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Posted: 28 Jun 2009, 07:49
does anyone know where i can download a empty w file?
actually, nevermind. i found one in jimk's offroad kit.
Posted: 28 Jun 2009, 19:15
Hay Zipper
I just use the off road kit by Jim K.
Just delete the track parts that are
in there and you have a clean .w file.
That's how I do it.

Posted: 28 Jun 2009, 19:17
O never mind dua

Posted: 01 Jul 2009, 07:50
is it just me, or does the collision data just kinda suddenly stop if you go straight enough? thats just weird. i was making a test track, and made a really long prm in zmod, then did all that stuff i dont feel like typing(rvcenter-shade)

, then ran prm2ncp and it just doesnt have collision after a little of driving...
Posted: 01 Jul 2009, 08:04
The instances only have collision when they are above a solid .w model.
Posted: 01 Jul 2009, 08:24
oh. well is there a simple way go get a really big w model? i am not really following this... -.-
god please dont tell me this has to do with rvglue... that program confuses the *bleep* outta me... all i can do is make a group of instances into one big one. thats all i know >_<
Posted: 08 Jul 2009, 00:36
dude... you don't need a huge .w file.
All you need to do is take the w, ncp, and .inf files from the offroad kit (you said you were using earlier) and make sure all the instances you want to be solid have an .ncp file with them (they can be made using prm2ncp if you don't have them).
Then, when you actually start making your track, the exact second you get into the track, pause and place an instance where your car is. Then, quit the race and go back in. The instance you placed will be solid. Finally, you can make your track.
Hope this helps!
Posted: 08 Jul 2009, 01:07
hil has a nice world file uploaded on boxnet. um the link is somewhere posted on this forum. it has a start landing pad already placed in the track.
found it! ... p=10567712
Posted: 08 Jul 2009, 05:47
yeah i know that stuff dave, its just i ran prm2ncp on the prm (which is rvcentered) and after a while there is no collision..
edit: screw it lol, i just ran rvglue and now there's collision.
and thanks jase for the link. will use that next time...