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Posted: 09 Jul 2009, 19:02
ive set my track up for the stock cars, like toyeca etc, and they are verrrry challenging with the obstacles etc , but when i use downloaded cars they cant drive the track. should i leave it set up for toyeca and humma or change it to suit faster cars? thanks
or would you like to test the track first before i submit it and you can tell me what to change?
Posted: 09 Jul 2009, 19:44
I think you should share the track here.
Posted: 09 Jul 2009, 20:09
hope this works

get the track here, and feedback would be nice positive and negative! ... f6e8ebb871
Posted: 09 Jul 2009, 21:19
Re-Volt isn't really designed to handle cars that are faster than the stock pro cars, but that doesn't stop people from totally ruining the game with their over the top custom cars. But that doesn't mean that you should make tracks to suit those custom cars. If people can't be bothered to make cars that work with the rest of the game, then tough!
The only reason the FutureCars set that I've been working on works at the speeds it does (50-70mph+) is because 1) the cars have a whole lot of grip to handle the turns at high speed, and 2) the tracks are modified to be extra large and to have more intense gravity so that the cars can stick to the ground, and 3) the track AI has been altered dramatically so that the AI can handle at those speeds.
Posted: 09 Jul 2009, 21:39
Well to be true I really don't see where's the problem.
All cars drive very well to me. PS : nice shortcuts

Posted: 09 Jul 2009, 22:23
Very nice track
Though I wobuld like if you'd scale it 3/4 smaller,or maybe even 1/2,then it would be a challenge
Also,make it a night race

Posted: 10 Jul 2009, 00:14
That's a pretty cool and fun track, although I hope its not quite finished since it still needs a few touches. Its a lot of fun to race with the future cars too (I really need to upload these so people will know what I'm talking about). The frame rate seems a bit choppy though for some reason. Maybe you need to use more camera boxes or something?
Anyway, what it needs is some more color variations in places where you can go off-track, such as maybe some red signs or barricades to let you know where not to go. Sometimes its hard to see where the track is going when driving in first person.
Also, you should do something to make those bridges and overpasses double-thick, so they're not only a single face thick, because that looks weird when you drive under them.
But this is a really cool track though. I'd turn it into a future cars track if it had something besides modern-day tractors all over the place. I still think the track needs more color, too. Some flashes of red and blue would look nice scattered around.
Posted: 10 Jul 2009, 02:42
just the type of comments i was after
not too sure about scaling it EVERYTHING would have to be redone
night would be cool with spot lamps etc
and more colour can be arranged

what do people think of the ai? i find them ok to race with and are always right behind me
Posted: 10 Jul 2009, 03:06
The AI seemed fine when I raced it in tuner cars, but then I crashed a lot so that probably helped.

Posted: 10 Jul 2009, 03:11
Cool man. Don't forget to upload it to RVZT when you finish it up.
Posted: 10 Jul 2009, 05:01
gonna be a good track.
as others said more obstacles and variations wouldnt harm, as frame rate is pretty good, so it coud bear more. if its a blender track i dont know how to do it but if you work in max you could shade vertexes to diversify the surface, so it wouldnt be so monotonic. ai nodes seem to be very good. remember to use all the ten bmp textures, add some colors and objects, old barrels, containers, tyres etc.
its looking good.
Posted: 10 Jul 2009, 07:36
If you can build stuff like this in Blender I want to know how.
Posted: 10 Jul 2009, 18:23
i made this in zmodeler and is definatley time consuming lol
Posted: 10 Jul 2009, 19:34
This sounds like the construction track you sent me some months ago. Well, you aleready got my feedback related to it so I will just wish you good luck. Oh and try scale is using W-Scale. Never used it myself, but maybe it works. More color variation is also appreciated.

Posted: 11 Jul 2009, 03:27
Aeon, Gaming4JC and I have created a method and tool to convert from Blender to Re-Volt. The only feature it's lacking is surface properties. Send me a message if you're interested. And others don't ask. It isn't ready for official release yet.