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Posted: 18 Jan 2015, 00:13
Dolo @ Jan 17 2015, 04:11 PM wrote: It shows how the community is fully impoverished and how the noobs took totally the power...
Butthurt much?

Posted: 19 Jan 2015, 01:40
We all start out as noob's, either a poor game player with a lack of gaming skill and specific game knowledge,
or an arrogant A$$ hole, bearly a teenager, still in school who makes crazy request's (sorry, DEMANDS!) and stupid statements, and generally just like annoying the community for the attention.
Which were you ?
But of corse we all grow up or mature and become someone of possible notoriety and gain mutual respect.
I'm currently still maturing, like a fine wine.

I'm proud of all of you who started here, still involved with ReVolt who have gone on to make invaluable contribution's of every aspect of this game including new forum's, tool's & developements, creation's and not forgetting game upgrades.
In one word "FANTASTIC !"

Posted: 20 Jan 2015, 02:11
That's so true. Let me take this opportunity to thank you for having been so patient with me. While I realize that there were some things how people made fun of me, as that member title, but at the same time you also were pretty calm and didn't ban me right away. I gotta admit that I wouldn't have had the same patience with me, the one that you did, so thank you for that, sincerely. Sorry again for all those times, including this very topic, when I talked crap, spammed and messed things up.
I realize that I started as an annoying stupid bastard who didn't care much of anyone and anything but himself, and also made many many things that I even forgot but am aware that they existed.
I didn't want to be rude, but I mostly bumped this topic just to reply, when I finally got the needed maturity for this, to those rude, ugly and disrespectul statements of some members here. I know that the way I was called and treated like was all biased, but the joy of revenge is too sweet.
Let me just end by thanking again to Manmountain for having been some of the fewer people who waited and didn't ban me completely right away, and tell the morons who couldn't behave as mature as him to learn from this. Sir, once again, I salute you.
Posted: 22 Jan 2015, 00:01
miromiro @ Jan 19 2015, 09:41 PM wrote: but the joy of revenge is too sweet.
You sure your fully matured ? lol
Everyone makes some kind of statement in life and wan't anyone to aknowledge them for it. Whether that be a verbal, written or artistick statement. It is our way of breaking free from the shackles of our superiors and standing out from our peer's.
It's just that sometimes the statement happens before mental reasoning has kicked in.
My aim has always been to promote ReVolt and all it's appendages to newly interested minds so that steady progression happens with a solid base.
Even if that meant giving the occasional mouthy teen a warning or even ban.