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Posted: 12 Jun 2009, 03:48
Hey guys,
a silly question, it was such a long time ago when I installed revolt last time.
I have just reinstalled XP recently and wondering about what those patches were, you know...

so, how to do it to get a ready to race version?
do I need that no-cd something?
how many MB should a proper setup file be? I think I have more than one versions.
or is it just intsalling any, and then apply 1207? cant remember

im gonna install the game and finish my new track.
Posted: 12 Jun 2009, 05:52
Hay Human
Ya just install and then install the pach.
And your dun.
You making a new track?
Cool cant wait to race it.
Your tracks ROCK!

Posted: 12 Jun 2009, 12:29
There is a popular Revolt installer exe named Re-Volt.exe (about 37.4 megs
in size).
I forget what version of Revolt it installs.
If it is version 1.0 apply the 1207 patch to bring it up to version 1.10.
If you use WinXP put the revolt.exe into Win98 Compatibility mode.
Posted: 13 Jun 2009, 03:38
thanks guys,
my smallest install file is 85 MB i think, im just gonna run that and apply 1207.
thanks a lot for the answers. it was so long ago I wasnt sure.
Posted: 13 Jun 2009, 16:41
ok guys,
i installed the game, ignored directx 6 when installing since i have higher, applied the patch, set it to win 98, run game, error: no zbuffer available.
i reinstalled the game, installed directx 6, applied the patch, set it to win 98, run the game, error message: no zbuffer available.
any ideas?
(i have got win xp sp3)
Posted: 13 Jun 2009, 17:10
ok i figured it out,
i needed to adjust the hardware acceleration.
what exactly is the patch for? because i still cannot pick up the cars, only phat slug and his fellas are available.
Posted: 13 Jun 2009, 17:27
ok, i figured this one out too.
just applied the reg cheat.
Posted: 30 Jun 2009, 03:22
i have inserted a star object for my new track being edited under ship1 which wouldnt show up after exiting makeitgood. i saved it with ctrl+F4.
any idea why?
Posted: 30 Jun 2009, 11:34
Did you look for the Star in Time Trial mode in any edit mode
other than Object edit mode?
Remember Stars and Pickups do not appear in regular Time Trial mode.
Also, sometimes pickups (and cameras) do not stay where they are placed if
very far from the 0,0,0 coordinates.
Posted: 01 Jul 2009, 00:10
hey hil,
i can see the star where i placed it in object edit mode whenever i am in makeidgood, however when normal playing its not there. there are pickups quite close to the place, so i assume its not too far from zero.