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Posted: 08 May 2009, 15:33
The Re-Volt Magazine
What is The Re-Volt Magazine?
The Re-Volt Magazine is a magazine I have been working on since April '09, because I think that a magazine could be a fun and new way to provide the Re-Volt fans stuff about Re-Volt. I expect the magazine to be finished in summer time, but it is almost impossible for me to finish it in that time, since I am currently the only one who is working on it.
RVM is not going to be expensive, but more like free for all who wants a copy. It is supposed to be printed out and send to me by mail, after which I will mail them all around the world to you. Of course I can only mail a limited number of copies, since I am not any rich guy or something like that. I have been asking around on RV House and on the IRC Channels, and people seems to be interested in the project, so I decided to continue working on the project.
I decided to open a section for The Re-Volt Magazine on my website
Click here if you want to read more
Your help
People who is interested is able to read and/or contact me whenever they want related to the RVM. Your help means much to me, and especially the magazine. If you want to know what kind of work you can help me with, just take a look at the
RVM section on
Posted: 10 May 2009, 01:36
I think it's a good thing. I want one.
If you can get more people to get in to
re-volt that would help.
Seems kinda slow now days.
Maybe some re-volt stickers to give out.
Keep up the good work!
Posted: 10 May 2009, 13:00
Don't worry. As I wrote only a limited number of RVM will be published, since as you said there isn't much people in the community (afterall it is 2009). I will contact you when the magazine is finished, so you might be able to get a copy.

Posted: 11 May 2009, 02:43
Could I suggest, a History/Nostalgia section with a 'STAR' track, car or creator, to include a full description and what influences that item or person had on others and ReVolt as a whole.
Maybe, instead of actual personal research individual members could offer small statements or stories of specific influences and what they meant to them ?
I know there's a few hero's I can quickly think of.

Posted: 11 May 2009, 10:42
That's a good idea Manmountain. I will overwrite the interview section with the Star thing. But what should the name of the section be?
Posted: 11 May 2009, 11:17
Track or car maker of the month.
We have many car and track makers here.
Don't do me or you will see a bad life story.
I would start with Skitch2 and try to see if
he will talk to you. He could tell us where
he lives and what he duz to make a living.
And maybe send a pic of what he looks like.
And how he got in to revolt.
And then a section on new track and car makers.
What thay are working on and so on.
There are many things to do and look at.
Keep going your getting feed back.
Posted: 11 May 2009, 13:13
Good ideas, and yes I am thinking about also creating a section for that. But right now we need some who can write theese sections. But the tracks or car projects has to be in a size that makes them something special or something the author has been working hard on, cause creating a magazine is a slow process right now, since I am the only one who officially joined the RVM Team. I am getting answer later today from MrT and his colleges about the Re-Volt Testing Panel & Gaming4JC & KayTheFalcon promised they will help with the magazine too.
Posted: 11 May 2009, 17:42
wouldn't this be better as an e-zine?
Posted: 11 May 2009, 17:45
If I made this as an online magazine, then it would be a waste to create it at 300 dpi. The magazine will be printed out nomatter what, but I might think about releasing an online version of it some months after it has been finished.

Posted: 12 May 2009, 03:16
Sweet project. Let me know if you need anything. You never know what I may be able to help with.

Posted: 13 May 2009, 10:49
Well, Zach, I suggest you look
here. There is a list over all thoose things I or other people can work with and your help is always appreciated. When you've decided something please let me know by e-mail (
Thank you!

Posted: 14 May 2009, 08:07
sounds like a great idea if thers anything u need me to do lemme know im usually in the revolt-chat channel...
Posted: 14 May 2009, 21:21
Great to know that someone wants to help!
Latest News:
- The first page of RVM has now been created. The page is one of the pages in
the comic section
- Mr.T & two of his colleges has now joined The RVM Team as the 3 members of the
RVM Test Panel. Thank you!
Posted: 17 May 2009, 20:36
very good magazine
urne and sure I read
more and want one so
thank you!

Posted: 04 Jun 2009, 23:34
New update:
- I listed all members who is helping this magazine in the section, so you can see where there is need for help.
I hope this can make it easier for all of you to see which sections needs your help. Remember that even if you choosed to e-mail me on, you still don't have to work for the magazine as this was just another big project you have to finish. For most people who joined, this is a side project which can be made over a longer period, since this will be released some day at summer, not earlier (depends of how fast we are).
Thanks for showing your interrest!
Posted: 09 Jun 2009, 00:49
Gooooooood News!
I have been so stupid and calculating wrong all the time! 300dpi sounds like pretty much, but actually its not (about) 6500x7500 as I previously thought. It is
only 2578x3500!. And by saying that, we are now able to USE REVOLT SCREENSHOTS!!!
Thank you very much, thoose who has been supporting this project, the RVM Team & of course GOOGLE CALCULATOR!!!
Member Count of the day: 6 members of the RVM Team inclusive me. That means 5 members on the RVm Testing Panel and 1 member who is me
Seriously, I hope other people will join the RVM Team too. When the RVM Testing Panel is a finished section, then I am oh so lonely working on 6 other sections.
Posted: 09 Jun 2009, 03:19
If you need anything specific, you know how to contact me. I don't want to try to make stuff seeing as I'm busy now with RVZT and school started again today.
Posted: 09 Jun 2009, 17:40
...As the process of RVM is slow right now, you aren't required to finish your work on 1 month. You still have lots of time, and as long as all other jobs isn't finished, you don't have to finish your job too.
Right now I have theese things I may think you may find interrest into, Zach:
- Creating an advertisement for RVZT to put into the Re-Volt Magazine
- Making a comic stripe or two using a specific layout which I will send to you
- Create some layouts using Paint.NET, Photoshop or other programs which can save in the following formats: ".PDN", ."PSD"
Write me an email on if you maybe find anything you think will be able to work on. All help is apreciated
A tiny update of today:
- I began working on my 2nd comic today and now I finished it. So we now have
two out of 30 or more pages almost finished. The RVM Test Panel should also soon start testing.

Posted: 14 Jun 2009, 16:19
looking like a cool project urne

Posted: 14 Jun 2009, 20:14
yeah, is very nice one!

can I be in Mag team?

Posted: 15 Jun 2009, 21:06
Filipe Monteiro
Really cool idea, man! I'd buy one of these =)
If you need any Design Artists, you can call me
Posted: 16 Jun 2009, 17:04
I wish I had your phone number. Yes, it could be good with a design artist. I need some layouts/background texture made for the Comic Section. We currently only have two different ones, but it would be nice with some more. You could for example do something like comic boxes floating around or the Re-Volt stock cars racing from the right to the left. It's your choice.
If you need more info about that, you can contact me at
You could also help me convert some stock cars to prm mapped G, H, I or J. as said, it's up to you, but I am glad you want to help me.
KDL is in the team now, welcome!

Posted: 23 Jul 2009, 20:41
Latest News:
'Ask Urne' section trashed, new section 'Miniviews' started.
Click here to learn more about the new section
Today's Member Count: 7
Active Sections: 3
Magazine Pages done: 1-2 pages