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Posted: 15 Apr 2009, 00:14
hi revolters,
happy easter
now, something different from me.
i made it to the semifinals of an online photo contest.
there is a voting system there, every single user can cast one vote for each contestants per week. the semifinals last 5 weeks and the final will be 1 week. this means that one semifinalist (like me) can potentially receive a total of 6 votes from every user.
now, if you like photography, would you mind registering and give your votes for an old friend? it takes only one minute to register, they don't spam your mailbox.
i would appreciate your kindness.
thanks a lot!
and the link:
Posted: 23 Apr 2009, 04:49
did anybody vote?
i know jase did, shes very nice.
Posted: 23 Apr 2009, 13:22
Voted for you. Great picture!

Posted: 23 Apr 2009, 13:54
thanks buddy,
check the whole portfolio out.
also, you can vote once a week, that means 5 more votes till the final, it means a lot!
thank you again.
Posted: 23 Apr 2009, 17:34
I keep trying to register, but I never got an activation email and it won't let me try to have it resent...
Posted: 23 Apr 2009, 17:50
Posted: 23 Apr 2009, 22:30
thanks zach and thanks miro,
zach, try to do something please

for example delete the cookie that came from yobi and try again, or try another mail, i dont really know but all i know is that i need your votes
anybody voted, please remember to do it every week, since you can vote once a week!
thank you again, means a lot.
Posted: 23 Apr 2009, 22:42
I just noticed this post, and voted for you. Really nice picture, would make a great desktop background. Do you have it somewhere hosted a higher resolution picture that could be used as a desktop background?
Posted: 23 Apr 2009, 22:43
I would like to have that pic as background too. It's great

Posted: 23 Apr 2009, 23:03
You got my vote Human, good luck in the contest!
Posted: 24 Apr 2009, 00:44
voted, good luck
Posted: 24 Apr 2009, 05:33
wow thanks guys! great response.
i don't think the picture is up anywhere in high resolution, but i can send it via email to anyone who wants it, just send me a mail please with your preferred resolution to:
and i will know your address. i knew arto's earlier for example, but i may have deleted old mails.
thanks a lot again and don't forget to vote next week. you can vote once a week till the very end which is in may.
Posted: 25 Apr 2009, 20:27

Posted: 25 Apr 2009, 21:40
bump? what does that mean?

never heard that
thanks guys for the mails, i will send out the picture tonight.
Posted: 26 Apr 2009, 00:23
bump = one step above an empty post, meant for making the post show as 'unread' to bring attention back to the topic.
Posted: 26 Apr 2009, 06:26
oh, okay, cool

i have sent the pictures,
i decided to leave it at the original size, you guys can resize it to whatever you wish.
you might want to make it darker or lighter, i have just checked on my monitor, it was a bit light for me, but maybe this is because i have been using pure plain black as a background for a long time.
thanks for your support again.
Posted: 27 Apr 2009, 00:13
Not to worry, I have been manually BUMPing the topic when ever possible, just to stop that annoying teen noob.
Posted: 27 Apr 2009, 00:21
Cool. Then I'll try to be less annoying.

Posted: 28 Apr 2009, 06:31
i am through the second round, thanks for your votes guys!
here comes the third one, please remember to cast your votes for this week!
thanks a lot.
Posted: 28 Apr 2009, 19:20
Thanks for the picture human!
Posted: 28 Apr 2009, 21:42
you are very welcome arto,
i uploaded two new picture if you guys want to check it out.
Posted: 29 Apr 2009, 03:33
Killer Wheels
+1 !
Very nice picture, I like it.
Posted: 29 Apr 2009, 04:56
thanks a lot kiwi!
remember that you can vote next week again, once a week till the end of the contest which is in may.
thanks again for the votes to everybody!
Posted: 06 May 2009, 09:28
Another week, another vote.
Posted: 06 May 2009, 16:51
yes , you have now
a lot of votes human!
and thanks for the site!

Posted: 10 May 2009, 08:00
thanks for your votes buddies,
please remember to vote this week, only one day is left from this round,
and hopefuly i make it to the next one.
thanks again, means a lot!
Posted: 15 May 2009, 22:20
hey people, human reports,
i am through this round, only one step to the finals, please remember to vote before sunday, so the vote won't be lost,
thanks a lot for your support!
Posted: 17 May 2009, 20:24
ok I vote today
for you human!

Posted: 20 May 2009, 02:50
thank you miro!
I am in the final guys!
please everybody vote once again,
thank you so much for your ready help!
Posted: 20 May 2009, 11:20
human @ May 19 2009, 10:20 PM wrote: thank you miro!
I am in the final guys!
please everybody vote once again,
thank you so much for your ready help!
Grats on making it to the finals, one more vote for you (:
Posted: 20 May 2009, 16:09
Killer Wheels
Nice news !
Voted again, good luck again.

Posted: 20 May 2009, 18:50
human @ May 19 2009, 10:20 PM wrote: thank you miro!
I am in the final guys!
please everybody vote once again,
thank you so much for your ready help!
hey if you need our
help you must tell us or ask and
we help you then when we can
and sure I hope you will be the winner,
we all hope this

and later this 'game'
will be finish hope you will be make
some great tracks for us!

Posted: 21 May 2009, 04:01
thanks for all your help guys,
once the contest is over and i find a job, i will finish my new track for you all!
Posted: 21 May 2009, 16:48
sounds interesting
can you to say us the
subject and the name of the track?
sorry I know that's offtopic
Posted: 22 May 2009, 07:12
I tell you the name of the track if you show me your proof of voting

Posted: 22 May 2009, 08:45
Is it still the one you sent me a screenshot of probably 4 months ago? lol
Posted: 22 May 2009, 17:55
ok human I try to do this!

Posted: 24 May 2009, 06:33
voted again
Posted: 24 May 2009, 13:10
I vote you again human!
very cool you are! 
Posted: 25 May 2009, 08:33
zach, yes thats the one, i have started it at least a year ago

i have so little spare time that it is frightening. once its finished and published, i will be unbeatable on it online on the first day, because i tested it so many times. but my dictatorship will only last a day because theres no power against some racers here, no matter how well you know the track
thanks miro, zipperrulez, zach, arto, sjampo, kiwi, crone, urne, jase and everybody else who is supporting me in this contest.
the thing is that it is not the quality that will win this contest, but whoever has the most online buddies and supporters. i am so in need of votes, because the other guys are working hard on facebook, myspace, and other sites, so
please all of you, tell your friends on facebook, myspace, bebo, twitter, whatever, and ask them to vote for me, it would be so great if you could do this for me!
thanks for your votes so far, there are so many people we could reach and ask and i am grateful for your ready and kind help!
Posted: 25 May 2009, 17:07
Posted: 27 May 2009, 18:48
dear racers,
last minute, voting closes tonight at midnight,
please cast your votes if you have not done it yet.
many thanks for all your support!
Posted: 28 May 2009, 11:20
human @ May 27 2009, 02:18 PM wrote: dear racers,
last minute, voting closes tonight at midnight,
please cast your votes if you have not done it yet.
many thanks for all your support!
good luck, please post the results once the contest is done
Posted: 30 May 2009, 05:11
of course ill do,
still waiting for the results.
Posted: 31 May 2009, 04:06
saw the results and wanted to say
Posted: 31 May 2009, 21:48
jaseaka @ May 30 2009, 11:36 PM wrote: saw the results and wanted to say
Guess that means u won

Big Grats on that, u deserve it
Posted: 31 May 2009, 23:31
Actually, he got 2nd place. But still great job. Second place is practically first in a contest that size though. BTW, great English in that little snippet they showed.
Posted: 01 Jun 2009, 06:29
hi revolters,
yes, I have placed 2nd, thank you very much again for your ready help and support! I am quite happy with the result knowing how little the number of supporters is who stood behind me. there must be a good number of people who voted just because they liked my pictures, which is good.
as for the english in the video

the reason why i didnt appear live on that video was because of my engish I said to the yobi team that i couldnt do the live interview because of my poor english, i thought it was gonna be so embarassing, but now, it is equally embarassing that I am the only finalist who didnt do the live interview

so its embarassing anyway

i amnot too bad if I have to write just like now, because I can think about the words, but talking in front of thousands is another thinkg. oh, well, by next time I ll be more prepared. because there will be next time i hope, season two is coming...
Posted: 01 Jun 2009, 07:03
I'm sure you'll take it by storm.

Posted: 06 Jun 2009, 06:56
hey buddies,
season two has started and I decided to run again, which means i would need you to kindly vote for me again. it shouldnt be a big hassle as you are registered, its just a case of hitting that button again.
there will be more money this time and I am going to donate a big portion of it.
I am trying to make it as soon as possible to the semifinals, so that i will have time to leave this thing for a couple months when the semifinals begin, the sooner i win a week, the better it is. i know you have got other things to do, but please vote again on this wekend, thank you very much for your support!