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Posted: 03 Jul 2009, 19:01
is there a way to make revolt widescreen, i can select 1280x768 but it still stretches the picture so i have to make my cars hoping that the proportions look ok on normal screens now

Posted: 03 Jul 2009, 19:04
I cant select ReVolt over 1024x768 so there.

640x480 is better.

Posted: 04 Jul 2009, 08:03
Just take screenshots and if they look okay in those then you're good. Also, if you're making real-life cars, you can determine the size they need to be via the real-life car's dimensions, usually.
Posted: 05 Jul 2009, 02:03
yeah thats what ive been doing, but usually the models are ok when i make them before revolt, im just sick of having a wide/long/tall car whichever direction i look at it
Posted: 05 Jul 2009, 18:14
I play Re-Volt in 1280x1024...
Posted: 13 Aug 2009, 21:38
say i want 1920 x 1080 (use windows calc to convert your res to hexadecimal)
put this in a .reg file
Code: Select all

Posted: 13 Aug 2009, 22:54
That is very nice to hear, SkindupTruk. This could be a GREAT way to get high resolution pictures of Re-Volt to my Magazine!
Posted: 13 Aug 2009, 23:31
So this means that you would be able to run revolt in 1920x1080 res?
Posted: 14 Aug 2009, 01:43
Aspect's still wrong though. Re-Volt, no matter what, wants to go to a 4:3.
Yeah, you can choose crazy resolutions but it still wants 4:3. Someone should make it so it knows how to shape itself for different aspects.
Posted: 15 Aug 2009, 01:48
I actually pretty much don't care about the 4:3. I have been using stretch-revolt for over a year or two and I find 4:3 very unnormal looking for me now.
Posted: 15 Aug 2009, 03:00
urnemanden @ Aug 14 2009, 09:18 PM wrote: I actually pretty much don't care about the 4:3. I have been using stretch-revolt for over a year or two and I find 4:3 very unnormal looking for me now.
Yea but it would be far more stretched horizontally. Would look completely odd
Posted: 15 Aug 2009, 20:38
urnemanden @ Aug 15 2009, 06:18 AM wrote: I actually pretty much don't care about the 4:3. I have been using stretch-revolt for over a year or two and I find 4:3 very unnormal looking for me now.
me too i forgot what its normally like, it just works
Posted: 17 Aug 2009, 01:15
AS far as trying to get a normal screen, I always run Re-Volt in '-window' mode. All you do is add ' -window' to the end of the path in your Re-Volt shortcut.
Posted: 17 Aug 2009, 06:16
Maybe in a year we'll have a Re-Volt that can do native widescreen... here's hoping.