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Posted: 26 Mar 2009, 01:39
hi i'm curios : - first wheres the web-site admin of RVZT? - and know anything if arto is the web-site admin why he does change manmountain for cars admin and sjampo for tracks admin?
Posted: 26 Mar 2009, 17:45
Brief history lesson:
I am the admin. I created RVZT. I am not anymore the only administrator (thankfully). At first RVZT (it's for Re-Volt Zone Tracks. Re-Volt Zone was microsoft's online gaming lobby for Re-Volt) was just links to other sites of the tracks the we (the online community) played online.
As time went by the other Re-Volt sites hosting tracks did not progress, no search functionality, no comments etc. I offered some help, they wanted to do it by themselves. So as nothing happened I built the needed functionality myself. First it was just a site that you could comment tracks on. The tracks themselves resided on these other sites, RVZT just linked to them and provided search and comment possibilities.
Then the other sites become worried about the linking. Some sites went down. So it was not a good situation and I realized I have to get my own site to hold the tracks. So I got a hold of a free host that could host all the tracks. So RVZT was moved to a new site and all the tracks it pointed to were copied to that site so that there was no more links to other sites.
Then the site got shut down, and therefore RVZT faced shutting down also. Luckily The Me And Me knew some people from the Need for Speed community who were willing to host RVZT. So thanks to the Me And Me RVZT found a new host, which is it's current host too. Been for quite some years.
Time goes on and people start wanting RVZT to have cars also. My free time starts to be more and more limited too. Besides I've never been much into custom cars, just racing tracks in Re-Volt. So I agreed to build support to RVZT for cars if someone is willing to administrate the cars in RVZT. Manmountain was willing to, and since he's a well respected member of the community and plenty of skills regarding custom cars, it was easy to give him the responsibility.
Later on it started to be hard for me to even approve the tracks. Mostly I didn't even test them, just checked that the file structure sort of looked ok. Even that started to take too long. Sjampo volunteered to help. Again it was an easy thing to agree to, since I've known Sjampo to be a good guy for many years and he knows tracks.
And that's pretty much what's there is to be known. For the current status of RVZT a good healthy thank you are in order to Manmountain, Sjampo, The Me And Me, and of course Mike from the They've all been important for ensuring RVZT cant continue.
Posted: 26 Mar 2009, 18:50
wooooow this is a very interesting history about the RVZT bu I have an question: you does create ReVolt Pub Forum and ReVolt Forum? i put this question because I see in the RVZT info rv pub and rv forum..are this two cool sites your creations?
Posted: 26 Mar 2009, 21:07
That's another story, miro
RVF (Re-Volt Forum) is a forum created by 'Benvoliosaysthat' for
Our Re-Volt pub is another forum created by the Me and me in first place, ManMountain for second place.
* Because ORP is only for registred people(the infos will be hidden for guests) Arto has put the RVZT support service in RVF (reading ability from anyplace and any person)
Posted: 27 Mar 2009, 12:03
Also, you could try read all the news from bottom to top if you are interrested.

Posted: 28 Mar 2009, 06:50
thanks for the lesson arto

and for remembering the key characters as well.
happy weekend for all.
Posted: 29 Mar 2009, 18:48
arto @ Mar 26 2009, 01:15 PM wrote:Time goes on and people start wanting RVZT to have cars also. My free time starts to be more and more limited too. Besides I've never been much into custom cars, just racing tracks in Re-Volt. So I agreed to build support to RVZT for cars if someone is willing to administrate the cars in RVZT. Manmountain was willing to, and since he's a well respected member of the community and plenty of skills regarding custom cars, it was easy to give him the responsibility.
And that's pretty much what's there is to be known. For the current status of RVZT a good healthy thank you are in order to Manmountain, Sjampo, The Me And Me, and of course Mike from the They've all been important for ensuring RVZT cant continue.
Thanks for the vote of confidence Arto, I will now give myself a boot up the backside and get some of the latest car uploads approved.
Posted: 06 Jun 2009, 02:45
Manmountain @ Mar 29 2009, 02:18 PM wrote:arto @ Mar 26 2009, 01:15 PM wrote:a good healthy thank you are in order to Manmountain, Sjampo, The Me And Me, and of course Mike from the They've all been important for ensuring RVZT cant continue.
Thanks for the vote of confidence Arto, I will now give myself a boot up the backside and get some of the latest car uploads approved.
Well pooh, that's one embarassing writing mistake. Reduce one bolded t from my quote. Perhaps I should not be writing when I'm drunk.
Anyway everything else is valid now as it was backwhen I wrote it. And I hope Sjampo and Manmountain are still up to the job when the new server is up and running

Incidentally when doing the changes for the new site I noticed the About section misses some important bits of what I wrote above. I'm totally sure I've had included there my thanks to the Me & Me and Mike but seems that bit has been lost at some time. So when the site's up again the thanks should be in order again.