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Posted: 21 Jun 2009, 23:37
Hey , guys I'm curios who is your best friend from the revolt community?
I have one best friend : Zipperrulez
Posted: 22 Jun 2009, 00:50
Well, my best friend in the real world and in the Re-Volt community is
Crone94. I have many other friends in the community. Some I talk more to, than others, but I don't know who is the best of them. I am talking to MOH, Adam, KayTheFalcon, Gaming4JC, etc. alot and of course also the members of the Re-Volt Magazine team.

Posted: 22 Jun 2009, 00:57
Oh yes because you are in the same country with him
Posted: 22 Jun 2009, 03:02
overmadmax. not really into the rv scene now. he's a cool kid though
Posted: 22 Jun 2009, 03:11
OverMADmax? yes he is a cool guy
really interesting choose , other?
Posted: 22 Jun 2009, 04:52
haha thanks miro

i dont really have a favorite in the rv community though
Posted: 22 Jun 2009, 07:43
I think it'd be rude to name just one person, so here:
Aeon: Responsive and talented, tells you how it is, not afraid to make essay length posts to give you his ideas. Doesn't let his skill get to his head.
zipperrulez: More chill than the others, makes the others look like drama queens. Has modest skills but a personality to compensate. Fun to talk to if you have something to talk about... but doesn't talk much otherwise.
Gaming4JC: Many see him has "overly religious, pfft" and dismiss him at that level. Who cares, he's a nice person. People think he's all shady because he "works for RST" but he has a mind of his own if you know him.
Zach: Simply helpful, slowly saving the community right now, too.
And all the regulars at #revolt-chat, AGT2, DSL_Tile, KiLRoY, and who knows else: Simply because I can and because I should because they have been quite welcoming to me.
I could probably name more but... meh.
Posted: 22 Jun 2009, 12:15
wow , you have very much friends there Adamodell
in the revolt community , Other?
Posted: 23 Jun 2009, 12:02
I have good friends:
Urne:Giving me feedback on his tracks,giving me constant constructive critisism,which is good.But not only that,he also worked hard to make meshes dedicated to Asphalt Rally,which REALLY comes in handy.He also was one of those,who enlightened me in the past.(Last Summer)
AmberF1GT:He is the closest,he lives about 1 Km away where i do,he temporarily retired from track making.It's also thanks to him,cause he gave me ideas that i never would of thought.
And also all the IRC people around.
Posted: 23 Jun 2009, 12:13
Yes? Sound good! Other?
Posted: 28 Jun 2009, 22:34
miromiro @ Jun 21 2009, 07:07 PM wrote:Hey , guys I'm curios who is your best friend from the revolt community?
No one single person, I feel the same about you all equally.
And that's how I like it.

Posted: 28 Jun 2009, 22:36
Woow , okay, and welcome back mr. alpinist and admin !!

Posted: 28 Jun 2009, 23:45
you,miromiro and UmiVeg
Posted: 28 Jun 2009, 23:52
Woow , thank you , and who is the next ??
Posted: 29 Jun 2009, 10:39
I would just like to thank rickyD, hil, dylan, manmountain, arto, jase, nuc, zipper, adam, human, agt, skindup, super t, afty, and all the others who support(ed) me in my ventures.
Posted: 30 Jun 2009, 03:05
CrescViper and Rally Leggend Stiu.
Posted: 30 Jun 2009, 13:36
CrescViper is from Italy how I know him...
maybe that's the reason... And rally leggend stiu in
a cool guy , thank you for the reply.