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Posted: 23 Jun 2009, 14:17
Posted: 23 Jun 2009, 15:05
Looks very nice nero. The environment is very interesting, but it could improve the graphics if some of the textures was changed to some that haven't been used yet.
Posted: 23 Jun 2009, 15:22
urnemanden @ Jun 23 2009, 10:35 AM wrote: Looks very nice nero. The environment is very interesting, but it could improve the graphics if some of the textures was changed to some that haven't been used yet.
Remember,this aint released yet!
But its a good thing.
I'll change a few more textures,but now i came across another problem.
Some of the lamposts dont have collision cause of the internal limit.
Should i delete some?
But..wait!I'll see the chances i have with RvGlue...

Posted: 23 Jun 2009, 22:36
The asphalt seems a little too dark (deep space!), but other than that it looks good. Needs some big bushes, maybe some garbage cans or something if you can get 'em.
Posted: 23 Jun 2009, 22:48
nero wrote:Some of the lamposts dont have collision cause of the internal limit.
Should i delete some?
But..wait!I'll see the chances i have with RvGlue... cool.gif
I used RV-Glue to delete some of the collision on for example the tree tops. You can do this by making a big track zone and then make RV Glue do everything inside it to nocoll (no collision). You could also try delete some of the instances which is placed long away from the racing line and then add them in the end and delete the final ncp file you get when glueing them into the w-file.

Posted: 23 Jun 2009, 22:58
wow. looks awesome!
Posted: 24 Jun 2009, 02:40
looking great nero.
the building textures are very nice.
lightening the road concrete and darkening the pavement will make it even better.
the cause for exceeding the poli limit can be the lamp posts or the cars i think as i look at the pictures, keep in mind that we dont need collision on polis that are higher than what we can ever hit when driving. start with the upper half of the street lamps, thats never gonna be hit.
tip: if you are doing the track in 3dsmax, try out lightening the vertex colors of the polis that form the "sunny side" of buildings. it makes it a bit more realistic.
nice work.
Posted: 24 Jun 2009, 04:29
maybe the asphalt has just been paved? looks good nero, i will download for sure when it comes out.
Posted: 24 Jun 2009, 18:18
I just looked,and the suggestions i will do.
I was thinking about that actually...
And the buildings...are from Rickys Desert kit,fits prfect with the neighbourhood theme.
Im aware of the 16000 Poly internal limit,and i will do whatever i can to prevent it from exceeding.
I've done it before,and i'll do it now!
Thank you for the advice,
Posted: 25 Jun 2009, 07:51
For objects that a car can run into, leave the priority setting on high. For objects off the course, that cars have 'little' chance of hitting, set priority to low. That should help your collision problem. Track looks sweet. Can't wait.
Posted: 26 Jun 2009, 01:38
where is the street lamp coming from?
are you working in max or just using glue?
just wondering.
Posted: 26 Jun 2009, 11:34
human @ Jun 25 2009, 09:08 PM wrote: where is the street lamp coming from?
are you working in max or just using glue?
just wondering.
I believe the lamp is from rickyd's kit
Posted: 27 Jun 2009, 12:21
Crone94 @ Jun 26 2009, 07:04 AM wrote: human @ Jun 25 2009, 09:08 PM wrote: where is the street lamp coming from?
are you working in max or just using glue?
just wondering.
I believe the lamp is from rickyd's kit
Yes it is.
I use various kits to build a different style track.
I imported all the meshes and...
24712 polys!?
But,yesterday i cut down approx. 3000 polys,but it's still not enough...
It will be done soon...
Posted: 27 Jun 2009, 13:12
Btw I was just wondering why the lamposts is placed at the pavement where people is supposed to be walking around?
Posted: 27 Jun 2009, 13:50
urnemanden @ Jun 27 2009, 08:42 AM wrote: Btw I was just wondering why the lamposts is placed at the pavement where people is supposed to be walking around?
Where else can i place them?
In the middle of the street?

Posted: 27 Jun 2009, 14:42
I would suggest the same place as the black circles you see on the draw I made below:

Posted: 27 Jun 2009, 17:47
i've actually seen places where the lamps are middle of the darn path. which is annoying. maybe some benches on the sidewalk would look nice. a garbage bin turn over in the road for some obstacles. maybe some white spots on the road for bird droppings lol.
Posted: 27 Jun 2009, 17:49
some stop sign could be added too.
Posted: 27 Jun 2009, 17:58
Does the trees in the far distance have collision?
Posted: 28 Jun 2009, 03:02
I like it but the asphalt texture is slowly putting me into the mental asylum. Please change it, haha. Nah, it's just a vibe. I don't like the texture.
I do like the pictures though, it's familiar yet... different enough to be worth looking at.
Posted: 28 Jun 2009, 22:40
nero, did you try what urne said about making a track zone and deleting the collision inside it?
i guess you could have sorted the whole job out in one movement.
Posted: 30 Jun 2009, 12:36
Yes thats what im doing.
The building inside the track can not have the nocoll option,cause then the whole mesh would have no collision data.
I doing it bit by bit.
@ Jaseaka:Internal limit,internal limit!Not everything is possible!
I'll do whatever i can to put some life into this masterpiece.
Posted: 01 Jul 2009, 00:31
nero @ Jun 30 2009, 08:06 AM wrote:
The building inside the track can not have the nocoll option,cause then the whole mesh would have no collision data.
of course, but only the poligons that are inside the track zone will be nocoll, so if the track zone is higher than where we race lifted up by a few "meters" allowing space for flying exploded cars, than the surface we normally use will be solid and all the rest will be nocoll. i personally think that its better to have some poligons that are ocasionally/very rarely flew through because they have no collision, than a lot of poligons that are solid but they are never hit.
Posted: 02 Jul 2009, 17:20
what program you used?