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Posted: 07 Jul 2009, 03:09
ive made 12 vipers (i just posted pics here) and for some reason on test course fast concrete my car is faster than the ai, even though they all have the same parameters? is it something to do with the ai section, if anyone knows about this i would love to know

Posted: 07 Jul 2009, 11:52
The AI Cars play all time badder than a player. The AI Nodes maybe are wrong.
Posted: 07 Jul 2009, 14:46
actually, AI-Nodes is the problem; also game mode (Arcade etc...)
Lego's AI-Nodes sucks
Posted: 07 Jul 2009, 14:52
the lego AI Nodes are very easy. The game make the AI Nodes for a lego track.
Also maybe you should test the vipers on a long lego track for the speed...
Posted: 07 Jul 2009, 16:13
i tested on themeandme's test track, the one with the looooooong straights, and even on other tracks, and im only talking about topspeed which has nothing to do with ai nodes :S
Posted: 09 Jul 2009, 01:49
maybe the red green and center values? no one has actually proven that they do anything though.
Posted: 09 Jul 2009, 05:57
Looks like it does the same thing with my FutureCar setup, so its obviously not the car's fault. I wouldn't be surprised if they simply programmed the retarded AI to be slower than the human players. I don't think there's anything you can do about it.
Posted: 09 Jul 2009, 13:48
well, I think it's on AI nodes and in game mode too
looks at AI nodes priority, in the Legos track there is '15 mph slowness' priority in each average
In the Game MODE, set the MODE as simulation to get the full speed
MiroMiro wrote:the lego AI Nodes are very easy. The game make the AI Nodes for a lego track.
lol??? How can it be so easy and they are ,virgins, untouched by the creator!!!??? ... also they stink
Posted: 09 Jul 2009, 14:03
I meant that the game make automatic AI Nodes before to edit the lrgo track.
Posted: 10 Jul 2009, 19:30
Of course they do. That was also what kay wrote.
Posted: 18 Jul 2009, 00:31
I've noticed that some cpu cars regularly go faster than there deign speed, while others are slower. It's probably something in the AI section of the parameters - if I was to try to find this element, I would start with OverMax and UnderMax, but it could be anything!
Both Over- and UnderMax have a value of <1; try adding 1 to the value. A 2-car race would give a clearer track and, if you keep off the racing line, would give your opponent a chance to reach their top speed. I agree that 'Fast Concrete' is the ideal track for these experiments.
As an alternative, try giving your opponent Humma's AI; in the early days of RV, I recorded the cpu lap times for about 2000 races and Humma was consistently the best cpu car.