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Posted: 06 May 2009, 21:30
hey I have a question:
what do you think?
is easy to put long AI Nodes
or short AI Nodes?
what do you think?
Posted: 07 May 2009, 06:00
I'm not sure I understand the question, but if you're asking whether I prefer long AI nodes or short AI nodes, I'd prefer long AI nodes because I feel that if the AI nodes are too close together, then cars tend to steer in too sharply in order to get back on track, while if they're further apart they will maintain a smooth course getting back on track.
However, you don't want them to be too far apart because they will respawn at the last node, and if that node is really far away, then it gets annoying to respawn that far back. Its also good to keep in mind that nodes need to stay on the ground, otherwise the cars respawn in the air and some cars don't fall so gracefully.

Posted: 07 May 2009, 17:24
first of all:
yes , you understood
the question and yes that's
right what you said and thanks
for replying on this topic!

Posted: 09 May 2009, 00:52
Aeon @ May 6 2009, 08:30 PM wrote: I'm not sure I understand the question, but if you're asking whether I prefer long AI nodes or short AI nodes, I'd prefer long AI nodes because I feel that if the AI nodes are too close together, then cars tend to steer in too sharply in order to get back on track, while if they're further apart they will maintain a smooth course getting back on track.
However, you don't want them to be too far apart because they will respawn at the last node, and if that node is really far away, then it gets annoying to respawn that far back. Its also good to keep in mind that nodes need to stay on the ground, otherwise the cars respawn in the air and some cars don't fall so gracefully.
what he said

Sometimes, though, short nodes are neccesary (like for corners, short sections, etc.)
Posted: 09 May 2009, 07:18
I find you only need a node at most for every point where the road changes direction. Unless its a really long straight, then you put multiples for the sake of respawns.
Posted: 10 May 2009, 08:05
the more the nodes the clever the ai cars.
Posted: 10 May 2009, 20:56
I think you should have nodes all the way around.
And lots of them. The cars work much better with
more. Human is right.
Right on human!
Posted: 11 May 2009, 02:19
Perhaps it depends on the cars. I find that cars tend to aim where the line is pointing on the next node, and if the next node is very close and the car needs to change direction considerably to face where it wants to go, it may tend to oversteer, sending the car out of control.
Having the nodes further apart allows for more variation in car handling, since cars have plenty of time to direct themselves to where they want to go. However, this may not work well for dense, twisty tracks. But I've been working on long ultra-fast tracks for a while.
Posted: 11 May 2009, 02:32
I actually asked the question many moons ago back on ReVolt Downloads, "would more AI nodes make the game play slightly slower as the PC has to make more decisions per lap for each AI car at each AI node ?"
Yes, we are probably talking milliseconds, but I think my point was valid.
Depending on the AI cars handling/reaction time, the more AI nodes around corners, the smoother their reaction, but! the right type of AI nodes laid at the approach of a corner might mean less cornering decisions needed, so less nodes.
Also, as stated, the AI node points are respawn points, so lay extra AI nodes as an alternate route at points where possible off racing line excursions may occour, so that when you or the AI get repositioned you will not be on the racing line, so you can re-enter the race without that annoying ramming up the backside.
You have to remember, AI nodes are a general guide for the AI cars, not all cars react the same, there's max speed, acceleration and type of wheel drive (4, F & R).
It's hard to lay a perfect AI racing line, unless you create it for a specific car and state so in your readme.

Posted: 17 May 2009, 20:23
oh thanks guys
for all your help
about long or short
AI Nodes and sorry
but my computer was
down a week and I can't
reply but thanks!