job on the Futuristic Track,he kicks some bottom
As the tracks become textured,I'll make another ones available
Posted: 29 Jul 2009, 10:23
Here is a tree model I made for several of my tracks (Swan Street).
Mapped to a full .bmp, mostly a foliage texture with a strip of bark
texture for the trunk.
The trunk a tapered cylinder, the foliage several Planes (with corner
Vertices selected and pulled down to shape).
In Revolt the pure black is displayed as transparent.
Posted: 02 Aug 2009, 09:07
Serious doubt now
To which extent can Force Fields be used in Re-volt to "Stick" cars to the track? So they can perform stuff like Looping or 90 Degrees Free Fall Turns?
Because this could greatly extend the boundries of track making,for example,stunts like the above mentioned and or things I know that work without force fields,like the outside to inside banking Spirals (Strangely Enough,the Inside to outside doesn't work quite as well in matter of flow)
Anyway,I don't know if this can be applied to Re-volt Engine...I'll post the track Image
I was thinking this could be made like Road in The Sky(By Kiwi) HardCore Version

Posted: 02 Aug 2009, 09:14
Also,I believe I've found a way to export retaining the textures,however this forces me to buy the Pro version,we'll solve this shortly

Posted: 02 Aug 2009, 10:25
Aylown @ Aug 1 2009, 07:37 PM wrote: To which extent can Force Fields be used in Re-volt to "Stick" cars to the track? So they can perform stuff like Looping or 90 Degrees Free Fall Turns?
I would seriously avoid this if I were you. Two issues here are that when you have the camera trailing behind the car, the camera really only changes direction on a 360 degree rotation, it doesn't change direction vertically. if the car is driving UP, you won't be able to see where the car is going. And if you have the camera set to inside the car, you'll find that the camera's actual position is offset above the car a bit. And this above is always up according to the track, not according to the car. That means that if your car is driving upside down on the roof, your camera offset will be pushed up through the polygons and you won't be able to see the surface you're driving on. I tested that with a Farce Fielded version of Pipelyne where you could drive on the roof.
Either way, the results are bad. Re-Volt just doesn't handle this well. You might be able to pull off driving on walls, but that's about it. You also have respawns and AI to consider. Still, tracks with banked segments can be a lot of fun to drive. Look at TRON for instance.
BTW, not everyone here has an uber-huge resolution. I'd recommend you try to keep your pictures below 500 pixels wide so as not to mess up the forum layout for lower resolutions.
Posted: 02 Aug 2009, 17:37
Not hard to solve this small problem Aeon,I did think about it,though it would not be conventional work
It would consist of two tracks,a inner layer and an outer layer,the inner layer would be the actual track collision,would the outer would be the visual layer
The inner layer would be thin,I believe around half a toyeca height should be more than enough,also Pure Black,hence invisible
The outer layer would be your good old track layout
Another point is that this track would have no "Going up" issues like you mentioned,pretty much "Going down" all the time,the only slopes would be the double loops and the outside to inside Spiral,which is no news for rv racers,since I could mention at least a Dozen tracks with spirals
The camera is not really a problem,I'm a bit more worried about the raceability of a farce field based track,I mean,could the cars Stick to the roof with zero problems? Could the Freefall turns be done with no Repo Bugs?
That's my doubt,also I'll post pics in smaller size,sorry for inconvenience
Posted: 02 Aug 2009, 21:21
I think that all cars probably will handle bad in the loops, and some of them won't even make it because they weight too much maybe. Did you think about weight and speed yet?
Posted: 02 Aug 2009, 21:32
Aeon @ Aug 2 2009, 05:55 AM wrote: BTW, not everyone here has an uber-huge resolution. I'd recommend you try to keep your pictures below 500 pixels wide so as not to mess up the forum layout for lower resolutions.
I totally agree, and actually insist.
All images should be no bigger than 800 X 600 pixel resolution... PLEASE!

Posted: 02 Aug 2009, 23:17
Ayl, Revolt cars could never handle that track. Revolt's race camera
will not follow behind a car in a loop, but will move to a side view of
car making it impossible to see where you are going.
The slopes and angles are way to radical for revolt cars.
Farce Fields would not help, fall of the track once and reposition
and it's Game Over. Plus think of all the work that would have to
be done before you could even test if the track can be raced.
Posted: 03 Aug 2009, 03:08
if you reset in a loop the farce field will keep your wheels from touching the ground, because the wheels will be pointed downwards, this will force you to restart the race. (or just drive better

Posted: 03 Aug 2009, 03:17
Use clever positioning of your AI nodes to allow for a decent run up to steep walls or over turns.
Posted: 03 Aug 2009, 06:35
I'll try to inovate in something else